Big tax cut . Now on to infrastructure! Where are the $ coming from.


We will just go further into debt.

It is all good though, debt does not matter right now for some reason.

It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?

During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
Only the right wing never gets it; we should be trying to balance the budget instead of merely spending and financing tax cuts that add to the Peoples' debt.

Massive budget surpluses is what tax cuts should be doing, not all political right wing talk, and no political-economic action.

The right wing cares no more about small government, less debt or less spending than the left wing.
The left wing tried to balance the budget; the right wing only wants the rich to get richer faster.

Nobody has tried to balance the budget since Calvin Coolidge, the last president that stood for smaller government and more personal freedoms.
why not end the drug war, it is not in the republican doctrine and affects, Individuals.
I agree, but my agreement has nothing to do with cost, even if we were profiting from it I would want it ended...I'm not a republican, just steadfastly opposed to the cancer in my party known as political correctness and I side with anyone who would like to see it destroyed
It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?

During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
Only the right wing never gets it; we should be trying to balance the budget instead of merely spending and financing tax cuts that add to the Peoples' debt.

Massive budget surpluses is what tax cuts should be doing, not all political right wing talk, and no political-economic action.

The right wing cares no more about small government, less debt or less spending than the left wing.
The left wing tried to balance the budget; the right wing only wants the rich to get richer faster.

Nobody has tried to balance the budget since Calvin Coolidge, the last president that stood for smaller government and more personal freedoms.
Nobody on the left takes the right wing seriously about economics, why should anyone else.

Why did a former Ivy League, MBA give refunds if we had no budget surplus.
During Bush II it mattered to the left wing partisan hacks, during Obama it mattered to the right wing partisan hacks and now again it matters to the left wing partisan hacks.

I really hate partisan hacks
Only the right wing never gets it; we should be trying to balance the budget instead of merely spending and financing tax cuts that add to the Peoples' debt.

Massive budget surpluses is what tax cuts should be doing, not all political right wing talk, and no political-economic action.

The right wing cares no more about small government, less debt or less spending than the left wing.
The left wing tried to balance the budget; the right wing only wants the rich to get richer faster.

Nobody has tried to balance the budget since Calvin Coolidge, the last president that stood for smaller government and more personal freedoms.
Nobody on the left takes the right wing seriously about economics, why should anyone else.

Why did a former Ivy League, MBA give refunds if we had no budget surplus.

Wrong. Both parties hate this country to the core.
why not end the drug war, it is not in the republican doctrine and affects, Individuals.
I agree, but my agreement has nothing to do with cost, even if we were profiting from it I would want it ended...I'm not a republican, just steadfastly opposed to the cancer in my party known as political correctness and I side with anyone who would like to see it destroyed
The right wing currently has a majority in Congress; they were able to help the already rich, get even richer via public policy, and put it on the Peoples' (debt) tab.

Yet, they cannot muster enough, "nothing but repeal" to end that extra-doctrinal, public policy.

We will just go further into debt.

It is all good though, debt does not matter right now for some reason.

It didn't matter during W and O. Why should it matter now?
lol. only the right wing never gets it.

y'all claim to be for small government. that must include, small government debt.

Wrong. Both parties hate america. If you don't notice this, you're ignorant and have your head stuck blissfully in the sand.
The only infrastructure we need is THE WALL.

Talk about a useless waste of money.

You want to improve immigration add more immigration courts , lawyers , and agents .

Why would a wall be a waste of money?

There are better and cheaper ways to control the border. Also, according to Trump border crossing are down 78% in just the last year without the wall and with very little added resources to the border.

I think drugs are a huge problem. Currently we lose more than 50,000 Americans from overdoses because of drugs. It's at record proportions in cities and counties across the country. That's not to mention how many were saved from OD"s.

It seems like this stuff is everywhere and it's coming from somewhere.

Yeah . From Big Pharma who turned everyone into pull heads . Who then do heroine because it’s cheaper .
The only infrastructure we need is THE WALL.

Talk about a useless waste of money.

