Black fathers are the best

SHAME!!!! SHAME!!!! MAJOR CAUSE OF POVERTY=====CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock
Were the greatest. We dont need a study for that.

I am a giant
I am an eagle
I am a lion
Down in the jungle
I am a marchin' band
I am the people
I am a helpin' hand
And I am a hero
If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say
I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm
I'm the worlds greatest​
Last edited: producing children that become criminals and burdens on society.

Sorry but that would be white men. No Black person has ever wiped out an entire civilization once let alone multiple civilizations. Something is wrong with yall.

...but we can all agree that black men are generally shitty fathers. How embarrassing that must be for you. :lol:

You must not have read the study. We are great fathers. How insecure you must feel.
Sorry but that would be white men. No Black person has ever wiped out an entire civilization once let alone multiple civilizations. Something is wrong with yall.

...but we can all agree that black men are generally shitty fathers. How embarrassing that must be for you. :lol:

You must not have read the study. We are great fathers. How insecure you must feel.

If ignoring facts is a sign of insecurity, then you must be the most insecure guy on the planet.
...but we can all agree that black men are generally shitty fathers. How embarrassing that must be for you. :lol:

You must not have read the study. We are great fathers. How insecure you must feel.

If ignoring facts is a sign of insecurity, then you must be the most insecure guy on the planet.

I only ignore lies. I wonder where the father was while this skank had sex in a car with another man and let her children die?

911 tapes: Kids were killed in car while mom had sex - San Jose Mercury News

SHAME!!!! SHAME!!!! MAJOR CAUSE OF POVERTY=====CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

don lemon is nothing but a "Token ni==ger,I dont believe a word coming out of his mouth....
Study: Black Fathers Are The Most Involved Dads In America

By Barry Burch Jr. On too many streams of media, and in too many social gatherings, the Black father has been talked about like an irresponsible wreck. The popularization of single mothers, though they are prevalent, has caused the men who are active within their homes to fall by the wayside. Not only do these […]


Over 70 percent of black women having kids out of wedlock. Yea them blacks are some real stand up fathers. :cuckoo:

LOL, you people and your "out of wedlock". There are plenty of couples who have children together, stay together, and are not married for years or marry a few months or years after they have the baby. I'm sure some women (of all colors) will say that the father is not around (when in fact he is), so they can get benefits like health care, collect welfare, SNAP, etc.

It's not always some young mother who is solitary and huddled oin a corner all alone with her infant.

The statistics are what they are. You can spin it any way you want if it clears your conscience.
Study: Black Fathers Are The Most Involved Dads In America

By Barry Burch Jr. On too many streams of media, and in too many social gatherings, the Black father has been talked about like an irresponsible wreck. The popularization of single mothers, though they are prevalent, has caused the men who are active within their homes to fall by the wayside. Not only do these […]

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: you can find them.

The black Dads who are involved deserve credit, but I seem to remember something about 70% of blacks born out of wedlock.
Children who don't experience a father in their life are more likely to abandon their children to be raised by a single mother, white or black makes no difference.
But it does have bearing on the fact they are incarcerated more than whites for the same offenses. :cuckoo:
Probably because they commit far more crimes. I cannot
help myself but take comfort that my child will not be affected by black America.

But they don't. Most crimes Blacks are in jail for are drug related. Even though the Black community is policed more intensely, as you yourself admitted, the arrest rates are almost identical with whites committing more drug crimes. The incarceration rates are much higher. The length of time is higher as well for Blacks and Hispanics. What is your explanation for that?

It's pretty simple really.
The black guy is usually a repeat offender with no job and no house.
The white guy gets caught once and changes his habits. He gets preferential treatment because he has a job,a house and a family that relies on his income and is generally a good citizen who made a mistake.

Now if the white guy continues to be a fuck up? They will lock his dumb ass up.
Back before I retired a guy in the shop got caught with 200 hits of X.
And yes he was white. A mexican guy in the shop insisted he would get probation because he was white and his father had money.
Well lo and behold the guy got ten years in prison. Because he was a repeat offender.
Tough shit for him.
Study: Black Fathers Are The Most Involved Dads In America

By Barry Burch Jr. On too many streams of media, and in too many social gatherings, the Black father has been talked about like an irresponsible wreck. The popularization of single mothers, though they are prevalent, has caused the men who are active within their homes to fall by the wayside. Not only do these […]


Over 70 percent of black women having kids out of wedlock. Yea them blacks are some real stand up fathers. :cuckoo:

Husband and Father are not the same
Yes!!! Black fathers could be great if only most did not cut and run just before the baby is born.

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