Black republicans...who are they really?

That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.

There was a black president 50 years ago? There is today .. and he's a democrat .. along with a plethora of black legislators, black male and female professionals in all pursuits, and black millionaires in business.

Black voters are CRITICAL to the election of anyone seeking the White House today .. not true 50 years ago.

Try again Jethro.
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?
What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Except that that is a lie. As I have demonstrated by citing what Nixon was ACTUALLY doing while you liars claimed he was "chasing racists".

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

You don't know what I know or don't know. All they know about republicans are the lies assholes like you tell.

Ask them some day how they sleep after voting for "pro-choice" candidates.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

Newsflash asshole. Just because you claim something or someone is racist, does not mean that it actually is racist.

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.

This conversation will never be over.

If you live to be a thousand, I or someone just like me will be there to call you on your bullshit and point out the costs to you and yours for your assholeness.
:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.

There was a black president 50 years ago? There is today .. and he's a democrat .. along with a plethora of black legislators, black male and female professionals in all pursuits, and black millionaires in business.

Black voters are CRITICAL to the election of anyone seeking the White House today .. not true 50 years ago.

Try again Jethro.
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?

That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.
That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?


NO because you're not speaking for white people .. you're speaking as a republican. There are millions and millions of white people who agree that republicans are indeed racist.

On the other hand, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks agree with my point of view on the racism of the Republican Party even though I am not a democrat.

You appear to be an intelligent guy .. how do you justify a virtually all-white political party in the year 2016? .. and why in the world would you expect black people to vote for such a party?

THat was my fucking point, moron.

He was the one that claimed that skin color made one an Authority to be deferred to on the matter of a specific Race.

Which was what you were implying also with your desire to have a "brother" field the question about blacks earlier.

I "justify" an nearly all white political party in 2016 because we have lost the Propaganda War for the hearts and minds of the minority voters, to the massive Fear Campaign of the Left.

As to why a black might vote GOP, many reasons have been provided with links. I have repeatedly discuss the Mass Murder of BLack Babies with you, which you insist on misunderstanding and dodging.

And it's about time for this.


It's not my fault that you're here whining about why blacks don't vote for republicans. :0)

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. nor do I give a fuck why you do.

Pretty obvious to see where the lack of intelligence lies.

Hey, moron, you see the thread title before you clicked on this thread? What did you think we would be discussing?

And you finally said something not fucking stupid.

It is easy to see where the lack of intelligence is.

And to be clear, moron, I'm saying that to you as you the individual, not you the Black Man, so shove any claim of racism up your ass.

THis is for you.

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Except that that is a lie. As I have demonstrated by citing what Nixon was ACTUALLY doing while you liars claimed he was "chasing racists".

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

You don't know what I know or don't know. All they know about republicans are the lies assholes like you tell.

Ask them some day how they sleep after voting for "pro-choice" candidates.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

Newsflash asshole. Just because you claim something or someone is racist, does not mean that it actually is racist.

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.

This conversation will never be over.

If you live to be a thousand, I or someone just like me will be there to call you on your bullshit and point out the costs to you and yours for your assholeness.

Whatever dude .. think whatever you choose to believe .. it won't make one iota of difference.

.. and yes, this conversation is over. Blacks will never support the Republican Party ever again. See the pictures of democratic and republican interns if you're still confused why that is true.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Then why isn't Ann Arbor bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't East Lansing bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't Kalamazoo bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. How dumb do you look right now with that false narrative aimed at deflecting blame from your own failed ideology onto the one ideology that actually creates prosperity?!?

Then why don't black people buy it? I bet you think they are stupid.

Falling to propaganda and race baiting is not about intelligence or lack there of.
So blacks are "falling for it". Lol.

You're all falling for the race baiting. The corporate media is pushing the racist religious bigotry on us. I live near Detroit and Dearborn mi. Right near Arabs and blacks and I don't have a problem with either. You guys in Iowa or arkansas need to relax


Over one in four blacks vote for the party, that FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE supports the mass murder of black babies.

For ONE example.

That's not a reasonable policy choice.

That is a reaction to generations of successful panic mongering and race baiting by the Democratic Party.

Your counter claim that I am the one that has somehow fallen for some form of "race baiting" is unsupported and unsupportable.
Check out this quote from a NUN voting for Hillary. I'm sure this NUN is anti abortion.

