biggest difference between Catholic and Protestant... Real Presence

Catholics are the ones who take the Bible seriously
But which bible? Mine says "no one has ascended to heaven (except Christ)...". That would exclude Mary from heaven. The Catholic church 'assumes' that Mary ascended because they want her up there regardless of scripture.
actually, this is not far off

Catholics DO believe you have to do good works to get to Heaven... Why wouldn't anyone believe that?

to believe otherwise is to say

OK, Jesus... there are starving people in the world and maybe I should feed some of them becaus I have a lot of $$ and can do so, but I don't have to so... um... yeh, maybe later or something

OK Jesus... I know someone who needs my help with (this/that) problem but... I just don't feel like it and probably won't in the future either and besides, I know I am saved anyway, so I am going to play golf right now and later have a few drinks.


Jesus does not teach that.

Read Mt 2531

Catholics are the ones who take the Bible seriously
Speaking of needing to read again. I will clarify, Protestants believe that true salvation creates works not that we have to have works to be saved. "That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Everyone, including the nutjob sects take the bible seriously even if their interpretation is wrong.
Instead of looking for what separates the different Christian religions you should be looking for what unites them...........
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Speaking of needing to read again. I will clarify, Protestants believe that true salvation creates works not that we have to have works to be saved.
Catholics don't use the term "saved" much at all. "Redeemed", "delivered", "salvation", even followers of the narrow way.

Catholics think it is silly that Protestants accuse Catholics of "earning their way to heaven". It is like Protestants don't know that heaven is a gift. No need to earn a gift. Salvation (or following Christ) is a way of life, a redeemed way of living. It is the narrow way that leads to the gift of heaven. It is not enough for lips to say, "I believe", acts proclaim what one believes.

If non-Catholic Christians wish to phrase it as "salvation creates works", it is pretty much the same as what Catholics say, is it not? I think it is vital that neither side ever states what the other "really" believes. We do well to to layout our own beliefs and practices and leave it at that.
Catholics don't use the term "saved" much at all. "Redeemed", "delivered", "salvation", even followers of the narrow way.

Catholics think it is silly that Protestants accuse Catholics of "earning their way to heaven". It is like Protestants don't know that heaven is a gift. No need to earn a gift. Salvation (or following Christ) is a way of life, a redeemed way of living. It is the narrow way that leads to the gift of heaven. It is not enough for lips to say, "I believe", acts proclaim what one believes.

If non-Catholic Christians wish to phrase it as "salvation creates works", it is pretty much the same as what Catholics say, is it not? I think it is vital that neither side ever states what the other "really" believes. We do well to to layout our own beliefs and practices and leave it at that.
I think we're arguing semantics which is not an uncommon occurrence. I was taught faith without works is dead so one must perform works as well as being redeemed in order to be "saved" (Iwas raised Roman Catholic). I take Jesus's word that he is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Catholics don't use the term "saved" much at all. "Redeemed", "delivered", "salvation", even followers of the narrow way.

Catholics think it is silly that Protestants accuse Catholics of "earning their way to heaven". It is like Protestants don't know that heaven is a gift. No need to earn a gift. Salvation (or following Christ) is a way of life, a redeemed way of living. It is the narrow way that leads to the gift of heaven. It is not enough for lips to say, "I believe", acts proclaim what one believes.

If non-Catholic Christians wish to phrase it as "salvation creates works", it is pretty much the same as what Catholics say, is it not? I think it is vital that neither side ever states what the other "really" believes. We do well to to layout our own beliefs and practices and leave it at that.
I don't have much time... skimmed through this bc busy

but Catholics believe in works being necessary, but the works themselves are NOT what saves...

by GRACE we are saved and that grace comes from Jesus Christ

good works help us to feel close to Jesus... and of course He COMMANDED they be done.... mt 2531 etc
But which bible? Mine says "no one has ascended to heaven (except Christ)...". That would exclude Mary from heaven. The Catholic church 'assumes' that Mary ascended because they want her up there regardless of scripture.
I've read the whole Bible (Douay Rheims) and never saw "no one has ascended to Heaven..." although I may have read something that sounded familiar?

In any case, once Jesus did go to Heaven, he opened the Way for us ... right?
I've read the whole Bible (Douay Rheims) and never saw "no one has ascended to Heaven..." although I may have read something that sounded familiar?

In any case, once Jesus did go to Heaven, he opened the Way for us ... right?
There is no scriptural evidence of a (spiritual) resurrection prior to the second coming of Christ.

