Biden Lies About Academic Record In Angry Rant

Yes- why didn't a country that was known for corruption remove a corrupt prosecutor until it was forced to do so by pressure from the United States, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian citizen groups?

Hard to say.......

If they're all corrupted, why would they remove him? They had that power, right?

But if they're all corrupted, why to demand removal of only one guy, that happens to investigate corruption, one that got him fired. Why stop there?

Because that guy was in charge of prosecuting corruption.

Look- there are literally hundreds of articles written on what happened- if you step away from Trump's tweets and Fox News you can probably find an accurate account of what happened.

You mean hundreds excuses for cover ups?

Let's say Shokin was corrupt, and was fired for being corrupt. Did corruption in Ukraine ended with his firing? No. the only thing that ended was official investigation into Burisma by Shokin's replacement.

Unless, guy wasn't corrupt, and was investigating something that money laundering machine wanted to keep going. Like paying Biden's son millions, or like not pursuing where money from aid was gone. Hunter remained on BOD of Burisma until their guy lost the election to new president of Ukraine, Zelenski.

Sigh. Look I get you only 'know' what you have been fed from Trump's tweets and Right Wing propaganda outlets.

There was no ongoing official investigation into Burisma by Shokin.
Corruption didn't end in Ukraine by his firing- and neither did any official investigation into Burisma- since there was no ongoing investigation.

This whole story has been genned up by Shokin and right wing media to smear the Bidens. There is no there there.

You don't get anything. If Shokin himself says what he was investigating, and why he was fired, I'll give him benefit of the doubt rather than to leftist propaganda.

Investigation in Burisma was closed by Shokin's successor, months after his firing, which means it was still opened when Shokin was fired.

Well? You still believe in MSM media that Shokin was not investigating Burisma?
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Copying T-rump it seems... no biggie except on critical public policy that matters most since all elected officials lie and stretch the facts to appear best of all - better and above everyone else.

If they're all corrupted, why would they remove him? They had that power, right?

But if they're all corrupted, why to demand removal of only one guy, that happens to investigate corruption, one that got him fired. Why stop there?

Because that guy was in charge of prosecuting corruption.

Look- there are literally hundreds of articles written on what happened- if you step away from Trump's tweets and Fox News you can probably find an accurate account of what happened.

You mean hundreds excuses for cover ups?

Let's say Shokin was corrupt, and was fired for being corrupt. Did corruption in Ukraine ended with his firing? No. the only thing that ended was official investigation into Burisma by Shokin's replacement.

Unless, guy wasn't corrupt, and was investigating something that money laundering machine wanted to keep going. Like paying Biden's son millions, or like not pursuing where money from aid was gone. Hunter remained on BOD of Burisma until their guy lost the election to new president of Ukraine, Zelenski.

Sigh. Look I get you only 'know' what you have been fed from Trump's tweets and Right Wing propaganda outlets.

There was no ongoing official investigation into Burisma by Shokin.
Corruption didn't end in Ukraine by his firing- and neither did any official investigation into Burisma- since there was no ongoing investigation.

This whole story has been genned up by Shokin and right wing media to smear the Bidens. There is no there there.

You don't get anything. If Shokin himself says what he was investigating, and why he was fired, I'll give him benefit of the doubt rather than to leftist propaganda.

Investigation in Burisma was closed by Shokin's successor, months after his firing, which means it was still opened when Shokin was fired.

Well? You still believe in MSM media that Shokin was not investigating Burisma?

Hey Syriusly, is that answer coming any time soon?
Just like the fake videos on Biden

You guys don’t know when to quit.

Don't need fake. The guy's a walking gaffe machine.
Talking about Donald again?
No, this thread is about Biden. Why is it that you guys can't talk about him without bringing up Trump? I mean, it's like he can't stand on his own or something.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump.

It would seem then that you believe Biden can't stand on his own merits. Otherwise you would have substantive defense to offer for him, so naturally you have to deflect onto the caricature that is what you believe is Trump. I see this when Biden's increasing lack of cognitive awareness comes up. No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump.

It would seem then that you are just a partisan idiot. Otherwise you wouldn't make baseless accusations, so naturally you just parrot Trump and smear Biden.

