Black on White Crime..Obama Response

It seems like you are having trouble reading and keeping yourself composed. Whites commit the majority of crimes in this country. You sub divide and ratio your stats to death but you cant seem to fix that one inconvenient truth can you? Get it through your head. Your stats dont mean very much to me. I know you are only using them to divert attention from your white crime issue.

Here's a convenient truth...If the population ratios were reversed...white crime would be so minimal as to be insignificant; as in not even a bleep on the radar. And black crime so pervasive that every man woman and child would immediately fall prey to an 8 time greater likelihood of becoming victim to a violent a black of course.

Metrics matter...really. It's obvious your ignorance is a part of the problem if it is in any way representative of the black community as a whole.

If crime and victim rates are ever to be fixed people like yourself will have to get the fucking chips off their shoulders and quit being defensive and racist about the issue.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. You dont have a clue what I do to fix the crime rate in my community so I will let that pass. My point being is if you really want to address the issue fix your stuff and provide an example to us poor unfortunate Blacks. Your the one being defensive by not addressing that issue.

By comparison the white criminal troubles are 8 times LESS I think we DO get a place at the table to fucking criticize and have opinions!
Why not stick to the topic. Start your own false premise thread about white on white crime.

The issue here is the silence of political leaders who will immediately jump into a discussion about white on black crime, but give a tacit pass to black on white crime.

Care to comment on why they do that?

I think this statement explains everything.

"“I protest when I’m called in, and when there’s an injustice,” he said on the show. “The three were arrested. There was nothing to protest. The system worked there.”
WATCH: Sharpton addresses Christopher Lane shooting ? MSNBC

I am not a Sharpton fan, but I think he hit the nail on the head.

No he didn't! Chris Lane was not in a physical confrontation where the black kids defended themselves. They hunted him down and shot him in the fucking back! Arresting them was a clean and obvious choice.

The Martin ordeal was steeped in controversial legal applications because of self defense that was tied specifically to the SYG laws in Florida. Trayvon Martin got into a physical altercation...Chris Lane did no such thing!

That would be why there was no outcry. Justice is being served.....swiftly like it should work for everyone.
Here's a convenient truth...If the population ratios were reversed...white crime would be so minimal as to be insignificant; as in not even a bleep on the radar. And black crime so pervasive that every man woman and child would immediately fall prey to an 8 time greater likelihood of becoming victim to a violent a black of course.

Metrics matter...really. It's obvious your ignorance is a part of the problem if it is in any way representative of the black community as a whole.

If crime and victim rates are ever to be fixed people like yourself will have to get the fucking chips off their shoulders and quit being defensive and racist about the issue.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. You dont have a clue what I do to fix the crime rate in my community so I will let that pass. My point being is if you really want to address the issue fix your stuff and provide an example to us poor unfortunate Blacks. Your the one being defensive by not addressing that issue.

By comparison the white criminal troubles are 8 times LESS I think we DO get a place at the table to fucking criticize and have opinions!

But you are not black. Fix your problems before thinking what you say means anything to someone else having the same issue. Set an example if you can. Thats the only way your opinion carries weight with anyone. How would you look at me if I told you to cut your lawn and my grass was unmowed?
Can't handle the truth, I see.

Kind of like the parents of those 3 bored boys who said they did nothing wrong.

More like me telling you I dont care what you think because your house is dirty too.

Of course it is. The world is full of murderers, pond scum, assholes, etc.
Whites are not exempt. Problem is, YOU are like the parents of those 3 boys who shot that man in the back....just like the parents of the kids that beat up that little boy on the bus....just like those who got so angry at Bill Cosby and Alan West for saying black MUST stop this neverending downhill race. You are in denial and want to focus on what whites do without saying one thing about acknowledging what BLACKS do.

That is what separates you and I. Not race. Not skin color. Tunnel vision and the refusal to accept that your race is killing each other off AND us as well. What are YOU going to do about it? Be an uncle tom? Or keep trying to sway away?
Bottom line. Let me know when not one white person has the same issues. Until then STFU and fix your own stuff before commenting on mine. Got it?
Can't handle the truth, I see.

