Black on White Crime..Obama Response

I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.

By comparison our issues are fixed. If we had the same percentages per capita of crime then you'd have a point...but as it is you don't.

We have more than a right to discuss it..we have a right to address ways to fix it. That one white kid, does not make it NOT a racist crime, or take from the facts of racial hatred as voiced by the actual shooter.

It is not simple minded to raise the facts. The facts are that black crime based on the percentage of black Americans, is driving our prison costs; our police costs; and our court costs. Recidivism alone in the black community is a staggering cost.

So I GET to criticize; discuss; vote; ON THE ISSUE.

You would better serve the issue by stopping the "you go fix your backyard" canard. It's a BS position and does nothing to fix the problem that effects everyone....even sadly, white Australian boys.

Thanks for my word of the day! Recidivism. Like I said if you want to fix it you can only start by fixing your issues first. Otherwise we will fix it ourselves. One thing you better believe is that no one is going to sit idly by while whites decide they want to revert back to slavery days. Until you get that you will remain frustrated and angry while life goes on around you. Whats simple minded is saying that black crime is just happening and not finding out why or assuming you already know.

Oh my fucking word! Whites don't "want to revert back to slavery days". GAWD but what a stupid comment! This is the god damned trouble with trying to discuss race issues. Some flipping idiot throws out a canard bomb like that.

YOUR kind of attitude and thinking is why real change and real solutions cannot be implemented! Take a discussion and distract, divert, and stifle ...nice progress idiot </sarcasm>

Take your ignorance and stuff it ...I'm done casting pearls.
I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.

By comparison our issues are fixed. If we had the same percentages per capita of crime then you'd have a point...but as it is you don't.

We have more than a right to discuss it..we have a right to address ways to fix it. That one white kid, does not make it NOT a racist crime, or take from the facts of racial hatred as voiced by the actual shooter.

It is not simple minded to raise the facts. The facts are that black crime based on the percentage of black Americans, is driving our prison costs; our police costs; and our court costs. Recidivism alone in the black community is a staggering cost.

So I GET to criticize; discuss; vote; ON THE ISSUE.

You would better serve the issue by stopping the "you go fix your backyard" canard. It's a BS position and does nothing to fix the problem that effects everyone....even sadly, white Australian boys.

Thanks for my word of the day! Recidivism. Like I said if you want to fix it you can only start by fixing your issues first. Otherwise we will fix it ourselves. One thing you better believe is that no one is going to sit idly by while whites decide they want to revert back to slavery days. Until you get that you will remain frustrated and angry while life goes on around you. Whats simple minded is saying that black crime is just happening and not finding out why or assuming you already know.

Social welfare slavery, unemployment and lack of faith have devastated the black community, those are conditions promoted by Democrat policies.
By comparison our issues are fixed. If we had the same percentages per capita of crime then you'd have a point...but as it is you don't.

We have more than a right to discuss it..we have a right to address ways to fix it. That one white kid, does not make it NOT a racist crime, or take from the facts of racial hatred as voiced by the actual shooter.

It is not simple minded to raise the facts. The facts are that black crime based on the percentage of black Americans, is driving our prison costs; our police costs; and our court costs. Recidivism alone in the black community is a staggering cost.

So I GET to criticize; discuss; vote; ON THE ISSUE.

You would better serve the issue by stopping the "you go fix your backyard" canard. It's a BS position and does nothing to fix the problem that effects everyone....even sadly, white Australian boys.

Thanks for my word of the day! Recidivism. Like I said if you want to fix it you can only start by fixing your issues first. Otherwise we will fix it ourselves. One thing you better believe is that no one is going to sit idly by while whites decide they want to revert back to slavery days. Until you get that you will remain frustrated and angry while life goes on around you. Whats simple minded is saying that black crime is just happening and not finding out why or assuming you already know.

Oh my fucking word! Whites don't "want to revert back to slavery days". GAWD but what a stupid comment! This is the god damned trouble with trying to discuss race issues. Some flipping idiot throws out a canard bomb like that.

YOUR kind of attitude and thinking is why real change and real solutions cannot be implemented! Take a discussion and distract, divert, and stifle ...nice progress idiot </sarcasm>

Take your ignorance and stuff it ...I'm done casting pearls.

I didnt say whites did want to revert back. i said if they did by use of the vote your reply. You still sit here and try to tell me what I should be doing when whites are just as screwed up. Do you not see how much of a hypocrite you sound like? You are assuming that you are casting pearls when the actuality is that you dont even have any.
By comparison our issues are fixed. If we had the same percentages per capita of crime then you'd have a point...but as it is you don't.

We have more than a right to discuss it..we have a right to address ways to fix it. That one white kid, does not make it NOT a racist crime, or take from the facts of racial hatred as voiced by the actual shooter.

It is not simple minded to raise the facts. The facts are that black crime based on the percentage of black Americans, is driving our prison costs; our police costs; and our court costs. Recidivism alone in the black community is a staggering cost.

So I GET to criticize; discuss; vote; ON THE ISSUE.

You would better serve the issue by stopping the "you go fix your backyard" canard. It's a BS position and does nothing to fix the problem that effects everyone....even sadly, white Australian boys.

Thanks for my word of the day! Recidivism. Like I said if you want to fix it you can only start by fixing your issues first. Otherwise we will fix it ourselves. One thing you better believe is that no one is going to sit idly by while whites decide they want to revert back to slavery days. Until you get that you will remain frustrated and angry while life goes on around you. Whats simple minded is saying that black crime is just happening and not finding out why or assuming you already know.