No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.
Because that guy was in charge of prosecuting corruption.

Look- there are literally hundreds of articles written on what happened- if you step away from Trump's tweets and Fox News you can probably find an accurate account of what happened.

You mean hundreds excuses for cover ups?

Let's say Shokin was corrupt, and was fired for being corrupt. Did corruption in Ukraine ended with his firing? No. the only thing that ended was official investigation into Burisma by Shokin's replacement.

Unless, guy wasn't corrupt, and was investigating something that money laundering machine wanted to keep going. Like paying Biden's son millions, or like not pursuing where money from aid was gone. Hunter remained on BOD of Burisma until their guy lost the election to new president of Ukraine, Zelenski.

Sigh. Look I get you only 'know' what you have been fed from Trump's tweets and Right Wing propaganda outlets.

There was no ongoing official investigation into Burisma by Shokin.
Corruption didn't end in Ukraine by his firing- and neither did any official investigation into Burisma- since there was no ongoing investigation.

This whole story has been genned up by Shokin and right wing media to smear the Bidens. There is no there there.

You don't get anything. If Shokin himself says what he was investigating, and why he was fired, I'll give him benefit of the doubt rather than to leftist propaganda.

Investigation in Burisma was closed by Shokin's successor, months after his firing, which means it was still opened when Shokin was fired.

Well? You still believe in MSM media that Shokin was not investigating Burisma?

Hey Syriusly, is that answer coming any time soon?

Hey Americano
a) I haven't been on USMB in days and
b) I have no idea what answer you think I owe you. You haven't actually provided any evidence of literally anything you have claimed.
Let's not compare Biden's academic record with Trump, who even lies about the weather. A professor at the Wharton undergraduate school said that Trump was the dumbest student he ever taught in 30 years as a professor. So what is your point?

Does professor have a name, or he wishes to remain anonymous?

Former Wharton Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G ... › News & Politics

Oct 13, 2017 - ... Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G*ddamn Student I Ever Had' ... T. Kelley taught marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance, ...

Fake news.

Let's say he does remember him after 50 years. Does anyone remembers Barry from his time in college, professor or student? Anyone?

Obama was the editor of the Harvard law review and I am sure he is remembered by many.

How is it no one seems to want to remember him?

How is that you believe such idiocy?

Really- how? It can't be that you have actually typed in 'Obama classmates Harvard law"- because that would instantly show you what an idiotic claim that is.

So the question is- did you make that claim out of sheer ignorance of how to use Google? Or because you just are completely willing to lie about Obama?
Biden is witty and likable.

Something Trump has never mastered
Biden has several faces in addition to his Alzheimer's schpiel to get his corruption conduct obfuscated while he mimes inanities that cause people to claim he has diminished capacity, which will come in handy when he is indicted. But not to worry, RW, you helped.

Good to know that in addition to Trumpsters being racist and misogynists- they are also ageists in smearing Democrats.

No surprise there.

Considering the incoherant ramblings that Trump says literally everyday- and you are worried about Biden?
Consider this word salad

“We want to terminate Obamacare because it’s bad. Look, we’re running it really well, but we know it’s defective. It’s very defective. We got rid of the worst part. And that was a very important thing. You know getting rid of the individual mandate was a very important thing. But we want to get something — if we can get the House, you’ll have the best health care and health insurance anywhere on the planet. But we have to get the House back. Now, that means we have to hold the Senate. We have to get the House. We have to, obviously, keep the White House. But, what we’re doing is managing it really well. Now, it’s a case; it’s called Texas vs. — you understand — it’s Texas who is suing. They want to terminate it. But everybody there is also saying, and everybody — we have our great senator from Pennsylvania. Thank you very much, Pat, for being here. And Pat Toomey. And — but, very important — and our — by the way, our great congressmen, I have to say, they were warriors. Right? Real warriors, in terms of the fake impeachment. I will tell you that. But, so Texas is trying — and it’s Texas and many states — they’re trying to terminate, but they want to put something that’s much better. They’re terminating it to put much better. And they’ve all pledged that pre-existing conditions, 100 percent taken care of.”
The tales you Democrats told never fit. And it resulted in an innocent President Trump being acquitted of your false narratives, false charges, and outright lies complete with nasty name calling. In the process, you woke up the sleeping Giant that the American public is, and they're directly mad at the Democrats who lied, corrupted FBI officials, got people they hated killed, and President Obama's May, 2016 memo to impeach Trump if he won (they already knew the American people didn't like Hillary much), they would impeach the pie out of him. After three years of that, you made the American people really unhappy with the Democrat Socialist/communist organization. And you're going to lose big time come November.