You want to improve immigration add more immigration courts , lawyers , and agents .

Why would a wall be a waste of money?

Because it doesn’t solve the problem . We need more immigration courts so we can speed up deportation.

And 40% of illegals come in legally . Even a perfect wall does nothing for that .
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
SS and medicare,
Where it was always supposed to come from
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
Make companies bid for it! Private companies give the winners a tax break...they pay for it we give them tax break. Plus it puts people to work which equals MORE money going back into the economy.It all equals out.

Nothing like competition.
The only cable you can get in some cities is Comcast.
I remember when my Comcast bill was $10 and comp was going to drive it down????
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
SS and medicare,
Where it was always supposed to come from
Anyone voting to cut either won't be in office the next time they're up for election
The only infrastructure we need is THE WALL.

Talk about a useless waste of money.

You want to improve immigration add more immigration courts , lawyers , and agents .

Why would a wall be a waste of money?

Because it doesn’t solve the problem . We need more immigration courts so we can speed up deportation.

And 40% of illegals come in legally . Even a perfect wall does nothing for that .

Well it will stop 60% of them and hopefully the drug flow into this country.

That agency said that from Feb. 1 to July 31, judges issued 73,127 final immigration decisions, an increase of 14.5 percent over the same period in 2016.

Of those decisions, 49,983 were deportation orders, an increase of nearly 28 percent from the same period in 2016. The rest were orders to leave the United States voluntarily, a process by which immigrants generally face fewer barriers if they wish to apply to return to the United States in the future.

Federal officials attributed the increase in case completions to Trump’s Jan. 25 executive order dispatching more than 100 immigration judges to immigration jails across the country. More than 90 percent of cases heard in jails have led to orders to leave the United States. The department has also hired 54 new judges to work in immigration courts since Trump took office. More are being hired every month.

Deportation orders up under Trump, fewer prevail in immigration court
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
Tax the Rich; we need the finest Infrastructure money can buy!

If we do this we'll have the monies.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You are an unparalleled idiot. Congrats!

How does giving corporate America AND middle class workers exactly what the want make me 'an unparalleled idiot?'
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
Tax the Rich; we need the finest Infrastructure money can buy!

If we do this we'll have the monies.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You are an unparalleled idiot. Congrats!

How does giving corporate America AND middle class workers exactly what the want make me 'an unparalleled idiot?'
Gave middle class workers what they want ?? SQUAT is what they want while dump and friends make off with millions ??? Thanks repubs
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
Loss in revenues is loss in revenues.

It will not be made up.

By the CBO's own calcs the deficit from this tax cut will be %1.5 billion over 10 years.

I did not see anything in the budget bill regarding infrastructure improvement. So if there is anything coming like that it will just add to the skyrocketing deficits already.

This is the same formula that Reagan used -- spend your way out of a recession.

And more tax cuts for the rich, same as under Reagan and under Dubya.

History is repeating itself again.
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
Tax the Rich; we need the finest Infrastructure money can buy!

If we do this we'll have the monies.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You are an unparalleled idiot. Congrats!

How does giving corporate America AND middle class workers exactly what the want make me 'an unparalleled idiot?'

Exactly none of that is economically sound, much less anywhere close to being legal, unless you turn us into a communist dictatorship.
Trump has passed a big tax cuts . At best the economy make up for the government loss in revenue .

Now he’s on to infrastructure. Which has bi partisan suppprt . But the big question remains . How do you pay for it ?
Loss in revenues is loss in revenues.

It will not be made up.

By the CBO's own calcs the deficit from this tax cut will be %1.5 billion over 10 years.

I did not see anything in the budget bill regarding infrastructure improvement. So if there is anything coming like that it will just add to the skyrocketing deficits already.

This is the same formula that Reagan used -- spend your way out of a recession.

And more tax cuts for the rich, same as under Reagan and under Dubya.

History is repeating itself again.

Word !

In a dream world the improving economy makes up for the tax cuts. No way it ALSO Pays for an infrastructure bill.

Oh, and we haven’t even been able to break even since Clinton.

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