Black on White Crime..Obama Response

So i see we actually agree on a lot of things. From what i see you are wrong about some things. Black people typically only have problems with whites who try to tell them what to do. Why you guys dont get this I dont know. Other races do not provoke the amount of anger that whites do in black people. You guys dont seem to get what Al Sharpton is doing but I dont expect you too. its like trying to explain sight to a blind person. Rap music is born out of anger and yes it is a problem. However all rap is not like that and Black people resent the implication. Especially when young suburban whites purchase the lions share of the music. The problem is more complex than you will allow yourself to believe. Yes there are some in the Black community that use the victim route just like in every other race. That combined with welfare does hurt our community.

Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!

Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

What do "Whites that try and tell them what to do. " sound like? Give me an example of this?

Chris Lane is an example I use, that portrays the racist anger from black youth towards white people. He was an example I used to illustrate my point that you are either purposefully ignoring or are too ignorant to follow. So I ask again did he "tell those 2 black 1 white (they were actually 2 black 1 white) youth what to do? Or was their hatred of his whiteness and their bitter feelings of entitlement what made them think they could shoot him in the back and murder him?

There is one community more racist...the black community of modern history. Your own posts and use of "whitey" as a descriptive show your own racist attitudes.

What the black community in general needs to get over, is their bitterness and state of perpetual victim-hood. I would like to see the Sharpton's ignored and the Dr. Ben Carson's listened to. Then real change of the positive kind would ensue.
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Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!

Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

What do "Whites that try and tell them what to do. " sound like? Give me an example of this?

Chris Lane is an example I use, that portrays the racist anger from black youth towards white people. He was an example I used to illustrate my point that you are either purposefully ignoring or are too ignorant to follow. So I ask again did he "tell those 3 black (they were all 3 black) youth what to do? Or was their hatred of his whiteness and their bitter feelings of entitlement what made them think they could shoot him in the back and murder him?

There is one community more racist...the black community of modern history. Your own posts and use of "whitey" as a descriptive show your own racist attitudes.

What the black community in general needs to get over, is their bitterness and state of perpetual victim-hood. I would like to see the Sharpton's ignored and the Dr. Ben Carson's listened to. Then real change of the positive kind would ensue.

In the early 60's Democrats started poisoning the waters and playing the race and income cards. Sad for Blacks they fell for it hook line and sinker and have been used like pawns of the Democrats ever since. Until they break away and show some signs of independence their conditions will continue to deteriorate.

Consider Obama as the wake up call they haven't answered yet. Their economic opportunities, employment, slavery to government, family structure failures and far more have only gotten far worse under Democrat control and Obama has failed them no matter what goofy excuses their swallowing from the race baiting politicians, charlatans and educators.
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Thanks for the link. Reminds me of what it means to be white

Little did we know, Adolf Obama worshiped Charlie Manson and sent word that he would finish what Charlie wanted to start.

Race war baby

Dont blow a gasket. I am asking for clarification. What do you think is the cause of the crime rate int the Black community?

I think it is more than a single problem or cause.

Like crime in all demographics it is tied directly to the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. Single parent families have less income and single mothers especially. Poverty drives crime. Welfare does not fix poverty- indeed it can be shown to encourage it.

The facts are that kids growing up without two parents are more likely to drop out of school; use drugs; and repeat the pattern of their parents which further entrenches poverty rates.

These kids are broken much like their homes- Then you add to this the glorification of the gang culture in music and movies and it becomes cool at a young age to be gangsta'.

But unique to the black community is the sacred lamb of victim-hood and anger towards everyone that ain't black. This is a poison that permeates any kind of discussion about problems in the black community. I say poison because bitterness really only harms the person who possesses it. The Al Sharpton's of this country are peddlers of this poison.

So in short to a very complex issue that's my answer to your question.

.Black people typically only have problems with whites who try to tell them what to do.

You mean like show up at work on time? Lazy fucks come in late. Ok, I move your come in time back 30 minutes since you come in 15 minutes late. Then they come in late with the new time.....

Jesse Jackson promotes them to act this way. He says the white man is to preoccupied with time.

I wound up firing them and hired LEGAL mexicans who outwork the lazy fucks

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Thanks for the link. Reminds me of what it means to be white

Little did we know, Adolf Obama worshiped Charlie Manson and sent word that he would finish what Charlie wanted to start.

Race war baby


You had me until you said "Race war baby"...:wtf:

mmm. that would be a tragedy government would surely take advantage of.

