Biden jobless claims skyrocket to 861,000!

This guy is a complete disaster.

You stupid piece of human waste.
You think these numbers would be any different if Trump had kept his office?
You think the unemployment problems started on January 20th?
Fuck people like you who won't place accountability where it lies, completely at Trump's feet.
Fuck people like you who won't place accountability where it lies, completely at the feet of Democrat governors who shut down their states and put millions out of work.
This guy is a complete disaster.

More evidence to support Biden’s Stimulus Plan

Gawd you're an idiot. :D


Mother had me tested, the man said I was Special

You've already more than marginalized yourself a long time ago. So much so, that you are no longer even coming close to being snarky like you used to, years back!
thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

That's chump change. 8 years in office they were still blaming Bush.

Well he did kind of start 2 wars that lasted the longest in US History...and watched the economy collapse on his way I mean...yeah...a lot to blame on him.

He didn't start any wars. Planes hitting towers started the war. Quit fucking defending those fucking rag head muslims.
Nah, planes hitting towers didn't start the Iraq War. Bush did.
The war the last 2 Dimwinger nominees for President voted for?
Barack Obama did not vote for the Iraq War, and that was a major debate in 2008 between him and Hillary in the Primaries.

Sorry sir but incorrect.
Obama was not in the Senate until 2004
He did make a speech calling the war in Iraq as stupid and unnecessary. That led to him being invited to give the Keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention
The rest is history
Yes, the history of him starting more wars.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.

Only if a fragile, easily disrupted supply chain holds. You should know by now, that nothing can be counted on, these days.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!

His smugness is a cover for his stupidity.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!

Good luck to you.

The banks and financial centers are in the cities. Red America will perish without the support of the cities.

Food is a commodity. It can be purchased from anywhere in the world. Your international markets are limited without access to ports which are in the cities
This guy is a complete disaster.

More evidence to support Biden’s Stimulus Plan
that would be the stimulous to have higher numbers of unemployment? great plan its working
gas prices--up 50 cents a gallon in less than a month...great stimulous plan
get over 12,000 fired off the pipeline---great stimulous plan
should i continue? you fucking brain dead asswipe demonRATS are very sick fucking idiots...just saying
Do you know that those 12,000 who were being paid over $100,000 a year, had support people like Fast Food joints and clothing stores that also employed people. Now since the money is gone, the money is gone. But prog slaves dont know this because they dont get taught this in school.

The black hills pipeline had a Walmart open up for support of the union members working on the pipeline, those Walmart employees were offered 20 dollars an hour because there wasnt enough people around to work. Fast food joints were offering 18 dollars an hour. Kill that pipeline and lots of people will be out of work...

The question is whether the pipeline was environmentally sound. It should not be jobs at all cost and part-time at that and not at the cost of destruction of the environment.
The oil is still going to be moved. That's not going to stop. But with no pipeline, it's going to continue to be moved by truck and rail.

And we know how environmentally friendly that is.
Warren Buffets railroad, makes him oodles of money. While those Union workers are now out of a job. Just typical of a Prog to look after their elites and screw over their slaves...

Isn't it great that the oil from Canada will now be moved by trains and trucks? - American Thinker
Instead of getting more environmentally friendly, the carbon footprint from that oil will be increased substantially because it will be shipped by trucks and trains above ground instead of through underground pipe. It is also much less safe and efficient: shipping by trucks and trains means more accidents — and an increased human cost. What sheer brilliance! I thought all of Biden's decisions were going to be based on facts and science.
Biden Axing Keystone Pipeline: ‘Slap in Face’ to Union Members (
Mike Sommers, president and CEO of trade group American Petroleum Institute, said Biden’s announcement “is a slap in the face to the thousands of union workers who are already a part of this safe and sustainable project.”
Just like in East Germany, the Socialist didnt give a fuck about the people, or the environment, it was all about central power and control over the people. Looks like we have that today in the good ole US of A. Thank you prog slaves....

In the last 24 hours he has given 4 billion dollars for vaccines outside the U.S.
And a 200 million donation to the Wuhan Virus Lab which caused the problem in the first place.
America Last.

Yep, a total fucking moron surrounded by America=hating dolts.

