Biden Administration Decides To Build Border Wall

How embarrassing!! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

It's like watching monkeys fucking a doorknob.... where the head monkey has lost his ability to communicate with the rest of the tribe.

What's next? They're pro-life? Jan 6 was an fbi operation? They admit to stealing the 2020 election?

It's hard not to feel sorry for these pathetic fucks. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump was right...................


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And here is what Biden did!

DOD spends nearly $50 million a year 'to do nothing' with Trump's border wall materials, drawing GOP backlash​

DOD is spending around $130,000 a day to store materials after Biden canceled Trump's border wall construction project​

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How embarrassing!! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

It's like watching monkeys fucking a doorknob.... where the head monkey has lost his ability to communicate with the rest of the tribe.

What's next? They're pro-life? Jan 6 was an fbi operation? They admit to stealing the 2020 election?

It's hard not to feel sorry for these pathetic fucks. :abgg2q.jpg:
OMG. Your right! How embarrassing. What's next? A wall mexico will pay for? A beautiful medical plan? Windmills cause cancer?

These pathetic folks will believe anything.

It's like trying to eat a soup sandwich with chopsticks.

And you need to learn how to use the Internet!!!

But of course you totally ignored what your president said...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

And when he became president and I quote:
"There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1," he told NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro during an interview with journalists from the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists

Listening to you makes one dumber.

Yep. Biden flip flopped on this one. You got him! 1.13% of the border gets a wall built!

Its all Mexico has paid for.
Dementia man bad!

The Biden administration announced Wednesday that 26 federal laws were waived to allow border wall construction in Texas, marking the administration's first use of an executive power often used by former President Trump to fund projects along the southern border.

The waived laws will help expedite the construction of barriers and roads in Starr County, Texas, which is experiencing "high illegal entry," the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a statement posted to the U.S. Federal Registry…

"There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas," DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in the statement.
Perhaps??? Hell, you clowns were on your knees when it came to BLM, "perhaps" you ought to get on your knees again.
Hey, I'm admitting we were w, wr, wro, wron,WRONG! There, are you happy now? Maybe if you had a better spokesman to sell us on the idea. Not Trump.

Funny, it took Biden to get us through the pandemic, out of trumpflation, out of afganistan and a wall.
Biden says "fuck the environment, man, build the wall!":

Some of the waived federal laws include the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and Safe Water Drinking Act to prevent lengthy reviews and lawsuits challenging the violation of such laws, The Associated Press (AP) reported.
Hey, I'm admitting we were w, wr, wro, wron,WRONG! There, are you happy now? Maybe if you had a better spokesman to sell us on the idea. Not Trump.

Funny, it took Biden to get us through the pandemic, out of trumpflation, out of afganistan and a wall.
More died from the Fauci Flu on Tater’s Watch.

Trump handed Tater an inflation rate of 1.6%

Did you really just tout Tater’s Afghanistan debacle as an accomplishment? What a moron.
Now the lizard lovers and animal wildlife activists are screaming at Joe.... he is going to alienate his entire base... first the blacks who are losing their neighborhoods to illegals and now this....
More died from the Fauci Flu on Tater’s Watch.

Trump handed Tater an inflation rate of 1.6%

Did you really just tout Tater’s Afghanistan debacle as an accomplishment? What a moron.

All Trump's fault. The people who went to trump rallies, didn't get vaccinated and didn't wear masks. Don't blame us for them.

For example you can't blame us for these 5 cons dying.

Over the last few months, no less than five conservative radio talk show hosts who urged their audiences to avoid vaccines for COVID-19 have died from the virus. By Kevin Cullen Globe Staff,Updated October 21, 2021, 5:27 p.m. It's not a good time to be an ivory-billed woodpecker. Or a conservative radio talk show host.
Listening to you makes one dumber.

Yep. Biden flip flopped on this one. You got him! 1.13% of the border gets a wall built!

Its all Mexico has paid for.

