Black republicans...who are they really?

Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law.
See what I mean Black as Coal? It's Sealy's position that you African-Americans are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that you can't even manage to figure out how to get a proper state id or drivers license. :eusa_doh:

That's simply more RW bullshit .. and he said nothing of the sort.

You're a fucking racist dude .. why in the fuck are you even talking to me? I don't give a shit about what you think. I'd MUCH rather prefer the company and thoughts of Sealybobo any day then the thoughts of 10,000 like you.
Well of course...she panders to your victim mentality and I don't. Her position is that African-American's are so incompetent, so helpless, so stupid, so inept, that they can't even figure out how to get a proper state ID or drivers license. Rather than be offended by that, you embrace her coddling of your perceived "helplessness". :eusa_doh:

Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)

Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.

Anything else? :0)
To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.
An entire city (Detroit) was forced to file bankruptcy after 60+ years of complete and total Dumbocrat control (a Dumbocrat mayor the entire time and a Dumbocrat-controlled city council). 'Nough said.

And nobody can blame it on conservative policies at the state or federal levels because other cities in Michigan and other cities in the United States aren't filing bankruptcy. Just Detroit. Because they've implemented liberal policy across the board and that always ends in collapse. Just ask Cuba.
They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

Your turn.

What have republicans done.

Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)
I can't miss a point that hasn't been made. Make a point. We're all ears. You're so frustrated because you can't make a point. And you can't make a point because you know we are right.
Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.
Now that is a remarkable position considering that since 2010, conservatives have kicked the living shit out of Dumbocrats from coast-to-coast. Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority. They went from a majority in the Sentate to a minority. They lost the most cities and states across the nation than any party in over 100 years.
Anything else? :0)
Yes....tell us again how this thread is about "white people crying that blacks won't support the Republican Party" :lmao:
Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.
What a sad, sad indictment on the intellect of the modern day liberal. They have no idea what the U.S. Constitution says, what the role of government is, and why the Supreme Court even exists. They actually believe that the Supreme Court is supposed to be a political party. Wow.
Whatever .. you keep missing the point .. and I don't care that you do. :0)
I can't miss a point that hasn't been made. Make a point. We're all ears. You're so frustrated because you can't make a point. And you can't make a point because you know we are right.
Your all-white party is doomed .. can't win a national election .. and the Supreme Court will become the proprietary property of the Democratic Party.
Now that is a remarkable position considering that since 2010, conservatives have kicked the living shit out of Dumbocrats from coast-to-coast. Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority. They went from a majority in the Sentate to a minority. They lost the most cities and states across the nation than any party in over 100 years.
Anything else? :0)
Yes....tell us again how this thread is about "white people crying that blacks won't support the Republican Party" :lmao:

My last post to a racist dummy.

1. The point is that I don't give a fuck who you vote for .. and the ONLY reason you're crying about who black people vote for is because we elect presidents and seriously damage republican prospects of winning the White House.

2. Republicans have lost virtually every social issue they care about .. AND, when Trump loses as he inevitably will, the Republican Party becomes the Whigs.

Of course this thread is about republicans crying about who blacks vote for.

3. :0) I don't need to tell a racist asshole a goddamn thing. I'm having fun playing with stupid motherfuckers while I work. I'm happy with the enormous divide between blacks and republicans .. hope it grows even wider. :0)
Sealy told us that Democratic policies are in place that have helped inter-cities. What are the policies and how have they worked in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore and Oakland?

NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
Chicken and the Egg, moron.

THe only reason the GOP is mostly white is because of the successful campaign of Fear Mongering and LIes that you lefties have bombarded the Minority communities with for generations.

IF it was not for the Fear, then the issues would provide reasons for many blacks to vote for the GOP. As has been supported with links to polls on issues, and as I have discussed with regard to ONE example, abortion.

ANd, btw, you just spoke for White people six times in your post, your hypocritical moron.

AND you idiot, as I have repeatedly stated, all of my posts and points about Pro-life Blacks was based on their concerns, perceptions and actions.

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.

Not in my lifetime brother.