Trump supporters are the ones who hate America.
Could you at least make an effort to not be stupid?
I say, no, he/she/it just cant help it, because they are products of public education.
Given the jobs numbers, I imagine Republicans will unilaterally support Biden’s Infrastructure plan

We all know what that's about, red states paying for the urban shitholes that were burned down by social justice warriors. Maybe that moron Biden can sell us some 'shovel ready' jobs while he's at it.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
The roads are cost effective as it is more rural and easier to build. Tell me why the cities can not rip up their entire old infrastructure and put everything new in. A lot of older cities infrastructure was built a century ago or more. The cities get accusations of racism from poorer areas if the infrastructure decays a bit more then other areas. Cities can only replace a small amount each year. The can do spirit started to die after WW 2 as we started to become soft and spoiled. By the early 1970's a transition occurred with diversity, quotas, political correctness, feminism and the pill with easier divorces added. The last thread to gold clipped started our massive debt climb. We have people who call other people wusses, wimps and pussies who are wusses, wimps and pussies themselves. It is all who have the power in any fiefdom they are in.
Given the jobs numbers, I imagine Republicans will unilaterally support Biden’s Infrastructure plan

We all know what that's about, red states paying for the urban shitholes that were burned down by social justice warriors. Maybe that moron Biden can sell us some 'shovel ready' jobs while he's at it.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
The roads are cost effective as it is more rural and easier to build. Tell me why the cities can not rip up their entire old infrastructure and put everything new in. A lot of older cities infrastructure was built a century ago or more. The cities get accusations of racism from poorer areas if the infrastructure decays a bit more then other areas. Cities can only replace a small amount each year. The can do spirit started to die after WW 2 as we started to become soft and spoiled. By the early 1970's a transition occurred with diversity, quotas, political correctness, feminism and the pill with easier divorces added. The last thread to gold clipped started our massive debt climb. We have people who call other people wusses, wimps and pussies who are wusses, wimps and pussies themselves. It is all who have the power in any fiefdom they are in.
Down here in Florida, where there isnt a state income tax, our roads are in pretty good condition because they get replaced when needed, not have transportation funds reallocated for illegal immigrants for their votes.....
Given the jobs numbers, I imagine Republicans will unilaterally support Biden’s Infrastructure plan

We all know what that's about, red states paying for the urban shitholes that were burned down by social justice warriors. Maybe that moron Biden can sell us some 'shovel ready' jobs while he's at it.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
The roads are cost effective as it is more rural and easier to build. Tell me why the cities can not rip up their entire old infrastructure and put everything new in. A lot of older cities infrastructure was built a century ago or more. The cities get accusations of racism from poorer areas if the infrastructure decays a bit more then other areas. Cities can only replace a small amount each year. The can do spirit started to die after WW 2 as we started to become soft and spoiled. By the early 1970's a transition occurred with diversity, quotas, political correctness, feminism and the pill with easier divorces added. The last thread to gold clipped started our massive debt climb. We have people who call other people wusses, wimps and pussies who are wusses, wimps and pussies themselves. It is all who have the power in any fiefdom they are in.
Paved roads in rural areas needed heavy subsidies

Ten miles of road will support four or five farms and maybe 25-30 people. Not much revenue there

Ten miles of road in an urban area will support a hundred thousand people.
Given the jobs numbers, I imagine Republicans will unilaterally support Biden’s Infrastructure plan

We all know what that's about, red states paying for the urban shitholes that were burned down by social justice warriors. Maybe that moron Biden can sell us some 'shovel ready' jobs while he's at it.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
The roads are cost effective as it is more rural and easier to build. Tell me why the cities can not rip up their entire old infrastructure and put everything new in. A lot of older cities infrastructure was built a century ago or more. The cities get accusations of racism from poorer areas if the infrastructure decays a bit more then other areas. Cities can only replace a small amount each year. The can do spirit started to die after WW 2 as we started to become soft and spoiled. By the early 1970's a transition occurred with diversity, quotas, political correctness, feminism and the pill with easier divorces added. The last thread to gold clipped started our massive debt climb. We have people who call other people wusses, wimps and pussies who are wusses, wimps and pussies themselves. It is all who have the power in any fiefdom they are in.
Down here in Florida, where there isnt a state income tax, our roads are in pretty good condition because they get replaced when needed, not have transportation funds reallocated for illegal immigrants for their votes.....

Roads in Florida are in good condition because they don’t have severe winters
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!

Good luck to you.

The banks and financial centers are in the cities. Red America will perish without the support of the cities.

Food is a commodity. It can be purchased from anywhere in the world. Your international markets are limited without access to ports which are in the cities
"Red America". That's more apropos to the Commie Democrat-run cities, actually.

Meanwhile, rural America will be fine. You'll be starving in a week. Then you'll try to send people with guns to take food.

That won't work, either.

You're screwed.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!

Good luck to you.

The banks and financial centers are in the cities. Red America will perish without the support of the cities.

