Biden's Gestapo Pawed Through Melania's Wardrobe and Left it a Mess

I am sure that Trump, in hindsight, now wishes he would have truly emptied the swamp while he had the power to do so. All the little ankle biters are coming in for a chunk now it seems.
They can nibble but the only entity that could actually bring him down would be SCOTUS. If they voted to confirm that he had committed Treason against the U.S., as per the Constitution, then we will know America has fallen.
Is Melania going to throw everything away or send to cleaners thinking it might have got pawed through or sniffed by those goons?
You dopes bought all of it.

"Send me money so I can SAVE AMERICA"

Dopes send money.

"Here's another diamond bracelet and designer dress, Melania - this buys me another 3 months of you not filing for divorce"
I don't Jill the enabler will have to worry. When their house gets raided. Come next year.
They'd never get that order from the AG or Biden so it isn't going to happen, BUT... all of these agents involved in this detail can be subpoenaed and forced to testify. None of these criminal bosses will face justice but if the Republicans refuse to even use their power to fully expose the truth of what these thugs did, then they need to sent packing as well.
Yea I guess we better check that underwear drawer for all those nuclear secrets!

First reported by NY Post.

Trump is not president.
It's just the place where Trump would try to hide something. Did they find the phone number of the Secret Service agent she was fucking?
So you think, but you're not exactly a broad thinker. If I wanted to hide documents from the FBI, it would be in another country in a hidden safe on a property I don't even own. Retard. I could go deeper with that, but your tiny brain might explode.
Since Sandy Berger walked out with documents in his sox and pants Melina might have done the same.....oh pardon me Berger worked for Clinton so that makes it okay.
Sandy paid a fifty thousand dollar fine for it.
You dopes bought all of it.
Uh huh... TICK... TOCK... 89 days until the people get their say. Until then, no patriots are going to give your FBI thugs another free chance to frame them for violence. Even that fat slob Conway was trying to push buttons on the tempers flaring on the Right. Nope, not gonna oblige you scum again. It's 89 days and the ad campaigns are writing themselves.
He should be.

If his Election had not been stolen from Americans and from him, the way it was stolen by the demonRats!:mad-61:
Your alternate universe is noted but in this one you must have proof.
The FBI has a sordid history of violating people's rights and blackmailing perceived political enemies and senior officials who attempt to curtail their mischief. This seems like an extension of exactly that pattern.

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