Jan Cebula, a nun from Iowa who gave her age as “over 65,” sat in the very last row of the top section of the arena. The view wasn’t the best, but she said she’s overjoyed that “this is finally happening.”

And what point do you think that demonstrates?
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.

There was a black president 50 years ago? There is today .. and he's a democrat .. along with a plethora of black legislators, black male and female professionals in all pursuits, and black millionaires in business.

Black voters are CRITICAL to the election of anyone seeking the White House today .. not true 50 years ago.

Try again Jethro.
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?

That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.

YOu are not fooling anyone. We can all see that you know that you cannot defend your position honestly or seriously.

Even the white libs who pretend to believe you.
If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?


NO because you're not speaking for white people .. you're speaking as a republican. There are millions and millions of white people who agree that republicans are indeed racist.

On the other hand, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks agree with my point of view on the racism of the Republican Party even though I am not a democrat.

You appear to be an intelligent guy .. how do you justify a virtually all-white political party in the year 2016? .. and why in the world would you expect black people to vote for such a party?

THat was my fucking point, moron.

He was the one that claimed that skin color made one an Authority to be deferred to on the matter of a specific Race.

Which was what you were implying also with your desire to have a "brother" field the question about blacks earlier.

I "justify" an nearly all white political party in 2016 because we have lost the Propaganda War for the hearts and minds of the minority voters, to the massive Fear Campaign of the Left.

As to why a black might vote GOP, many reasons have been provided with links. I have repeatedly discuss the Mass Murder of BLack Babies with you, which you insist on misunderstanding and dodging.

And it's about time for this.


It's not my fault that you're here whining about why blacks don't vote for republicans. :0)

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. nor do I give a fuck why you do.

Pretty obvious to see where the lack of intelligence lies.

Hey, moron, you see the thread title before you clicked on this thread? What did you think we would be discussing?

And you finally said something not fucking stupid.

It is easy to see where the lack of intelligence is.

And to be clear, moron, I'm saying that to you as you the individual, not you the Black Man, so shove any claim of racism up your ass.

THis is for you.



You're actually dumb enough to think your 8th grade clown posters have meaning. :lol:

Think whatever you want dumb motherfucker. It makes no fucking difference.

It's not me begging republicans to do a damn thing. :0) I like them just the way they are.
As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Except that that is a lie. As I have demonstrated by citing what Nixon was ACTUALLY doing while you liars claimed he was "chasing racists".

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

You don't know what I know or don't know. All they know about republicans are the lies assholes like you tell.

Ask them some day how they sleep after voting for "pro-choice" candidates.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

Newsflash asshole. Just because you claim something or someone is racist, does not mean that it actually is racist.

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.

This conversation will never be over.

If you live to be a thousand, I or someone just like me will be there to call you on your bullshit and point out the costs to you and yours for your assholeness.

Whatever dude .. think whatever you choose to believe .. it won't make one iota of difference.

.. and yes, this conversation is over. Blacks will never support the Republican Party ever again. See the pictures of democratic and republican interns if you're still confused why that is true.

So if they conversation is over, then why are you still talking?

Because you, like other lefties, CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without attacking it.

Because you know that your whole world view is based on vile lies, and that the Truth is a deadly threat to it.

That is why you keep attacking me, but never honestly or seriously address the points I make.

This is for you.

Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.

There was a black president 50 years ago? There is today .. and he's a democrat .. along with a plethora of black legislators, black male and female professionals in all pursuits, and black millionaires in business.

Black voters are CRITICAL to the election of anyone seeking the White House today .. not true 50 years ago.

Try again Jethro.
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?

That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.

YOu are not fooling anyone. We can all see that you know that you cannot defend your position honestly or seriously.

Even the white libs who pretend to believe you.

I know .. you're white so you can read minds. :lol::lol:

Surely you can beg better than that.
Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?


NO because you're not speaking for white people .. you're speaking as a republican. There are millions and millions of white people who agree that republicans are indeed racist.

On the other hand, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks agree with my point of view on the racism of the Republican Party even though I am not a democrat.

You appear to be an intelligent guy .. how do you justify a virtually all-white political party in the year 2016? .. and why in the world would you expect black people to vote for such a party?

THat was my fucking point, moron.

He was the one that claimed that skin color made one an Authority to be deferred to on the matter of a specific Race.

Which was what you were implying also with your desire to have a "brother" field the question about blacks earlier.

I "justify" an nearly all white political party in 2016 because we have lost the Propaganda War for the hearts and minds of the minority voters, to the massive Fear Campaign of the Left.