Maybe you miss the bigger point. Walls work. Amazing, right, and guess what? They work everywhere, not just in small sections. I know it is hard for you leftists to wrap your heads around such a complex concept, but a wall would sufficiently slow down illegal crossings providing time for border patrol to respond as needed. The thing is, leftists are just too dumb to realize the leaders of their party want these people to come in. The more people on the dole and the more potential Democratic voters the better, for them, not for us. You idiots are ultimately voting for your own demise.
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More died from the Fauci Flu on Tater’s Watch.

Trump handed Tater an inflation rate of 1.6%

Did you really just tout Tater’s Afghanistan debacle as an accomplishment? What a moron.
You don't like how Biden got us out of Afganistan? Of course you don't. You probably want to impeach him for it.

I heard the other day a dummy like you say Biden left millions of dollars of equipment behind in Afganistan". I think it was Trump. What an idiot. We never ship all the shit back home after the war. I believe. I think it's common to just leave it all there. Am I wrong about that?

So quit being petty to Biden. If Trump got us out, I'm sure it would have been better. IF. LOL.
Maybe you miss the bigger point. Walls work. Amazing, right, and guess what? They work everywhere, not just in small sections. I know it is hard for you leftists to wrap your heads around such a complex concept, but a wall would sufficiently slow down illegal crossings providing time for border patrol to respond as needed. The thing is, leftists are just too dumb to realize the leaders of their party want these people to come in. The more people on the dole and the more potential Democratic voters the better, for them, not for us. You idiots are ultimately voting for you own demise.
Walls are not nearly as effective as other methods to stem immigration that neither party executes.

So here we are. Finger pointing while the elites make a fortune.
Maybe you miss the bigger point. Walls work. Amazing, right, and guess what? They work everywhere, not just in small sections. I know it is hard for you leftists to wrap your heads around such a complex concept, but a wall would sufficiently slow down illegal crossings providing time for border patrol to respond as needed. The thing is, leftists are just too dumb to realize the leaders of their party want these people to come in. The more people on the dole and the more potential Democratic voters the better, for them, not for us. You idiots are ultimately voting for you own demise.

I wish we could fast forward to 5 years after the wall was built and see if it's actually working. Or will we continue to let them in when they show up. Why can't we turn them away now? Will a wall change that?

I believe they tunnel under them or go over them or sometimes through them. When we aren't watching. If we are watching, why do we need a wall?

Seriously. So if there is a wall there we can say no and turn them away but now we can't?
All Trump's fault. The people who went to trump rallies, didn't get vaccinated and didn't wear masks. Don't blame us for them.

For example you can't blame us for these 5 cons dying.

Over the last few months, no less than five conservative radio talk show hosts who urged their audiences to avoid vaccines for COVID-19 have died from the virus. By Kevin Cullen Globe Staff,Updated October 21, 2021, 5:27 p.m. It's not a good time to be an ivory-billed woodpecker. Or a conservative radio talk show host.
Oh that’s right, all the BLM mass protests/riots were immune to WuFlu.
Oh that’s right, all the BLM mass protests/riots were immune to WuFlu.
Blacks, before the vaccine died more than whites did.

Blacks who didn't trust the government and didn't get vaccinated when they could, died at a higher rate too than vaccinated blacks. Just like unvaccinated Trumpies.

'We killed Herman Cain': Trump staffers blamed themselves for COVID death of ally, 74, at disastrous Tulsa rally where eight aides tested positive after partying maskless at a hotel, book claims​

  • Aides to former President Donald Trump believe they're responsible for the death of Herman Cain
  • The 74-year-old Cain had attended Trump's June 20, 2020 indoor rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, before succumbing to COVID-19 on July 30
  • 'We killed Herman Cain,' a senior Trump staffer told ABC News' Will Steakin, according to journalist Jonathan Karl's forthcoming book
  • Cain, who led the Black Voices for Trump coalition, was photographed at the indoor rally unmasked, surrounded by people
  • Trump responded, 'no, I don't think he did,' when asked if he was concerned Cain caught COVID-19 at the rally
OMG. Your right! How embarrassing. What's next? A wall mexico will pay for? A beautiful medical plan? Windmills cause cancer?

These pathetic folks will believe anything.

It's like trying to eat a soup sandwich with chopsticks.


Now This is Biden's home with a wall!!!


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