Black republicans...who are they really?

Falling to propaganda and race baiting is not about intelligence or lack there of.
So blacks are "falling for it". Lol.

You're all falling for the race baiting. The corporate media is pushing the racist religious bigotry on us. I live near Detroit and Dearborn mi. Right near Arabs and blacks and I don't have a problem with either. You guys in Iowa or arkansas need to relax


Over one in four blacks vote for the party, that FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE supports the mass murder of black babies.

For ONE example.

That's not a reasonable policy choice.

That is a reaction to generations of successful panic mongering and race baiting by the Democratic Party.

Your counter claim that I am the one that has somehow fallen for some form of "race baiting" is unsupported and unsupportable.
Then oe their babies are born it's every baby for themselves

Neither your disagreement with nor your misrepresentation of GOP polices does not challenge my point.

Over one in four blacks vote for the party, that FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE supports the mass murder of black babies.
Maybe they know they got much bigger worries than if some poor girl down the street gets an abortion.

I know lots of people who personally wouldn't get an abortion but they are pro choice.

If Hitler were anti abortion should a anti abortion Jew vote for Hitler?

The fact pro life blacks won't vote for your party should tell you something about your party. Yea, it's that bad

You are refusing to consider the issue from the perspective of someone who disagrees with you on the issue.

You insist on discussing the issue from your perspective, ie, that a "poor girl down the street gets an abortion" as opposed to "the poor baby down the street gets murdered".

I am not asking you to agree with them. I am asking you to realize that, from their perspective, that they are supporting the Mass Murder of Black Babies.

WHAT issue is supposedly more important than THAT?!!

And normally I would tear you an new asshole for your Godwin, but here it answers the question.

You lefties have bombarded minorities and yourselves with such massive and extreme propaganda for generations that you literally believe that the Republicans are as dangerous and Evul as Nazis.

Thus you have a managed to get a lock on a large block of votes of people who are willing to support the Mass Murder of Babies because they fear that the "Nazis" will commit Mass Murder and Oppression on the overall minority population.

You have set the population of this nation at each others throats.

Good job that.

IF your goal is to tear this nation apart, and down.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.
That's good, so why are you so filled with hate? Could it be you were taught to hate? Probably, most racism is taught at a very young age...

That's good too, did you pass on your hatred on to them?

Lot's of friends where? At the Black Panther meetings?

At the Black Lives Matter meeting or the Black Panther meetings? Maybe both?

And that means what? Relevance? It's obvious you have a 3rd grade mentality, but I suggest you stop reinforcing it, you look rather stupid when you keep doing it...

More 3rd grade banter, you should really seek physiological therapy for your anger issues...

It's quite hilarious when you try to call me a racist, I have been in a inter racial marriage for almost 30 years with several children. It was you BlackAssHole who claimed that you only voted for the benefit of the Black Race and not the good of the country, it's the simple minded Blacks like yourself that hold back your culture due to your deep hatred...

Get the blinders off that your Liberal Masters have brain washed you with...

No not at all, it's used by myself when it's the appropriate label, similar to the use of Redneck or Cracker when a White person demonstrates they are filled with hate or racism, based on your drivel I'm sure it's been directed at you many times in your life...

Look, I know you're hung up on hating Whitey that believes in a Conservative platform, but there are a significant number of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and Muslims who believe the Conservative philosophy of earning their place in society through hard work and good values that are the foundation to better society as a whole (that includes all races). The Liberal agenda has no respect for these basic principals, in fact they want to control you and it's pretty apparent they have you right where they want you.

:0) This board is full of RW hate. Point to your posts that admonish RW posters for their hate. If you can't do that .. fuck you, you're just a vile piece of shit speaking to your hate.

I hate 'whitey????' :0) Again, that's just your hate talking.

I have no problem with white people, and most have no problems with me. Whites are adventurous, innovative, and exciting people. You don't speak for white people .. you're a republican. I hate republicans, not white people .. but you can spin that anyway you choose Bozo.

Bottom line .. there ain't (eb) shit you can do about me but whine. :0) That's it.

Your racism is meaningless .. doesn't mean shit. Hit me with the 'N' word again :0) ..doesn't mean shit. Toss in all the stereotypical bullshit your grandpappy drilled into your ignorant head .. doesn't mean shit.

