Bill Maher Says Obamacare Is So Screwed Up That It Makes Health Care Worse


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Bill Maher has turned on Obamacare and claims that the solution is single-payer. Fact is, regardless how great liberals claim Obamacare is, it was intentionally written to be so destructive that the only solution will be to go to a government run single-payer system.

So basically, Obama has screwed up health care in America on purpose so he can institute governmental controlled single-payer health care. This is the last thing we need, but liberals will start throwing up their hands and begin demanding it.


Bill Maher Turns On Obamacare? ‘It’s More Expensive, Too Confusing’
11:41 PM 02/13/2015

Jamie Weinstein
Senior Editor

Liberal comedian Bill Maher, a longtime champion of Obamacare, began to change his tune on President Obama’s signature legislation Friday night.

“Obamacare: You know it’s the signature achievement of obviously this president and like many liberals I’ve been screaming how great it has been and ‘it’s working’ and ‘there’s no doubt,’” Maher said on his HBO show “Real Time.”

Though Maher said he still thinks that Obamacare has been good for those with preexisting conditions and for those who were able to get insurance because of the bill, he is no longer sure Obamacare has been so grand overall.

“But The New York Times on Sunday did an article that basically said, you know, when Obama said if you like your plan nothing will change — well, everything has changed,” Maher said. “46 percent of people are having trouble paying health care costs now, up 10 percent from a year ago because the deductibles went the up, the co-pays went up. They can’t see the doctor they used to see because he’s in a different network. They go to get questions answered and they’re talking to somebody reading a script in the Philippines. It’s like your prostate cancer is being handled by Comcast now.”

“The most frightening thing in this article is when somebody said ‘it’s so confusing, I’ve just stopped seeing a doctor’ — and that’s going on a lot, apparently,” Maher later added. “People are just not going because it’s more expensive, too confusing and I think this was intentional. I think the insurance companies wanted this to happen because that’s how they make money. ” Bill Maher Turns On Obamacare The Daily Caller


I usually start to fade away trying to pay attention to economic issues. I don't even try when the ACA comes up.

Only solution for healthcare is the government pays for everything top to bottom - free universal healthcare. OR, massive cuts to everyone taxes. But if you wanna tax your citizens, isn't ensuring they can work so as to pay those taxes in yoru own best interest? Similarly, isn't taxing them AND forcing them to buy insurance just screwing them over twice?
Well duh!!! It's nice of maher to catch up to what the people in country has known for a long time. He couldn't take the time to research it six years ago?
I usually start to fade away trying to pay attention to economic issues. I don't even try when the ACA comes up.

Only solution for healthcare is the government pays for everything top to bottom - free universal healthcare. OR, massive cuts to everyone taxes. But if you wanna tax your citizens, isn't ensuring they can work so as to pay those taxes in yoru own best interest? Similarly, isn't taxing them AND forcing them to buy insurance just screwing them over twice?

Actually, there's another solution, and it's 1000 times better: Pay for your own shit.
I usually start to fade away trying to pay attention to economic issues. I don't even try when the ACA comes up.

Only solution for healthcare is the government pays for everything top to bottom - free universal healthcare. OR, massive cuts to everyone taxes. But if you wanna tax your citizens, isn't ensuring they can work so as to pay those taxes in yoru own best interest? Similarly, isn't taxing them AND forcing them to buy insurance just screwing them over twice?

Actually, there's another solution, and it's 1000 times better: Pay for your own shit.

That's not fair to the people who don't think they should have to pay for their own shit.
I usually start to fade away trying to pay attention to economic issues. I don't even try when the ACA comes up.

Only solution for healthcare is the government pays for everything top to bottom - free universal healthcare. OR, massive cuts to everyone taxes. But if you wanna tax your citizens, isn't ensuring they can work so as to pay those taxes in yoru own best interest? Similarly, isn't taxing them AND forcing them to buy insurance just screwing them over twice?

Actually, there's another solution, and it's 1000 times better: Pay for your own shit.

That's not fair to the people who don't think they should have to pay for their own shit.

Yeah! What about their right to vote for free stuff?
I usually start to fade away trying to pay attention to economic issues. I don't even try when the ACA comes up.

Only solution for healthcare is the government pays for everything top to bottom - free universal healthcare. OR, massive cuts to everyone taxes. But if you wanna tax your citizens, isn't ensuring they can work so as to pay those taxes in yoru own best interest? Similarly, isn't taxing them AND forcing them to buy insurance just screwing them over twice?

