Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

My body, my choice!*

*except when it comes to deciding where to educate your child

We have private schools, if you can afford them.
You can pick where you live based on the schools.
You can even home school your spawn if you don't mind his completely lacking socialization skills.
Because they learn so much better how to behave from kids instead of from adults.
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I view Charter schools as a viable alternative and competition for public schools.

Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I view Charter schools as a viable alternative and competition for public schools.

Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
I asked if you know who opposes charter schools. Do you?
The EXISTENCE of the Department of Education is unconstitutional. Patently.

Whittling away at its overpaid, underworked staff is a small, but good, thing.

Really? What part of the Constitution does the Education Department violate?

Do you have anything besides a bumper sticker slogan?

I think it can be scaled back as they are doing, but your argument is baseless.

I can show you the clauses of Article 1, Section 8 that enumerate powers that apply to the general welfare, education isn't in any of them.


Let's take it to the extreme. Where does the COTUS authorize the United States Air Force or Space Force?

Common defense, they are both just extensions of defensive/offensive tactics that were know at the time as knowledge grew. Just as blimps were used in the Civil, Spanish American and subsequent wars. There has never been a basis for federal involvement in education, even as knowledge has expanded.

Here's what the father of the Constitution said about the division of powers between the feds and the States. My B/U

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45


That is not what is in the COTUS, but you knew that and are attempting to deflect.

Try citing the COTUS.

NEVERMIND! You can't.

You're awfully stupid for a supposed teacher. I cited the guy that wrote the Constitution and how he explained its intent to the people at the time.

How about you citing where education is mentioned in any of the enumerated powers. And don't tell me it's an implied power of the general welfare clause, because the 10th amendment says only those powers specifically enumerated to the feds apply, the rest are reserved to the States or the People. In Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, aka the taxing and spending clause, general welfare and common defense are spending categories that are further defined and limited by the remanding clauses in the Section.

Here's a quote from Jefferson on the topic.

"Our tenet ever was that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated, and that, as it was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money. "

-- Thomas Jefferson letter to Albert Gallatin, 1817

No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I view Charter schools as a viable alternative and competition for public schools.

Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
I asked if you know who opposes charter schools. Do you?

Lots of people.
I view Charter schools as a viable alternative and competition for public schools.

Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
I asked if you know who opposes charter schools. Do you?

Lots of people.
And lots of people like them.
Really? What part of the Constitution does the Education Department violate?

Do you have anything besides a bumper sticker slogan?

I think it can be scaled back as they are doing, but your argument is baseless.

I can show you the clauses of Article 1, Section 8 that enumerate powers that apply to the general welfare, education isn't in any of them.


Let's take it to the extreme. Where does the COTUS authorize the United States Air Force or Space Force?

Common defense, they are both just extensions of defensive/offensive tactics that were know at the time as knowledge grew. Just as blimps were used in the Civil, Spanish American and subsequent wars. There has never been a basis for federal involvement in education, even as knowledge has expanded.

Here's what the father of the Constitution said about the division of powers between the feds and the States. My B/U

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45


That is not what is in the COTUS, but you knew that and are attempting to deflect.

Try citing the COTUS.

NEVERMIND! You can't.

You're awfully stupid for a supposed teacher. I cited the guy that wrote the Constitution and how he explained its intent to the people at the time.

How about you citing where education is mentioned in any of the enumerated powers. And don't tell me it's an implied power of the general welfare clause, because the 10th amendment says only those powers specifically enumerated to the feds apply, the rest are reserved to the States or the People. In Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, aka the taxing and spending clause, general welfare and common defense are spending categories that are further defined and limited by the remanding clauses in the Section.

Here's a quote from Jefferson on the topic.

"Our tenet ever was that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated, and that, as it was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money. "

-- Thomas Jefferson letter to Albert Gallatin, 1817

Note the date. Jefferson had nothing to do with the Constitution and I am certain you did not know that either.
There are two wild-assed assumptions and one blatant false statements on your part. I taught and was a school administrator for 21 years. I think I know this topic better than you, simply because you apparently know nothing!

So you're part of the problem, trying to tell others how to...solve the problem along with why none of the solutions proposed by others will work.

We "recentered" the scores for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) back in the 90s. The "average" was dropping and was no longer the "average". So, as you know, instead of improving our teaching and schools, they dropped the "average".

How is our level of education measuring up to the rest of the world?
I can show you the clauses of Article 1, Section 8 that enumerate powers that apply to the general welfare, education isn't in any of them.


Let's take it to the extreme. Where does the COTUS authorize the United States Air Force or Space Force?

Common defense, they are both just extensions of defensive/offensive tactics that were know at the time as knowledge grew. Just as blimps were used in the Civil, Spanish American and subsequent wars. There has never been a basis for federal involvement in education, even as knowledge has expanded.

Here's what the father of the Constitution said about the division of powers between the feds and the States. My B/U

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45


That is not what is in the COTUS, but you knew that and are attempting to deflect.

Try citing the COTUS.

NEVERMIND! You can't.

You're awfully stupid for a supposed teacher. I cited the guy that wrote the Constitution and how he explained its intent to the people at the time.