How about people getting off stupid and kicking some inflated government butt, figuratively but light on the literally...:eusa_angel:
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So i see we actually agree on a lot of things. From what i see you are wrong about some things. Black people typically only have problems with whites who try to tell them what to do. Why you guys dont get this I dont know. Other races do not provoke the amount of anger that whites do in black people. You guys dont seem to get what Al Sharpton is doing but I dont expect you too. its like trying to explain sight to a blind person. Rap music is born out of anger and yes it is a problem. However all rap is not like that and Black people resent the implication. Especially when young suburban whites purchase the lions share of the music. The problem is more complex than you will allow yourself to believe. Yes there are some in the Black community that use the victim route just like in every other race. That combined with welfare does hurt our community.

Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!

Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

then strat with rich white democrats and tell THEM to get out of your way - those are the plantators on the main plantation.

But that is not going to happen at least for the next 200 years, right?
Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!

Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

What do "Whites that try and tell them what to do. " sound like? Give me an example of this?

Chris Lane is an example I use, that portrays the racist anger from black youth towards white people. He was an example I used to illustrate my point that you are either purposefully ignoring or are too ignorant to follow. So I ask again did he "tell those 2 black 1 white (they were actually 2 black 1 white) youth what to do? Or was their hatred of his whiteness and their bitter feelings of entitlement what made them think they could shoot him in the back and murder him?

There is one community more racist...the black community of modern history. Your own posts and use of "whitey" as a descriptive show your own racist attitudes.

What the black community in general needs to get over, is their bitterness and state of perpetual victim-hood. I would like to see the Sharpton's ignored and the Dr. Ben Carson's listened to. Then real change of the positive kind would ensue.

A great example is "clean up the crime in your community". How in world are you going to have gall to say something like that with all the serial killers, rapists, child molesters, and terrorist you have in the white community? Why you use Chris Lane as an example is beyond me. You keep forgetting there was a white kid and a half white kid involved as well. Thats a poor example at best. Even if they were all Black how do you explain why white kids get in a car and run over a Black man walking down the road? You are being delusional if you think the white race in general is less racist than any other race. Keep sticking your head in the sand. You forget you have documented your history pretty well. Where did I use the term whitey? Can you point that out for me? What the white community in general needs to get over is their bitterness towards other races. Its too late in the game to feel guilty now. Its turning into shameful anger and thats why you always try to divert the attention away from you. If you truly want an equal society and assist in working towards that listen more than you talk.
Whites who tell them what to do? Really? Like that young Chris Lane you mean? Did he tell those 3 black youth to do something? That's why they had a problem?

Here's where YOU don't get it. The black community has more racist attitudes and prejudices then I have ever heard or experienced in the white community. In fact most whites understand that they had privilege that was denied to black Americans and have worked hard to right those past wrongs...but nothing is ever enough, or at least that;'s how it seems and feels. Black Americans do still display a huge amount of bitterness and resentment. It has infected their youth to such a degree that they feel justified in their anger and violence... THAT is how and why Chris Lane could be hunted down and murdered just for being white!

Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

then strat with rich white democrats and tell THEM to get out of your way - those are the plantators on the main plantation.

But that is not going to happen at least for the next 200 years, right?

The thing about the "rich white democrats" is that they actually see there is an issue that needs to be corrected. There methods may have hurt but at least they gave it a try and are continuing to improve. Reading the comments on this board confirms to me that right wing voters seem to be extremely racist and subject to brain washing by their own party. Contrary to what your leaders tell you I dont have any doubt my race is fine and will continue to make strides. Its a inner strength we have that you wouldnt understand. You want it to happen sooner lose the racist attitude and get out of the way.
Correction. Whites that try and tell them what to do. What does Chris Lane have to do with it? In case you havent heard one of the kids was white and another was half white. Thats besides the point though and intellectual dishonest of you to even bring that into the discussion. Maybe you dont get it. Black people need whites to get out of the way not try and tell them what to do. You dont have any authority in the situation. Thats one of the main reasons Blacks dont particularly like whites. Youre always thinking your someones parents and you are not. If you want to know why there is an issue shut up and listen and dont tell me my perspective is not valid just because you say so. There is not a community on earth that is more racist than the white community in general. Your own history should tell you that. You are right about bitterness basically killing the Black community. Once we get over that we will be fine.

What do "Whites that try and tell them what to do. " sound like? Give me an example of this?

Chris Lane is an example I use, that portrays the racist anger from black youth towards white people. He was an example I used to illustrate my point that you are either purposefully ignoring or are too ignorant to follow. So I ask again did he "tell those 2 black 1 white (they were actually 2 black 1 white) youth what to do? Or was their hatred of his whiteness and their bitter feelings of entitlement what made them think they could shoot him in the back and murder him?

