Black on White Crime..Obama Response

So what are you going to do about it? Nothing except cry and try to promote a race war. Whites still commit most of the crime in this country and its not even close. What should we do about that?

When you look at percentages of crimes based on population you are WRONG! Since blacks make up only 12% of the population you need to look at per capita do otherwise is a false positive- and to pretend it is not is disingenuous.

No I need to look at it the way I did. Whites commit the majority of the crime. If you want to play statistics go ahead and get down to the per capita have at it but the bottom line is whites commit the majority of the crimes. How are you whites going to correct your problem before trying to tell Blacks how to correct theirs?

You are an ignorant fuck- I think you should go play in the street with blinders and ear plugs so the rest of us can have a discussion based in reality.

[*]The exception here is robbery. Whites are held up by blacks 49% of the time and by whites only 37%. Still, though violent crime is predominantly white on white or black on black, it is also true that black criminals commit more crimes against white victims (nearly 1.1 million in 1992) than they do against blacks (just under 1 million).

[*]Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

[*]In 2005, Homicide offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites

[*]Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison

[*]This Special Report presents lifetime chances of going to State or Federal prison by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Using standard demographic lifetable techniques, and assuming that recent incarceration rates remain unchanged, an estimated 1 of every 20 persons (5%) can be expected
to serve time in prison during their lifetime. The lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for men (9%) than for women (1%) and higher for blacks (16%) and Hispanics (9%) than for whites (2%). At current levels of incarceration newborn black males in this country have a greater than a 1 in 4 chance of going to prison during their lifetimes, while Hispanic males have a 1 in 6 chance, and white males have a 1 in 23 chance of serving time. 3/97 NCJ 160092

[*]The US Dept. of Justice Website also reports that in England and Wales, blacks are 2% of the population, but 11% of inmates:
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When you look at percentages of crimes based on population you are WRONG! Since blacks make up only 12% of the population you need to look at per capita do otherwise is a false positive- and to pretend it is not is disingenuous.

No I need to look at it the way I did. Whites commit the majority of the crime. If you want to play statistics go ahead and get down to the per capita have at it but the bottom line is whites commit the majority of the crimes. How are you whites going to correct your problem before trying to tell Blacks how to correct theirs?

You are an ignorant fuck- I think you should go play in the street with blinders and ear plugs so the rest of us can have a discussion based in reality.

[*]The exception here is robbery. Whites are held up by blacks 49% of the time and by whites only 37%. Still, though violent crime is predominantly white on white or black on black, it is also true that black criminals commit more crimes against white victims (nearly 1.1 million in 1992) than they do against blacks (just under 1 million).

[*]Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

[*]In 2005, Homicide offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites

[*]Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison
[*]This Special Report presents lifetime chances of going to State or Federal prison by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Using standard demographic lifetable techniques, and assuming that recent incarceration rates remain unchanged, an estimated 1 of every 20 persons (5%) can be expected to serve time in prison during their lifetime. The lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for men (9%) than for women (1%) and higher for blacks (16%) and Hispanics (9%) than for whites (2%). At current levels of incarceration newborn black males in this country have a greater than a 1 in 4 chance of going to prison during their lifetimes, while Hispanic males have a 1 in 6 chance, and white males have a 1 in 23 chance of serving time. 3/97 NCJ 160092

[*]The US Dept. of Justice Website also reports that in England and Wales, blacks are 2% of the population, but 11% of inmates:

[link to]

You should get a degree majoring in statistics. Youre boring and all I heard was blah blah blah. When are you whites going to correct your crime problem? Once you get that done come and attempt to dictate what we should do. Otherwise STFU because your opinion is not valid until you get your house in order.
Bottom line, blacks have the highest violent crime rate, highest illegitimacy rate, highest dropout rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest unemployment rate, everything bad or counter productive to civilized society, they top the list.
Does anyone get the distinct impression that the 3 Racists (Al, Jesse, and Barack) are trying to encourage a race war?


