Bill Clinton....Possible Pedophilia and Flights on the "Lolita Express"

Why are you acting so shocked. That's the kind of shit the right wing throws out every day. Since they decided maintaining integrity is too much trouble, all they have is disgusting lies like this.
Oh... so that is the main reason you are a liberal or democrat --- because they are such honest people, never guilty of false accusations, never manipulating the facts, never covering up other facts, and so on?

Have you ever heard of these names?.... Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, and a whole ton of Chicago bureaucrats now in jail? Look them up sometime.
Have you ever heard of Newt Gingrich? He was actually found guilty of being a crook as he served as Speaker of House by the House ethics committee and forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for his violations.
Yes, THANK YOU. I am not the one acting as though one party is full of liars and crooks so that is why I vote with the other party. That is what bulldog was implying, imo.
Why are you acting so shocked. That's the kind of shit the right wing throws out every day. Since they decided maintaining integrity is too much trouble, all they have is disgusting lies like this.
Oh... so that is the main reason you are a liberal or democrat --- because they are such honest people, never guilty of false accusations, never manipulating the facts, never covering up other facts, and so on?

Have you ever heard of these names?.... Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, and a whole ton of Chicago bureaucrats now in jail? Look them up sometime.

I never said Democrats were perfect. Only that they still accept the concepts of integrity and honor, even if all Democrats don't always hold up to those standards. When such a large percentage of right wingers still believe the president was born in Kenya, and they easily accept claims like our military was attacking Texas, or being a Democrat means you want to destroy the country, or Hillary and the president let people die for political purposes, it is plain that lies and false accusations are all they have. I have voted for republicans in the past, and hope to be able to sometimes in the future, but I can't as long as that party ignores reality.

I never said Democrats were perfect

You never said anything against the democrats, period. Except this >> Only that they still accept the concepts of integrity and honor, even if all Democrats don't always hold up to those standards. << Oh, please. They have no right in this universe to claim the concepts of integrity and honor over any political party or any other institution whatsoever.

Most of what you claimed a large percentage of right wingers still believe are total straw man claims with almost no basis in truth. And how does that make you or another turn democrat? Are we not more interested in what they do and what they stand for?

I, myself, do believe Obama is a phony since the day he was born in Kenya. I could produce pages of arguments and facts and links which make it so. But no one cares except to jump all over the claim and call us birfers. As though that makes my attacker some kind of honorable and wise man. I am just as amused as he.

Hillary Clinton is a crook, a liar, and a scoundrel. That would push me away from her, I must admit, even if she stood for policies I agreed upon.

Of course you can produce pages of arguments and links that you believe make it so. You might note I left out facts, because you have none. All that is just more proof of the efforts the right wing will go to to convince their followers of lies. If Hillary were a crook, liar, or scoundrel to the extent that the right wing claims, you would be able to point to at least once, in the last 25 years, that she has been found guilty of wrong doing by the courts. Just because you choose to believe all those crazy lies doesn't make them true.It makes you a gullible idiot.
Why are you acting so shocked. That's the kind of shit the right wing throws out every day. Since they decided maintaining integrity is too much trouble, all they have is disgusting lies like this.
Oh... so that is the main reason you are a liberal or democrat --- because they are such honest people, never guilty of false accusations, never manipulating the facts, never covering up other facts, and so on?

Have you ever heard of these names?.... Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, and a whole ton of Chicago bureaucrats now in jail? Look them up sometime.

I never said Democrats were perfect. Only that they still accept the concepts of integrity and honor, even if all Democrats don't always hold up to those standards. When such a large percentage of right wingers still believe the president was born in Kenya, and they easily accept claims like our military was attacking Texas, or being a Democrat means you want to destroy the country, or Hillary and the president let people die for political purposes, it is plain that lies and false accusations are all they have. I have voted for republicans in the past, and hope to be able to sometimes in the future, but I can't as long as that party ignores reality.

I never said Democrats were perfect

You never said anything against the democrats, period. Except this >> Only that they still accept the concepts of integrity and honor, even if all Democrats don't always hold up to those standards. << Oh, please. They have no right in this universe to claim the concepts of integrity and honor over any political party or any other institution whatsoever.

Most of what you claimed a large percentage of right wingers still believe are total straw man claims with almost no basis in truth. And how does that make you or another turn democrat? Are we not more interested in what they do and what they stand for?

I, myself, do believe Obama is a phony since the day he was born in Kenya. I could produce pages of arguments and facts and links which make it so. But no one cares except to jump all over the claim and call us birfers. As though that makes my attacker some kind of honorable and wise man. I am just as amused as he.

Hillary Clinton is a crook, a liar, and a scoundrel. That would push me away from her, I must admit, even if she stood for policies I agreed upon.

Of course you can produce pages of arguments and links that you believe make it so. You might note I left out facts, because you have none. All that is just more proof of the efforts the right wing will go to to convince their followers of lies. If Hillary were a crook, liar, or scoundrel to the extent that the right wing claims, you would be able to point to at least once, in the last 25 years, that she has been found guilty of wrong doing by the courts. Just because you choose to believe all those crazy lies doesn't make them true.It makes you a gullible idiot.

