Biden economy adds less than half the jobs expected in December.

Fauns right. You have to understand what you are questioning otherwise you are just being spun around by your handlers which seems to be what you fear. Maybe you should look behind you and not to the left of you?

LOL. I have no handlers. I'm not a leftist that needs to be lead by the nose. Sorry.
Do you ever read your links? That gain was temporary.

From your link:

Much better for lower-wage workers. The bottom quarter of workers have seen wage gains outpace inflation but by less than before. The second quartile had been positive but has now turned negative.
It was negative one month it’s positive on the year. Short term fluctuations happen. However I’m for raising minimum wages to hold them in place.
It was negative one month it’s positive on the year. Short term fluctuations happen. However I’m for raising minimum wages to hold them in place.
Only an idiot who doesn’t understand basic finance would be pro increase of min wages
Of course you're not under any obligation. But you did cite 3 things about the unemployment and all 3 were wrong.

Why would anyone expect any of your other reasons that you don't want to share are any less delusional? :dunno:

You actually think the neighborhood kid that I & my neighbors pay to mow our lawn every week is "employed" by government standards? Or the illegals working in the local restaurant kitchen? Or the guy who's collecting unemployment while doing cash contractor work is "unemployed"?

Fuck outta here, tard.
LOL. I have no handlers. I'm not a leftist that needs to be lead by the nose. Sorry.
Oh? So then who fed you all that wrong information about the unemployment rate you posted earlier? Or did you make that up yourself?
The unemployment rate is 3.9%, the lowest it's been in 50 years.
There's over 10 million job openings that are going unfilled.
I work in social media for a few 500 and 100 Fortune companies and all I do all day is send up posts on all platforms recruiting new employees in every capacity for these companies.
General Dynamics will pay a $15K referral fee for hired computer and software engineers, and you don't even have to be an employee of the company to participate!
So take your FOX FAKE news and stuff it.
Why arent your Dim brothers going to work??
Only an idiot who doesn’t understand basic finance would be pro increase of min wages
Being called an idiot from the author of the “I miss Trump” thread is the pinnacle of irony. Note the time. 3:18 Eastern 1/7/2022 Lady Irony was pronounced dead.
You actually think the neighborhood kid that I & my neighbors pay to mow our lawn every week is "employed" by government standards? Or the illegals working in the local restaurant kitchen? Or the guy who's collecting unemployment while doing cash contractor work is "unemployed"?

Fuck outta here, tard.
They could be. Depends on a number of factors you demonstrate you flat out don't understand.
Being called an idiot from the author of the “I miss Trump” thread is the pinnacle of irony. Note the time. 3:18 Eastern 1/7/2022 Lady Irony was pronounced dead.
That thread was a trigger thread and it triggered you. Why are you anti free markets?
Oh? So then who fed you all that wrong information about the unemployment rate you posted earlier? Or did you make that up yourself?

There is nothing wrong with what I said. If I am not claiming unemployment benefits, and also not reporting an income, I am not considered employed or unemployed unless someone from the BLS actually surveys me personally.

There are potentially millions of people doing this every day. Get buttmad about it all you want. The numbers are fictitious. Period.
Faun ”Biden sucks” still voted for him and defends him constantly. Bipolar fat fuck.
Bad lapdog. Bad!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
t r i g g e r e d

That thread was a trigger thread and it triggered you. Why are you anti free markets?
Unregulated capitalism is oppressive. We are just debating the level of minimum wage not whether there needs to be a minimum wage. Unless you don’t think we need minimum wages, hour restrictions, age restrictions, safety guidelines… I could go on.
Unregulated capitalism is oppressive. We are just debating the level of minimum wage not whether there needs to be a minimum wage. Unless you don’t think we need minimum wages, hour restrictions, age restrictions, safety guidelines… I could go on.
Bullshit. I run a pizza shop and you do as well. Why should the government dictate what we have to pay? I pay what I feel is fair and if you offer more then I am at risk of losing my employees. Pretty basic. Oppressive? LASIK was what $10k per eye when it was first introduced into market and now you can get it for 90% of that. Why? Free markets as more doctors entered the market. What do you have against that? Can’t use health insurance for lasik so it’s truly free markets working well.

You are welcome for the free lesson in economics.
There is nothing wrong with what I said. If I am not claiming unemployment benefits, and also not reporting an income, I am not considered employed or unemployed unless someone from the BLS actually surveys me personally.
That is simply not true. Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with the unemployment rate. Many people are still counted as unemployed even if they're not collecting unemployment benefits.

Where do you get that nonsense from? For some reason, you won't say. Too embarrassed?

Working for cash under the table has little to do with the unemployment rate. Many such people say they're working when surveyed. They're counted as employed.

That you're not surveyed also has little to with the unemployment rate. They survey some 60,000 people which as I already pointed out, has a miniscule margin of error.
Like the 20th time you’ve used that, Fido. Could not refute my post. Why do you constantly defend Biden after you said “he sucks”? Stupid lapdog.
Who needs to refute a triggered poster?? Your spasms refute yourself.
Low wage employee gains are outpacing inflation. The rest of your post is right wing fantasy. I enjoy a good debate but you have to come at me with facts. I’m not your average right wing dummy you can just yell at.

That is because many states have raised minimum wage to 15 bucks an hr, so those people have an effect overall. Plus, employers are paying sign on bonuses, which also affects income, although only 1 time.

By the way, when do you think wage "catch up" is going to add to inflation? Have you seen how much the government has to give SS recipients!
Just like when Obama was president, the numbers were never good enough. Then Trump got in and the numbers got a tiny bit better because of a huge tax break to everyone but then quickly went right back to Obama level numbers. Trump mocked Obama for having under 3% growth. In 2019 Trump had 2.3% growth. And his job numbers per month were no better than Obama's.

U.S. Employers Add 199,000 Jobs As Unemployment Falls To 3.9%​

Businesses are struggling to fill jobs, with many Americans remaining reluctant to return to the workforce.

This is great news. There are 1.5 jobs for every 1 looking for a job. Wages should be going up. Now is the time to look for a better job. Nothing will ever be good enough for Republicans.

White Americans don't want to go back to work and white employers aren't hiring blacks. Maybe we need to invite Mexicans back.
Did you already forget about the kung flu covid---the risen numbers under Trump went down due to the dems/Fauci/Chinese virus. They were already heading back up before the election.

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