There is one community more racist...the black community of modern history. Your own posts and use of "whitey" as a descriptive show your own racist attitudes.

What the black community in general needs to get over, is their bitterness and state of perpetual victim-hood. I would like to see the Sharpton's ignored and the Dr. Ben Carson's listened to. Then real change of the positive kind would ensue.

A great example is "clean up the crime in your community". How in world are you going to have gall to say something like that with all the serial killers, rapists, child molesters, and terrorist you have in the white community? Why you use Chris Lane as an example is beyond me. You keep forgetting there was a white kid and a half white kid involved as well. Thats a poor example at best. Even if they were all Black how do you explain why white kids get in a car and run over a Black man walking down the road? You are being delusional if you think the white race in general is less racist than any other race. Keep sticking your head in the sand. You forget you have documented your history pretty well. Where did I use the term whitey? Can you point that out for me? What the white community in general needs to get over is their bitterness towards other races. Its too late in the game to feel guilty now. Its turning into shameful anger and thats why you always try to divert the attention away from you. If you truly want an equal society and assist in working towards that listen more than you talk.

I never said any such thing. But had I said that, it would not change the fact that black crime is enormously disproportional to black population...which SCREAMS there is a HUGE problem with violent crime in the black community.

WHITE people have a right to talk about it! We even have a fucking right to make suggestions...and DEMAND solutions! OUR tax dollars are impacted. OUR kids are impacted; OUR public discourse is IMPACTED by what happens in EVERY community in America...Get fucking used it and get the fucking chip of your shoulder!

This is one country and I am sick and tired of of people like you and Al Sharpton dividing us over the color of our god damned skin. I am sick and tired of watching black youth be glorified in their angry hateful racism.

Racism is not a white only problem....indeed Blacks attacking whites has become a much BIGGER problem than Whites attacking blacks.

Chris Lane is an example of black people refusing to call out their own community for racist behavior.
What do "Whites that try and tell them what to do. " sound like? Give me an example of this?

Chris Lane is an example I use, that portrays the racist anger from black youth towards white people. He was an example I used to illustrate my point that you are either purposefully ignoring or are too ignorant to follow. So I ask again did he "tell those 2 black 1 white (they were actually 2 black 1 white) youth what to do? Or was their hatred of his whiteness and their bitter feelings of entitlement what made them think they could shoot him in the back and murder him?

There is one community more racist...the black community of modern history. Your own posts and use of "whitey" as a descriptive show your own racist attitudes.

What the black community in general needs to get over, is their bitterness and state of perpetual victim-hood. I would like to see the Sharpton's ignored and the Dr. Ben Carson's listened to. Then real change of the positive kind would ensue.

A great example is "clean up the crime in your community". How in world are you going to have gall to say something like that with all the serial killers, rapists, child molesters, and terrorist you have in the white community? Why you use Chris Lane as an example is beyond me. You keep forgetting there was a white kid and a half white kid involved as well. Thats a poor example at best. Even if they were all Black how do you explain why white kids get in a car and run over a Black man walking down the road? You are being delusional if you think the white race in general is less racist than any other race. Keep sticking your head in the sand. You forget you have documented your history pretty well. Where did I use the term whitey? Can you point that out for me? What the white community in general needs to get over is their bitterness towards other races. Its too late in the game to feel guilty now. Its turning into shameful anger and thats why you always try to divert the attention away from you. If you truly want an equal society and assist in working towards that listen more than you talk.

I never said any such thing. But had I said that, it would not change the fact that black crime is enormously disproportional to black population...which SCREAMS there is a HUGE problem with violent crime in the black community.

WHITE people have a right to talk about it! We even have a fucking right to make suggestions...and DEMAND solutions! OUR tax dollars are impacted. OUR kids are impacted; OUR public discourse is IMPACTED by what happens in EVERY community in America...Get fucking used it and get the fucking chip of your shoulder!

This is one country and I am sick and tired of of people like you and Al Sharpton dividing us over the color of our god damned skin. I am sick and tired of watching black youth be glorified in their angry hateful racism.

Racism is not a white only problem....indeed Blacks attacking whites has become a much BIGGER problem than Whites attacking blacks.

Chris Lane is an example of black people refusing to call out their own community for racist behavior.

I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.
A great example is "clean up the crime in your community". How in world are you going to have gall to say something like that with all the serial killers, rapists, child molesters, and terrorist you have in the white community? Why you use Chris Lane as an example is beyond me. You keep forgetting there was a white kid and a half white kid involved as well. Thats a poor example at best. Even if they were all Black how do you explain why white kids get in a car and run over a Black man walking down the road? You are being delusional if you think the white race in general is less racist than any other race. Keep sticking your head in the sand. You forget you have documented your history pretty well. Where did I use the term whitey? Can you point that out for me? What the white community in general needs to get over is their bitterness towards other races. Its too late in the game to feel guilty now. Its turning into shameful anger and thats why you always try to divert the attention away from you. If you truly want an equal society and assist in working towards that listen more than you talk.