Republicans have no chance to turn themselves around and stop being racist assholes in the near future .. and I don't have another 40 years of life to wait on them. :0)

What I find funny is how these Republicans are trying to suggest it is us liberals who are racist and you blacks are just too stupid to understand we are holding you back. If you would just embrace the Republican party you would then start experiencing the American dream. Meanwhile Republicans don't want you voting until you smarten up.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Wednesday found that Texas’ strict voter identification law violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, in a victory for civil rights groups who had challenged the law.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit did not make a determination as to whether Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, and sent that issue back to a lower federal court to re-evaluate the determination that it was purposefully discriminatory. But the appeals court did find that the Texas voter ID law would have a discriminatory impact, in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

In declining to find Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, members of the appeals court said they recognized “the charged nature of accusations of racism, particularly against a legislative body,” but they also acknowledged “the sad truth that racism continues to exist in our modern American society despite years of laws designed to eradicate it.”

Because it found a violation of the Voting Rights Act, the federal appeals court declined to decide the question of whether the strict voter ID law violated constitutional rights under the First and 14th Amendments, and dismissed the claims. The court also suggested that a lower federal court could either reinstate voter registration cards as documents that allow someone to cast a ballot, or allow someone to sign an affidavit saying they do not have an acceptable form of identification before they were allowed to vote.

Republicans were dealt a second blow in as many days to a new breed of strict voter ID measures that limits the kind of photo identifications that are valid. On Tuesday, a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled that residents without a photo ID in that state will still be allowed to vote in November.

Elections experts widely agree that the Texas law, which accepted concealed handgun licenses but not college IDs, was the toughest in the nation.

Voters must still show identification at the polls in Texas under the decision by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is regarded as one of the most conservative panels in the country. But a lower court is now instructed to devise a way for Texas to accommodate those who cannot.

The 9-6 decision agreed with a lower court ruling that Texas had violated the federal Voting Rights Act. Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law. They also said lower-income Texas residents were more likely to lack underlying documents to obtain a free state voting ID.

More than 30 states require some form of voter identification. But only about nine states, including Texas and Wisconsin, were considered to have especially restrictive laws prior to this week.

The decision could also have even broader ramifications: Aside from fixing the law for now, the court also ordered a later re-evaluation of whether Texas’ Republican-controlled Legislature intentionally discriminated against minorities in pursuing the law. If a court ultimately finds that was the case, Texas could be punished and ordered to seek federal approval before changing future voting laws, Dunn said.

More than 600,000 Texas voters — or 4.5 percent of all registered voters in Texas — lacked a suitable ID under the law that was signed by then-Republican Gov. Rick Perry, a lower court found in 2014.

Am I to conclude that Democrats have done nothing to help inter-cities? You have owned Washington DC for decades, why is it failing as a city? What about Oakland, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis. Again name the policies that Democrats enacted that have helped inter-cities and how have they helped? Should be an easy answer for you to prove, unless you are making it up.
What you mean when you say Democrats is Blacks because there are lots of liberal white cities that run just fine. What I'm saying to you is Republican/Conservative policies have screwed blacks, not us. We offered them jobs. Ford, GM, Chrysler. Those good paying union jobs too thousands of black families out of poverty. YOU mother fuckers sent those good paying jobs overseas. HQ Bush and GW Bush and the GOP pushed FREE TRADE on us. The Democrats went along yes. But they also didn't remove the protections for American workers, Republicans did that.

I'm not saying Republicans screw just poor black people. They screw all poor people. And they screw all middle class people. Wake up papa.

And blacks have to accept half of the blame for the mess their communities in. I'm sure you know that, but because I have admitted it, you right wingers took the opportunity to call me racist for saying it, even though I know you know I'm right. But you're playing politics with this issue and trying to tootsie foot around the fact that your party is racist to black people, because a lot of their anti poor policies are directed at black people.

And I know you will deny it, just like you denied the Texas voting laws were purposely designed to suppress black voter turnout. But you can't deny it anymore because the courts ruled it was. BUSTED! So tell us how your party loves black people.
NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.
NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
NOW you run :0)

I answered your question and its now YOUR TURN.

What in the Hell have republicans done to help inner-cities?

You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you might be.

Blacks were once overwhelmingly republican .. and republicans chose to chase racists instead. You're not interested in serious conversation.