Republicans have lost nearly every social issue they champion, and after Trump gets trounced in November, the future of the Republican Party will look as bleak as dog shit. :0)

Find some logic .. kiss my ass. :0)
You should see the left wing yours.....:lol:

:0) What you believe doesn't mean shit. Trump will lose, the Republican Party and all you hold dear will go down the toilet. :lol:
Who are black republicans? They are black people who don't mind that the GOP is racist towards poor and middle class blacks.

Why would a black person in Texas vote for a party like the GOP?

A federal appeals court has ruled that a Texas voter ID law has a discriminatory effect on minority voters. A district court had found not only that the law discriminated, but that it was intentionally designed to do so.

Part of that has to do with the type of photo IDs the Legislature designated as legitimate. For example, military IDs and concealed handgun carry permits — they're lawful to vote. But state employee photo IDs and university photo IDs are not. So the Legislature approved ID cards that were more likely to be held by white Republican voters and excluded IDs that were more likely to be held by minority Democrats.

If they vote for Democrats, they are voting for the 1% whose goal is to separate the elite from the commoner and the poor, which most of America is. The goal is to give enough free things and the surfs will give up their freedom.

Pretty scary what the Dems have in store.

:0) Who are black republicans .. who cares? There aren't enough of them to make any difference whatsoever in any election.

The only people who talk about them are republicans looking for props leading up to elections be cause they know the impact that black voters have on those elections .. and, THAT'S THE ONLY REASON THAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THEM NOW. :0)

Tell us more about 'plantations and slaves' .. see if you can get more black voters with that ignorance.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.
You are not discussing why they don't vote GOP. You are trying to say abortion is why they should vote GOP. Sorry that's not enough. It might be for you and maybe you think this is your angle but good luck with that.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.
The last time he participated in an all black anything was in prison and it was not fun.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.
The last time he participated in an all black anything was in prison and it was not fun.

Liberal policies helped make a lot of middle class people in Dearborn, Lansing, metro Detroit. There would be no middle class if not for us liberals
Sweetie....we've long established that liberal policy has decimated the middle class (and while you're too blind and obedient to know it - that's not by mistake). Liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have driven jobs overseas where corporations can actually afford to manufacture.

Liberal policies have killed the middle class and they have not helped the inter-cities. He can't answer either.
You two jerk each other off

I didn't think you had any answers, now you are proving it.
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.
The last time he participated in an all black anything was in prison and it was not fun.

I'm glad you are here. I want you to tell Papageorge why his party is the racist party.
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Then why isn't Ann Arbor bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't East Lansing bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't Kalamazoo bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. How dumb do you look right now with that false narrative aimed at deflecting blame from your own failed ideology onto the one ideology that actually creates prosperity?!?

Then why don't black people buy it? I bet you think they are stupid.

Come on Seely, why is East Lansing, Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor doing well and Detroit with the Democrat mayor doing poorly?

Why is Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, Washington DC and other Democratically ran cities having huge issues?

Come on the Democrats have all the answers, let's have them.
Black as coal should be able to tell you why you are full of shit. Lets see you convince him that HE is racist for not voting GOP.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.

1. Why the hell would I NOT be interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans? That's millions of votes just lying there that we should have and that would vastly advance my agenda.

2. Err All Black Anything? If I am participating it would not be all black... And what the hell does that have to do with anything?

3. I am not confused. I know why blacks don't vote for the GOP.

4. And by the way fuck you. Just like a fucking asshole lefty to spend generations Smearing us with Race Baiting LIes, and to then act like the success of your lies is our fault.

5. And to be clear, Fuck you, asshole.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.

1. Blablabla

2. Bla bla bla

3. I am not confused. I know why blacks don't vote for the GOP.

4. And by the way fuck you. Just like a fucking asshole lefty to spend generations Smearing us with Race Baiting LIes, and to then act like the success of your lies is our fault.

5. blabla

3. Why don't blacks vote GOP? That's ridiculous.
4. So you think blacks are stupid and we are duping them.
And don't try to convince me blacks should vote GOP. Convince them! Sounds like you are trying to use God as a wedge issue to win them over. Do you know bush was successful in doing this? He used gays and abortion.

He lost that voting block. You probably think it's because Obama's black. That's not the only reason.