How about you citing where education is mentioned in any of the enumerated powers. And don't tell me it's an implied power of the general welfare clause, because the 10th amendment says only those powers specifically enumerated to the feds apply, the rest are reserved to the States or the People. In Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, aka the taxing and spending clause, general welfare and common defense are spending categories that are further defined and limited by the remanding clauses in the Section.

Here's a quote from Jefferson on the topic.

"Our tenet ever was that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated, and that, as it was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money. "

-- Thomas Jefferson letter to Albert Gallatin, 1817

Note the date. Jefferson had nothing to do with the Constitution and I am certain you did not know that either.

Fuck off you uneducated POS. I know exactly what Jefferson was doing when the Constitution was written, I also know he was the 2nd VP and 3rd POTUS. So stop deflecting and admit that education was never a constitutional responsibility of the feds and was never intended to be.

You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.
No, we don't owe everyone an education. That's the servile mentality that says we exist to serve other people's wants. People should get the education they want for their kids, not the education that the government and its toadies impose on them. If the voters approve something else, then they will get it.

Unfortunately for you, federal law and most state constitutions say otherwise.
No they don't. Neither the federal government nor state constitutions claim education is a right.

How can you claim to be an expert on education when you get everything wrong. Yes, education is in most state constitutions. The basis of that was what caused Florida's voucher system to be ruled unconstitutional. I know. I was there when it happened.

Google Free And Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

I did not do this for fun. I have a Master's degree in it.

You on the other hand are simply an arrogant dumbass on the topic probably born out of your own failures in education.
Nope, the FL constitution doesn't say education is a right. It just says the state shall provide one.

FAPE is a regulation. No bill was ever passed to amend the Constitution with a right to education, dumbass.

You are a pompous moron.
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I view Charter schools as a viable alternative and competition for public schools.

Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
Charter schools are still government schools. I don't know if they are better than regular government schools, but I believe they have to attract students or they will close. That's one thing that would make them better.
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
I view Charter schools as a viable alternative and competition for public schools.

Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
Like I said I view them as a viable alternative to public schools. Speaking from my own experience with my two sons who were bored out of their minds at having to go over lessons again and again when they already knew the content from the first day. We spoke to the Principal who liked our sons and understood our concerns told us they were mandated to teach to the bottom 25% to pull them up to the middle. So we pulled them and attended a couple different charter schools. One school was run by Turkish people. The academics were excellent but there were fights that a few of the favored kids would always start and never get into trouble. Mine weren't involved but we figured it was just a matter of time so we went to a different charter that was not quite as advanced academically but was well run. So a viable alternative but the charters are each very different and sometimes not in a good way.
“Every Man Able to Read”

Despite the caveats, we can generalize about patterns of literacy. In 1974, University of Montana scholar Kenneth Lockridge’s groundbreaking book, Literacy in Colonial New England, surveyed evidence from legal records and offered provisional conclusions—“The exercise is bound to be tentative, as it uses a biased sample and an ambiguous measure”—but he made the case that, among white New England men, about 60 percent of the population was literate between 1650 and 1670, a figure that rose to 85 percent between 1758 and 1762, and to 90 percent between 1787 and 1795. In cities such as Boston, the rate had come close to 100 percent by century’s end.

True by centuries end...back over 100 years ago.

Today? Not so much!

Boston Public Schools is a public school district located in Roxbury, MA. It has 53,393 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1. According to state test scores, 36% of students are at least proficient in math and 38% in reading.

Explore Boston Public Schools

Massachusetts public schools TODAY, which attempt to educate ALL school-aged children in contrast to 100 years ago and most other countries TODAY, are the best in the nation.
Yet, literacy rates were far higher 200 years ago when there were no government schools

No, not really.
Yes, really.

You’re an idiot.
True by centuries end...back over 100 years ago.

Today? Not so much!

Boston Public Schools is a public school district located in Roxbury, MA. It has 53,393 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1. According to state test scores, 36% of students are at least proficient in math and 38% in reading.

Explore Boston Public Schools

Massachusetts public schools TODAY, which attempt to educate ALL school-aged children in contrast to 100 years ago and most other countries TODAY, are the best in the nation.
Yet, literacy rates were far higher 200 years ago when there were no government schools

Why do you continue to post this lie?

Because he needs to believe it. He lacks the intelligence and integrity to put honesty first. He damn-sure lacks the understanding of logic to know why such a statement is insupportable.
I posted the evidence.....

All you’ve done is demonstrate your hostility to logic and your lack of reasoning skills, stupid.
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.
Liberals fear children escaping left wing br ainwashing
Right! Charter schools would work so wonderfully when the entire residents of a county don't have enough kids to fill a public high school

What is it you like about charter schools that you cannot enact in your public schools?
That's the whole point. Charter schools CAN be done in all public schools. Guess who opposes that?

What do you believe makes charter schools better? Is it the corruption, malfeasance or failure to educate students as promised?
I asked if you know who opposes charter schools. Do you?

Lots of people.
And lots of people like them.

Good! Let them vote them in. We just started allowing charter schools in my state. The first applicant was rejected because it lacked planning in major areas. It was also heavily plagiarized. Unfortunately that sounds all too typical for charter schools.

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