Black on White Crime..Obama Response

Seems like whites that want to address the Black crime issue cant handle the truth. Whites commit the majority of crimes in the US. Fix that then tell us how you did it so we can fix ours.
Blacks commit more violent crimes per capita than any race in the world. You can't escape that reality.

Just like you cant escape the reality that whites commit more crimes.
You're in denial, dude.
No, I'm an American and as such I get to have an opinion; a vote; a position on crime that happens in my country. You can take your racist attitude and stick it up your ass.

You don't have to be black or brown or white to have answers or opinions...but you do have to be intellectually honest...and I don't care what fucking color you are honey- YOU are NOT intellectually honest.

Black crime is out of control...THAT black leadership jumps on faux racist bandwagons fomenting civil unrest and discord (Trayvon Martin) but don't have protests against the black leadership in inner cities (Chicago), where black gangs murder each other daily, is telling.

I get to have an opinion as well since I too am an American. I think its pure hypocrisy for someone to tell me my yard is messed up when theres is as well. To further the analogy my yard is messed up from the weeds already growing in your yard. If we are being intellectually honest then your stats need a deeper look than just the surface information provided. I took statistics and I know how the game is played with that subject.

Your analogy is stupid. It's one great big fucking yard. The problem is that even though blacks are only 12.5% of the garden, they create the majority of the weeds that hurt the rest of the garden- especially their own black flowers. (note I never said all of the weeds) The garden where there are white; brown; yellow; red and black flowers all have to work and live together- not playing victims of past garden mistakes thereby sucking the life out of their stems with bitterness and misplaced hostilities that only feed the weeds.

If you understood stats you'd see how stupid your posts are.

Its obvious I know more about stats than you or you would not have come at me with a weak argument based on those stats. Now we are getting somewhere. Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?
Just like you cant escape the reality that whites commit more crimes.
You're in denial, dude.

And that, friends and the problem in the black community. DENIAL.

Come with an intelligent argument if you wish to debate. If you wish to talk about an issue acknowledge your mess and lets say its a crime problem and not just a black or white crime problem.
I get to have an opinion as well since I too am an American. I think its pure hypocrisy for someone to tell me my yard is messed up when theres is as well. To further the analogy my yard is messed up from the weeds already growing in your yard. If we are being intellectually honest then your stats need a deeper look than just the surface information provided. I took statistics and I know how the game is played with that subject.

Your analogy is stupid. It's one great big fucking yard. The problem is that even though blacks are only 12.5% of the garden, they create the majority of the weeds that hurt the rest of the garden- especially their own black flowers. (note I never said all of the weeds) The garden where there are white; brown; yellow; red and black flowers all have to work and live together- not playing victims of past garden mistakes thereby sucking the life out of their stems with bitterness and misplaced hostilities that only feed the weeds.

If you understood stats you'd see how stupid your posts are.

Its obvious I know more about stats than you or you would not have come at me with a weak argument based on those stats. Now we are getting somewhere. Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?
Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?
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Your analogy is stupid. It's one great big fucking yard. The problem is that even though blacks are only 12.5% of the garden, they create the majority of the weeds that hurt the rest of the garden- especially their own black flowers. (note I never said all of the weeds) The garden where there are white; brown; yellow; red and black flowers all have to work and live together- not playing victims of past garden mistakes thereby sucking the life out of their stems with bitterness and misplaced hostilities that only feed the weeds.

If you understood stats you'd see how stupid your posts are.

Its obvious I know more about stats than you or you would not have come at me with a weak argument based on those stats. Now we are getting somewhere. Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?
Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?
You're in denial, dude.

And that, friends and the problem in the black community. DENIAL.

Come with an intelligent argument if you wish to debate. If you wish to talk about an issue acknowledge your mess and lets say its a crime problem and not just a black or white crime problem.

Well, I thought I was done with ya, but I guess not quite yet.
I don't "debate". I converse. I give my opinion. I listen to other opinions.
I already stated that there is a problem in ALL races. I am not wagging a dog. I know there are probs and I know pond scum comes in all colors. I am white. My genes probably have black in them because ALL races originated from one place. Africa. At least, that is what I believe. I don't see color unless it is shoved in my face. Lately, it's been shoved in ALL our faces. Can't fix what is broken and everything is broken with losers like jackson and sharpton and the media fanning the flames.

