Black republicans...who are they really?

Being bright doesn't give you the power to overcome large scale economic factors, like the vast supply of people just like you wiling to do the job cheaply.

But thanks for admitting that they are taking American jobs.

There you go off on a tangent again. Congress is giving the H-1B visa workers the power to displace less qualified native born American workers. You say it because foreign H1-1B employees are cheaper and I beg to differ.That is the key issue you and I have been hashing around for a while now. Before we continue let's settle this by putting linked facts on the table. I'll start with this:

View attachment 79795

Is H1B visa bad for the USA? - Quora

You state you are going to put facts on the table and post an opinion from a LAWYER, ie professional liar, about an issue that she has a large vested interest in?

1. Lawyer have zero credibility.

2. Experts are on both sides of the issue. Smart people are on both sides of the issue.

Supply and demand. Allowing unfettered use of Third World labor, makes the effective labor pool for the US nearly infinite.

Increased supply puts downward pressure on price, ie wages.

That is a basic economic law.
Being bright doesn't give you the power to overcome large scale economic factors, like the vast supply of people just like you wiling to do the job cheaply.

But thanks for admitting that they are taking American jobs.

There you go off on a tangent again. Congress is giving the H-1B visa workers the power to displace less qualified native born American workers. You say it because foreign H1-1B employees are cheaper and I beg to differ.That is the key issue you and I have been hashing around for a while now. Before we continue let's settle this by putting linked facts on the table. I'll start with this:

View attachment 79795

Is H1B visa bad for the USA? - Quora

Actually, H1B visas do harm Americans.
New H-1B bill will 'help destroy' U.S. tech workforce

New Data Show How Firms Like Infosys and Tata Abuse the H-1B Program

Lower wages

The principal reason that firms use H-1Bs to replace American workers is because H-1B nonimmigrant workers are much cheaper than locally recruited and hired U.S. workers. As Table 1 shows, Infosys and Tata pay very low wages to their H-1B workers. The average wage for an H-1B employee at Infosys in FY13 was $70,882 and for Tata it was $65,565. Compare this to the average wage of a Computer Systems Analyst in Rosemead, CA (where SCE is located), which is $91,990 (according to the U.S. Department of Labor). That means Infosys and Tata save well over $20,000 per worker per year, by hiring an H-1B instead of a local U.S. worker earning the average wage. But at SCE specifically, the wage savings are much greater. SCE recently commissioned a consulting firm, Aon-Hewitt, to conduct a compensation study, which showed that SCE’s IT specialists were earning an average annual base pay of $110,446. That means Tata and Infosys are getting a 36 to 41 percent savings on labor costs—or saving about $40,000 to $45,000 per worker per year.

They aren't bringing people in that are more skilled. There is no shortage in the US. That myth was debunked several years ago.

Incidently this is why it is absolutely necessary to keep Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and whites divided. So, we can all fight over the scraps at the bottom.

Also a flaw with the above numbers is it is comparing h-1b wages to the current wages of American workers,

not what the wages would be if the employers has to compete for American workers.

So the savings in labor costs, ie money that would be in the pockets of American workers, is, imo, vastly underestimated.
Bullshit. There were 8 years to deal with the issues. Hillary was absolutely down with the TPP and was involved in it. The Democrats are all about faux privatization of public schools. We have Democrats that are down with fracking. We have Democrats still down with H1B visas and immigration.

There isn't anything left. Everybody has their hands in the cookie jar.

I am not down with Trump but he cannot be the scapegoat. The message that is being sent (and not by you) is you're going to eat shit but it's a better brand of shit because that shit over there is steaming shit.

The message I am sending is that I really think Trump is a crazy person. And you don't give crazy people the nuclear launch codes.
Nobody said anything about BUYING votes you rightwing bastard. What was said was that if you guys spent half the effort trying to get blacks to vote for you, rather than trying to get them not to vote, you'd be better off.

That means that as far as you're concerned, the only way to get blacks to vote for a person/party is to to BUY their vote. This is the same crap we're talking about, talking down to us, demeaning & belittling us at every turn. How's it been working out for you so far?

Did I say blacks only? No, Democrats buy votes from everybody by being Santa Clause.


I run into that all the time.

I make a comment on something dems or libs do and the libs hear voices in their minds adding all these additional messages, and then they hold me responsible, and nothing I can say or do will shake them.
Bullshit. There were 8 years to deal with the issues. Hillary was absolutely down with the TPP and was involved in it. The Democrats are all about faux privatization of public schools. We have Democrats that are down with fracking. We have Democrats still down with H1B visas and immigration.

There isn't anything left. Everybody has their hands in the cookie jar.

