Biden says illegals breaking into our country are a “gift” to us

What part of "on average" do you not understand? What part of "larger" do you not understand?
As I recall, you intentionally worked minimal hours so that your six kids could qualify for welfare, and other people could support them. Considering we have Americans to support, including the kids of those who COULD support them by choose not to, how are we supposed to fork over money to provide for millions of illegals on top of that?
You, among others throw that word "treason" around but apparently do not know the legal definition. Read your Constitution.
He is in violation of his oath - he is not protecting this country from enemies. And yes, people who break into our country in violation of the law, and expect Americans to feed and educate their children, are enemies.
George Borjas , the nation's leading immigration economist
I'm sure he shows no bias stud. :rolleyes-41:

Not to mention your "Center for Immigration Studies" Sheesh dude :auiqs.jpg:
Wow, like you swallowed that bait hook, line, and sinker. See, here is the thing, you can't automatically proclaim a bias of a news source just because they say something you don't like. First, George Borjas, hell, I even warned you and you still took the bait like a rank amateur.

George Borjas argues that a protectionist approach towards immigration would be good for American workers. Economists almost universally disagree.

And then the Center for Immigration Studies. See, an informed person in regards to the issue of immigration would recognize the name immediately.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an anti-immigration think tank and a SPLC designated hate group. It favors far lower immigration numbers, and produces analyses to further those views.

An anti-immigrant hate group. LMAO

He is spot on. They are a gift.

George Borjas , the nation's leading immigration economist estimates that the presence of immigrant workers (legal and illegal) in the labor market makes the U.S. economy (GDP) an estimated 11 percent larger ($1.6 trillion) each year.

Eleven percent of the US GDP comes from the production of legal and undocumented immigrants. Which means those immigrants contribute more in one year to GDP growth than Trump did in four. And note, that is George Borjas making the claim, a strong opponent of immigration.

Although many are concerned that immigrants compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and incomes of Americans.

What Immigration Means For U.S. Employment and Wages | The Hamilton Project

Higher GDP, higher incomes and increased opportunities for citizens. Pretty nice gift.
Maybe that's true but they also send much of it home while packing like sardines in housing here.
They also are very quick to take advantage of any type of handout they can get.
Many will get help with food & rent while sending a good portion of their illegal incomes home to family.

He is in violation of his oath - he is not protecting this country from enemies. And yes, people who break into our country in violation of the law, and expect Americans to feed and educate their children, are enemies.

Stop thinking with your heart and use your brain, lest you slip into the Dark Side of liberalism. We are not currently at war, so we have no enemies.

He is in violation of his oath, and needs to be impeached. Democrats will not let that happen.

After the midterms, Kamala and the Cabinet will threaten him with the 25th, and he will resign.
Wow, like you swallowed that bait hook, line, and sinker. See, here is the thing, you can't automatically proclaim a bias of a news source just because they say something you don't like. First, George Borjas, hell, I even warned you and you still took the bait like a rank amateur.

George Borjas argues that a protectionist approach towards immigration would be good for American workers. Economists almost universally disagree.

And then the Center for Immigration Studies. See, an informed person in regards to the issue of immigration would recognize the name immediately.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an anti-immigration think tank and a SPLC designated hate group. It favors far lower immigration numbers, and produces analyses to further those views.

An anti-immigrant hate group. LMAO
And yet you used it? :eusa_whistle:
I was using YOUR WORDS, and wasn't PLAYING YOUR GAME
After factoring in the taxes they pay, they drain of us $116 billion a year.

From your link,

One of the major drivers of the increasing costs is the 4.2 million children of migrants, who automatically become American citizens.

So all those costs they are listing, the vast majority, in fact all of them, are for the education and care of those CITIZEN children. Illegal immigrants cannot get food stamps or Medicaid. But their children, who are US citizens, can. The study mentioned comes from the Center for Immigration Studies. They classify all spending in a "household" with an illegal immigrant as spending on illegal immigrants, failing to take into account the children who are legal citizens.
Stop thinking with your heart and use your brain, lest you slip into the Dark Side of liberalism. We are not currently at war, so we have no enemies.

