besides adding massively to the national debt, what else did bush's tax cuts do?

Being the government is not entitled to our extra money they should run the government within the means by which they are authorized to tax us at. There are certain tax codes they use for revenue to run this country and if they lived within those means we would not run a deficit.
Cutting taxes allow people to spend more of their own money and puts more money back into the economy, when more money is spent into the economy more businesses hire more people, and then those people spend more money in the economy which in turn creates more tax revenue for the government.
Stop listening to the funny math that they love so much on the left, it's a failure.

That's a theory that has never worked. All we've done in the last 30 years when we've cut taxes is to simply increase deficits to make up for the lost tax revenue. If any 'stimulus' occurs at all in that scenario,

it's because the government is borrowing money to spend into the economy without making YOU pay for that spending.

I'm sure that things like Obamas' drilling moratorium and the democrats increase in capital gains taxes that chased businesses "And jobs" out of this country have nothing to do with the bad deficit right?
This country would not be that bad off if it where not from the piss poor policies by the left.

So let's just exclude from future budgets the hangover items which will remain constant, right?

Critics Still Wrong on What
Most recently, a Heritage Foundation paper downplayed the role of Bush-era policies (for more on that paper, see p. 4). Nevertheless, the fact remains: Together with the economic downturn, the Bush tax cuts and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years (see Figure 1).
The deficit for fiscal year 2009 was $1.4 trillion and, at nearly 10 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), was the largest deficit relative to the size of the economy since the end of World War II. If current policies are continued without changes, deficits will likely approach those figures in 2010 and remain near $1 trillion a year for the next decade.

The events and policies that have pushed deficits to these high levels in the near term, however, were largely outside the new Administration’s control. If not for the tax cuts enacted during the presidency of George W. Bush that Congress did not pay for, the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that were initiated during that period, and the effects of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression (including the cost of steps necessary to combat it), we would not be facing these huge deficits in the near term.

You can also read at the link the counter arguments to The Heritage Foundation's report, which generated most of the talking points from the right on deficits.
Tax cuts do not cause deficits.

Spending causes deficits.


Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.

The spending is what causes deficits not the tax cuts.

If you're fucking stupid enough to spend the same amount if revenue is lessened it is still the spending (and of course the stupidity) that causes deficits.

The stupidity is cutting taxes when you know the decreased revenue won't pay the bills.

Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.

The spending is what causes deficits not the tax cuts.

If you're fucking stupid enough to spend the same amount if revenue is lessened it is still the spending (and of course the stupidity) that causes deficits.

The stupidity is cutting taxes when you know the decreased revenue won't pay the bills.

The stupidity is the congress calling it's wasteful spending a bill.

Do you really believe that the budget is just jam packed with essential spending?
Tax cuts do not cause deficits.

Spending causes deficits.


Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.


Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?
Tax cuts do not cause deficits.

Spending causes deficits.


Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.


Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

That is very stupid. How about we are spending 7 Billion and taking in 5 Billion, similar to what ishappening now. Then we decide to give tax cuts of 1 Billion. The deficit is increased. This is closer to the present status of budget. As a matter of fact, that is precisely what the GOP pushed and were able to get....INCREASING THE DEFICIT.
Tax cuts do not cause deficits.

Spending causes deficits.


Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.


Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

The difference between tax revenue and spending is the deficit if negative. It is called a surplus if positive. If it is zero then we have a balanced budget.

So cutting taxes in our current situation increases the deficit (bigger negative number).

It can also shrink a surplus or turn a surplus to a deficit.

Subtraction is the new higher math... I think my daughter started doing 'take aways' in the 2nd grade.

Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.


Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

The difference between tax revenue and spending is the deficit if negative. It is called a surplus if positive. If it is zero then we have a balanced budget.

So cutting taxes in our current situation increases the deficit (bigger negative number).

It can also shrink a surplus or turn a surplus to a deficit.

Subtraction is the new higher math... I think my daughter started doing 'take aways' in the 2nd grade.

So. Your synopsis wold be if the Government were spending 6 trillion dollars per year, but had been running a deficit and decided to try to stimulate the private sector economy by cutting taxes, THAT would LEAD to a bigger deficit.