You purposefully ignore FACTS. and TRUTHS. You and millions like you in order to pretend your heroes are innocent. So the gullible charge upon me is a bit premature.

I will admit conservatives and Christians are guilty of sins of similar ilk as well if that makes you feel better.
Why are you acting so shocked. That's the kind of shit the right wing throws out every day. Since they decided maintaining integrity is too much trouble, all they have is disgusting lies like this.
Oh... so that is the main reason you are a liberal or democrat --- because they are such honest people, never guilty of false accusations, never manipulating the facts, never covering up other facts, and so on?

Have you ever heard of these names?.... Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, and a whole ton of Chicago bureaucrats now in jail? Look them up sometime.

I never said Democrats were perfect. Only that they still accept the concepts of integrity and honor, even if all Democrats don't always hold up to those standards. When such a large percentage of right wingers still believe the president was born in Kenya, and they easily accept claims like our military was attacking Texas, or being a Democrat means you want to destroy the country, or Hillary and the president let people die for political purposes, it is plain that lies and false accusations are all they have. I have voted for republicans in the past, and hope to be able to sometimes in the future, but I can't as long as that party ignores reality.

I never said Democrats were perfect

You never said anything against the democrats, period. Except this >> Only that they still accept the concepts of integrity and honor, even if all Democrats don't always hold up to those standards. << Oh, please. They have no right in this universe to claim the concepts of integrity and honor over any political party or any other institution whatsoever.

Most of what you claimed a large percentage of right wingers still believe are total straw man claims with almost no basis in truth. And how does that make you or another turn democrat? Are we not more interested in what they do and what they stand for?

I, myself, do believe Obama is a phony since the day he was born in Kenya. I could produce pages of arguments and facts and links which make it so. But no one cares except to jump all over the claim and call us birfers. As though that makes my attacker some kind of honorable and wise man. I am just as amused as he.

Hillary Clinton is a crook, a liar, and a scoundrel. That would push me away from her, I must admit, even if she stood for policies I agreed upon.

Of course you can produce pages of arguments and links that you believe make it so. You might note I left out facts, because you have none. All that is just more proof of the efforts the right wing will go to to convince their followers of lies. If Hillary were a crook, liar, or scoundrel to the extent that the right wing claims, you would be able to point to at least once, in the last 25 years, that she has been found guilty of wrong doing by the courts. Just because you choose to believe all those crazy lies doesn't make them true.It makes you a gullible idiot.

You purposefully ignore FACTS. and TRUTHS. You and millions like you in order to pretend your heroes are innocent. So the gullible charge upon me is a bit premature.

I will admit conservatives and Christians are guilty of sins of similar ilk as well if that makes you feel better.

I'll give your post serious thought while I shop at Walmart this afternoon. I hope I don't get lost in one of those tunnels.
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

Might be a very serious charge --- that is, if Katie Johnson exists?

Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

Might be a very serious charge --- that is, if Katie Johnson exists?

Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist
As if Trump's lawyer is any more honest than Lying Trump!
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

So she (who doesn't exist) waits 22 years to file charges, right as Trump wins the nomination. Gee, what perfect timing. Smear tactics like this are all that Hillary has, and as they are exposed, Trump's victory margin will only increase.
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

Johnson filed the lawsuit pro se, meaning she is representing herself. No attorney is listed in the court documents. The phone number she lists in the filing is disconnected. It was previously listed as a cell phone number for a California dentist, who could not be reached.

Her listed address is a house in Twentynine Palms, California, that has been foreclosed and is vacant, neighbors told Radar Online. Court documents show that mail sent by the court to Johnson was returned to the sender.

Johnson says in another document that “in 2008 I worked as a free-lance model and earned an average of $200-$300 a month.” No other information about Johnson could be found.

In that document, which you can read below, Johnson claims she is unemployed and has $276 in cash on hand:
Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump of Raping Teen Girl [Documents]

This clearly FAKE. Is there no level to which you lefties won't stoop?
Clinton and his wife are very high profile public figures. This goes with the territory. There might be a very simple explanation, but Bill needs to answer some direct questions. I think that is fair.....don't you?
Absent an accuser, no I don't. Being a public figure =/= your private life is an open book.

Given his past, its not difficult to make a connection especially the five times the secret service were told not to come along. But you're right, they are serious accusations but then again, wild bill is a monster and there is evidence to prove that.
Bill does not strike me as a child molester. He likes pussy. What male doesn't? His problem was a lack of respect for his marriage & self control. That does not make him a pedophile.
I would say the same about Trump.

If charges surface I will stand corrected but as a REAL American I believe in innocent till proven guilty. That is our creed
Gotta love Bubba......

Apparently Bill Clinton was good friends with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. According to records Clinton took 27 flights on Epstein's private jet dubbed the "Lolita Express, " a plane that was fitted with a bed where group orgies occurred with girls as young as 12.