He is in violation of his oath, and needs to be impeached. Democrats will not let that happen.

After the midterms, Kamala and the Cabinet will threaten him with the 25th, and he will resign.
Then we have Chuckles, and she will need to be 25th pronto as well. I don’t see how Congress will go for it, and we’ll be stuck with the Affirmative Action candidate. But as long as we have the House, we can stop the damage.
He is spot on. They are a gift.

George Borjas , the nation's leading immigration economist estimates that the presence of immigrant workers (legal and illegal) in the labor market makes the U.S. economy (GDP) an estimated 11 percent larger ($1.6 trillion) each year.

Eleven percent of the US GDP comes from the production of legal and undocumented immigrants. Which means those immigrants contribute more in one year to GDP growth than Trump did in four. And note, that is George Borjas making the claim, a strong opponent of immigration.

Although many are concerned that immigrants compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and incomes of Americans.

What Immigration Means For U.S. Employment and Wages | The Hamilton Project

Higher GDP, higher incomes and increased opportunities for citizens. Pretty nice gift.

If they're such a gift why is the Mayor of DC bitching about her own immigrants?
Immigration will be the downfall of America.

As planned.
Anyone who thinks the European flood from muslim countries and the flood of beaners in America is a coincidence is a complete idiot.
This is designed to bring down the western world and replace them with idiots who are easier to control.
Same as legalizing hard drugs,a stoned and compliant population is easier to control.
Of course, he doesn’t call them “illegals” - he refers to them as “undocumented immigrants,” and then he goes on to tell us what a wonderful gift they are to us.

The Democrat Party treats Anglos as their opposition.
They have been bragging about displacing white voters with illegal aliens for decades.
The Democrat Party is racist.
Then we have Chuckles, and she will need to be 25th pronto as well. I don’t see how Congress will go for it, and we’ll be stuck with the Affirmative Action candidate. But as long as we have the House, we can stop the damage.
Congress has no real say in the matter, unless Biden contests his removal.. Educate yourself on the 25th Amendment please.
Of course, he doesn’t call them “illegals” - he refers to them as “undocumented immigrants,” and then he goes on to tell us what a wonderful gift they are to us.

What a sick, criminal fuck.
Of course, he doesn’t call them “illegals” - he refers to them as “undocumented immigrants,” and then he goes on to tell us what a wonderful gift they are to us.

Violating his oath of office
I guess Biden is waiting for a thank you note from the families of those who died from Fentanyl, courtesy of the illegals. Such a gift!

I know your propagandists feature regular episodes of Mud People Behaving Badly. It's all part of the Confirmation Bias programming.


Undocumented immigrants far less likely to commit crimes in U.S. than citizens

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime

From the Cato Institute. Not exactly a bastion of left wing commies:



Unauthorized immigrants are overwhelmingly law-abiding. But it won’t stop Trump.

Multiple studies have shown that immigrants generally commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans. New data — the most comprehensive to date — suggest there is also no correlation between illegal immigrants and higher crime rates. Notwithstanding the president’s inflammatory rhetoric, most undocumented immigrants are law-abiding, which may help explain the growing percentage of those picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who have no crime on their records.
The new data come from studies undertaken by the Pew Research Center and the Marshall Project, both nonpartisan outfits. Crunching the numbers, Pew broke down changes in the number of unauthorized immigrants in each of some 180 metropolitan areas in the decade that ended in 2016. Using those figures and places, the Marshall Project compared them with local rates of violent and property crime from the Uniform Crime Reporting program, published by the FBI.

The results showed that crime declined in the large majority of those metro areas, as it has for more than 20 years throughout the United States generally, whether the number of undocumented migrants increased or decreased in a particular place.

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