Bill Maher......Degenerate

And Bill Maher was absolutely correct.

The GOP has become a radical right wing protest movement.
That's funny.
Well you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obscenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.
No....You just posted the GOP was a right wing protest group. Focus on THAT.
The NEW DEAL?!!!! Are you for real?.
Hey genius....ya know what started the middle class? The post WW II economic and industrial boom and the subsequent migration of those workers from the cities to the suburbs.

"The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, succeeded."..
I am not going to allow you to plow together a bunch of non sequiturs in an effort to escape your statement.
You stated the GOP is a right wing protest group. Now...Answer to that!
BTW, unions smashed themselves. Union bosses have no one to blame for their downfall but themselves.
The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.

I couldn't agree with this comment more. It's what the Republican brand is built around, whether consciously or unconsciously. There's this undercurrent in conservatism that equates being Republican with being rich. And if I just join the party, then I'm part of that lifestyle. I'm rich (or will be) too. I'm sure a few of you are :cuckoo: or scratching your heads...but it's an advertising thing. People make "lifestyle choices" all the time. And while I'm not saying all conservatives fall prey to this...people are definitely susceptible to this in droves.

Liberalism has its brand too. Edgy, rebellious, more sympathetic to the less fortunate (in theory), more forward thinking.

Oddly, the rebellion and anti-establishment is where liberals and libertarians intersect. It's why the socially liberal/fiscally conservative hybrid has come about.
The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.

I couldn't agree with this comment more. It's what the Republican brand is built around, whether consciously or unconsciously. There's this undercurrent in conservatism that equates being Republican with being rich. And if I just join the party, then I'm part of that lifestyle. I'm rich (or will be) too. I'm sure a few of you are :cuckoo: or scratching your heads...but it's an advertising thing. People make "lifestyle choices" all the time. And while I'm not saying all conservatives fall prey to this...people are definitely susceptible to this in droves.

Liberalism has its brand too. Edgy, rebellious, more sympathetic to the less fortunate (in theory), more forward thinking.

Oddly, the rebellion and anti-establishment is where liberals and libertarians intersect. It's why the socially liberal/fiscally conservative hybrid has come about.

The GOP never ever promises that you will become wealthy.

Where the hell did you get this warped perspective??????

And the false belief above is an example of Marxist tactics being used by Obama and his lefty friends.

The Dems will demonize being rich and they will most assuredly remove your chances of being rich if they have anything to do with it.

Ever wonder why Mexico is so poor???

Because of the separation of the classes. The rich have everything and the poor have nothing.

Who is Obama's bestest new buddy to the South?????

The Mexican President.

Ever considered the possibility that Obama wishes America was more like Mexico? He sure as hell has more respect for their immigration laws then ours.
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I love when people talk about things that they have absolutely know idea are about. Like Communism.

Communism for conservatives now means "People I don't like".

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

-- Ronald Reagan
That's funny.
Well you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obsenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.


So you figure that the American Dream is dead and there is no hope of bettering your lot in life?

Not at all.

In fact..I lived the American dream. I started out dirt poor and now I have a rather large 401K account, I own a manhattan co-op which I now rent out and make a tidy little profit on..and I live in a killer Duplex in brooklyn.

But I know I will never be as rich as Bill Gates. And I know that concentrating that much wealth into one guy's hands will kill the very Capitalism that helped me reach my status.
I love when people talk about things that they have absolutely know idea are about. Like Communism.

Communism for conservatives now means "People I don't like".

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

-- Ronald Reagan


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Telling Lies‬‏[/ame]

That Ronald Reagan?

I love when people talk about things that they have absolutely know idea are about. Like Communism.

Communism for conservatives now means "People I don't like".

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

-- Ronald Reagan


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Telling Lies‬‏[/ame]

That Ronald Reagan?

So you read Lenin and Marx, but don't understand them.
Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obsenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.


So you figure that the American Dream is dead and there is no hope of bettering your lot in life?

Not at all.

In fact..I lived the American dream. I started out dirt poor and now I have a rather large 401K account, I own a manhattan co-op which I now rent out and make a tidy little profit on..and I live in a killer Duplex in brooklyn.

But I know I will never be as rich as Bill Gates. And I know that concentrating that much wealth into one guy's hands will kill the very Capitalism that helped me reach my status.

Sorry, but there can only be so many Bill Gates. If everyone had his money nobody would be rich because the value of money would be zilch.

I think you should look at your own situation, be thankful for it, and stop trying to fuck somebody else. Let me explain why.