As to why a black might vote GOP, many reasons have been provided with links. I have repeatedly discuss the Mass Murder of BLack Babies with you, which you insist on misunderstanding and dodging.

And it's about time for this.


It's not my fault that you're here whining about why blacks don't vote for republicans. :0)

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. nor do I give a fuck why you do.

Pretty obvious to see where the lack of intelligence lies.

Hey, moron, you see the thread title before you clicked on this thread? What did you think we would be discussing?

And you finally said something not fucking stupid.

It is easy to see where the lack of intelligence is.

And to be clear, moron, I'm saying that to you as you the individual, not you the Black Man, so shove any claim of racism up your ass.

THis is for you.



You're actually dumb enough to think your 8th grade clown posters have meaning. :lol:

Think whatever you want dumb motherfucker. It makes no fucking difference.

It's not me begging republicans to do a damn thing. :0) I like them just the way they are.

I thought this conversation was over.

And everyone saw that you again failed to make ANY real response to my point.

You are a troll and a moron.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.

There was a black president 50 years ago? There is today .. and he's a democrat .. along with a plethora of black legislators, black male and female professionals in all pursuits, and black millionaires in business.

Black voters are CRITICAL to the election of anyone seeking the White House today .. not true 50 years ago.

Try again Jethro.
so then why is there still inner city struggles today with all of these elites? Were they actually bought and paid for?

That would be a sane and rational discussion .. but I have never met a republican who could discuss it sane and rationally.

Just go with whatever you think it is.

YOu are not fooling anyone. We can all see that you know that you cannot defend your position honestly or seriously.

Even the white libs who pretend to believe you.

I know .. you're white so you can read minds. :lol::lol:

Surely you can beg better than that.

My comment was aimed at your behavior, right here in this thread.

It was based on observing your behavior.

Your moronic strawman on mindreading was nothing but a dodge because you CAN'T refute what I said, either because you know it is true, or you know you are too dumb to argue with people who aren't giving you a pass.

Or some combo of the two.

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

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Affirmative Action

You are at least addressing the question and now how has Affirmative Action that began during reconstruction helped with the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and Washington DC. Because as I see it, these inter-cities are worse today than they have been 40 plus years ago.
So what this is really about is that you don't think liberal policies designed to help black people have actually helped black people. I get it. But I can show you a bunch of middle class blacks who went to good schools and got good jobs and lead good lives because their parents had good union jobs working for the big three. How do you think those blacks got jobs in those white factories? And it was CONSERVATIVE WHITES who objected to working with blacks in those factories. But now I'm sure you will say they were union workers so they were actually liberals, which is partially true.

Anyways, i'm glad that blackascoal is here to tell you just how full of shit you all really are suggesting it is not you who are the racist party.

And your attempts to convert/convince him are laughable. As they are when you try to convince me you aren't stupid fucks.
They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.

See what?

All he did was serve up the same bullshit lies that you lefties always spew.

What about that or his black skin makes you think that was more credible than when some white lefties does it?

I already demolished his moronic post. You should read that.
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL

You forget that Clinton was pro-NAFTA during his election campaign, the only candidate that was against NAFTA was Ross Perot. Clinton and his wife both were proud of Bill signing NAFTA.
Clinton also put in protections for workers and the environment that Republicans later removed.

Only an idiot is against free and fair trade.
is it fair?
Not now that the protections were removed.

Are you suggesting NAFTA wasn't touched or tweeked once during the GW Bush years? Do you think NAFTA today looks like the NAFTA Bill Clinton signed?

But I will be honest, signing NAFTA was one of the things I didn't like about Clinton. But not one fucking Republican or Conservative back then faulted him for it. They pushed it and passed it. Did the Democrats go along? Sure. But how dare you say you won't vote for Democrats because they went along with NAFTA and then keep on voting for the GOP who INVENTED NAFTA.
That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Except that that is a lie. As I have demonstrated by citing what Nixon was ACTUALLY doing while you liars claimed he was "chasing racists".

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

You don't know what I know or don't know. All they know about republicans are the lies assholes like you tell.

Ask them some day how they sleep after voting for "pro-choice" candidates.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

Newsflash asshole. Just because you claim something or someone is racist, does not mean that it actually is racist.

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.

This conversation will never be over.

If you live to be a thousand, I or someone just like me will be there to call you on your bullshit and point out the costs to you and yours for your assholeness.

