Black republicans...who are they really?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.

1. Blablabla

2. Bla bla bla

3. I am not confused. I know why blacks don't vote for the GOP.

4. And by the way fuck you. Just like a fucking asshole lefty to spend generations Smearing us with Race Baiting LIes, and to then act like the success of your lies is our fault.

5. blabla

3. Why don't blacks vote GOP? That's ridiculous.
4. So you think blacks are stupid and we are duping them.

I can see why you altered my post to hide point number one as it is completely and clear refutes your claim that I don't care about discussing why blacks don't vote GOP.

But here it is again, and alter it in your reply again and I will report you.

1. Why the hell would I NOT be interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans? That's millions of votes just lying there that we should have and that would vastly advance my agenda.

3. Says the man that can't refute my points so he is reduced to altering them.

4. Everyone and Everyone is vulnerable to propaganda, especially if it is coming from trusted sources and is the only point of view they are exposed to. I called no one stupid. That was all you.
Liberal policies have killed the middle class and they have not helped the inter-cities. He can't answer either.
You two jerk each other off

I didn't think you had any answers, now you are proving it.
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?

The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.
You two jerk each other off

I didn't think you had any answers, now you are proving it.
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?


NO because you're not speaking for white people .. you're speaking as a republican. There are millions and millions of white people who agree that republicans are indeed racist.

On the other hand, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks agree with my point of view on the racism of the Republican Party even though I am not a democrat.

You appear to be an intelligent guy .. how do you justify a virtually all-white political party in the year 2016? .. and why in the world would you expect black people to vote for such a party?
The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You made an empty claim of "policies".

The request was for "polices that have helped the inner cities".

You have NOT answered that question.

I didn't think you had any answers, now you are proving it.
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?


NO because you're not speaking for white people .. you're speaking as a republican. There are millions and millions of white people who agree that republicans are indeed racist.

On the other hand, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks agree with my point of view on the racism of the Republican Party even though I am not a democrat.

You appear to be an intelligent guy .. how do you justify a virtually all-white political party in the year 2016? .. and why in the world would you expect black people to vote for such a party?

THat was my fucking point, moron.

He was the one that claimed that skin color made one an Authority to be deferred to on the matter of a specific Race.

Which was what you were implying also with your desire to have a "brother" field the question about blacks earlier.

I "justify" an nearly all white political party in 2016 because we have lost the Propaganda War for the hearts and minds of the minority voters, to the massive Fear Campaign of the Left.

As to why a black might vote GOP, many reasons have been provided with links. I have repeatedly discuss the Mass Murder of BLack Babies with you, which you insist on misunderstanding and dodging.

And it's about time for this.

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.

Sooooo, using your "logic" if I, speaking as a White Person and Thus an "Authority" on MY OWN RACE, were to tell you that MY RACE is not 1% as racist as you seem to think it is,

Would you defer to my "Authority" on the "Matter" and call celebrate the Good News?


NO because you're not speaking for white people .. you're speaking as a republican. There are millions and millions of white people who agree that republicans are indeed racist.

On the other hand, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks agree with my point of view on the racism of the Republican Party even though I am not a democrat.

You appear to be an intelligent guy .. how do you justify a virtually all-white political party in the year 2016? .. and why in the world would you expect black people to vote for such a party?

THat was my fucking point, moron.

He was the one that claimed that skin color made one an Authority to be deferred to on the matter of a specific Race.

Which was what you were implying also with your desire to have a "brother" field the question about blacks earlier.

I "justify" an nearly all white political party in 2016 because we have lost the Propaganda War for the hearts and minds of the minority voters, to the massive Fear Campaign of the Left.

As to why a black might vote GOP, many reasons have been provided with links. I have repeatedly discuss the Mass Murder of BLack Babies with you, which you insist on misunderstanding and dodging.

And it's about time for this.


It's not my fault that you're here whining about why blacks don't vote for republicans. :0)

I don't give a fuck about who you vote for .. nor do I give a fuck why you do.

Pretty obvious to see where the lack of intelligence lies.
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Then why isn't Ann Arbor bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't East Lansing bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't Kalamazoo bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. How dumb do you look right now with that false narrative aimed at deflecting blame from your own failed ideology onto the one ideology that actually creates prosperity?!?

Then why don't black people buy it? I bet you think they are stupid.

Falling to propaganda and race baiting is not about intelligence or lack there of.
So blacks are "falling for it". Lol.

You're all falling for the race baiting. The corporate media is pushing the racist religious bigotry on us. I live near Detroit and Dearborn mi. Right near Arabs and blacks and I don't have a problem with either. You guys in Iowa or arkansas need to relax


Over one in four blacks vote for the party, that FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE supports the mass murder of black babies.

For ONE example.

That's not a reasonable policy choice.

That is a reaction to generations of successful panic mongering and race baiting by the Democratic Party.

Your counter claim that I am the one that has somehow fallen for some form of "race baiting" is unsupported and unsupportable.
Check out this quote from a NUN voting for Hillary. I'm sure this NUN is anti abortion.