A Department of Homeland Security employee who works on, among other things, the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, spends his nights and weekends preparing for a coming race war and advocating for anti-gay causes, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Meet Ayo Kimathi, a.k.a. “the Irritated Genie," who told his bosses at the DHS that his anti-white, anti-gay site, "War is on the Horizon," was just an entertainment site that sells concert and lecture videos.

You see, DHS employees, even those with office jobs like Kimathi's, have to get outside activities approved by their supervisors, according to the SPLC. Kimathi's former supervisor told the watchdog group, which tracks hate speech and groups in the U.S., that despite her former employee's banal description of his extracurricular activities, the actual content of the site left her "stunned." She continued: “To see the hate, to know that he is a federal employee, it bothered me." She added that had Kimathi's site been accurately described to the agency, there's no way the DHS would have signed off on it. Possibly to keep his bosses from looking up his work, Kimathi used only the site's acronym, WOH, in his permission request. In addition to his involvement in the purchase of ICE supplies, Kimathi also had a public profile for the agency, speaking at vendor events. As "Irritated Genie," Kimathi also has a public profile as a black supremacist advocate.

This Homeland Security Employee Is Preparing for a Coming Race War - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire
Bottom line, blacks have the highest violent crime rate, highest illegitimacy rate, highest dropout rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest unemployment rate, everything bad or counter productive to civilized society, they top the list.

Bottom line. Let me know when not one white person has the same issues. Until then STFU and fix your own stuff before commenting on mine. Got it?
No I need to look at it the way I did. Whites commit the majority of the crime. If you want to play statistics go ahead and get down to the per capita have at it but the bottom line is whites commit the majority of the crimes. How are you whites going to correct your problem before trying to tell Blacks how to correct theirs?

You are an ignorant fuck- I think you should go play in the street with blinders and ear plugs so the rest of us can have a discussion based in reality.

[*]The exception here is robbery. Whites are held up by blacks 49% of the time and by whites only 37%. Still, though violent crime is predominantly white on white or black on black, it is also true that black criminals commit more crimes against white victims (nearly 1.1 million in 1992) than they do against blacks (just under 1 million).

[*]Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

[*]In 2005, Homicide offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites

[*]Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison
[*]This Special Report presents lifetime chances of going to State or Federal prison by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Using standard demographic lifetable techniques, and assuming that recent incarceration rates remain unchanged, an estimated 1 of every 20 persons (5%) can be expected to serve time in prison during their lifetime. The lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for men (9%) than for women (1%) and higher for blacks (16%) and Hispanics (9%) than for whites (2%). At current levels of incarceration newborn black males in this country have a greater than a 1 in 4 chance of going to prison during their lifetimes, while Hispanic males have a 1 in 6 chance, and white males have a 1 in 23 chance of serving time. 3/97 NCJ 160092

[*]The US Dept. of Justice Website also reports that in England and Wales, blacks are 2% of the population, but 11% of inmates:

[link to]

You should get a degree majoring in statistics. Youre boring and all I heard was blah blah blah. When are you whites going to correct your crime problem? Once you get that done come and attempt to dictate what we should do. Otherwise STFU because your opinion is not valid until you get your house in order.

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—
 Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide
victims and off enders. Th e victimization rate for blacks (27.8
per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per
100,000). Th e off ending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost
8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).
You are an ignorant fuck- I think you should go play in the street with blinders and ear plugs so the rest of us can have a discussion based in reality.

[*]The exception here is robbery. Whites are held up by blacks 49% of the time and by whites only 37%. Still, though violent crime is predominantly white on white or black on black, it is also true that black criminals commit more crimes against white victims (nearly 1.1 million in 1992) than they do against blacks (just under 1 million).

