Black republicans...who are they really?

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.

I asked about policies not who is elected. Thanks for proving Democrats are as clueless as Republicans.

I don't care how you vote, that isn't relevant. I'm not voting a Republican for President. So can the race baiting.

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On June 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnsonsigned the Civil Rights Act, which was the most sweeping civil rights legislation since Reconstruction

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[5] that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
well you're right, if you can't get passed a place where you feel something like race is implied cause you just know, that's why race will never get solved. you are the cause of it. Racism, you can't move on. You can't except that obummer is just a democrat. he is a black democrat. Right? and because he is, should be treated differently correct? you left twats crack me up with your hypocrisy.
10 Times Donald Trump Supporters Were Blatantly Racist
I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left for 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
Last edited:

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL
I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Affirmative Action

You are at least addressing the question and now how has Affirmative Action that began during reconstruction helped with the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and Washington DC. Because as I see it, these inter-cities are worse today than they have been 40 plus years ago.
Let me remind you stupid fucking bastard Republicans one more time. The North American Free Trade Agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America.


Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992

After much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives passed the NAFTA November 17, 1993. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats.

The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993, long after it was a done deal. To suggest he not sign nafta at this point tells me you are a stupid partisan fool.
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL

You forget that Clinton was pro-NAFTA during his election campaign, the only candidate that was against NAFTA was Ross Perot. Clinton and his wife both were proud of Bill signing NAFTA.

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.

There was a black president 50 years ago? There is today .. and he's a democrat .. along with a plethora of black legislators, black male and female professionals in all pursuits, and black millionaires in business.

Black voters are CRITICAL to the election of anyone seeking the White House today .. not true 50 years ago.

Try again Jethro.

Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Affirmative Action

You are at least addressing the question and now how has Affirmative Action that began during reconstruction helped with the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and Washington DC. Because as I see it, these inter-cities are worse today than they have been 40 plus years ago.
I'm not going to play your game. I keep telling you why things haven't worked out for poor people the last half century papadumbdumb. But you keep trying to control the conversation. You asked, I told you. Affirmative Action IS a way us liberals have TRIED to help black people. You want to know how it has worked out now that Republicans have ended affirmative action?

And now I bet you'll want to argue with me all day about the pros and cons of AA. Fuck off papa. Just go vote GOP like I know you will. Oh yea, you aren't. SURREEEE you aren't you fucking liar. Secretly when you are alone, you'll vote for Trump because that's how stupid you are. Go back to talking sports. You are good at that.

There isn't one black person working at my company. I would think a quota of 10% of our workforce being black would be a smart idea. It would employ a bunch of blacks who are looking for jobs.

Oh yea, you don't think those people want to work. You don't even see how racist your positions are. And no you didn't say they don't want to work, but if you are a con here on USMB, I lump you in with all the other assholes. Even though I know you are actually a pretty good guy, you are being really fucking stupid.

Do you also want to ask me how the Civil Rights Act has "worked out" for blacks? Are you suggesting we should have never passed them? Wow!!
:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL

You forget that Clinton was pro-NAFTA during his election campaign, the only candidate that was against NAFTA was Ross Perot. Clinton and his wife both were proud of Bill signing NAFTA.
Clinton also put in protections for workers and the environment that Republicans later removed.

Only an idiot is against free and fair trade.
Let me remind you stupid fucking bastard Republicans one more time. The North American Free Trade Agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America.

YOU STUPID FUCKING **** REPUBLICANS BLAME BILL CLINTON? He wasn't even president technically until 1995.

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992

After much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives passed the NAFTA November 17, 1993. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats.

The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993, long after it was a done deal. To suggest he not sign nafta at this point tells me you are a stupid partisan fool.

Clinton signed NAFTA. He gave a great speech about NAFTA. Clinton took office in January 1993.

Remarks on the Signing of NAFTA (December 8, 1993)—Miller Center

From the speech: And they've been mentioned, but I couldn't let this moment go by without thanking my good friend Bill Daley and Congressman Bill Frenzel for their work in helping to mobilize this effort. Congressman Frenzel wrote me a great letter the other day and sent me one of his famous doodles that he doodled around the NAFTA legislation, which I am now having framed. But they sort of represented the bipartisan spirit that encaptured the Congress, encaptured the country in the cause to change. I hope that we can have more than that in the days and months and years ahead. It was a very fine thing.

We seek a new and more open global trading system not for its own sake but for our own sake. Good jobs, rewarding careers, broadened horizons for the middle class Americans can only be secured by expanding exports and global growth. For too long our step has been unsteady as the ground has shifted beneath our feet. Today, as I sign the North American Free Trade Agreement into law and call for further progress on GATT, I believe we have found our footing. And I ask all of you to be steady, to recognize that there is no turning back from the world of today and tomorrow. We must face the challenges, embrace them with confidence, deal with the problems honestly and openly, and make this world work for all of us. America is where it should be, in the lead, setting the pace, showing the confidence that all of us need to face tomorrow. We are ready to compete, and we can win.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
well you're right, if you can't get passed a place where you feel something like race is implied cause you just know, that's why race will never get solved. you are the cause of it. Racism, you can't move on. You can't except that obummer is just a democrat. he is a black democrat. Right? and because he is, should be treated differently correct? you left twats crack me up with your hypocrisy.
10 Times Donald Trump Supporters Were Blatantly Racist
I don't know what your point is with this link. First not everything that is quoted in it is accurate, so. And Not certainly doesn't prove Trump is racist.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL

You forget that Clinton was pro-NAFTA during his election campaign, the only candidate that was against NAFTA was Ross Perot. Clinton and his wife both were proud of Bill signing NAFTA.
Clinton also put in protections for workers and the environment that Republicans later removed.

