Zone1 Black Americans you are being replaced.

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So if you admit that personal responsibility is not a bad thing, why is it so terrible to say that blacks in the inner-cities would reduce much, if not most, of their problems by 1) finishing school, and 2) not having 72% of babies out of wedlock?
I’m not black but if I had to guess I’d say it’s because they have given up. The poorest region in this country is the Pine Ridge Indian reservation. High crime, drug abuse, alcohol abuse. They have long since given up. They don’t see a way out. Any group of people in the same situation would act the same way. Even white people. I’m purposely not speaking for black people as I’m not one, and I don’t live in a city. I’m speaking about what I know. This is why I was born. Spread awareness and educate those who wish to know about our culture. If you knew what I know a lot of things would make sense. I don’t expect that from you. Feel free to prove me wrong.
Written by slave owners
The majority of the people who wrote the constitution weren't slave owners. If they were, there would have been no three fifths compromise, slaves would have counted as full people for the purposes of the census.
Thanks to Biden: 50,000 Hispanics to one black man. You are right. White and blacks are the minority now. If you have brown skin and you are from Mexico, open your arms to all that Biden and the government are giving you! Americans are being replaced...
Thanks to Biden: 50,000 Hispanics to one black man. You are right. White and blacks are the minority now. If you have brown skin and you are from Mexico, open your arms to all that Biden and the government are giving you! Americans are being replaced...
Whites are still in the majority - around 60% or 65%.
That's the whole case.

If you (not you personally) don't care about yourself, why should anyone else?

How can anyone living in the greatest, freest, most prosperous country in the world, with boundless opportunities, fail?
They fail because they make poor decisions, had irresponsible parents who didn’t instill good values, or simply have limited ability. Lots of reasons.
Open your eyes....latin Americans are taking over
They are moving faster, smarter and more robustly politically. You have one chance to stop it. Vote GOP. The Democrats are determined to flood the nation with your eventual

The Democrats know they can always count on American Blacks to mindlessly vote Democrat, so they are moving on to more exciting minorities.
They fail because they make poor decisions, had irresponsible parents who didn’t instill good values, or simply have limited ability. Lots of reasons.
Lots of reasons, but few of them are good reasons.
I am Cherokee
Oh, there you are:
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