And of course, that's crap.

If the government had been running a deficit, that would mean that it had been spending more than it was taking in. Pretty fucking stupid and irresponsible most of the time. So, here's the hint. STOP DOING THAT.

Cutting taxes might hinder government revenues OR it might just do as hoped and stimulate the private sector. In the latter case THEIR increased wealth production might just lead to increased revenues for the gubmint even at the reduced tax rate.

Your presupposition is that if the government taxes us at "X" per cent, then the government will take in "Y" dollars. Obvious sophistry. It doesn't work like that. If the "economy" were totally static, it might. But what economy of this size could possibly be "static?"

Raising taxes, by contrast, might very well cut productivity and thereby reduce government revenues.

Since taxation to achieve these socio-economic goals is far from certain, let's go with something that can be handled with honest math. CUT THE DAMN SPENDING.

Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.


Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

That is very stupid. How about we are spending 7 Billion and taking in 5 Billion, similar to what ishappening now. Then we decide to give tax cuts of 1 Billion. The deficit is increased. This is closer to the present status of budget. As a matter of fact, that is precisely what the GOP pushed and were able to get....INCREASING THE DEFICIT.

Ah, then you actually agree that the only way to increase the deficit is to spend more money than you have. What exactly is your problem with people saying it then? Does it make you Democratic programmed brain hurt to actually deal with truth instead of soundbites?

Tax cuts will cause deficits even if spending remains the same.


Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

The difference between tax revenue and spending is the deficit if negative. It is called a surplus if positive. If it is zero then we have a balanced budget.

So cutting taxes in our current situation increases the deficit (bigger negative number).

It can also shrink a surplus or turn a surplus to a deficit.

Subtraction is the new higher math... I think my daughter started doing 'take aways' in the 2nd grade.

No it cannot.

The only way to increase the deficit is to spend more money than you have. The problem with saying that tax cuts increase the deficit is at assumes that the money belongs to the government in the first place, and that they get to decide how much you keep.

Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

The difference between tax revenue and spending is the deficit if negative. It is called a surplus if positive. If it is zero then we have a balanced budget.

So cutting taxes in our current situation increases the deficit (bigger negative number).

It can also shrink a surplus or turn a surplus to a deficit.

Subtraction is the new higher math... I think my daughter started doing 'take aways' in the 2nd grade.

So. Your synopsis wold be if the Government were spending 6 trillion dollars per year, but had been running a deficit and decided to try to stimulate the private sector economy by cutting taxes, THAT would LEAD to a bigger deficit.

And of course, that's crap.

If the government had been running a deficit, that would mean that it had been spending more than it was taking in. Pretty fucking stupid and irresponsible most of the time. So, here's the hint. STOP DOING THAT.

Cutting taxes might hinder government revenues OR it might just do as hoped and stimulate the private sector. In the latter case THEIR increased wealth production might just lead to increased revenues for the gubmint even at the reduced tax rate.

Your presupposition is that if the government taxes us at "X" per cent, then the government will take in "Y" dollars. Obvious sophistry. It doesn't work like that. If the "economy" were totally static, it might. But what economy of this size could possibly be "static?"

Raising taxes, by contrast, might very well cut productivity and thereby reduce government revenues.

Since taxation to achieve these socio-economic goals is far from certain, let's go with something that can be handled with honest math. CUT THE DAMN SPENDING.

In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Alan Greenspan expressed his disagreement with the conservative argument that tax cuts essentially pay for themselves by generating revenue and productivity among recipients.

"They do not," said Greenspan.

Greenspan describes himself as a "lifelong libertarian Republican"

Let us hypothesize that the government is spending $5 trillion a year, and is taking in $6 trillion. They look at these numbers, and instead of raising spending decide to cut taxes to $5.5 trillion a year.

How does that increase the deficit?

The difference between tax revenue and spending is the deficit if negative. It is called a surplus if positive. If it is zero then we have a balanced budget.

So cutting taxes in our current situation increases the deficit (bigger negative number).