We are on the brink of a HUGE race war. Those who speak up about it hope it doesn't happen. People like you (and not just becuase you are black) are not helping anything to stop it. You are adding the tinder.
Its obvious I know more about stats than you or you would not have come at me with a weak argument based on those stats. Now we are getting somewhere. Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?
Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

The cause???? Your mindset is the cause. Think about it.
And that, friends and the problem in the black community. DENIAL.

Come with an intelligent argument if you wish to debate. If you wish to talk about an issue acknowledge your mess and lets say its a crime problem and not just a black or white crime problem.

Well, I thought I was done with ya, but I guess not quite yet.
I don't "debate". I converse. I give my opinion. I listen to other opinions.
I already stated that there is a problem in ALL races. I am not wagging a dog. I know there are probs and I know pond scum comes in all colors. I am white. My genes probably have black in them because ALL races originated from one place. Africa. At least, that is what I believe. I don't see color unless it is shoved in my face. Lately, it's been shoved in ALL our faces. Can't fix what is broken and everything is broken with losers like jackson and sharpton and the media fanning the flames.

We are on the brink of a HUGE race war. Those who speak up about it hope it doesn't happen. People like you (and not just becuase you are black) are not helping anything to stop it. You are adding the tinder.

Don't get scared. There wont be a race war. Too late for that. Its just the media playing people against each other as always. If me speaking my mind is fueling the flames then white people need to reassess why they think I dont have that right.
It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

The cause???? Your mindset is the cause. Think about it.

Well whats my mindset? :lol: This ought to be good.
I'm not scared. I feel bad for everyone that it has come to this and that dream will never happen. At least in my lifetime.

What is your mindset? Not once have you agreed there is a problem with the black community in this country. You are too busy with weeds and your garden woes and blaming the grass.
Its obvious I know more about stats than you or you would not have come at me with a weak argument based on those stats. Now we are getting somewhere. Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?
Do I understand your position to be that there is something genetically wrong with Black people hence the crime rate?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

I think it is more than a single problem or cause.

Like crime in all demographics it is tied directly to the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. Single parent families have less income and single mothers especially. Poverty drives crime. Welfare does not fix poverty- indeed it can be shown to encourage it.

The facts are that kids growing up without two parents are more likely to drop out of school; use drugs; and repeat the pattern of their parents which further entrenches poverty rates.

These kids are broken much like their homes- Then you add to this the glorification of the gang culture in music and movies and it becomes cool at a young age to be gangsta'.

But unique to the black community is the sacred lamb of victim-hood and anger towards everyone that ain't black. This is a poison that permeates any kind of discussion about problems in the black community. I say poison because bitterness really only harms the person who possesses it. The Al Sharpton's of this country are peddlers of this poison.

So in short to a very complex issue that's my answer to your question.
It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

I think it is more than a single problem or cause.

Like crime in all demographics it is tied directly to the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. Single parent families have less income and single mothers especially. Poverty drives crime. Welfare does not fix poverty- indeed it can be shown to encourage it.

The facts are that kids growing up without two parents are more likely to drop out of school; use drugs; and repeat the pattern of their parents which further entrenches poverty rates.

These kids are broken much like their homes- Then you add to this the glorification of the gang culture in music and movies and it becomes cool at a young age to be gangsta'.

But unique to the black community is the sacred lamb of victim-hood and anger towards everyone that ain't black. This is a poison that permeates any kind of discussion about problems in the black community. I say poison because bitterness really only harms the person who possesses it. The Al Sharpton's of this country are peddlers of this poison.

So in short to a very complex issue that's my answer to your question.

Excellent post. THANK you for saying what I struggle to say.
I'm not scared. I feel bad for everyone that it has come to this and that dream will never happen. At least in my lifetime.

What is your mindset? Not once have you agreed there is a problem with the black community in this country. You are too busy with weeds and your garden woes and blaming the grass.

Why do you feel the need that I should agree with someone that is saying I'm messed up? I already said I work on the problems in my community. What makes you think I am blaming anyone just because I stated a fact? What are you doing to lower the crime problem in white society?
It's obvious you understand SHIT about stats

What The Fuck are you yammering about now?

How the fuck did you get that from my improvement of your idiotic analogy?

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

I think it is more than a single problem or cause.