The trouble with shouting "wolf" many times when there is no wolf is that people start ignoring you. Then, on voting day, the vote for the people you lied about.

How unfortunate you consider the sleeping giant stupid. He's going to vote you Democrats out.

I look forward to election day as much as you do.

After 3 years of the Trump- the boy that would be King- the American public is fed up with both his ineptness and his moral corruption.

Your Dear Leader has for 3 years spun lie after lie to the American people, while indulging in childish bullying of anyone he disagrees with- and the Grand Old Party has been reduced to nothing more than the Trump Party of suckups- as every Republican is terrified that your Dear Leader will attack them if they dare disagree with any of his lies or attacks.

The sleeping giant has been awoken by your Fascist boy king- and the American public is going to be voting you Trumpkins out of office.

Nice fantasy. You better stock up on tissues and butt hurt cream. You’re going to need them. After 3 years of Dim lies and stupidity, Republicans will retake the House, keep the Senate and Trump is re-elected. Dims nationwide flood cities with their tears.

LOL- we will see in November won't we?

After 3 years of Trump lies and stupidity- and 3 years of gullible Trumpkins believing every lie he utters.

Lets try this one- kind of a current event:

You know; corona virus:

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control.”

Feb. 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."
Don't need fake. The guy's a walking gaffe machine.
Talking about Donald again?
No, this thread is about Biden. Why is it that you guys can't talk about him without bringing up Trump? I mean, it's like he can't stand on his own or something.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump.

It would seem then that you believe Biden can't stand on his own merits. Otherwise you would have substantive defense to offer for him, so naturally you have to deflect onto the caricature that is what you believe is Trump. I see this when Biden's increasing lack of cognitive awareness comes up. No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump.

It would seem then that you are just a partisan idiot. Otherwise you wouldn't make baseless accusations, so naturally you just parrot Trump and smear Biden.

No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.

If you want us to think Biden is brilliant, show us examples of his brilliance. If you want us to think he has integrity, show us where. As it is, you’re making it obvious that you believe the only way you can make him look good is to try to find something that you think looks worse and compare. When I go for a job interview, I talk about me, my qualifications, my experience. If I start saying stuff like, "You should hire me because that last guy who was in here wears white after Labor Day", I'm not doing myself any favors. You're not doing Biden any favors.
You mean hundreds excuses for cover ups?

Let's say Shokin was corrupt, and was fired for being corrupt. Did corruption in Ukraine ended with his firing? No. the only thing that ended was official investigation into Burisma by Shokin's replacement.

Unless, guy wasn't corrupt, and was investigating something that money laundering machine wanted to keep going. Like paying Biden's son millions, or like not pursuing where money from aid was gone. Hunter remained on BOD of Burisma until their guy lost the election to new president of Ukraine, Zelenski.

Sigh. Look I get you only 'know' what you have been fed from Trump's tweets and Right Wing propaganda outlets.

There was no ongoing official investigation into Burisma by Shokin.
Corruption didn't end in Ukraine by his firing- and neither did any official investigation into Burisma- since there was no ongoing investigation.

This whole story has been genned up by Shokin and right wing media to smear the Bidens. There is no there there.

You don't get anything. If Shokin himself says what he was investigating, and why he was fired, I'll give him benefit of the doubt rather than to leftist propaganda.

Investigation in Burisma was closed by Shokin's successor, months after his firing, which means it was still opened when Shokin was fired.

Well? You still believe in MSM media that Shokin was not investigating Burisma?

Hey Syriusly, is that answer coming any time soon?

Hey Americano
a) I haven't been on USMB in days and
b) I have no idea what answer you think I owe you. You haven't actually provided any evidence of literally anything you have claimed.