Seems like whites that want to address the Black crime issue cant handle the truth. Whites commit the majority of crimes in the US. Fix that then tell us how you did it so we can fix ours.
Blacks commit more violent crimes per capita than any race in the world. You can't escape that reality.
Kind of like the parents of those 3 bored boys who said they did nothing wrong.

More like me telling you I dont care what you think because your house is dirty too.

Of course it is. The world is full of murderers, pond scum, assholes, etc.
Whites are not exempt. Problem is, YOU are like the parents of those 3 boys who shot that man in the back....just like the parents of the kids that beat up that little boy on the bus....just like those who got so angry at Bill Cosby and Alan West for saying black MUST stop this neverending downhill race. You are in denial and want to focus on what whites do without saying one thing about acknowledging what BLACKS do.

That is what separates you and I. Not race. Not skin color. Tunnel vision and the refusal to accept that your race is killing each other off AND us as well. What are YOU going to do about it? Be an uncle tom? Or keep trying to sway away?

What separates me from you is that I am not someone you can attempt to hide the truth from. I know the problems in my community and work to fix them. I also know white people have some messed up issues as well. What are you doing about your issues? Fix those. Provide a game plan on how you did it then get back to me before you try to tell me what i should do.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. You dont have a clue what I do to fix the crime rate in my community so I will let that pass. My point being is if you really want to address the issue fix your stuff and provide an example to us poor unfortunate Blacks. Your the one being defensive by not addressing that issue.

By comparison the white criminal troubles are 8 times LESS I think we DO get a place at the table to fucking criticize and have opinions!

But you are not black. Fix your problems before thinking what you say means anything to someone else having the same issue. Set an example if you can. Thats the only way your opinion carries weight with anyone. How would you look at me if I told you to cut your lawn and my grass was unmowed?

No, I'm an American and as such I get to have an opinion; a vote; a position on crime that happens in my country. You can take your racist attitude and stick it up your ass.

You don't have to be black or brown or white to have answers or opinions...but you do have to be intellectually honest...and I don't care what fucking color you are honey- YOU are NOT intellectually honest.

Black crime is out of control...THAT black leadership jumps on faux racist bandwagons fomenting civil unrest and discord (Trayvon Martin) but don't have protests against the black leadership in inner cities (Chicago), where black gangs murder each other daily, is telling.
Can't handle the truth, I see.

Seems like whites that want to address the Black crime issue cant handle the truth. Whites commit the majority of crimes in the US. Fix that then tell us how you did it so we can fix ours.
Blacks commit more violent crimes per capita than any race in the world. You can't escape that reality.

Just like you cant escape the reality that whites commit more crimes.
Why not stick to the topic. Start your own false premise thread about white on white crime.

The issue here is the silence of political leaders who will immediately jump into a discussion about white on black crime, but give a tacit pass to black on white crime.

Care to comment on why they do that?

I think this statement explains everything.

"“I protest when I’m called in, and when there’s an injustice,” he said on the show. “The three were arrested. There was nothing to protest. The system worked there.”
WATCH: Sharpton addresses Christopher Lane shooting ? MSNBC

I am not a Sharpton fan, but I think he hit the nail on the head.

No he didn't! Chris Lane was not in a physical confrontation where the black kids defended themselves. They hunted him down and shot him in the fucking back! Arresting them was a clean and obvious choice.

The Martin ordeal was steeped in controversial legal applications because of self defense that was tied specifically to the SYG laws in Florida. Trayvon Martin got into a physical altercation...Chris Lane did no such thing!

I am guessing his statement flew over your head.
More like me telling you I dont care what you think because your house is dirty too.

Of course it is. The world is full of murderers, pond scum, assholes, etc.
Whites are not exempt. Problem is, YOU are like the parents of those 3 boys who shot that man in the back....just like the parents of the kids that beat up that little boy on the bus....just like those who got so angry at Bill Cosby and Alan West for saying black MUST stop this neverending downhill race. You are in denial and want to focus on what whites do without saying one thing about acknowledging what BLACKS do.