Food is a commodity. It can be purchased from anywhere in the world. Your international markets are limited without access to ports which are in the cities
"Red America". That's more apropos to the Commie Democrat-run cities, actually.

Meanwhile, rural America will be fine. You'll be starving in a week. Then you'll try to send people with guns to take food.

That won't work, either.

You're screwed.
Not really
Just look at a map

Blue areas have our ports and major transportation hubs. Where there are ports, there are oil refineries. Blue areas are also where the financial centers are.

Blue areas will have to get food from abroad. Much like japan or Hawaii does today. You will be cut off from your markets at home and abroad. Also cut off from gas.

Red states will be howling in a month. They don’t call them flyover states for nothing.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!

Good luck to you.

The banks and financial centers are in the cities. Red America will perish without the support of the cities.

Food is a commodity. It can be purchased from anywhere in the world. Your international markets are limited without access to ports which are in the cities
"Red America". That's more apropos to the Commie Democrat-run cities, actually.

Meanwhile, rural America will be fine. You'll be starving in a week. Then you'll try to send people with guns to take food.

That won't work, either.

You're screwed.
Not really
Just look at a map

Blue areas have our ports and major transportation hubs. Where there are ports, there are oil refineries. Blue areas are also where the financial centers are.

Blue areas will have to get food from abroad. Much like japan or Hawaii does today. You will be cut off from your markets at home and abroad. Also cut off from gas.

Red states will be howling in a month. They don’t call them flyover states for nothing.
We have everything we need, and what we can't get, we can make.

Once you've looted all the canned goods from the supermarkets, you can eat your sense of superiority.

You got nothin' I want or need.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
Guess we'll keep all the food we grow, then.

Good luck eating your roads.

I imagine you can try, but the population centers are your market.
Most major cities have ports and can receive food from anywhere in the world. They already do.
We'll be fine. You'll starve. But think how smug you'll be about it!

Good luck to you.

The banks and financial centers are in the cities. Red America will perish without the support of the cities.

Food is a commodity. It can be purchased from anywhere in the world. Your international markets are limited without access to ports which are in the cities
"Red America". That's more apropos to the Commie Democrat-run cities, actually.

Meanwhile, rural America will be fine. You'll be starving in a week. Then you'll try to send people with guns to take food.

That won't work, either.

You're screwed.
Not really
Just look at a map

Blue areas have our ports and major transportation hubs. Where there are ports, there are oil refineries. Blue areas are also where the financial centers are.

Blue areas will have to get food from abroad. Much like japan or Hawaii does today. You will be cut off from your markets at home and abroad. Also cut off from gas.

Red states will be howling in a month. They don’t call them flyover states for nothing.
We have everything we need, and what we can't get, we can make.

Once you've looted all the canned goods from the supermarkets, you can eat your sense of superiority.

You got nothin' I want or need.
I had to leave Manassas because 1. illegal families were having their apartments caught on fire, by MS-13 because they werent paying their protection money. 2. Public schools that in 2012 were 60% white, 30% black, the rest other races, by 2017 were 95% Latino and 5% white. All that infrastructure money that once went to roads and bridges of Virginia soon were going to illegals and their brats, all so Black Face Ralphie Northam (D) Virginia, could get his votes to be in office.
Given the jobs numbers, I imagine Republicans will unilaterally support Biden’s Infrastructure plan

We all know what that's about, red states paying for the urban shitholes that were burned down by social justice warriors. Maybe that moron Biden can sell us some 'shovel ready' jobs while he's at it.
Actually you have it backwards

The reason that rural areas have paved roads, electricity, phone, modern schools and hospitals is because they have been subsidized by urban areas.

They are not cost effective on their own
The roads are cost effective as it is more rural and easier to build. Tell me why the cities can not rip up their entire old infrastructure and put everything new in. A lot of older cities infrastructure was built a century ago or more. The cities get accusations of racism from poorer areas if the infrastructure decays a bit more then other areas. Cities can only replace a small amount each year. The can do spirit started to die after WW 2 as we started to become soft and spoiled. By the early 1970's a transition occurred with diversity, quotas, political correctness, feminism and the pill with easier divorces added. The last thread to gold clipped started our massive debt climb. We have people who call other people wusses, wimps and pussies who are wusses, wimps and pussies themselves. It is all who have the power in any fiefdom they are in.
Paved roads in rural areas needed heavy subsidies

Ten miles of road will support four or five farms and maybe 25-30 people. Not much revenue there

Ten miles of road in an urban area will support a hundred thousand people.
Once again, Dumass.

Gas taxes pay for roads. City rats don't buy gas.

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