Whatever dude .. think whatever you choose to believe .. it won't make one iota of difference.

.. and yes, this conversation is over. Blacks will never support the Republican Party ever again. See the pictures of democratic and republican interns if you're still confused why that is true.

So if they conversation is over, then why are you still talking?

Because you, like other lefties, CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without attacking it.

Because you know that your whole world view is based on vile lies, and that the Truth is a deadly threat to it.

That is why you keep attacking me, but never honestly or seriously address the points I make.

This is for you.


This is not a conversation nitwit.

This is me playing with some RW assclown on a messageboard while I wait for the next alert on my work screen.

You can call it a conversation if you want .. but the conversation has long been over.
Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law.
See what I mean Black as Coal? It's Sealy's position that you African-Americans are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that you can't even manage to figure out how to get a proper state id or drivers license. :eusa_doh:

That's simply more RW bullshit .. and he said nothing of the sort.

You're a fucking racist dude .. why in the fuck are you even talking to me? I don't give a shit about what you think. I'd MUCH rather prefer the company and thoughts of Sealybobo any day then the thoughts of 10,000 like you.
Well of course...she panders to your victim mentality and I don't. Her position is that African-American's are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that they can't even figure out how to get a proper state ID or drivers license. Rather than be offended by that, you embrace her coddling of your perceived "helplessness". :eusa_doh:

Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)

Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.

Anything else? :0)

And you think that is going to work out well for you because of what?
Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)
I can't miss a point that hasn't been made. Make a point. We're all ears. You're so frustrated because you can't make a point. And you can't make a point because you know we are right.
Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.
Now that is a remarkable position considering that since 2010, conservatives have kicked the living shit out of Dumbocrats from coast-to-coast. Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority. They went from a majority in the Sentate to a minority. They lost the most cities and states across the nation than any party in over 100 years.
Anything else? :0)
Yes....tell us again how this thread is about "white people crying that blacks won't support the Republican Party" :lmao:

My last post to a racist dummy.

1. The point is that I don't give a fuck who you vote for .. and the ONLY reason you're crying about who black people vote for is because we elect presidents and seriously damage republican prospects of winning the White House.

2. Republicans have lost virtually every social issue they care about .. AND, when Trump loses as he inevitably will, the Republican Party becomes the Whigs.

Of course this thread is about republicans crying about who blacks vote for.

3. :0) I don't need to tell a racist asshole a goddamn thing. I'm having fun playing with stupid motherfuckers while I work. I'm happy with the enormous divide between blacks and republicans .. hope it grows even wider. :0)

Time for this again.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Except that that is a lie. As I have demonstrated by citing what Nixon was ACTUALLY doing while you liars claimed he was "chasing racists".

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

You don't know what I know or don't know. All they know about republicans are the lies assholes like you tell.

Ask them some day how they sleep after voting for "pro-choice" candidates.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

Newsflash asshole. Just because you claim something or someone is racist, does not mean that it actually is racist.

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.

This conversation will never be over.

If you live to be a thousand, I or someone just like me will be there to call you on your bullshit and point out the costs to you and yours for your assholeness.

Whatever dude .. think whatever you choose to believe .. it won't make one iota of difference.

.. and yes, this conversation is over. Blacks will never support the Republican Party ever again. See the pictures of democratic and republican interns if you're still confused why that is true.

So if they conversation is over, then why are you still talking?

Because you, like other lefties, CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without attacking it.

Because you know that your whole world view is based on vile lies, and that the Truth is a deadly threat to it.

That is why you keep attacking me, but never honestly or seriously address the points I make.

This is for you.


This is not a conversation nitwit.

This is me playing with some RW assclown on a messageboard while I wait for the next alert on my work screen.

You can call it a conversation if you want .. but the conversation has long been over.

Says the moron that OBVIOUSLY can't support or defend a single idiotic thing he posts.

You realize you aren't fooling anyone, not even seely.

He is just pretending.

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.

I asked about policies not who is elected. Thanks for proving Democrats are as clueless as Republicans.

I don't care how you vote, that isn't relevant. I'm not voting a Republican for President. So can the race baiting.

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On June 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnsonsigned the Civil Rights Act, which was the most sweeping civil rights legislation since Reconstruction

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[5] that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

A majority of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act. In fact more Republicans voted for it than Democrats.
Weren't blacks still Republicans back then? Weren't the white racist southerners in red states today democrats back then?

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