You said there was no open investigation into Biden when Shokin was fired on Biden's request, which is a lie spewed by leftist media. Ukrainian papers says otherwise, there was an investigation, and it was closed some six months after Shokin was fired.
Sigh. Look I get you only 'know' what you have been fed from Trump's tweets and Right Wing propaganda outlets.

There was no ongoing official investigation into Burisma by Shokin.
Corruption didn't end in Ukraine by his firing- and neither did any official investigation into Burisma- since there was no ongoing investigation.

This whole story has been genned up by Shokin and right wing media to smear the Bidens. There is no there there.

You don't get anything. If Shokin himself says what he was investigating, and why he was fired, I'll give him benefit of the doubt rather than to leftist propaganda.

Investigation in Burisma was closed by Shokin's successor, months after his firing, which means it was still opened when Shokin was fired.

Well? You still believe in MSM media that Shokin was not investigating Burisma?

Hey Syriusly, is that answer coming any time soon?

Hey Americano
a) I haven't been on USMB in days and
b) I have no idea what answer you think I owe you. You haven't actually provided any evidence of literally anything you have claimed.

You said there was no open investigation into Biden when Shokin was fired on Biden's request, which is a lie spewed by leftist media. Ukrainian papers says otherwise, there was an investigation, and it was closed some six months after Shokin was fired.

You just keep spewing the lies told to you by right wing media.

But tell us more about your amazing Ukrainian reading skills.
Talking about Donald again?
No, this thread is about Biden. Why is it that you guys can't talk about him without bringing up Trump? I mean, it's like he can't stand on his own or something.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump.

It would seem then that you believe Biden can't stand on his own merits. Otherwise you would have substantive defense to offer for him, so naturally you have to deflect onto the caricature that is what you believe is Trump. I see this when Biden's increasing lack of cognitive awareness comes up. No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump.

It would seem then that you are just a partisan idiot. Otherwise you wouldn't make baseless accusations, so naturally you just parrot Trump and smear Biden.

No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.

If you want us to think Biden is brilliant, show us examples of his brilliance. If you want us to think he has integrity, show us where. As it is, you’re making it obvious that you believe the only way you can make him look good is to try to find something that you think looks worse and compare. When I go for a job interview, I talk about me, my qualifications, my experience. If I start saying stuff like, "You should hire me because that last guy who was in here wears white after Labor Day", I'm not doing myself any favors. You're not doing Biden any favors.

This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

I don't claim that Joe Biden is brilliant- neither does Joe. But he is competent, and he is knowledgeable- with years of legislative experience in the Senate and 8 years in the Obama administration.

Here is the thing- this isn't a job interview- it is a political contest between Joe Biden(he is getting the nomination) and Donald Trump.

So yes- I will continue to compare Joe Biden to Donald Trump each and every time- because Joe Biden is a better human being than Donald Trump.

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.
No, this thread is about Biden. Why is it that you guys can't talk about him without bringing up Trump? I mean, it's like he can't stand on his own or something.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump.

It would seem then that you believe Biden can't stand on his own merits. Otherwise you would have substantive defense to offer for him, so naturally you have to deflect onto the caricature that is what you believe is Trump. I see this when Biden's increasing lack of cognitive awareness comes up. No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump.

It would seem then that you are just a partisan idiot. Otherwise you wouldn't make baseless accusations, so naturally you just parrot Trump and smear Biden.

No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.

If you want us to think Biden is brilliant, show us examples of his brilliance. If you want us to think he has integrity, show us where. As it is, you’re making it obvious that you believe the only way you can make him look good is to try to find something that you think looks worse and compare. When I go for a job interview, I talk about me, my qualifications, my experience. If I start saying stuff like, "You should hire me because that last guy who was in here wears white after Labor Day", I'm not doing myself any favors. You're not doing Biden any favors.

This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

I don't claim that Joe Biden is brilliant- neither does Joe. But he is competent, and he is knowledgeable- with years of legislative experience in the Senate and 8 years in the Obama administration.

Here is the thing- this isn't a job interview- it is a political contest between Joe Biden(he is getting the nomination) and Donald Trump.

So yes- I will continue to compare Joe Biden to Donald Trump each and every time- because Joe Biden is a better human being than Donald Trump.

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.
He apologized for lying, but only after he was caught and confronted with it? Not terribly strong on the integrity front there, since true integrity would have been to not lie at all, but a little bit.