I never said any such thing. But had I said that, it would not change the fact that black crime is enormously disproportional to black population...which SCREAMS there is a HUGE problem with violent crime in the black community.

WHITE people have a right to talk about it! We even have a fucking right to make suggestions...and DEMAND solutions! OUR tax dollars are impacted. OUR kids are impacted; OUR public discourse is IMPACTED by what happens in EVERY community in America...Get fucking used it and get the fucking chip of your shoulder!

This is one country and I am sick and tired of of people like you and Al Sharpton dividing us over the color of our god damned skin. I am sick and tired of watching black youth be glorified in their angry hateful racism.

Racism is not a white only problem....indeed Blacks attacking whites has become a much BIGGER problem than Whites attacking blacks.

Chris Lane is an example of black people refusing to call out their own community for racist behavior.

I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.
Ignorance is amazing.

It isn't your issue vs My issue.

We are ONE nation. Not a nation of blacks, and a nation of Whites and a nation of Asians, etc..

This problem will never be solved with people like you who think in this manner. I have already written you off.

If any community or race wishes to partake of success, they need to act successful, work successfully, and do the things that successful people do and stop thinking in terms of race.

But I'm sure that you will now give a detailed list of why your blacks can't do that.
I never said any such thing. But had I said that, it would not change the fact that black crime is enormously disproportional to black population...which SCREAMS there is a HUGE problem with violent crime in the black community.

WHITE people have a right to talk about it! We even have a fucking right to make suggestions...and DEMAND solutions! OUR tax dollars are impacted. OUR kids are impacted; OUR public discourse is IMPACTED by what happens in EVERY community in America...Get fucking used it and get the fucking chip of your shoulder!

This is one country and I am sick and tired of of people like you and Al Sharpton dividing us over the color of our god damned skin. I am sick and tired of watching black youth be glorified in their angry hateful racism.

Racism is not a white only problem....indeed Blacks attacking whites has become a much BIGGER problem than Whites attacking blacks.

Chris Lane is an example of black people refusing to call out their own community for racist behavior.

I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.
Ignorance is amazing.

It isn't your issue vs My issue.

We are ONE nation. Not a nation of blacks, and a nation of Whites and a nation of Asians, etc..

This problem will never be solved with people like you who think in this manner. I have already written you off.

If any community or race wishes to partake of success, they need to act successful, work successfully, and do the things that successful people do and stop thinking in terms of race.

But I'm sure that you will now give a detailed list of why your blacks can't do that.

If what you say is true then why is it labeled a Black crime problem instead of a economic crime problem? You are simply pointing out Black crime. Therefore your post is backwards and does not make sense.
A higher percentage of the black population commit violent crimes than any race on the planet.
A higher percentage of the black population commit violent crimes than any race on the planet.

Thats a blatant lie. You forgot white people actually documented their violence. Try that statistics stuff on someone who doesnt know better. Whites have killed off more cultures than any race on the planet in the quest for resources all under the guise of religion to add even more hypocrisy to the discussion.
A higher percentage of the black population commit violent crimes than any race on the planet.

Thats a blatant lie. You forgot white people actually documented their violence. Try that statistics stuff on someone who doesnt know better. Whites have killed off more cultures than any race on the planet in the quest for resources all under the guise of religion to add even more hypocrisy to the discussion.
A higher percentage of the black population commit violent crimes than any race on the planet.

Thats a blatant lie. You forgot white people actually documented their violence. Try that statistics stuff on someone who doesnt know better. Whites have killed off more cultures than any race on the planet in the quest for resources all under the guise of religion to add even more hypocrisy to the discussion.

And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.
A great example is "clean up the crime in your community". How in world are you going to have gall to say something like that with all the serial killers, rapists, child molesters, and terrorist you have in the white community? Why you use Chris Lane as an example is beyond me. You keep forgetting there was a white kid and a half white kid involved as well. Thats a poor example at best. Even if they were all Black how do you explain why white kids get in a car and run over a Black man walking down the road? You are being delusional if you think the white race in general is less racist than any other race. Keep sticking your head in the sand. You forget you have documented your history pretty well. Where did I use the term whitey? Can you point that out for me? What the white community in general needs to get over is their bitterness towards other races. Its too late in the game to feel guilty now. Its turning into shameful anger and thats why you always try to divert the attention away from you. If you truly want an equal society and assist in working towards that listen more than you talk.

