Black republicans...who are they really?

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?
I've answered this multiple times now and in doing so have made you look stupid (so stupid that your response was to rant and swear like a lunatic).

The Republican's have tried to uphold the U.S. Constitution and provide freedom. They've done all they could to get the African-American community off of the government plantation. Unfortunately, far too many of them (such as yourself) would rather voluntarily step back onto the plantation so long as you get a few table scraps dropped on the floor for you.

You can believe whatever makes you comfy .. I don't care.

But to suggest that what a political party was hundreds of years ago is more important than who and what they are today is just mindlessly stupid.

Odd .. ironic .. that's its republicans crying about who black people vote for .. when black people don't give a fuck about who republicans vote for or why.

OBVIOUSLY republicans need us FAR more than we need them. :0) I love that.
We're not crying about it chief. Your racist pal Sealybobo is the one who keeps bringing up BLACK. We were discussing the failures of Obamacare and economics. Oops...

A prime example of an African-American supporting the wrong side because they were duped...
Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

They've fought for you to have the right to defend yourselves. Democrats are just fighting to keep the people who would attack you armed

They've fought raising the minimum wage, which has kept inner city teen unemployment at 50% and punishes inner city people who want to improve their own lives by starting a business and can't afford the artificially high wages

They have fought allowing Mexicans willing to work below minimum wage from removing job opportunities

They have fought to keep the criminals who terrorize you in jail

Not sure what planet you live on.

GOP Candidates Resoundingly Reject The Idea Of A Minimum Wage Hike
GOP Candidates Resoundingly Reject The Idea Of A Minimum Wage Hike

Watch GOP Candidates Argue Against Raising the Minimum Wage
Watch GOP Candidates Argue Against Raising the Minimum Wage

Senate Republicans block minimum wage increase bill
Senate Republicans block minimum wage increase bill

Gun-love is a republican issue, not a black issue.

I am not 'terrorized' by criminals .. YOU are.

Mexicans? :lol: You must be joking.
As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.

Not in my lifetime brother.

Republicans have no chance to turn themselves around and stop being racist assholes in the near future .. and I don't have another 40 years of life to wait on them. :0)

What I find funny is how these Republicans are trying to suggest it is us liberals who are racist and you blacks are just too stupid to understand we are holding you back. If you would just embrace the Republican party you would then start experiencing the American dream. Meanwhile Republicans don't want you voting until you smarten up.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Wednesday found that Texas’ strict voter identification law violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, in a victory for civil rights groups who had challenged the law.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit did not make a determination as to whether Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, and sent that issue back to a lower federal court to re-evaluate the determination that it was purposefully discriminatory. But the appeals court did find that the Texas voter ID law would have a discriminatory impact, in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

In declining to find Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, members of the appeals court said they recognized “the charged nature of accusations of racism, particularly against a legislative body,” but they also acknowledged “the sad truth that racism continues to exist in our modern American society despite years of laws designed to eradicate it.”

Because it found a violation of the Voting Rights Act, the federal appeals court declined to decide the question of whether the strict voter ID law violated constitutional rights under the First and 14th Amendments, and dismissed the claims. The court also suggested that a lower federal court could either reinstate voter registration cards as documents that allow someone to cast a ballot, or allow someone to sign an affidavit saying they do not have an acceptable form of identification before they were allowed to vote.

Republicans were dealt a second blow in as many days to a new breed of strict voter ID measures that limits the kind of photo identifications that are valid. On Tuesday, a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled that residents without a photo ID in that state will still be allowed to vote in November.

Elections experts widely agree that the Texas law, which accepted concealed handgun licenses but not college IDs, was the toughest in the nation.

Voters must still show identification at the polls in Texas under the decision by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is regarded as one of the most conservative panels in the country. But a lower court is now instructed to devise a way for Texas to accommodate those who cannot.

The 9-6 decision agreed with a lower court ruling that Texas had violated the federal Voting Rights Act. Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law. They also said lower-income Texas residents were more likely to lack underlying documents to obtain a free state voting ID.

More than 30 states require some form of voter identification. But only about nine states, including Texas and Wisconsin, were considered to have especially restrictive laws prior to this week.

The decision could also have even broader ramifications: Aside from fixing the law for now, the court also ordered a later re-evaluation of whether Texas’ Republican-controlled Legislature intentionally discriminated against minorities in pursuing the law. If a court ultimately finds that was the case, Texas could be punished and ordered to seek federal approval before changing future voting laws, Dunn said.

More than 600,000 Texas voters — or 4.5 percent of all registered voters in Texas — lacked a suitable ID under the law that was signed by then-Republican Gov. Rick Perry, a lower court found in 2014.
What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

They've fought for you to have the right to defend yourselves. Democrats are just fighting to keep the people who would attack you armed

They've fought raising the minimum wage, which has kept inner city teen unemployment at 50% and punishes inner city people who want to improve their own lives by starting a business and can't afford the artificially high wages

They have fought allowing Mexicans willing to work below minimum wage from removing job opportunities

They have fought to keep the criminals who terrorize you in jail

Not sure what planet you live on.

