Biden economy adds less than half the jobs expected in December.

It does drive it up. Duh and I said its not a good barometer at this time due to the retirements and the pandemic. The issue is employers finding people not the other way around? What part of my post did you not understand, Fido? So why are you comparing the two rates when the populations and circumstances are vastly different? LOL

Bad lapdog!
The part where you stopped talking about the unemployment rate when we were talking about the unemployment rate after you took issue about the unemployment rate and how I referenced the unemployment rate. Now you blame me because your few remaining brain cells can't stay on a subject for more then 10 seconds. You're like Ten Seconds Tom.
People quitting jobs is good for the nation. The labor shortage is purely fake news. Any business that struggles to find employees is failing to attract them so they should struggle. This is a positive trend not a negative trend as some say.
The part where you stopped talking about the unemployment rate when we were talking about the unemployment rate after you took issue about the unemployment rate and how I referenced the unemployment rate. Now you blame me because your few remaining brain cells can't stay on a subject for more then 10 seconds. You're like Ten Seconds Tom.
Nice try. Can't answer just like you can't answer why you always defend Biden. Idiot lapdog
Joe Biden's pathetic performance on the economy continues.

Trump first year in office, 2 million jobs

Biden first year in office, 6.4 million jobs

You can't possibly be that fucking stupid.
Did you already forget about the kung flu covid---the risen numbers under Trump went down due to the dems/Fauci/Chinese virus. They were already heading back up before the election.
Republicans predicted the virus would go away 2 weeks after the election was over.
Joe Biden's pathetic performance on the economy continues.

Yep, but they're saying a butt load of more people dropped out to the labor force. That's the only way they can claim EU is 3.9%.

The economy is booming. Demand is up. Supply chain problems sure but you understand why right?

Nows the time to ask for a raise
Go ahead and ask. Demand is stable. Supply is lagging. Ask for your raise. If you’re a valuable employee you will put your employer to the test.
Joe Biden's pathetic performance on the economy continues.

The greatest first year economic numbers in history aren't good enough for you, FuckBoi? You're actually hoping Biden will fail. Cheering against your own country.

If SCOTUS does not shut down this overreach by OSHA, America is over because your employer can tell you that your face belongs to them and force you to cover it up to, and your body belongs to them and they can force you to be injected with whatever they want to ease their fears, CUZ.....FEELINGS trumps your individual rights and body autonomy.
And next they'll chip ya, right Skeeter?

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