Then we will have to just leave it at this - you are unable to mount a defense for or promotion of Joe Biden that does not involve Trump. That's not a good reason to vote for someone. You say he is competent, show us what he's done that reflects that. You say he's knowledgeable, show us where he demonstrated his knowledge. I notice that in your entire post, you mention very little about Biden while the rest is about Trump. Very telling that you talk a lot more about Trump than about Biden. And yes, this IS a job interview, because the winner is going to work for me, and needs to remember that.

So go ahead, start a thread about Trump if you want. Heck, start one on how awesome Joe Biden is. Why haven't you done that? In fact, I don't see hardly any threads devoted to how awesome Joe Biden is, how good a president he would make, how great the country would do if he were elected. Ever wonder why that is? I don't, and I'll be glad to tell you. It's because he's not awesome, he's not inspiring, no one is excited to vote for him, and he doesn't have a track record that inspires confidence in his leadership. Convince me otherwise.
You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump.

It would seem then that you believe Biden can't stand on his own merits. Otherwise you would have substantive defense to offer for him, so naturally you have to deflect onto the caricature that is what you believe is Trump. I see this when Biden's increasing lack of cognitive awareness comes up. No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump.

It would seem then that you are just a partisan idiot. Otherwise you wouldn't make baseless accusations, so naturally you just parrot Trump and smear Biden.

No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.

If you want us to think Biden is brilliant, show us examples of his brilliance. If you want us to think he has integrity, show us where. As it is, you’re making it obvious that you believe the only way you can make him look good is to try to find something that you think looks worse and compare. When I go for a job interview, I talk about me, my qualifications, my experience. If I start saying stuff like, "You should hire me because that last guy who was in here wears white after Labor Day", I'm not doing myself any favors. You're not doing Biden any favors.

This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

I don't claim that Joe Biden is brilliant- neither does Joe. But he is competent, and he is knowledgeable- with years of legislative experience in the Senate and 8 years in the Obama administration.

Here is the thing- this isn't a job interview- it is a political contest between Joe Biden(he is getting the nomination) and Donald Trump.

So yes- I will continue to compare Joe Biden to Donald Trump each and every time- because Joe Biden is a better human being than Donald Trump.

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.
He apologized for lying, but only after he was caught and confronted with it? Not terribly strong on the integrity front there, since true integrity would have been to not lie at all, but a little bit.

Then we will have to just leave it at this - you are unable to mount a defense for or promotion of Joe Biden that does not involve Trump. That's not a good reason to vote for someone. You say he is competent, show us what he's done that reflects that. You say he's knowledgeable, show us where he demonstrated his knowledge. I notice that in your entire post, you mention very little about Biden while the rest is about Trump. Very telling that you talk a lot more about Trump than about Biden. And yes, this IS a job interview, because the winner is going to work for me, and needs to remember that.

So go ahead, start a thread about Trump if you want. Heck, start one on how awesome Joe Biden is. Why haven't you done that? In fact, I don't see hardly any threads devoted to how awesome Joe Biden is, how good a president he would make, how great the country would do if he were elected. Ever wonder why that is? I don't, and I'll be glad to tell you. It's because he's not awesome, he's not inspiring, no one is excited to vote for him, and he doesn't have a track record that inspires confidence in his leadership. Convince me otherwise.

Biden has intelligence, integrity , experience, and the compassion to be a very good President.

It is that simple...
This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

Pointing out the fact that Joe lied about how smart he is / was, in light of the fact that he just recently declared he was smarter than someone who spoke up at one of his rallies (a claim that is highly dubious), is not an 'attack'. Pointing out that Joe is a dementia-suffering confessed extorter is not an 'attack'. It's addressing reality.
It would seem then that you believe Biden can't stand on his own merits. Otherwise you would have substantive defense to offer for him, so naturally you have to deflect onto the caricature that is what you believe is Trump. I see this when Biden's increasing lack of cognitive awareness comes up. No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump.

It would seem then that you are just a partisan idiot. Otherwise you wouldn't make baseless accusations, so naturally you just parrot Trump and smear Biden.