Clinton also made numerous trips to Epstein's private island dubbed "pedophile island" and took at least 5 trips with Epstein without any Secret Service.

Epstein is currently in prison for sex related charges. So....what was Bill Clinton doing associating with such a man, and why would he travel to a private island without Secret Service where numerous orgies and sexual assaults took place with underage girls?

Here is a link to the full story.

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

Bill Clinton Took Twice As Many Flights On ‘Pedophile Island’ Billionaire’s ‘Lolita Express’ Than Previously Reported

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known | Fox News
This fails as a red herring fallacy, Bill Clinton isn’t running for anything, including president.

This is further evidence that the republican agenda is devoid of substance or merit, that conservatives have nothing of value or worth to offer the American people, so they contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies and engage in personal attacks.

Yeah, former President Bill Clinton is running for first husband...or first rapist if you prefer.
You cannot call someone a rapist who has never been tried and convicted of that crime. The most important concept of our justice system in the US is that everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty.

Hillary Clinton said all women who feel they have been raped should be believed. At least two women claim Bill Clinton raped them. Why are they different?

I look forward to your explanation. :)

You know thats different with wild bill, food stamp queen.
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

We've always known Trump was a jerkoff, I just didn't know he had to outsource that as well.
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

We've always known Trump was a jerkoff, I just didn't know he had to outsource that as well.
Let's just ignore the fact that the plaintiff doesn't exist. It gets in the way of your objective, right?
I wonder how many under aged girls Clinton engaged in orgies with on those mile high flights.
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

We've always known Trump was a jerkoff, I just didn't know he had to outsource that as well.
Let's just ignore the fact that the plaintiff doesn't exist. It gets in the way of your objective, right?
We'll just have to wait and see. I didn't call for a rope yet but I have no problems with what he hangs himself on, and in the end, he will.

Hope like hell she wasn't blonde as well as young, but that would not surprise me.
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Given the Clinton legacy of perpetual wife cheating, sexual deviance, sexual harassment and the high probability of rapes, I'm not giving Bill the benefit of a doubt.. I'll leave that to the gullible hypocrites of the Democratic Socialist Party...:wink_2:
As opposed to the unassailable morality of the Republican presumptive nominee and the righteous who have lined up behind him.

The accusations, unfounded as they are as well as the hypocrisy from the Righteous Right are astounding.
Getting back to the original matter about Bill Clinton and the Secret Service: Apparently for unknown reasons there may have been a connection in 2002, and 2003. Fox News then creates a connection with various Police investigations starting more than three years later. Even the five alleged plane flights with no secret service would likely have left a documented paper trail: "Clinton would have been required to file a form to dismiss the agent detail, a former Secret Service agent told"

And so the "evidence" is most fifth party, if any. Put Clinton over there when he's really over there: Could have happened. It is reported that credible journalists dismissed the reports, and didn't much bother to follow up a likely cold lead trail, if any.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young braves crowd into steaming Medicine Lodge--to run out later and splash into freezing cold water. Other ancient humans were mostly able to sell wife and children into short-term slavery as a settlement for debts. Sensible Truth mainly matters, and probably at Fox News, Reality TV starring Trump!)
Well, since none have sued Clinton and at least one has sued Trump, I would guess less than Epstein's BFF Trump.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

We've always known Trump was a jerkoff, I just didn't know he had to outsource that as well.
Let's just ignore the fact that the plaintiff doesn't exist. It gets in the way of your objective, right?
We'll just have to wait and see. I didn't call for a rope yet but I have no problems with what he hangs himself on, and in the end, he will.

Hope like hell she wasn't blonde as well as young, but that would not surprise me.
So you have anything other than slander and innuendo? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Why would they sue Clinton if they were there willingly? And I'm sure you have a link to one suing Trump. Post it.

We've always known Trump was a jerkoff, I just didn't know he had to outsource that as well.
Let's just ignore the fact that the plaintiff doesn't exist. It gets in the way of your objective, right?
We'll just have to wait and see. I didn't call for a rope yet but I have no problems with what he hangs himself on, and in the end, he will.

Hope like hell she wasn't blonde as well as young, but that would not surprise me.
So you have anything other than slander and innuendo? Yeah, I didn't think so.
You just described the entirety of this thread. Well done
We've always known Trump was a jerkoff, I just didn't know he had to outsource that as well.
Let's just ignore the fact that the plaintiff doesn't exist. It gets in the way of your objective, right?
We'll just have to wait and see. I didn't call for a rope yet but I have no problems with what he hangs himself on, and in the end, he will.

Hope like hell she wasn't blonde as well as young, but that would not surprise me.
So you have anything other than slander and innuendo? Yeah, I didn't think so.
You just described the entirety of this thread. Well done
Not really. Trump had ONE suit filed against him by a woman who doesn't exist and the case was thrown out. Clinton has had REAL people file suits against him and he has also SETTLED real suits. Paula Jones was paid $850 k. That's not slander.

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