Jan Cebula, a nun from Iowa who gave her age as “over 65,” sat in the very last row of the top section of the arena. The view wasn’t the best, but she said she’s overjoyed that “this is finally happening.”
What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.
They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Dems oppose large numbers of blacks on many issues that are important to them.

One extreme example I have pointed out is Abortion, or as a Pro-LIfe Black would see it, the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

So, right there, your claim is refuted.

That's mindlessly stupid, and you illustrate my point that you have no interest in why blacks don't vote for republicans and their virtually all-white party.

You support an all-white party.. why in the fuck would black people vote for an all-white party? .. You don't fucking know and you'll just run from the question just like every republican talking this stupid shit does.

What all black activities do you support?

Many blacks are anti-abortion, but that isn't going to make them support an all-white party that has no interests in our issues or the health and well-being of black people and their families. Republicans don't give a fuck about BORN black life .. and all the world knows that.

Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.

Not in my lifetime brother.

Republicans have no chance to turn themselves around and stop being racist assholes in the near future .. and I don't have another 40 years of life to wait on them. :0)
What all black activities do you support?
I would never support an "all black activity". Just as I wouldn't support an all "white activity" or an all "muslim activity". You know what I support? The U.S. Constitution. Liberty. The question is - why don't you?

Excellent .. then you should have no problem understanding why black voters don't support your virtually all-white political party.

Like Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.
I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?
I've answered this multiple times now and in doing so have made you look stupid (so stupid that your response was to rant and swear like a lunatic).

The Republican's have tried to uphold the U.S. Constitution and provide freedom. They've done all they could to get the African-American community off of the government plantation. Unfortunately, far too many of them (such as yourself) would rather voluntarily step back onto the plantation so long as you get a few table scraps dropped on the floor for you.
What all black activities do you support?
I would never support an "all black activity". Just as I wouldn't support an all "white activity" or an all "muslim activity". You know what I support? The U.S. Constitution. Liberty. The question is - why don't you?

Excellent .. then you should have no problem understanding why black voters don't support your virtually all-white political party.

Like Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.
It can be junior. The Constitution can be amended at any time. Just because you can't get the votes to do it doesn't mean it's not an option that is available. It just means the American people do not agree with your radical views. Accept it. We the people have spoken. We unilaterally reject the failed liberal socialist ideology.
Check out this quote from a NUN voting for Hillary. I'm sure this NUN is anti abortion.

Jan Cebula, a nun from Iowa who gave her age as “over 65,” sat in the very last row of the top section of the arena. The view wasn’t the best, but she said she’s overjoyed that “this is finally happening.”
Check out your racism and sexism. Always concerned about the color of someone's skin rather than the content of their character. Always concerned about what someone has between their legs rather than what is between their ears.

And that is why you people give us failed community organizers and buffoons like John Kerry. Meanwhile we produce candidates like Dr. Rand Paul and Dr. Ben Carson.
The question to Sealy is what democratic policies in cities like Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore and so on, has helped the inter-cities to prosper? Sealy hasn't answered it and side steps the issue. Can you answer that?

Every one of those cities prospered until aid to American cities was removed by REPUBLICANS .. specifically, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s Real Legacy
Why not let Reagan rest in peace? Because many of the most serious problems facing America today began on his watch
Reagan’s Real Legacy

That plus the end of the industrial era seriously impacted the health of American cities black and white.

Democrats on the other hand have long been seeking to restore aid to affected American cities

You're a republican .. you don't have to agree.

What have Democrats done?

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

They've fought for you to have the right to defend yourselves. Democrats are just fighting to keep the people who would attack you armed

They've fought raising the minimum wage, which has kept inner city teen unemployment at 50% and punishes inner city people who want to improve their own lives by starting a business and can't afford the artificially high wages

They have fought allowing Mexicans willing to work below minimum wage from removing job opportunities

They have fought to keep the criminals who terrorize you in jail
I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?
I've answered this multiple times now and in doing so have made you look stupid (so stupid that your response was to rant and swear like a lunatic).

The Republican's have tried to uphold the U.S. Constitution and provide freedom. They've done all they could to get the African-American community off of the government plantation. Unfortunately, far too many of them (such as yourself) would rather voluntarily step back onto the plantation so long as you get a few table scraps dropped on the floor for you.

You can believe whatever makes you comfy .. I don't care.

But to suggest that what a political party was hundreds of years ago is more important than who and what they are today is just mindlessly stupid.

Odd .. ironic .. that's its republicans crying about who black people vote for .. when black people don't give a fuck about who republicans vote for or why.

OBVIOUSLY republicans need us FAR more than we need them. :0) I love that.
What all black activities do you support?
I would never support an "all black activity". Just as I wouldn't support an all "white activity" or an all "muslim activity". You know what I support? The U.S. Constitution. Liberty. The question is - why don't you?

Excellent .. then you should have no problem understanding why black voters don't support your virtually all-white political party.
If it's "all-white" (and it clearly isn't) it's only because people like you prefer to voluntarily step back onto the government plantation and embrace table scrap handouts rather than embracing liberty. That's your own stupidity. My party isn't going to surrender liberty and try to buy your votes like the other side does. And if my party ever stoops to something so low - I'll be leaving.

(Which - to be honest - I really did anyway since the Republican Party is nothing but JFK-era liberals now)

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