Biden economy adds less than half the jobs expected in December.

That is simply not true. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with the unemployment rate. Many people are still counted as unemployed even if they're not collecting unemployment benefits.

Where do you get that nonsense from? For some reason, you won't say. Too embarrassed?

Working for cash under the table has little to do with the unemployment rate. Many such people say they're working when surveyed. They're counted as employed.

That you're not surveyed also has little to with the unemployment rate. They survey some 60,000 people which as I already pointed out, has a miniscule margin of error.

Yes it is. Whether you choose to believe it or not is your problem, not mine.

To claim that a sample size of 60,000 out of a population of 330 million has a "miniscule margin of error" is utterly asinine. Every nationwide metric worth it's salt is at LEAST calculated as a ratio of X per 100k, jackass.

Go bray like a sheep at someone else. We're done here.
Who needs to refute a triggered poster?? Your spasms refute yourself.
Love it. More diversions. What’s the matter, Fido, cat got your tongue? Why do you constantly defend someone you said “sucks”?
Yes it is. Whether you choose to believe it or not is your problem, not mine.

To claim that a sample size of 60,000 out of a population of 330 million has a "miniscule margin of error" is utterly asinine. Every nationwide metric worth it's salt is at LEAST calculated as a ratio of X per 100k, jackass.

Go bray like a sheep at someone else. We're done here.
Poor Fido. Getting schooled yet again. I wonder if Faun knows that many retired early due to the pandemic so that impacts rate as well and significantly
Yes it is. Whether you choose to believe it or not is your problem, not mine.

To claim that a sample size of 60,000 out of a population of 330 million has a "miniscule margin of error" is utterly asinine. Every nationwide metric worth it's salt is at LEAST calculated as a ratio of X per 100k, jackass.

Go bray like a sheep at someone else. We're done here.
Great, so now you demonstrate abject ignorance about scientific polling.

A scientific poll of just 1500 can have a MoE around 3 points. A survey of some 60,000 is less.
Love it. More diversions. What’s the matter, Fido, cat got your tongue? Why do you constantly defend someone you said “sucks”?
Why do you blame me because your brain is incapable of retaining the reason I gave you multiple times? :cuckoo:
Why do you blame me because your brain is incapable of retaining the reason I gave you multiple times? :cuckoo:
“Trump sucks more” is not a reason to constantly defend Biden, Fido. So why do you constantly defend Biden? Since he “sucks”. Your words.
Poor Fido. Getting schooled yet again. I wonder if Faun knows that many retired early due to the pandemic so that impacts rate as well and significantly

No one's actually arguing that, ShortBus. Which means you're now arguing with yourself.
“Trump sucks more” is not a reason to constantly defend Biden, Fido. So why do you constantly defend Biden? Since he “sucks”. Your words.

Aww, poor ShortBus... doesn't like my reason. I'm crushed.

No one's actually arguing that, ShortBus. Which means you're now arguing with yourself.
Well lapdog, then why did you compare the 3.5% under Trump to the 3.9% under Biden without context? Silly Fido.

Aww, poor ShortBus... doesn't like my reason. I'm crushed.
So you defend Biden at all costs because you believe someone else sucks more? So if I think Demarcus Cousins sucks I should defend him at all costs because Enes Kanter sucks more? That doesn’t make any sense. Silly lapdog. Bad Fido!
Well lapdog, then why did you compare the 3.5% under Trump to the 3.9% under Biden without context? Silly Fido.
I was pointing out how Trump called 3.5% unemployment the best economy ever; while rightards here are railing on Biden whose unemployment rate is not much higher.
I was pointing out how Trump called 3.5% unemployment the best economy ever; while rightards here are railing on Biden whose unemployment rate is not much higher.
But you also admitted that there were more employable people under Trump? You’re so dumb it hurts, Fido. Unemployment isn’t our problem. Employers finding people to work is. Why? Many retired. Bad lapdog!
But you also admitted that there were more employable people under Trump? You’re so dumb it hurts, Fido. Unemployment isn’t our problem. Employers finding people to work is. Why? Many retired. Bad lapdog!
And retirees drive the unemployment rate up ... or down ... ?
And retirees drive the unemployment rate up ... or down ... ?
There are fewer people to draw from. What do you think it means? Hence the reason unemployment is lower. Employers are desperate. My point, Fido, was that unemployment rate is not a good gauge at this time because of all the unforeseen retirements and some people unable to go to work due the pandemic. Did I really need to explain this to you, Fido?
There are fewer people to draw from. What do you think it means? Hence the reason unemployment is lower. Employers are desperate. My point, Fido, was that unemployment rate is not a good gauge at this time because of all the unforeseen retirements and some people unable to go to work due the pandemic. Did I really need to explain this to you, Fido?

You're such a dumbfuck, ShortBus.

Even guessing, you had a 50/50 shot at getting it right and you still got it wrong.


When people retire, that drives the unemployment rate up, not down.


You're such a dumbfuck, ShortBus.

Even guessing, you had a 50/50 shot at getting it right and you still got it wrong.


When people retire, that drives the unemployment rate up, not down.

I said there are fewer people in the pool? What do you think that means? I never answered you so how was I wrong, Fido? If there are fewer people in the pool what happens? It does drive it up. Hence I said it was a poor barometer and many aren't working because they are scared or have to take care of someone who is compromised so Biden is actually doing OK with employment. Its not a good barometer. You totally misunderstood my post. BAD LAPDOG.
I said there are fewer people in the pool? What do you think that means? I never answered you so how was I wrong, Fido? If there are fewer people in the pool what happens? It does drive it up. Hence I said it was a poor barometer and many aren't working because they are scared or have to take care of someone who is compromised so Biden is actually doing OK with employment. Its not a good barometer. You totally misunderstood my post. BAD LAPDOG.
You poor thing, I asked you if the unemployment rate goes up or down and you said hence, unemployment goes down.
You poor thing, I asked you if the unemployment rate goes up or down and you said hence, unemployment goes down.
And I said there are fewer people in the pool, what do you think that means? Literally. You then started on your little Fido rant. So you disagree that the employable population is significantly lower due to retirements and the pandemic? Seriously? You are super deranged, lapdog.
And I said there are fewer people in the pool, what do you think that means? Literally. You then started on your little Fido rant. So you disagree that the employable population is significantly lower due to retirements and the pandemic? Seriously? You are super deranged, lapdog.
No, I disagree it lowers the unemployment rate. It drives it up. Which actually makes Biden's 3.9% unemployment more impressive since it's driven up by millions of additional retirees.
No, I disagree it lowers the unemployment rate. It drives it up. Which actually makes Biden's 3.9% unemployment more impressive since it's driven up by millions of additional retirees.
It does drive it up. Duh and I said its not a good barometer at this time due to the retirements and the pandemic. The issue is employers finding people not the other way around? What part of my post did you not understand, Fido? So why are you comparing the two rates when the populations and circumstances are vastly different? LOL

Bad lapdog!

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