No one offers incidents of him displaying an impressive memory, outstanding intellect, or an ability to hold a lengthy conversation on policy. They merely rant on about a straw man they have built they named Trump. Convince me otherwise, if you can offer a defense for Biden that doesn't involve Trump

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.

If you want us to think Biden is brilliant, show us examples of his brilliance. If you want us to think he has integrity, show us where. As it is, you’re making it obvious that you believe the only way you can make him look good is to try to find something that you think looks worse and compare. When I go for a job interview, I talk about me, my qualifications, my experience. If I start saying stuff like, "You should hire me because that last guy who was in here wears white after Labor Day", I'm not doing myself any favors. You're not doing Biden any favors.

This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

I don't claim that Joe Biden is brilliant- neither does Joe. But he is competent, and he is knowledgeable- with years of legislative experience in the Senate and 8 years in the Obama administration.

Here is the thing- this isn't a job interview- it is a political contest between Joe Biden(he is getting the nomination) and Donald Trump.

So yes- I will continue to compare Joe Biden to Donald Trump each and every time- because Joe Biden is a better human being than Donald Trump.

See here is the thing- you haven't provided any actual evidence of any problem with Biden that is not shown in a more extreme form by Trump everyday.

You want this thread to be nothing but an attack on Biden- because as you know- Trump suffers in any direct comparison.

You attack Biden for a lie he made 30 years ago- a lie he acknowledged and apologized for- 30 years ago.
Meanwhile you hand wave the daily lies Donald Trump makes.

You attack Joe Biden for his verbal gaffes, while hand waving away Donald Trump's daily gaffes- like how in his reassurance to the nation yesterday he told America that goods from Europe would stop coming in- which of course was wrong and 'corrected' by his staff later.

You attack Joe Biden for being too handsy when he hugs women- while hand waving away Donald Trump's own admission that he 'grabs women by the pussy'

You smear Joe Biden for Ukraine- despite absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing- while hand waving away Donald Trump making a secret call to Ukraine asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Yes- I will continue to compare Biden to Trump every time you attack him- because by any measure- he is more honest, more decent, has better family values than Donald Trump

If I were to start a thread on Trump, repeating ad nauseam the examples of his verbal gaffes, his lapses in memory, and of course his just outright lies- you would handwave all of them away. You want to propose a vastly different standard for Joe Biden than you hold your Dear Leader to.

Mostly, its just plain partisanship using ageism as a dog whistle.
He apologized for lying, but only after he was caught and confronted with it? Not terribly strong on the integrity front there, since true integrity would have been to not lie at all, but a little bit.

Then we will have to just leave it at this - you are unable to mount a defense for or promotion of Joe Biden that does not involve Trump. That's not a good reason to vote for someone. You say he is competent, show us what he's done that reflects that. You say he's knowledgeable, show us where he demonstrated his knowledge. I notice that in your entire post, you mention very little about Biden while the rest is about Trump. Very telling that you talk a lot more about Trump than about Biden. And yes, this IS a job interview, because the winner is going to work for me, and needs to remember that.

So go ahead, start a thread about Trump if you want. Heck, start one on how awesome Joe Biden is. Why haven't you done that? In fact, I don't see hardly any threads devoted to how awesome Joe Biden is, how good a president he would make, how great the country would do if he were elected. Ever wonder why that is? I don't, and I'll be glad to tell you. It's because he's not awesome, he's not inspiring, no one is excited to vote for him, and he doesn't have a track record that inspires confidence in his leadership. Convince me otherwise.

Biden has intelligence, integrity , experience, and the compassion to be a very good President.

It is that simple...
How do you know that, is the question.
This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

Pointing out the fact that Joe lied about how smart he is / was, in light of the fact that he just recently declared he was smarter than someone who spoke up at one of his rallies (a claim that is highly dubious), is not an 'attack'. Pointing out that Joe is a dementia-suffering confessed extorter is not an 'attack'. It's addressing reality.

It was 30 years ago... If that is the best you got, then you have got nothing...

This just shows how far you have to go back to find a blemish in his character...

Thanks showing us why Biden is such a great candidate and will make a Great President...
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter

Biden is smart, he has a big brain, he has a Yuge IQ and would be the smartest president ever elected.
C’mon, take a hit and pass it.

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