You have what you have regardless that Bill Gates has all of that cash. The fact that Bill Gates has that money has not killed Capitalism. As a matter of fact the very existence of the wealthy makes great things possible in this country. You wouldn't have the sky-scrapers in New York if is wasn't for a rich man building it. You wouldn't have a single football team in the NFL if it wasn't for a rich owner. Your Manhattan co-op wouldn't exist if it weren't for a rich man. The list goes on and on. Good God....and you seemed sort of intelligent.

Sure, other countries have wealthy, but they don't share. In this country they do. Unfortunately the Democrats are trying to lie that they aren't. They want to give you the impression that the rich are getting over and not contributing. This is the lie you've fallen for. Obama talks about shared sacrifice......but then he switches to jet owners and billionaires. What he's talking about is letting the Bush tax bill expire. Well, that bill effects all of us, not just the rich. He can't even keep his lies straight.
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Maher isn't a media source. He is a very angry comedian. Angry comedy used to be the prerogative of the 60's anti establishment Black comic. Maher has taken the concept to the 21st century in an anti-American venue. Shortly after 9-11 Maher was fired from his anti-establishment unfunny show "politically incorrect", which ironically was very politically correct, when he suggested the 9-11 terrorists were in fact heroes. He hasn't changed much from the droll dough faced unfunny comic he was ten years ago.
Here's my theory.
The dems could not get any political cover on Obamacare. So they finally had to go it alone. The country for the most part didn't want it.

This is correct. The country did not want the Republican plan for health care reform. Heck, the Republicans didn't even want it. They put this plan up so they could vote against it.

What most of the country wanted was an expanded medicare.

Single payer.

THATS what the majority wanted.

so now its all about what the majority wanted?
Here's my theory.
The dems could not get any political cover on Obamacare. So they finally had to go it alone. The country for the most part didn't want it.

This is correct. The country did not want the Republican plan for health care reform. Heck, the Republicans didn't even want it. They put this plan up so they could vote against it.

What most of the country wanted was an expanded medicare.

Single payer.

THATS what the majority wanted.

so now its all about what the majority wanted?

And Bill Maher was absolutely correct.

The GOP has become a radical right wing protest movement.
That's funny.
Well you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obscenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.

no, frankly whats ridiculous is your tenuous hold on reality and ability to craft anything but misbegotten bilious rants anymore. sad.
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Degenerate? What's next? Bleeding Heart Liberal? :lol:

The 70's are over.
Jay Leno is a sarcastic comedian who pokes fun at politics and society in general. He is popular because his jokes aren't offensive. The left wing hate-comic is a different type. Maher is a hate speech comic and so is Jon Stewart. Their "jokes" are usually left wing political diatribes and they make no attempt at being funny or fair and balanced. Sometimes they cross the line that the liberal media sets and they are fired. Sometimes the public gets tired of the whining and the unfunny stuff.
Jay Leno is a sarcastic comedian who pokes fun at politics and society in general. He is popular because his jokes aren't offensive. The left wing hate-comic is a different type. Maher is a hate speech comic and so is Jon Stewart. Their "jokes" are usually left wing political diatribes and they make no attempt at being funny or fair and balanced. Sometimes they cross the line that the liberal media sets and they are fired. Sometimes the public gets tired of the whining and the unfunny stuff.

Well, sarcasm seems to be a comedian's bread and butter.

Sometimes folks like Maher take sarcasm into another level and become insulting.

I think with a nose like that he must have been teased a lot as a child. *rim-shot*
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That's funny.
Well you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obscenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.

no, frankly whats ridiculous is your tenuous hold on reality and ability to craft anything but misbegotten bilious rants anymore. sad.


Calls them as I sees them chief.

The current crop of radicals are doing their very best to break the social safety net.

Not cool.

Not cool at all.
Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obscenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.

no, frankly whats ridiculous is your tenuous hold on reality and ability to craft anything but misbegotten bilious rants anymore. sad.


Calls them as I sees them chief.

The current crop of radicals are doing their very best to break the social safety net.

Not cool.

Not cool at all.

If we continue upon the path we're currently on, the one Obama wants us to stay on, the social safety net will collapse.

He can't help using a bad situation to demonize the GOP.

That is why nothing will ever get solved as long as he's President. He needs conflict.
Ever wonder why Maher is buddies with Hugh Hefner and hangs out at the Playboy mansion? Because he is too fucking ugly inside and out to attract a real woman. He has to pay for it.
I saw the bit and thought it was pretty funny. Hyperbolic to be sure, but funny nevertheless. I also don't take my opinions from entertainers like Maher.

That said, I'm not at all surprised that partisan turd faggots like mudwhistle are all butt hurt over it.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

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