GOP Candidates Resoundingly Reject The Idea Of A Minimum Wage Hike
GOP Candidates Resoundingly Reject The Idea Of A Minimum Wage Hike

Watch GOP Candidates Argue Against Raising the Minimum Wage
Watch GOP Candidates Argue Against Raising the Minimum Wage

Senate Republicans block minimum wage increase bill
Senate Republicans block minimum wage increase bill

Gun-love is a republican issue, not a black issue.

I am not 'terrorized' by criminals .. YOU are.

Mexicans? :lol: You must be joking.
Dude....Kaz said they "fought" raising the minimum wage. Reading comprehension BaC. Reading comprehension. Raising the minimum wage puts people out of jobs. Which is what the Dumbocrats want so that you're beholden to them for you every basic need.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

They've fought for you to have the right to defend yourselves. Democrats are just fighting to keep the people who would attack you armed

They've fought raising the minimum wage, which has kept inner city teen unemployment at 50% and punishes inner city people who want to improve their own lives by starting a business and can't afford the artificially high wages

They have fought allowing Mexicans willing to work below minimum wage from removing job opportunities

They have fought to keep the criminals who terrorize you in jail

Not sure what planet you live on.

GOP Candidates Resoundingly Reject The Idea Of A Minimum Wage Hike
GOP Candidates Resoundingly Reject The Idea Of A Minimum Wage Hike

Watch GOP Candidates Argue Against Raising the Minimum Wage
Watch GOP Candidates Argue Against Raising the Minimum Wage

Senate Republicans block minimum wage increase bill
Senate Republicans block minimum wage increase bill

Gun-love is a republican issue, not a black issue.

I am not 'terrorized' by criminals .. YOU are.

Mexicans? :lol: You must be joking.

Try re-reading my point on the minimum wage, dumb ass. You didn't even read my post.

And the right don't think guns are sex objects, that's you sickos
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?
We try to get poor black kids the same amount of money for schools that white kids get. But you guys insist that rich white kids should get a better education because their parents pay more. Us liberals say spread the money out evenly.

So basically you say the kids who need the most should get the least.
Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law.
See what I mean Black as Coal? It's Sealy's position that you African-Americans are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that you can't even manage to figure out how to get a proper state id or drivers license. :eusa_doh:
Us liberals say spread the money out evenly.
Now that is true. You guys do say that. Liberals don't want to have to have the same talent. They don't want to have to have the same work ethic. They don't want to have to have the same production levels or results. But they sure do want the money to be "equal". :eusa_doh:

How nice it must be to live in the mind of a liberal. Where you can work 4 hours a day half-assed and still come home with the same amount of money as Bill Gates who is killing himself working 18 hours a day (sleeping 4 days in a row in his office for every one day he comes home).

And these geniuses wonder why their economic policies collapse economies... :eusa_doh:
I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?
I've answered this multiple times now and in doing so have made you look stupid (so stupid that your response was to rant and swear like a lunatic).

The Republican's have tried to uphold the U.S. Constitution and provide freedom. They've done all they could to get the African-American community off of the government plantation. Unfortunately, far too many of them (such as yourself) would rather voluntarily step back onto the plantation so long as you get a few table scraps dropped on the floor for you.

You can believe whatever makes you comfy .. I don't care.

But to suggest that what a political party was hundreds of years ago is more important than who and what they are today is just mindlessly stupid.

Odd .. ironic .. that's its republicans crying about who black people vote for .. when black people don't give a fuck about who republicans vote for or why.

OBVIOUSLY republicans need us FAR more than we need them. :0) I love that.
We're not crying about it chief. Your racist pal Sealybobo is the one who keeps bringing up BLACK. We were discussing the failures of Obamacare and economics. Oops...

A prime example of an African-American supporting the wrong side because they were duped...

Oh BULLSHIT. :lol: This board is full of republicans crying about who black people vote for. Why oh why won't they vote for us. :lol: That's what this thread is about .. pretending that more than a relatively few blacks support your virtualy all-white party. :0)

Sealybobo correctly points out the idiocy of republican claims.

Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

You can vote for whomever you like .. we will do the same.
Oh BULLSHIT....That's what this thread is about .. pretending that more than a relatively few blacks support your virtualy all-white party. :0)
Seriously are setting African-American's back 100 years with your last few posts. This thread was started by a LIBERAL you dumb jack-ass. Go read the first post on page one. A liberal that is pissed off African-American's are getting off of the government plantation and voting for the party of liberty. :eusa_doh:

It is astounding how dumb you are. You can't follow Kaz's posts (serious reading comprehension problem), you don't know who started this thread, you don't know what this thread is about, and you don't know that Sealy there only sees the color of your skin in EVERYTHING she does. God wonder you vote Dumbocrat.
The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.
That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?
We try to get poor black kids the same amount of money for schools that white kids get. But you guys insist that rich white kids should get a better education because their parents pay more. Us liberals say spread the money out evenly.

So basically you say the kids who need the most should get the least.