Social welfare slavery, unemployment and lack of faith have devastated the black community, those are conditions promoted by Democrat policies.

Sounds like an American problem and not something only Black people are affected by.
Thanks for my word of the day! Recidivism. Like I said if you want to fix it you can only start by fixing your issues first. Otherwise we will fix it ourselves. One thing you better believe is that no one is going to sit idly by while whites decide they want to revert back to slavery days. Until you get that you will remain frustrated and angry while life goes on around you. Whats simple minded is saying that black crime is just happening and not finding out why or assuming you already know.

Social welfare slavery, unemployment and lack of faith have devastated the black community, those are conditions promoted by Democrat policies.

Sounds like an American problem and not something only Black people are affected by.

Most definitely...
Thats a blatant lie. You forgot white people actually documented their violence. Try that statistics stuff on someone who doesnt know better. Whites have killed off more cultures than any race on the planet in the quest for resources all under the guise of religion to add even more hypocrisy to the discussion.

And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.
The more civilized blacks become, the more UNcivilized they act. Just look around the world.

And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.

Oh come on...we weren't even there, you need a better reason to hate..

[ame=]Jethro Tull - Living In The Past 1969 - YouTube[/ame]
Living in the past is right. His signature says it all.

And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.
The more civilized blacks become, the more UNcivilized they act. Just look around the world.

Look into their history. I'm sure at one time or another you will see the white oppression or trickery that caused the anger and violence.
And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.

Oh come on...we weren't even there, you need a better reason to hate..

[ame=]Jethro Tull - Living In The Past 1969 - YouTube[/ame]
Living in the past is right. His signature says it all.


Asclepias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

btw..I don't generally poke fun at signatures...(Lumpy 1)..:lol:
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And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.
The more civilized blacks become, the more UNcivilized they act. Just look around the world.

Look into their history. I'm sure at one time or another you will see the white oppression or trickery that caused the anger and violence.
You don't seem to be bothered by the fact that your race is rapidly becoming synonymous with violence. Are you content with being identified that way? But keep blaming Whitey, it's worked well as an excuse now for many decades but hasn't worked so well as a solution, has it?
The more civilized blacks become, the more UNcivilized they act. Just look around the world.

Look into their history. I'm sure at one time or another you will see the white oppression or trickery that caused the anger and violence.
You don't seem to be bothered by the fact that your race is rapidly becoming synonymous with violence. Are you content with being identified that way? But keep blaming Whitey, it's worked well as an excuse now for many decades but hasn't worked so well as a solution, has it?

No I'm not bothered. Educated people don't make assumptions about an entire race based on incidents sensationalized by the media and their respective political parties. I could care less if someone is dumb enough to try and define me without knowing me. Speaking facts is different from assigning blame. Fact. Blacks were enslaved by whites in this country. Blame. I cant get a job because white people enslaved my ancestors. See the difference? I dont let anyone hold me back. I go through, over or around racist people to get where I am going so no ones opinion is going to stop me. The last time I looked racists were not on my list of people to impress.
Jesse Jackson was asked his opinion about the black youths killing the Australian student and he said that was 'frowned upon.' Seriously, he didn't condemn it, showed no outrage or sympathy, but simply frowned upon it as if the murder by the teens 'for fun' was a minor infraction. So, these race baiters merely frown on murder for fun, yet incite riots over someone defending themselves. They can't see past color and all opinions are formed at a glance at the person(s) involved.

An elderly man was killed Wednesday when he was beaten by two young black males as he walked across a parking lot. I bring this up because the media deliberately ignores this while they make headlines out of lesser crimes. Paula Deen's stupid remarks years ago is called a scandal and warrants days of coverage and discussion while yesterday's brutal murder is a non-issue with these liberal mouth pieces.

White victims are currently invisible unless they are killed by other whites with guns or killed in accidents involving SUVs.

They will keep glossing over the rampant violence in the inner cities because it doesn't fit their narrative and it will continue to get worse because the left refuses to condemn the violence. They almost act as if it's justified, which ultimately serves to encourage it. Seriously, when these thugs kill people out of boredom, during a robbery or as a gang initiation and no one makes a big deal out of it, doesn't that embolden them to keep it up? This attitude didn't work with terrorists and it damn sure won't work with violent teens.
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I think the reason blacks like to bring up the KKK is because that era was the last time they had a legitimate excuse for their failures. The Civil Rights Movement and Republican Party changed all that, which took that excuse away from them, so they have to keep the romantic notion of "fighting racism" alive in order to justify the way they act today. If they put as much effort into being responsible as they do in making Whitey pay, they could be as successful and respectable as anyone else. But their so-called civil rights leaders (including our president) make them comfortable with their excuses and their hatred, so I don't expect to see anything change in the foreseeable future.
I think the reason blacks like to bring up the KKK is because that era was the last time they had a legitimate excuse for their failures. The Civil Rights Movement and Republican Party changed all that, which took that excuse away from them, so they have to keep the romantic notion of "fighting racism" alive in order to justify the way they act today. If they put as much effort into being responsible as they do in making Whitey pay, they could be as successful and respectable as anyone else. But their so-called civil rights leaders (including our president) make them comfortable with their excuses and their hatred, so I don't expect to see anything change in the foreseeable future.

Don't get offended but that is a stupid comment. If you think racism does not exist still towards Blacks then you are either willfully ignorant or you have a learning disability. The Civil Rights movement only made it against the law. The KKK is a reminder of what some of you still feel with every fiber in your being.

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