Again, you don't know very much about pro-life black people .. such as my mother and many others that I know. They know that republicans don't give a rats ass about BORN black life. Your blind speculation is based on the nonsense you choose to believe, not on what is reality.

Look around even on this board. Why would black people vote with racist scum like these?

We can easily end this conversation right here given the knowledge that blacks are NEVER going to support the Republican Party ever AGAIN.
See Papageorge?

Oh, and don't say never because the GOP could stop being racist pricks and then maybe one day you will consider them again.

Not in my lifetime brother.

Republicans have no chance to turn themselves around and stop being racist assholes in the near future .. and I don't have another 40 years of life to wait on them. :0)

What I find funny is how these Republicans are trying to suggest it is us liberals who are racist and you blacks are just too stupid to understand we are holding you back. If you would just embrace the Republican party you would then start experiencing the American dream. Meanwhile Republicans don't want you voting until you smarten up.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Wednesday found that Texas’ strict voter identification law violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, in a victory for civil rights groups who had challenged the law.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit did not make a determination as to whether Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, and sent that issue back to a lower federal court to re-evaluate the determination that it was purposefully discriminatory. But the appeals court did find that the Texas voter ID law would have a discriminatory impact, in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

In declining to find Texas legislators had a discriminatory purpose in passing the legislation, members of the appeals court said they recognized “the charged nature of accusations of racism, particularly against a legislative body,” but they also acknowledged “the sad truth that racism continues to exist in our modern American society despite years of laws designed to eradicate it.”

Because it found a violation of the Voting Rights Act, the federal appeals court declined to decide the question of whether the strict voter ID law violated constitutional rights under the First and 14th Amendments, and dismissed the claims. The court also suggested that a lower federal court could either reinstate voter registration cards as documents that allow someone to cast a ballot, or allow someone to sign an affidavit saying they do not have an acceptable form of identification before they were allowed to vote.

Republicans were dealt a second blow in as many days to a new breed of strict voter ID measures that limits the kind of photo identifications that are valid. On Tuesday, a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled that residents without a photo ID in that state will still be allowed to vote in November.

Elections experts widely agree that the Texas law, which accepted concealed handgun licenses but not college IDs, was the toughest in the nation.

Voters must still show identification at the polls in Texas under the decision by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is regarded as one of the most conservative panels in the country. But a lower court is now instructed to devise a way for Texas to accommodate those who cannot.

The 9-6 decision agreed with a lower court ruling that Texas had violated the federal Voting Rights Act. Elections experts have testified that Hispanics were twice as likely and blacks three times more likely than whites to lack an acceptable ID under the law. They also said lower-income Texas residents were more likely to lack underlying documents to obtain a free state voting ID.

More than 30 states require some form of voter identification. But only about nine states, including Texas and Wisconsin, were considered to have especially restrictive laws prior to this week.

The decision could also have even broader ramifications: Aside from fixing the law for now, the court also ordered a later re-evaluation of whether Texas’ Republican-controlled Legislature intentionally discriminated against minorities in pursuing the law. If a court ultimately finds that was the case, Texas could be punished and ordered to seek federal approval before changing future voting laws, Dunn said.

More than 600,000 Texas voters — or 4.5 percent of all registered voters in Texas — lacked a suitable ID under the law that was signed by then-Republican Gov. Rick Perry, a lower court found in 2014.

Am I to conclude that Democrats have done nothing to help inter-cities? You have owned Washington DC for decades, why is it failing as a city? What about Oakland, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis. Again name the policies that Democrats enacted that have helped inter-cities and how have they helped? Should be an easy answer for you to prove, unless you are making it up.
What you mean when you say Democrats is Blacks because there are lots of liberal white cities that run just fine. What I'm saying to you is Republican/Conservative policies have screwed blacks, not us. We offered them jobs. Ford, GM, Chrysler. Those good paying union jobs too thousands of black families out of poverty. YOU mother fuckers sent those good paying jobs overseas. HQ Bush and GW Bush and the GOP pushed FREE TRADE on us. The Democrats went along yes. But they also didn't remove the protections for American workers, Republicans did that.

I'm not saying Republicans screw just poor black people. They screw all poor people. And they screw all middle class people. Wake up papa.