Actually, there's another solution, and it's 1000 times better: Pay for your own shit.

Way taxes work in at least the US is clearly duplicative and unjust (very basicly):

We tax a worker's income.
We then tax the remainder a 2nd time when they actually spend their earnings.
We then force them to spend what's left buying various insurance things. Insurance if you drive, insurance for healthcare, etc. in effect another tax.

Instead of duplicative taxation if the government is going to tax income fine, but it should then use some of that tax revenue to ensure everyone who works is kept healthy enough to do that work.

The supposed need for health insurance is simply because insurance companies themselves bribe legislators into passing laws making buying their product legally required. Then, because the insurance picks up the tab costs soar because news reprts aren't mentioning how everyone admitted to a hospital is made bankrupt as a result - the insurance prevents that. But if we didn't mandate the insurance, and doctors and hospitals only charged fair amounts like regular consumer businesses, costs wouldn't be so high as to make insurance a good idea.
The supposed need for health insurance is simply because insurance companies themselves bribe legislators into passing laws making buying their product legally required. Then, because the insurance picks up the tab costs soar because news reprts aren't mentioning how everyone admitted to a hospital is made bankrupt as a result - the insurance prevents that. But if we didn't mandate the insurance, and doctors and hospitals only charged fair amounts like regular consumer businesses, costs wouldn't be so high as to make insurance a good idea.

Which is why we need to just scrap Obamacare, not go to a single payer system.
His statement is more proof of why the polls showing opposition to Obamacare were not a vindication for the Right.

A good portion of the opposition to Obamacare was always from single payer advocates.
Well duh!!! It's nice of maher to catch up to what the people in country has known for a long time. He couldn't take the time to research it six years ago?
True. The whole idea was to keep the public in the dark and feed them rhetoric.

Of course it was. Gruber came right out and told us that and you can just imagine how they were laughing that they sold that line, My administration will be the most transparent ever and people actually fell for it..

When Pelosi said you had to PASS the pos bill in order to see what's in it. Every American citizen should of been up in arms and protesting on hers and Obamas doorsteps. but they just yawned and now we are paying for growing more government with this MONSTER of an Entitlement in a time we couldn't afford it. they stepped over the people who are Republicans and their representation in Congress and shoved it down our throats anyway
I usually start to fade away trying to pay attention to economic issues. I don't even try when the ACA comes up.

Only solution for healthcare is the government pays for everything top to bottom - free universal healthcare. OR, massive cuts to everyone taxes. But if you wanna tax your citizens, isn't ensuring they can work so as to pay those taxes in yoru own best interest? Similarly, isn't taxing them AND forcing them to buy insurance just screwing them over twice?
Or we could go back to the old system that worked real well. Leaving it up to health care professionals.
The supposed need for health insurance is simply because insurance companies themselves bribe legislators into passing laws making buying their product legally required. Then, because the insurance picks up the tab costs soar because news reprts aren't mentioning how everyone admitted to a hospital is made bankrupt as a result - the insurance prevents that. But if we didn't mandate the insurance, and doctors and hospitals only charged fair amounts like regular consumer businesses, costs wouldn't be so high as to make insurance a good idea.

Which is why we need to just scrap Obamacare, not go to a single payer system.
Well duh!!! It's nice of maher to catch up to what the people in country has known for a long time. He couldn't take the time to research it six years ago?
True. The whole idea was to keep the public in the dark and feed them rhetoric.

Of course it was. Gruber came right out and told us that and you can just imagine how they were laughing that they sold that line, My administration will be the most transparent ever and people actually fell for it..

When Pelosi said you had to PASS the pos bill in order to see what's in it. Every American citizen should of been up in arms and protesting on hers and Obamas doorsteps. but they just yawned and now we are paying for growing more government with this MONSTER of an Entitlement in a time we couldn't afford it. they stepped over the people who are Republicans and their representation in Congress and shoved it down our throats anyway
When Congress failed to pass gun legislation following Sandy Hook, bama said it was "inconceivable" that Congress would go against the will of the people. However, he had no such qualms when Congress gave him his little healthcare bill. It's a measure of the man as a leader that he had to lie about and hide the facts of this bill in his failure to sell it to the people. Legislating is bit harder than community organizing apparently.

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