Black on White Crime..Obama Response

I think the reason blacks like to bring up the KKK is because that era was the last time they had a legitimate excuse for their failures. The Civil Rights Movement and Republican Party changed all that, which took that excuse away from them, so they have to keep the romantic notion of "fighting racism" alive in order to justify the way they act today. If they put as much effort into being responsible as they do in making Whitey pay, they could be as successful and respectable as anyone else. But their so-called civil rights leaders (including our president) make them comfortable with their excuses and their hatred, so I don't expect to see anything change in the foreseeable future.

Don't get offended but that is a stupid comment. If you think racism does not exist still towards Blacks then you are either willfully ignorant or you have a learning disability. The Civil Rights movement only made it against the law. The KKK is a reminder of what some of you still feel with every fiber in your being.
If racism is so rampant against blacks, explain how Obama was able to get elected. And if you're trying to pretend that blacks don't practice racism, YOU'RE the one who is willfully ignorant. Rev. Wright and his following, Al Sharpton and his following, The New Black Panther Party... These are real people who exist in our society today and given a stamp of approval by our president, not some defunct group from the 50's who were neutered decades ago.
It's a shame he was cut down so young after finding the light.

Yes it was. Without the presence of both Malcolm X and Dr King this world would be a very different place.

It's a shame their efforts have been sullied and replaced by a potpourri of race baiting charlatans.

Both of their lives were cut short by people that did not want progress. There are others just as powerful and eloquent still out here spreading the word though. This hype machine called the media is slowly eroding the US and people are too busy bickering to notice.
So Vox, do you really think black men are more likely to rape? Or more likely to be convicted? Or falsely accused?

I would agree that the rate for false accusation might be higher, though I do not think the rate for conviction would differ that much.

still it is not going to be THREE TIMES difference - it might be more 30-40% but not 300%.

as for the tendency for the rape - well, the so-called ghetto culture IS violent and extremely misogynistic.
And absolutely ignorant on the law and it's definitions - as the whole story with Trayvon have proved - the vast majority of the black people in urban ghettos do not have the slightest idea what the real LAW is about and what one can and can not do.

Therefore what is considered forcible rape by law and a more educated in the law white community is terra incognita for the black community - people performing the crime might not VIEW it as such.

So, no, I do not consider race per se to be a predictor for the violence, but I do consider the s0-called "culture" to be the major predictor and CAUSE of it.
If what you say is true then why is it labeled a Black crime problem instead of a economic crime problem? You are simply pointing out Black crime. Therefore your post is backwards and does not make sense.

because it is NOT an economic problem.

it is a CULTURAL problem first and foremost.
I think the reason blacks like to bring up the KKK is because that era was the last time they had a legitimate excuse for their failures. The Civil Rights Movement and Republican Party changed all that, which took that excuse away from them, so they have to keep the romantic notion of "fighting racism" alive in order to justify the way they act today. If they put as much effort into being responsible as they do in making Whitey pay, they could be as successful and respectable as anyone else. But their so-called civil rights leaders (including our president) make them comfortable with their excuses and their hatred, so I don't expect to see anything change in the foreseeable future.

Don't get offended but that is a stupid comment. If you think racism does not exist still towards Blacks then you are either willfully ignorant or you have a learning disability. The Civil Rights movement only made it against the law. The KKK is a reminder of what some of you still feel with every fiber in your being.
If racism is so rampant against blacks, explain how Obama was able to get elected. And if you're trying to pretend that blacks don't practice racism, YOU'RE the one who is willfully ignorant. Rev. Wright and his following, Al Sharpton and his following, The New Black Panther Party... These are real people who exist in our society today and given a stamp of approval by our president, not some defunct group from the 50's who were neutered decades ago.

I did not use the word rampant. I said it still exists. Clearly all white people are not racist or the POTUS would not have been elected. Thats progress. I notice the younger white people in the US seem to be more tolerant of other races so it will only get better. Its laughable that you would even suggest that Black people cant be racist. What do you expect them to be dealing with all the hate and discrimination they have had to deal with? Thats a direct result of not only the past but very recent history. Please provide some proof that the POTUS gave a stamp of approval to any hate group. KKK is not defunct by a long shot. I live pretty close to a town where their imperial clown wizard takes up residence.
If what you say is true then why is it labeled a Black crime problem instead of a economic crime problem? You are simply pointing out Black crime. Therefore your post is backwards and does not make sense.

because it is NOT an economic problem.

it is a CULTURAL problem first and foremost.

You may have a point there but only a little bit. Wouldn't you agree that the culture in any segment of society that is economically challenged is going to have some cultural issues? The economics cause the negative aspects of culture. If the reverse was true I would be a thug and not a business owner.
The KKK is no different than the Black Panthers. So...your "culture" has the BP...the "whities" have the KKK. You make the BP go away with marches against them. Oh. Wait. That won't happen, will it?
Please provide some proof that the POTUS gave a stamp of approval to any hate group. KKK is not defunct by a long shot. I live pretty close to a town where their imperial clown wizard takes up residence.
He refused to prosecute the NBPP for voter intimidation in Philadelphia, I call that a stamp of approval, and don't try to say they're not a hate group.
And when was the last time the KKK lynched somebody?
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Actually...does anyone know if ANY blacks have marched against the black panthers? Ever? And how many whites marched with MLK, marched AGAINST the KKK, etc etc etc?

How come blacks don't do the same against the wrongs perpetuated by their own racist war mongerers? Or have they? Anyone know?
Actually...does anyone know if ANY blacks have marched against the black panthers? Ever? And how many whites marched with MLK, marched AGAINST the KKK, etc etc etc?

How come blacks don't do the same against the wrongs perpetuated by their own racist war mongerers? Or have they? Anyone know?
A few have spoken out. They're the ones who are immediately labeled "Uncle Toms".
Actually...does anyone know if ANY blacks have marched against the black panthers? Ever? And how many whites marched with MLK, marched AGAINST the KKK, etc etc etc?

How come blacks don't do the same against the wrongs perpetuated by their own racist war mongerers? Or have they? Anyone know?

Jeez, just all the dumb whites that voted for Obama BOTH times is mind numbing. They take white trash to all time highs

Actually...does anyone know if ANY blacks have marched against the black panthers? Ever? And how many whites marched with MLK, marched AGAINST the KKK, etc etc etc?

How come blacks don't do the same against the wrongs perpetuated by their own racist war mongerers? Or have they? Anyone know?

the administration is supportive of them

they to are part of team obama
If what you say is true then why is it labeled a Black crime problem instead of a economic crime problem? You are simply pointing out Black crime. Therefore your post is backwards and does not make sense.

because it is NOT an economic problem.

it is a CULTURAL problem first and foremost.

You may have a point there but only a little bit. Wouldn't you agree that the culture in any segment of society that is economically challenged is going to have some cultural issues? The economics cause the negative aspects of culture. If the reverse was true I would be a thug and not a business owner.

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