[*]Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

[*]In 2005, Homicide offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites

[*]Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison
[*]This Special Report presents lifetime chances of going to State or Federal prison by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Using standard demographic lifetable techniques, and assuming that recent incarceration rates remain unchanged, an estimated 1 of every 20 persons (5%) can be expected to serve time in prison during their lifetime. The lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for men (9%) than for women (1%) and higher for blacks (16%) and Hispanics (9%) than for whites (2%). At current levels of incarceration newborn black males in this country have a greater than a 1 in 4 chance of going to prison during their lifetimes, while Hispanic males have a 1 in 6 chance, and white males have a 1 in 23 chance of serving time. 3/97 NCJ 160092

[*]The US Dept. of Justice Website also reports that in England and Wales, blacks are 2% of the population, but 11% of inmates:

[link to]

You should get a degree majoring in statistics. Youre boring and all I heard was blah blah blah. When are you whites going to correct your crime problem? Once you get that done come and attempt to dictate what we should do. Otherwise STFU because your opinion is not valid until you get your house in order.

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—
 Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide
victims and off enders. Th e victimization rate for blacks (27.8
per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per
100,000). Th e off ending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost
8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).

Yet whites still commit the majority of crimes! Go figure.
You should get a degree majoring in statistics. Youre boring and all I heard was blah blah blah. When are you whites going to correct your crime problem? Once you get that done come and attempt to dictate what we should do. Otherwise STFU because your opinion is not valid until you get your house in order.

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—
 Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide
victims and off enders. Th e victimization rate for blacks (27.8
per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per
100,000). Th e off ending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost
8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).

Yet whites still commit the majority of crimes! Go figure.

The only trouble we are having here is that YOU are incapable of doing "figures". You are a flaming idiot!
Bottom line, blacks have the highest violent crime rate, highest illegitimacy rate, highest dropout rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest unemployment rate, everything bad or counter productive to civilized society, they top the list.

The left that controls our cities don't give a damn. Believe it or not they're the ones that the black community should blame for any problems whitey may of been doing to them.
Nice link :lol:

Why aren't you screaming about white on white crime? You are still more likely to be killed by a white person if you are white. Why aren't you screaming about that?

And aren't you guys getting sick of making these threads?
Why not stick to the topic. Start your own false premise thread about white on white crime.

The issue here is the silence of political leaders who will immediately jump into a discussion about white on black crime, but give a tacit pass to black on white crime.

Care to comment on why they do that?
Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—
 Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide
victims and off enders. Th e victimization rate for blacks (27.8
per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per
100,000). Th e off ending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost
8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).

Yet whites still commit the majority of crimes! Go figure.

The only trouble we are having here is that YOU are incapable of doing "figures". You are a flaming idiot!

It seems like you are having trouble reading and keeping yourself composed. Whites commit the majority of crimes in this country. You can cross reference, sub divide and ratio your stats to death but you cant seem to fix that one inconvenient truth can you? Get it through your head. Your stats dont mean very much to me. I know you are only using them to divert attention from your white crime issue.
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Bottom line, blacks have the highest violent crime rate, highest illegitimacy rate, highest dropout rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest unemployment rate, everything bad or counter productive to civilized society, they top the list.

Bottom line. Let me know when not one white person has the same issues. Until then STFU and fix your own stuff before commenting on mine. Got it?
Can't handle the truth, I see.
Yet whites still commit the majority of crimes! Go figure.

The only trouble we are having here is that YOU are incapable of doing "figures". You are a flaming idiot!

It seems like you are having trouble reading and keeping yourself composed. Whites commit the majority of crimes in this country. You sub divide and ratio your stats to death but you cant seem to fix that one inconvenient truth can you? Get it through your head. Your stats dont mean very much to me. I know you are only using them to divert attention from your white crime issue.

Here's a convenient truth...If the population ratios were reversed...white crime would be so minimal as to be insignificant; as in not even a bleep on the radar. And black crime so pervasive that every man woman and child would immediately fall prey to an 8 time greater likelihood of becoming victim to a violent a black of course.

Metrics matter...really. It's obvious your ignorance is a part of the problem if it is in any way representative of the black community as a whole.