John 3:13 KJV
"And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."
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There is no scriptural evidence of a (spiritual) resurrection prior to the second coming of Christ.

John 3:13 KJV
"And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."
who said anything about a spiritual resurrection?

i may know it by some other term... in any case, won't answer unless I fully comprehend the statement
I've been telling Ps that for i dont know how long... they don't appear to care
Then you're talking to the wrong ones or you're approaching them wrong. Given what I seen of your postings here I'd go with the latter............
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who said anything about a spiritual resurrection?

i may know it by some other term... in any case, won't answer unless I fully comprehend the statement
The bible mentions resurrections to physical life as well as the 'going to heaven' spiritual resurrections.
Catholics don't use the term "saved" much at all. "Redeemed", "delivered", "salvation", even followers of the narrow way.

Catholics think it is silly that Protestants accuse Catholics of "earning their way to heaven". It is like Protestants don't know that heaven is a gift. No need to earn a gift. Salvation (or following Christ) is a way of life, a redeemed way of living. It is the narrow way that leads to the gift of heaven. It is not enough for lips to say, "I believe", acts proclaim what one believes.

If non-Catholic Christians wish to phrase it as "salvation creates works", it is pretty much the same as what Catholics say, is it not? I think it is vital that neither side ever states what the other "really" believes. We do well to to layout our own beliefs and practices and leave it at that.
taken to its logical (not logical) conclusion the Once saved always saved folks who don't think u have to do good works would contend that

a man who aborts children for a living doesn't have to stop if he has accepted Christ, say, 20 years ago...

no wonder people who are not christians don't exactly feel attracted to Christianity... Everyone sees how utterly illogical this is
no wonder people who are not christians don't exactly feel attracted to Christianity... Everyone sees how utterly illogical this is
One of the first complaints voiced about Christianity was that people did not want to do the hard work of self-improvement, they only wanted absolution for wrong-doings.

We may get so excited about forgiveness we forget to tell people about the part where we have a change of heart from doing wrong (repentance) and instead discern and following the will of God. Jesus warned of the dangers of clearing out a demon and not replacing it with something good. The empty space only attracts more demons.
One of the first complaints voiced about Christianity was that people did not want to do the hard work of self-improvement, they only wanted absolution for wrong-doings.

We may get so excited about forgiveness we forget to tell people about the part where we have a change of heart from doing wrong (repentance) and instead discern and following the will of God. Jesus warned of the dangers of clearing out a demon and not replacing it with something good. The empty space only attracts more demons.
I've never heard it put that way but .. sounds about right.

In any case, those who claim to go by the Bible (alone) don't..

I mean look at the Scriptures

you will be judged according to your deeds (says that in several places... I've read thewhole Bible)

go and sin no more (that's WORK, to be sure.. very hard to stop committing certain sins... although not hard to give up mortal sin... uh... most of the time?)

and there are many many others...
I always thought it very peculiar

I'd meet some Protestant who would argue all day long if I let him against Catholic... uh... fill in the blanks...( anything Catholic) and it would be BRICK WALL... not listening, etc..

Then I discuss the Real Presence...

same deal... no interest

and I'm thinking... Wait a minute... I'm telling you there is a place where you can ... not just read about Jesus in the Bible which maybe you have already read and etc... but no, you can actually BE WITH HIM!

and there is no interest in that?

sorry, but that appears to tell Catholics everything they need to know about non-Catholics (assuming they are all like those above mentioned people I talk to... used to talk to)
Catholics teach that when the bread is consecrated by the priest (rather by Jesus through the priest) it actually becomes Jesus

see John 6:27--- "Unless you eat my flesh... you have no life in you" (supernatural life)

Hosts are kept in the Church 24/7 (except on Good Friday)... where all can enjoy His tangible Presence
(only absolved Catholics can consume the Host)
Protestants do not believe in t his or if they do, they do not HAVE it because they do not have a valid priesthood to consecrate the host...

so I have heard that this is the biggest difference.. and also, I know this is so due to my own experiences. Once I was outside the Church... Now I am in... I have many complaints about all the new changes since Vat II... hate most of them.. but still... I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater
I'm glad the baby is safe. So, Catholics are then cannibals? I really don't see verse 27 is saying the bread is turning into the flesh of Jesus Christ, literally by any means. In verse 35 He says come unto me for he is the bread of life. This still hasn't a bit to do with the Sacraments. The Sacraments are to do in remembrance of Him. It's really kind of sick to think every priest in the world minute by minute is pulling the great Christ off his thrown and making him die over and over. But, that's essentially what you are saying. Cannibalism.

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