It can also shrink a surplus or turn a surplus to a deficit.

Subtraction is the new higher math... I think my daughter started doing 'take aways' in the 2nd grade.

No it cannot.

The only way to increase the deficit is to spend more money than you have. The problem with saying that tax cuts increase the deficit is at assumes that the money belongs to the government in the first place, and that they get to decide how much you keep.

You don't have to assume anything. A deficit is tax revenue minus spending period. It is what it is.

You seem stuck on the much repeated conservative talking points "It's our money, not the governments...they're just letting us keep more of our own money. blah, blah, blah." None of that changes what a deficit is.

I am just not going to let you get away with changing definitions just to fit your narrative.
The difference between tax revenue and spending is the deficit if negative. It is called a surplus if positive. If it is zero then we have a balanced budget.

So cutting taxes in our current situation increases the deficit (bigger negative number).

It can also shrink a surplus or turn a surplus to a deficit.

Subtraction is the new higher math... I think my daughter started doing 'take aways' in the 2nd grade.

No it cannot.

The only way to increase the deficit is to spend more money than you have. The problem with saying that tax cuts increase the deficit is at assumes that the money belongs to the government in the first place, and that they get to decide how much you keep.

You don't have to assume anything. A deficit is tax revenue minus spending period. It is what it is.

You seem stuck on the much repeated conservative talking points "It's our money, not the governments...they're just letting us keep more of our own money. blah, blah, blah." None of that changes what a deficit is.

I am just not going to let you get away with changing definitions just to fit your narrative.

You are right that it does not change what the deficit is. The deficit is the government spending more money than it has.

$2.8 trillion tax revenues - $2.5 trillion in spending does not make a deficit, despite your insistence that it does.
I really don't see anything positive that came from it

Its 2011 s0n..........politically, its a dead fish. Nobody cares about Bush anymore and the only ones who do are the k00k left who troll in the nether regions of the internet.

A majority now view Obama as being this wreckless out of control socialist who doesnt give a rats ass about the national debt.

Any Bush stuff related to the debt is simply distraction from the k00ks..........

The era of big government is coming to an end...........too many promises that cant be kept...............

Young people are especially more irrelevant as this moves boomers and those about 35 and up have been paying into Social Security for decades.........thousands upon thousands. What the fcukk do they care if they never see it. Not so for a large chunk of the population. Almost all economists agree........this shit has to end. Even Obama's commission people said the direction of our government is out of control and heading for disaster.

The only question now is..............can the GOP paint the picture? So far, they've dropped the ball............but its all right there for them.
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90% of government spending is welfare. Liberals attempt to define welfare so narrowly that almost all payments to parasites are excluded.

Medicare is welfare. Social Security is welfare. Ethanol subsidies are welfare. It's all welfare.

:lol: Then I guess the VA is welfare too, eh?

Nope, Veterans performed a service and the VA is part of their compensation. What service did the greedy geezers who spend all day on the gold course perform for me?
So you don't understand the difference between working for the government and getting a government check for not working? Seriously?

Pretending vastly different things are the same is a classic liberal con.
Well thank you. I never thought of all people I would be agreeing with you. My tone in this particular thread is simply a reaction to the tone of comments from a breed of people who don't think they owe anything to the rest of the people who occupy this space and who have forgotten, or never known, what UNITED means for a country to survive.

What do I owe you or any of the other human tics in this forum? Was does welfare or Obamacare have to do with the survival of the country? If anything, they are positive threats to the survival of the country.

They seem to want to build their castles and step on anyone who hasn't kept pace with their own successes as just being in the way. I agree that a fairer tax code would go a long way toward leveling the playing field, but what about the attitudes? My biggest concern is that far too many people no longer have a conscience. They're out for themselves, period.

Since when is looking out for yourself immoral?

Oh yeah, it became immoral when mooching became a way of life for millions of Democrats.
You're not paying 50% of everything you earn in taxes. Stop.

Sure I do. When you add up Federal income taxes, State income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, liquor taxes, hotel taxes, yada, yada, yada, it comes close to 50%.

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