You're the party who lock poor kids in poor schools, Holmes. You can't spin your way out of that
Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law.
See what I mean Black as Coal? It's Sealy's position that you African-Americans are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that you can't even manage to figure out how to get a proper state id or drivers license. :eusa_doh:

That's simply more RW bullshit .. and he said nothing of the sort.

You're a fucking racist dude .. why in the fuck are you even talking to me? I don't give a shit about what you think. I'd MUCH rather prefer the company and thoughts of Sealybobo any day then the thoughts of 10,000 like you.

Drop the pretense .. I don't give a fuck about you and you don't give a fuck about me.

Where is the problem? .. as if I don't know what the problem is. :0)
Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:
Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law.
See what I mean Black as Coal? It's Sealy's position that you African-Americans are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that you can't even manage to figure out how to get a proper state id or drivers license. :eusa_doh:

That's simply more RW bullshit .. and he said nothing of the sort.

You're a fucking racist dude .. why in the fuck are you even talking to me? I don't give a shit about what you think. I'd MUCH rather prefer the company and thoughts of Sealybobo any day then the thoughts of 10,000 like you.
Well of course...she panders to your victim mentality and I don't. Her position is that African-American's are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that they can't even figure out how to get a proper state ID or drivers license. Rather than be offended by that, you embrace her coddling of your perceived "helplessness". :eusa_doh:
That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.

Not in my lifetime brother.

Republicans have no chance to turn themselves around and stop being racist assholes in the near future .. and I don't have another 40 years of life to wait on them. :0)

What I find funny is how these Republicans are trying to suggest it is us liberals who are racist and you blacks are just too stupid to understand we are holding you back. If you would just embrace the Republican party you would then start experiencing the American dream. Meanwhile Republicans don't want you voting until you smarten up.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Wednesday found that Texas’ strict voter identification law violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, in a victory for civil rights groups who had challenged the law.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit did not make a determination as to whether Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, and sent that issue back to a lower federal court to re-evaluate the determination that it was purposefully discriminatory. But the appeals court did find that the Texas voter ID law would have a discriminatory impact, in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

In declining to find Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, members of the appeals court said they recognized “the charged nature of accusations of racism, particularly against a legislative body,” but they also acknowledged “the sad truth that racism continues to exist in our modern American society despite years of laws designed to eradicate it.”

Because it found a violation of the Voting Rights Act, the federal appeals court declined to decide the question of whether the strict voter ID law violated constitutional rights under the First and 14th Amendments, and dismissed the claims. The court also suggested that a lower federal court could either reinstate voter registration cards as documents that allow someone to cast a ballot, or allow someone to sign an affidavit saying they do not have an acceptable form of identification before they were allowed to vote.

Republicans were dealt a second blow in as many days to a new breed of strict voter ID measures that limits the kind of photo identifications that are valid. On Tuesday, a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled that residents without a photo ID in that state will still be allowed to vote in November.

Elections experts widely agree that the Texas law, which accepted concealed handgun licenses but not college IDs, was the toughest in the nation.

Voters must still show identification at the polls in Texas under the decision by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is regarded as one of the most conservative panels in the country. But a lower court is now instructed to devise a way for Texas to accommodate those who cannot.

The 9-6 decision agreed with a lower court ruling that Texas had violated the federal Voting Rights Act. Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law. They also said lower-income Texas residents were more likely to lack underlying documents to obtain a free state voting ID.

More than 30 states require some form of voter identification. But only about nine states, including Texas and Wisconsin, were considered to have especially restrictive laws prior to this week.

The decision could also have even broader ramifications: Aside from fixing the law for now, the court also ordered a later re-evaluation of whether Texas’ Republican-controlled Legislature intentionally discriminated against minorities in pursuing the law. If a court ultimately finds that was the case, Texas could be punished and ordered to seek federal approval before changing future voting laws, Dunn said.

More than 600,000 Texas voters — or 4.5 percent of all registered voters in Texas — lacked a suitable ID under the law that was signed by then-Republican Gov. Rick Perry, a lower court found in 2014.

Am I to conclude that Democrats have done nothing to help inter-cities? You have owned Washington DC for decades, why is it failing as a city? What about Oakland, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis. Again name the policies that Democrats enacted that have helped inter-cities and how have they helped? Should be an easy answer for you to prove, unless you are making it up.
Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:
Liberals are ALL the same. Whether a white woman like Sealy or a black male like BaC - as soon as they get their ass kicked with facts they get really angry, turn to personal insults, and quit.

I guess it would be a bit frustrating though to be lead to believe one thing, embrace that with every fiber of your being, and then be forced to come to the realization that it was all a lie.
What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.
Am I to conclude that Democrats have done nothing to help inter-cities? You have owned Washington DC for decades, why is it failing as a city? What about Oakland, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis. Again name the policies that Democrats enacted that have helped inter-cities and how have they helped? Should be an easy answer for you to prove, unless you are making it up.
His frustration at being unable to answer your very basic question is palpable. That's the beauty of dumbing everything down. When you start at the basic level and work up - people have no where to run. They can't hide behind complication as the Dumbocrat Party has done for years (just look at their tax code).

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