I'm not trying to convince you that blacks should vote GOP.

I discussing why they don't, despite so many of them agreeing with the GOP on the issues.

Get real dude. You're not really interested in discussing why blacks don't vote for republicans.

How many times have you participated in an all-black anything?

Yet you're confused why black Americans don't vote for a virtually all-white political party.

.. get real.
The last time he participated in an all black anything was in prison and it was not fun.

I'm glad you are here. I want you to tell Papageorge why his party is the racist party.
It's not. Unfortunately, BlackasCoal is as ignorant about the facts as you are. The KKK was actually founded by the Dumbocrat Party. The Dumbocrat Party literally declared war on the United States because the Republican's wanted to end slavery. The Dumbocrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement which was lead by the Republican Party.

And it continues to this day. Just ask Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson, and the rest about the disgusting racism of liberals.
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Then why isn't Ann Arbor bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't East Lansing bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't Kalamazoo bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. How dumb do you look right now with that false narrative aimed at deflecting blame from your own failed ideology onto the one ideology that actually creates prosperity?!?

Then why don't black people buy it? I bet you think they are stupid.

Come on Seely, why is East Lansing, Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor doing well and Detroit with the Democrat mayor doing poorly?

Why is Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, Washington DC and other Democratically ran cities having huge issues?

Come on the Democrats have all the answers, let's have them.
Black as coal should be able to tell you why you are full of shit. Lets see you convince him that HE is racist for not voting GOP.

What makes him more of an expert than me or you? Is it because of the color of his skin? Are you saying a person's skin color automatically makes them smarter than another skin color?

You are setting Martin Luther King back decades.
Sweetie....we've long established that liberal policy has decimated the middle class (and while you're too blind and obedient to know it - that's not by mistake). Liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have driven jobs overseas where corporations can actually afford to manufacture.

Liberal policies have killed the middle class and they have not helped the inter-cities. He can't answer either.
You two jerk each other off

I didn't think you had any answers, now you are proving it.
I'm not interested in answering your questions without a couple brothers participating. I'd like them to explain why you are the racist one. Or the party you vote for is because personally I don't think you are racist.

That is a very strange answer. Do you not know the "reason"?

You seem to be implying that the black skin of the "brothers" makes them Authorities on matters of Race.

Is that your intent?

If I may .. blacks don't need to be authorities on matters of YOUR race .. and we don't presume to be. We are in fact authorities on our own race.

On the other hand, republicans like you presume to be authorities on people you don't even know and care nothing about.

Again, you're not even slightly interested in the subject, you just looking to promote an agenda.
Black as coal should be able to tell you why you are full of shit. Lets see you convince him that HE is racist for not voting GOP.

What makes him more of an expert than me or you? Is it because of the color of his skin? Are you saying a person's skin color automatically makes them smarter than another skin color?

You are setting Martin Luther King back decades.
Watching you obliterate the irrational (and very racist) thinking of the modern day liberal has been a pleasure Papageorgio.
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Then why isn't Ann Arbor bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't East Lansing bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't Kalamazoo bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. How dumb do you look right now with that false narrative aimed at deflecting blame from your own failed ideology onto the one ideology that actually creates prosperity?!?

Then why don't black people buy it? I bet you think they are stupid.

Come on Seely, why is East Lansing, Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor doing well and Detroit with the Democrat mayor doing poorly?

Why is Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, Washington DC and other Democratically ran cities having huge issues?

Come on the Democrats have all the answers, let's have them.
Black as coal should be able to tell you why you are full of shit. Lets see you convince him that HE is racist for not voting GOP.

The question is and has been, what policies have the Democratic Party put in intercity policies that have helped those communities get better.

You told us Democratic policies have helped the intercity communities .

Cut the BS and tell us what they are.
3. Why don't blacks vote GOP? That's ridiculous.
4. So you think blacks are stupid and we are duping them.
It's not a color thing Sealy. You are stupid. The Dumbocrats are duping you. I've proven all over this thread how liberal economic policy creates collapse at every level (from a city like Detroit to a global super-power like the U.S.S.R.). And despite the indisputable truth - you don't have the mental fortitude to accept reality and reject the ideology that has brainwashed you.

The fact that everything is color with you illustrates just how racist your side of the aisle really is.

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