That is what separates you and I. Not race. Not skin color. Tunnel vision and the refusal to accept that your race is killing each other off AND us as well. What are YOU going to do about it? Be an uncle tom? Or keep trying to sway away?

What separates me from you is that I am not someone you can attempt to hide the truth from. I know the problems in my community and work to fix them. I also know white people have some messed up issues as well. What are you doing about your issues? Fix those. Provide a game plan on how you did it then get back to me before you try to tell me what i should do.

I don't really give a damn what you do in your community. You are missing the point. You refuse to acknowledge there is a problem with blacks and instead are wagging the dog to refocus on whites. What about hispanic gangs in Los Angeles? What about asian crime? What about the italian mob? There are problems everywhere...and most admit it. Except you. That dog is getting dizzy with all your waggling. are a waste of time. You are a brick wall. carry on. I'm done with ya.
I think this statement explains everything.

"“I protest when I’m called in, and when there’s an injustice,” he said on the show. “The three were arrested. There was nothing to protest. The system worked there.”
WATCH: Sharpton addresses Christopher Lane shooting ? MSNBC

I am not a Sharpton fan, but I think he hit the nail on the head.

No he didn't! Chris Lane was not in a physical confrontation where the black kids defended themselves. They hunted him down and shot him in the fucking back! Arresting them was a clean and obvious choice.

The Martin ordeal was steeped in controversial legal applications because of self defense that was tied specifically to the SYG laws in Florida. Trayvon Martin got into a physical altercation...Chris Lane did no such thing!

I am guessing his statement flew over your head.

The system worked in Florida... It's you who missed the hypocrisy- or maybe chose not to get it? Sharpton should have been decrying the racist attitudes of these 3 black youths for what they did.
By comparison the white criminal troubles are 8 times LESS I think we DO get a place at the table to fucking criticize and have opinions!

But you are not black. Fix your problems before thinking what you say means anything to someone else having the same issue. Set an example if you can. Thats the only way your opinion carries weight with anyone. How would you look at me if I told you to cut your lawn and my grass was unmowed?

No, I'm an American and as such I get to have an opinion; a vote; a position on crime that happens in my country. You can take your racist attitude and stick it up your ass.

You don't have to be black or brown or white to have answers or opinions...but you do have to be intellectually honest...and I don't care what fucking color you are honey- YOU are NOT intellectually honest.

Black crime is out of control...THAT black leadership jumps on faux racist bandwagons fomenting civil unrest and discord (Trayvon Martin) but don't have protests against the black leadership in inner cities (Chicago), where black gangs murder each other daily, is telling.

I get to have an opinion as well since I too am an American. I think its pure hypocrisy for someone to tell me my yard is messed up when theres is as well. To further the analogy my yard is messed up from the weeds already growing in your yard. If we are being intellectually honest then your stats need a deeper look than just the surface information provided. I took statistics and I know how the game is played with that subject.
Once upon a time...a man had a dream. Whites joined blacks in fighting for their rights...for what was best for ALL. That was then. This is now. Pretty soon, between people like Mr. Wag The Dog, sharpton, jackson, the media, presidents that are stupid and need to keep their yaps shut, etc....there won't be many whites joining in with blacks any more. The division grows wider and wider.

Men like West and Cosby? Never mind their words. It falls on deaf ears...just like yours.
Of course it is. The world is full of murderers, pond scum, assholes, etc.
Whites are not exempt. Problem is, YOU are like the parents of those 3 boys who shot that man in the back....just like the parents of the kids that beat up that little boy on the bus....just like those who got so angry at Bill Cosby and Alan West for saying black MUST stop this neverending downhill race. You are in denial and want to focus on what whites do without saying one thing about acknowledging what BLACKS do.

That is what separates you and I. Not race. Not skin color. Tunnel vision and the refusal to accept that your race is killing each other off AND us as well. What are YOU going to do about it? Be an uncle tom? Or keep trying to sway away?