Only an idiot is against free and fair trade.
is it fair?
You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

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Affirmative Action

You are at least addressing the question and now how has Affirmative Action that began during reconstruction helped with the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and Washington DC. Because as I see it, these inter-cities are worse today than they have been 40 plus years ago.
I'm not going to play your game. I keep telling you why things haven't worked out for poor people the last half century papadumbdumb. But you keep trying to control the conversation. You asked, I told you. Affirmative Action IS a way us liberals have TRIED to help black people. You want to know how it has worked out now that Republicans have ended affirmative action?

And now I bet you'll want to argue with me all day about the pros and cons of AA. Fuck off papa. Just go vote GOP like I know you will. Oh yea, you aren't. SURREEEE you aren't you fucking liar. Secretly when you are alone, you'll vote for Trump because that's how stupid you are. Go back to talking sports. You are good at that.

There isn't one black person working at my company. I would think a quota of 10% of our workforce being black would be a smart idea. It would employ a bunch of blacks who are looking for jobs.

Oh yea, you don't think those people want to work. You don't even see how racist your positions are. And no you didn't say they don't want to work, but if you are a con here on USMB, I lump you in with all the other assholes. Even though I know you are actually a pretty good guy, you are being really fucking stupid.

Do you also want to ask me how the Civil Rights Act has "worked out" for blacks? Are you suggesting we should have never passed them? Wow!!
You made the claim that Democratic policies have helped the inter-city communities. I asked you what policies and how they have improved the inter-cities.

What positions have I taken that are racist?

Just admit you were trying to blow smoke and be done.
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That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL
signed in by Clinton, I completely understand that.
Black republicans :lol::lol::lol:


That picture alone makes a mockery of all the dumb ass shit said by every republican posting in this thread.

Democratic interns ..


Quick .. some knucklehead ask me why black people vote for democrats .. :lol:

'black republicans' :lol::lol:
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?
Yes, we know the right wing talking points on this subject. You're going to have to prove to black people they should be voting Republican, and you aint gonna do it just by asking them, "what has supporting Democrats got you". If you think that's going to work you are dumber than we all think.
cause after voting for the left after 50 years has garnered them such success. That's all I'd ever say. They are no better off today, then 50 years ago bubba.
You keep trying to ignore/forget it was Reagan, HW BUSH, THE GOP & GW BUSH that were pro NAFTA and FREE TRADE and sent all our jobs overseas. You must be stupid repeating a lie over and fucking over again. REPUBLICANS ruined America, not liberal policies. You republicans are fucking stupid *****. LOL

You forget that Clinton was pro-NAFTA during his election campaign, the only candidate that was against NAFTA was Ross Perot. Clinton and his wife both were proud of Bill signing NAFTA.
Clinton also put in protections for workers and the environment that Republicans later removed.

Only an idiot is against free and fair trade.

Then why did you bring it up?
You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

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Affirmative Action

You are at least addressing the question and now how has Affirmative Action that began during reconstruction helped with the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and Washington DC. Because as I see it, these inter-cities are worse today than they have been 40 plus years ago.
I'm not going to play your game. I keep telling you why things haven't worked out for poor people the last half century papadumbdumb. But you keep trying to control the conversation. You asked, I told you. Affirmative Action IS a way us liberals have TRIED to help black people. You want to know how it has worked out now that Republicans have ended affirmative action?

And now I bet you'll want to argue with me all day about the pros and cons of AA. Fuck off papa. Just go vote GOP like I know you will. Oh yea, you aren't. SURREEEE you aren't you fucking liar. Secretly when you are alone, you'll vote for Trump because that's how stupid you are. Go back to talking sports. You are good at that.

There isn't one black person working at my company. I would think a quota of 10% of our workforce being black would be a smart idea. It would employ a bunch of blacks who are looking for jobs.

Oh yea, you don't think those people want to work. You don't even see how racist your positions are. And no you didn't say they don't want to work, but if you are a con here on USMB, I lump you in with all the other assholes. Even though I know you are actually a pretty good guy, you are being really fucking stupid.

Do you also want to ask me how the Civil Rights Act has "worked out" for blacks? Are you suggesting we should have never passed them? Wow!!
we all just want to know why the left isn't pushing business into the inner city neighborhood. Why not?]

And, why is the left against vouchers for the inner city kids, to allow them to go to a better school? Why do you all wish to keep the blacks down?
I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.

I asked about policies not who is elected. Thanks for proving Democrats are as clueless as Republicans.

I don't care how you vote, that isn't relevant. I'm not voting a Republican for President. So can the race baiting.

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On June 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnsonsigned the Civil Rights Act, which was the most sweeping civil rights legislation since Reconstruction

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[5] that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

A majority of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act. In fact more Republicans voted for it than Democrats.

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