I never said any such thing. But had I said that, it would not change the fact that black crime is enormously disproportional to black population...which SCREAMS there is a HUGE problem with violent crime in the black community.

WHITE people have a right to talk about it! We even have a fucking right to make suggestions...and DEMAND solutions! OUR tax dollars are impacted. OUR kids are impacted; OUR public discourse is IMPACTED by what happens in EVERY community in America...Get fucking used it and get the fucking chip of your shoulder!

This is one country and I am sick and tired of of people like you and Al Sharpton dividing us over the color of our god damned skin. I am sick and tired of watching black youth be glorified in their angry hateful racism.

Racism is not a white only problem....indeed Blacks attacking whites has become a much BIGGER problem than Whites attacking blacks.

Chris Lane is an example of black people refusing to call out their own community for racist behavior.

I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.

By comparison our issues are fixed. If we had the same percentages per capita of crime, then you'd have a point...but as it is you don't.

We have more than a right to discuss it..we have a right to address ways to fix it. That one white kid, does not make it NOT a racist crime, or take from the facts of racial hatred as voiced by the actual shooter.

It is not simple minded to raise the facts. The facts are that black crime based on the percentage of black Americans, is driving our prison costs; our police costs; and our court costs. Recidivism alone in the black community is a staggering cost.

So I GET to criticize; discuss; vote; ON THE ISSUE.

You would better serve the issue by stopping the "you go fix your backyard" canard. It's a BS position and does nothing to fix the problem that effects everyone....even sadly, white Australian boys.
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Thats a blatant lie. You forgot white people actually documented their violence. Try that statistics stuff on someone who doesnt know better. Whites have killed off more cultures than any race on the planet in the quest for resources all under the guise of religion to add even more hypocrisy to the discussion.

And then Stormfront provides clowns like you a newsletter from VA of all places probably saying blacks commit more crime. Did you read your history book yet? It will tell you that Blacks have a long long way to go to even be in the same league with what white people have done and continue to do. BTW the FBI refutes that report and says whites commit more crime.

Oh come on...we weren't even there, you need a better reason to hate..

[ame=]Jethro Tull - Living In The Past 1969 - YouTube[/ame]
I never said any such thing. But had I said that, it would not change the fact that black crime is enormously disproportional to black population...which SCREAMS there is a HUGE problem with violent crime in the black community.

WHITE people have a right to talk about it! We even have a fucking right to make suggestions...and DEMAND solutions! OUR tax dollars are impacted. OUR kids are impacted; OUR public discourse is IMPACTED by what happens in EVERY community in America...Get fucking used it and get the fucking chip of your shoulder!

This is one country and I am sick and tired of of people like you and Al Sharpton dividing us over the color of our god damned skin. I am sick and tired of watching black youth be glorified in their angry hateful racism.

Racism is not a white only problem....indeed Blacks attacking whites has become a much BIGGER problem than Whites attacking blacks.

Chris Lane is an example of black people refusing to call out their own community for racist behavior.

I never said whites dont have the right to discuss it. What I said was if you truly want to help the black community fix your issues before you try to fix mine. If you want to say we are all one big country then lose the racist overtones when addressing the black community. Again you seem to miss the fact that 1 of the kids was white and the other was half white. That does not tell me it was a race issue. If you feel its necessary for Black people to announce to you that they think a black on white crime is bad then you have issues. No one likes crime and its simple minded of you to think otherwise.

By comparison our issues are fixed. If we had the same percentages per capita of crime then you'd have a point...but as it is you don't.

We have more than a right to discuss it..we have a right to address ways to fix it. That one white kid, does not make it NOT a racist crime, or take from the facts of racial hatred as voiced by the actual shooter.

It is not simple minded to raise the facts. The facts are that black crime based on the percentage of black Americans, is driving our prison costs; our police costs; and our court costs. Recidivism alone in the black community is a staggering cost.

So I GET to criticize; discuss; vote; ON THE ISSUE.

You would better serve the issue by stopping the "you go fix your backyard" canard. It's a BS position and does nothing to fix the problem that effects everyone....even sadly, white Australian boys.

Thanks for my word of the day! Recidivism. Like I said if you want to fix it you can only start by fixing your issues first. Otherwise we will fix it ourselves. One thing you better believe is that no one is going to sit idly by while whites decide they want to revert back to slavery days. Until you get that you will remain frustrated and angry while life goes on around you. Whats simple minded is saying that black crime is just happening and not finding out why or assuming you already know.

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