Like crime in all demographics it is tied directly to the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. Single parent families have less income and single mothers especially. Poverty drives crime. Welfare does not fix poverty- indeed it can be shown to encourage it.

The facts are that kids growing up without two parents are more likely to drop out of school; use drugs; and repeat the pattern of their parents which further entrenches poverty rates.

These kids are broken much like their homes- Then you add to this the glorification of the gang culture in music and movies and it becomes cool at a young age to be gangsta'.

But unique to the black community is the sacred lamb of victim-hood and anger towards everyone that ain't black. This is a poison that permeates any kind of discussion about problems in the black community. I say poison because bitterness really only harms the person who possesses it. The Al Sharpton's of this country are peddlers of this poison.

So in short to a very complex issue that's my answer to your question.

So i see we actually agree on a lot of things. From what i see you are wrong about some things. Black people typically only have problems with whites who try to tell them what to do. Why you guys dont get this I dont know. Other races do not provoke the amount of anger that whites do in black people. You guys dont seem to get what Al Sharpton is doing but I dont expect you too. its like trying to explain sight to a blind person. Rap music is born out of anger and yes it is a problem. However all rap is not like that and Black people resent the implication. Especially when young suburban whites purchase the lions share of the music. The problem is more complex than you will allow yourself to believe. Yes there are some in the Black community that use the victim route just like in every other race. That combined with welfare does hurt our community.
Finally. Acknowledgment.

I am not fond of rap...but this is my favorite song. The lyrics are awesome and right on.

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Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

I think it is more than a single problem or cause.

Like crime in all demographics it is tied directly to the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. Single parent families have less income and single mothers especially. Poverty drives crime. Welfare does not fix poverty- indeed it can be shown to encourage it.

The facts are that kids growing up without two parents are more likely to drop out of school; use drugs; and repeat the pattern of their parents which further entrenches poverty rates.

These kids are broken much like their homes- Then you add to this the glorification of the gang culture in music and movies and it becomes cool at a young age to be gangsta'.

But unique to the black community is the sacred lamb of victim-hood and anger towards everyone that ain't black. This is a poison that permeates any kind of discussion about problems in the black community. I say poison because bitterness really only harms the person who possesses it. The Al Sharpton's of this country are peddlers of this poison.

So in short to a very complex issue that's my answer to your question.

So i see we actually agree on a lot of things. From what i see you are wrong about some things. Black people typically only have problems with whites who try to tell them what to do. Why you guys dont get this I dont know. Other races do not provoke the amount of anger that whites do in black people. You guys dont seem to get what Al Sharpton is doing but I dont expect you too. its like trying to explain sight to a blind person. Rap music is born out of anger and yes it is a problem. However all rap is not like that and Black people resent the implication. Especially when young suburban whites purchase the lions share of the music. The problem is more complex than you will allow yourself to believe. Yes there are some in the Black community that use the victim route just like in every other race. That combined with welfare does hurt our community.

Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!
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I think it is more than a single problem or cause.

Like crime in all demographics it is tied directly to the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. Single parent families have less income and single mothers especially. Poverty drives crime. Welfare does not fix poverty- indeed it can be shown to encourage it.

The facts are that kids growing up without two parents are more likely to drop out of school; use drugs; and repeat the pattern of their parents which further entrenches poverty rates.

These kids are broken much like their homes- Then you add to this the glorification of the gang culture in music and movies and it becomes cool at a young age to be gangsta'.

But unique to the black community is the sacred lamb of victim-hood and anger towards everyone that ain't black. This is a poison that permeates any kind of discussion about problems in the black community. I say poison because bitterness really only harms the person who possesses it. The Al Sharpton's of this country are peddlers of this poison.

So in short to a very complex issue that's my answer to your question.

So i see we actually agree on a lot of things. From what i see you are wrong about some things. Black people typically only have problems with whites who try to tell them what to do. Why you guys dont get this I dont know. Other races do not provoke the amount of anger that whites do in black people. You guys dont seem to get what Al Sharpton is doing but I dont expect you too. its like trying to explain sight to a blind person. Rap music is born out of anger and yes it is a problem. However all rap is not like that and Black people resent the implication. Especially when young suburban whites purchase the lions share of the music. The problem is more complex than you will allow yourself to believe. Yes there are some in the Black community that use the victim route just like in every other race. That combined with welfare does hurt our community.

Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!

Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

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