If crime and victim rates are ever to be fixed people like yourself will have to get the fucking chips off their shoulders and quit being defensive and racist about the issue.
Bottom line, blacks have the highest violent crime rate, highest illegitimacy rate, highest dropout rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest unemployment rate, everything bad or counter productive to civilized society, they top the list.

Bottom line. Let me know when not one white person has the same issues. Until then STFU and fix your own stuff before commenting on mine. Got it?
Can't handle the truth, I see.

Seems like whites that want to address the Black crime issue cant handle the truth. Whites commit the majority of crimes in the US. Fix that then tell us how you did it so we can fix ours.
Nice link :lol:

Why aren't you screaming about white on white crime? You are still more likely to be killed by a white person if you are white. Why aren't you screaming about that?

And aren't you guys getting sick of making these threads?
Why not stick to the topic. Start your own false premise thread about white on white crime.

The issue here is the silence of political leaders who will immediately jump into a discussion about white on black crime, but give a tacit pass to black on white crime.

Care to comment on why they do that?

I think this statement explains everything.

"“I protest when I’m called in, and when there’s an injustice,” he said on the show. “The three were arrested. There was nothing to protest. The system worked there.”

I am not a Sharpton fan, but I think he hit the nail on the head.
The only trouble we are having here is that YOU are incapable of doing "figures". You are a flaming idiot!

It seems like you are having trouble reading and keeping yourself composed. Whites commit the majority of crimes in this country. You sub divide and ratio your stats to death but you cant seem to fix that one inconvenient truth can you? Get it through your head. Your stats dont mean very much to me. I know you are only using them to divert attention from your white crime issue.

Here's a convenient truth...If the population ratios were reversed...white crime would be so minimal as to be insignificant; as in not even a bleep on the radar. And black crime so pervasive that every man woman and child would immediately fall prey to an 8 time greater likelihood of becoming victim to a violent a black of course.

Metrics matter...really. It's obvious your ignorance is a part of the problem if it is in any way representative of the black community as a whole.

If crime and victim rates are ever to be fixed people like yourself will have to get the fucking chips off their shoulders and quit being defensive and racist about the issue.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. You dont have a clue what I do to fix the crime rate in my community so I will let that pass. My point being is if you really want to address the issue fix your stuff and provide an example to us poor unfortunate Blacks. Your the one being defensive by not addressing that issue.
Bottom line, blacks have the highest violent crime rate, highest illegitimacy rate, highest dropout rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest unemployment rate, everything bad or counter productive to civilized society, they top the list.

Bottom line. Let me know when not one white person has the same issues. Until then STFU and fix your own stuff before commenting on mine. Got it?
Can't handle the truth, I see.

Kind of like the parents of those 3 bored boys who said they did nothing wrong.
Nice link :lol:

Why aren't you screaming about white on white crime? You are still more likely to be killed by a white person if you are white. Why aren't you screaming about that?

And aren't you guys getting sick of making these threads?
Why not stick to the topic. Start your own false premise thread about white on white crime.

The issue here is the silence of political leaders who will immediately jump into a discussion about white on black crime, but give a tacit pass to black on white crime.

Care to comment on why they do that?

I think this statement explains everything.

"“I protest when I’m called in, and when there’s an injustice,” he said on the show. “The three were arrested. There was nothing to protest. The system worked there.”
WATCH: Sharpton addresses Christopher Lane shooting ? MSNBC

I am not a Sharpton fan, but I think he hit the nail on the head.

No he didn't! Chris Lane was not in a physical confrontation where the black kids defended themselves. They hunted him down and shot him in the fucking back! Arresting them was a clean and obvious choice.

The Martin ordeal was steeped in controversial legal applications because of self defense that was tied specifically to the SYG laws in Florida. Trayvon Martin got into a physical altercation...Chris Lane did no such thing!
Bottom line. Let me know when not one white person has the same issues. Until then STFU and fix your own stuff before commenting on mine. Got it?
Can't handle the truth, I see.

Kind of like the parents of those 3 bored boys who said they did nothing wrong.
I have to correct you here.

They are not boys. They are nothing more than predatory animals without human conscious.

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