And blacks have to accept half of the blame for the mess their communities in. I'm sure you know that, but because I have admitted it, you right wingers took the opportunity to call me racist for saying it, even though I know you know I'm right. But you're playing politics with this issue and trying to tootsie foot around the fact that your party is racist to black people, because a lot of their anti poor policies are directed at black people.

And I know you will deny it, just like you denied the Texas voting laws were purposely designed to suppress black voter turnout. But you can't deny it anymore because the courts ruled it was. BUSTED! So tell us how your party loves black people.

You have not cited on Democratic policy that has been installed to help the inter-cities. All you are doing is blaming others for your failures.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.

I asked about policies not who is elected. Thanks for proving Democrats are as clueless as Republicans.

I don't care how you vote, that isn't relevant. I'm not voting a Republican for President. So can the race baiting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
well you're right, if you can't get passed a place where you feel something like race is implied cause you just know, that's why race will never get solved. you are the cause of it. Racism, you can't move on. You can't except that obummer is just a democrat. he is a black democrat. Right? and because he is, should be treated differently correct? you left twats crack me up with your hypocrisy.
Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.
But Baltimore’s problems stretch further back, to institutionalized racial discrimination in the early 20th century. Federal and local policymakers of the time redlined areas with "undesirable racial concentrations" to omit them from mortgage insurance programs.

And over the century, the same neighborhoods faced one destructive policy after another, from mass incarceration to the rise of predatory banks.

Aggressive policing, tougher drug sentencing, slashing the budgets of school and public housing and parks—throughout Baltimore’s history, lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level adopted policies that entrenched poverty and segregation in the city.

President Barack Obama hinted at the need for assistance in off-the-cuff remarks this week, though it's unlikely to come from federal politicians. “If we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could,” he said, adding, "I think we all understand that the politics of that are tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue, as opposed to a broader social issue.” Conservatives keep trying to change the conversation.

I'm not changing anything, I am asking you what policies have the Democrats put into place to help inter-cities and you simply won't answer and try to deflect.

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Affirmative Action
Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.

I asked about policies not who is elected. Thanks for proving Democrats are as clueless as Republicans.

I don't care how you vote, that isn't relevant. I'm not voting a Republican for President. So can the race baiting.

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The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats.

It wasn’t until Harry Truman garnered 77 percent of the black vote in 1948 that a majority of blacks reported that they thought of themselves as Democrats. Earlier that year Truman had issued an order desegregating the armed services and an executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment.
You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:
That has been answered dozens of times already. Why do you refuse to answer him when he asked you that question first? Better yet - why do you have to repeat his questions? Are you not bright enough to form your own questions and your own positions?
You didn't answer the question. What policies has the Democratic Party enacted in inter-cities that has helped. Electing people doesn't enact anything.

So far you and Sealy have come up blank. Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Washington DC, Baltimore and many other large inter-cities are failing their citizens, what are the Democrats doing.

You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Just go slime away dummy. You run like a sissy from questions then think you have the right to ask more questions. :lol:

I am not running from anything. I have asked the question over and over and no Democrat has answered it. If you can't back up the claim, just admit it and move on. To claim that electing blacks is enacting policy or caused changed is simply untrue. The help give a voice, however it doesn't change what Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland and Washington DC have become and that it is getting worse and not better under the Democratic policy.


Here's where you get to run away again. :lol:

You haven't answered mine. Do you think you can demand answers from me when you don't answer mine. You keep dodging and putting it back on me and I didn't any claims about the Republican party. I was told by Sealy that the Democrats have put policies in place to help inter-cities. You and him have failed!

Thanks for playing and showing you don't really have a clue about who or what you support.

:lol: You're just another dumb ass lying republican.

Lets go to the tape ..

To your question of what have democrats done ..

My answer to you ..

They elect black people to office and support issues important to black people.

That's why they deserve black votes.

Your turn.

What have republicans done?

That was many posts ago. .. but don't fret it girlfriend .. you don't have to answer what republicans have done, because it's already known they haven't done shit to deserve black votes.

Try begging black people to vote for your all-white party. Maybe that will work. :lol: Your support is not required nor even wanted. The divide is beautiful and works in our favor.
what exactly are you asking did republicans do? most inner cities have been run by the left for decades upon decades. What is it you feel they needed to do when they weren't involved in policy making?

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