Big tax cut . Now on to infrastructure! Where are the $ coming from.

Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?

At least for the foreseeable future, it looks like fuel prices will remain reasonable for a long time, so I would have no problem paying an extra five cents a gallon on gasoline and diesel.
There is no reason for that. The simple solution is to pass legislation that the federal motor fuels taxes on gas and diesel CANNOT be used for anything except their intended purpose. No more raiding the highway funds

I don't know that they are being raided. Any links to that?
Big trucks wreak havoc on roads. WE are not even close to keeping up with the damage. Infrastructure will create alot of high paying jobs as well. I know a few road construction guys making 50 dollars per hour. That is decent pay. Two don't have to work in December or January.
Big trucks wreak havoc on roads. WE are not even close to keeping up with the damage. Infrastructure will create alot of high paying jobs as well. I know a few road construction guys making 50 dollars per hour. That is decent pay. Two don't have to work in December or January.

Yes, we do cause road wear and tear, but we also pay a lot into road taxes for it.
I hope this will be the strategy of the Democratic Party going forward. Bitching about the fiscal and the answer will be "So now you care about government spending".
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We will just go further into debt.

It is all good though, debt does not matter right now for some reason.

It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?

During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
I hope this will be the strategy of the Democratic Party going forward. Bitching about the fiscal and the answer will be "So now you care about government spending".

How is that any different than asking you right wing partisan hacks "why do you not care about spending anymore?"

We will just go further into debt.

It is all good though, debt does not matter right now for some reason.

It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?

During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
Only the right wing never gets it; we should be trying to balance the budget instead of merely spending and financing tax cuts that add to the Peoples' debt.

Massive budget surpluses is what tax cuts should be doing, not all political right wing talk, and no political-economic action.
Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
slash the budgets of liberal projects...we can start with the EPA, that should pay for the infrastructure project alone...and then one by one the money sucking dominoes will fall and we can gauge the effectiveness of these budget cuts by the ridiculousness of the "chicken little" screams coming out of our media sources and repeated ad nauseam in places like this.
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
You sell the country off to foreign investors. It's so simple. After all, America doesn't belong to the middle class and the poor. It's owned by the super rich. Republicans call that a "job will done".
You sell the country off to foreign investors. It's so simple. After all, America doesn't belong to the middle class and the poor. It's owned by the super rich. Republicans call that a "job will done".
I remember that approach, but it is so 80's, you know when Reagan was destroying the American economy and was selling America to Japan to pay for his tax cuts...memeber dat? I do.
What paid for all the shovel ready jobs of 2009, oh, that never materialized yet billions was spent?

We will just go further into debt.

It is all good though, debt does not matter right now for some reason.

It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?

During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
Only the right wing never gets it; we should be trying to balance the budget instead of merely spending and financing tax cuts that add to the Peoples' debt.

Massive budget surpluses is what tax cuts should be doing, not all political right wing talk, and no political-economic action.

The right wing cares no more about small government, less debt or less spending than the left wing.
Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
slash the budgets of liberal projects...we can start with the EPA, that should pay for the infrastructure project alone...and then one by one the money sucking dominoes will fall and we can gauge the effectiveness of these budget cuts by the ridiculousness of the "chicken little" screams coming out of our media sources and repeated ad nauseam in places like this.
lol. only right wingers have nothing but repeal or even worse solutions.

why not end the drug war, it is not in the republican doctrine and affects, Individuals.

We will just go further into debt.

It is all good though, debt does not matter right now for some reason.

It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?

During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
Only the right wing never gets it; we should be trying to balance the budget instead of merely spending and financing tax cuts that add to the Peoples' debt.

Massive budget surpluses is what tax cuts should be doing, not all political right wing talk, and no political-economic action.

The right wing cares no more about small government, less debt or less spending than the left wing.
The left wing tried to balance the budget; the right wing only wants the rich to get richer faster.

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