What separates me from you is that I am not someone you can attempt to hide the truth from. I know the problems in my community and work to fix them. I also know white people have some messed up issues as well. What are you doing about your issues? Fix those. Provide a game plan on how you did it then get back to me before you try to tell me what i should do.

I don't really give a damn what you do in your community. You are missing the point. You refuse to acknowledge there is a problem with blacks and instead are wagging the dog to refocus on whites. What about hispanic gangs in Los Angeles? What about asian crime? What about the italian mob? There are problems everywhere...and most admit it. Except you. That dog is getting dizzy with all your waggling. are a waste of time. You are a brick wall. carry on. I'm done with ya.

If you dont care what I do then why are you asking about the problem? Thats pretty dumb of you. No I am not missing the point I just don't believe there is one coming from someone who refuses to clean up their own mess first.
What separates me from you is that I am not someone you can attempt to hide the truth from. I know the problems in my community and work to fix them. I also know white people have some messed up issues as well. What are you doing about your issues? Fix those. Provide a game plan on how you did it then get back to me before you try to tell me what i should do.

I don't really give a damn what you do in your community. You are missing the point. You refuse to acknowledge there is a problem with blacks and instead are wagging the dog to refocus on whites. What about hispanic gangs in Los Angeles? What about asian crime? What about the italian mob? There are problems everywhere...and most admit it. Except you. That dog is getting dizzy with all your waggling. are a waste of time. You are a brick wall. carry on. I'm done with ya.

If you dont care what I do then why are you asking about the problem? Thats pretty dumb of you. No I am not missing the point I just don't believe there is one coming from someone who refuses to clean up their own mess first.

Once upon a time...a man had a dream. Whites joined blacks in fighting for their rights...for what was best for ALL. That was then. This is now. Pretty soon, between people like Mr. Wag The Dog, sharpton, jackson, the media, presidents that are stupid and need to keep their yaps shut, etc....there won't be many whites joining in with blacks any more. The division grows wider and wider.

Men like West and Cosby? Never mind their words. It falls on deaf ears...just like yours.

You see my problem with your stance is this. You assume to know what i think and you dont. You have no idea and dont care to know. You just want to try and shift the conversation to say I'm messed up while attempting to hide your issues. Look in the mirror before you think what you say will hold an ounce of weight. Contrary to popular belief i could care less if white people wanted to help or not. Might be better if you just shut up and get our to the way so us blacks are not constantly pissed off by some whites trying to tell us how to handle problems that they havent solved themselves.
But you are not black. Fix your problems before thinking what you say means anything to someone else having the same issue. Set an example if you can. Thats the only way your opinion carries weight with anyone. How would you look at me if I told you to cut your lawn and my grass was unmowed?

No, I'm an American and as such I get to have an opinion; a vote; a position on crime that happens in my country. You can take your racist attitude and stick it up your ass.

You don't have to be black or brown or white to have answers or opinions...but you do have to be intellectually honest...and I don't care what fucking color you are honey- YOU are NOT intellectually honest.

Black crime is out of control...THAT black leadership jumps on faux racist bandwagons fomenting civil unrest and discord (Trayvon Martin) but don't have protests against the black leadership in inner cities (Chicago), where black gangs murder each other daily, is telling.

I get to have an opinion as well since I too am an American. I think its pure hypocrisy for someone to tell me my yard is messed up when theres is as well. To further the analogy my yard is messed up from the weeds already growing in your yard. If we are being intellectually honest then your stats need a deeper look than just the surface information provided. I took statistics and I know how the game is played with that subject.

Your analogy is stupid. It's one great big fucking yard. The problem is that even though blacks are only 12.5% of the garden, they create the majority of the weeds that hurt the rest of the garden- especially their own black flowers. (note I never said all of the weeds) The garden where there are white; brown; yellow; red and black flowers all have to work and live together- not playing victims of past garden mistakes thereby sucking the life out of their stems with bitterness and misplaced hostilities that only feed the weeds.

If you understood stats you'd see how stupid your posts are.
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