I am not down with Trump but he cannot be the scapegoat. The message that is being sent (and not by you) is you're going to eat shit but it's a better brand of shit because that shit over there is steaming shit.

The message I am sending is that I really think Trump is a crazy person. And you don't give crazy people the nuclear launch codes.

Trump is 70 years old.

He has been flamboyant. He has not been crazy.

People don't change at 70. He will remain, not crazy.

Your fears are not reasonable.

You are panic mongering.
Bullshit. There were 8 years to deal with the issues. Hillary was absolutely down with the TPP and was involved in it. The Democrats are all about faux privatization of public schools. We have Democrats that are down with fracking. We have Democrats still down with H1B visas and immigration.

There isn't anything left. Everybody has their hands in the cookie jar.

I am not down with Trump but he cannot be the scapegoat. The message that is being sent (and not by you) is you're going to eat shit but it's a better brand of shit because that shit over there is steaming shit.

The message I am sending is that I really think Trump is a crazy person. And you don't give crazy people the nuclear launch codes.

Then my suggestion is that these fuckers buckle down and deal with the issues and start looking beyond building a "wall". My son is 14 and all of the bullshit excitement over women being included in the draft and not the prospect of there being a draft at all leads me to believe that woman is just as batshit crazy as Trump. Especially because she absolutely had her hands in events "protecting American interests" and the TPP.
You're an idiot. I keep saying blacks are the same capability as whites. Stop being a racist pile of shit, Grand Wizard
African immigrant students appear to be, s a GROUP, even smarter than he average White scholar in the USA AND in the UK. Why would I say Blacks aren't as capable as Whites with that ammunition in my debating pistols? heh heh heh! I see that I am getting under your collar…settle down…stress isn't good for you! Heh heh heh!

So it's cool to think blacks are smarter, but it's racist to think whites are smarter. At what point do you plan to stop making yourself look more stupid?

I am just the messenger. It is those White employers that seem to believe the American workforce is inferior to that of the Asians. I am just an observer and commentator. Ands do you see that red highlighted text, idiot. That is what I said,and it looks nothing like the lie you quoted me as saying highlighted in blue. You are a dishonest clod without an ounce of decency.

Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
Kaz......just freaking tell them you're a libertarian already.

I'm a libertarian already!
That's always voted Republican since declaring yourself that, right?

Wrong, I voted Republican once in six elections since I left the party and it's about to be once in seven elections.

You're used to being wrong, aren't you? Maybe you need to ... think ...
And you come to that conclusion how?
'll dumb it down for you. I didn't say government education prevents you from being educated, I am saying it doesn't provide you with a good education. I mean duh. I'm sorry for the crappy government education you got. BTW, I went to both private and public schools growing up. And in my high school, we brainiac nerds actually passed the teachers in math. My team (four of us) were undefeated in math competitions for my entire junior year, we won every competition in the State of Michigan. My calculus teacher was the coach, but we were all past him with competition material. He made arrangements, he didn't tutor us. He couldn't. Nice guy, but that's reality convinced are now a racist nerd....Better???

Well, I am a nerd, I stipulate to that.

As for a racist, he thinks I'm a racist because I think blacks have the same capabilities as whites and should be treated the same. Gnat thinks blacks can't handle what whites can and need a lower bar and it's racist to deny that
Palookas like you talk about a low bar after you've gained all the benefit from a low bar for generations, then raise it and look down on others. You're not fooling anyone.

Lower bar, LOL. My mother didn't have the money to put me through school and my father was a dead beat. So I worked summers, breaks and evenings and paid for my own degree. Then I worked a full time job at GE while they paid for my first masters degree and I funded the second myself.

That's a "lower bar?" What a dumb ass, you're not taking your own advice to ... think ...
I agree completely. But Hispanics have been race baited to side with their fellow hispanics from other nations over their fellow American citizens.

The Constant inflow of cheap Third World Labor is a major factor in the generations of wage stagnation for the Working and Middle Classes.

No, the constant playing of working people against each other has caused that. Want good wages? Support Unions. Don't shop at places at WalMart. Fight for a living wage.

SO, you deny the Law of Supply and Demand.

If Hispanics want an open border so their fellow HIspanics can keep coming in, THEY are working against the interests of the rest of Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.

Nothing you have said addressed this simple truth.

Which is irrelevant to the point, ie that his was, before he was destroyed, he had the largest single block of GOP voters, and his base was draw from the MORE conservative republicans, which is strong evidence that your myth of the GOP being racist is false.

His single largest block was less than 20% in a field of about 8 people. And, yeah, when the Bubba Rednecks who make up the GOP base found out he was groping white women, he imploded.


20% in a field of 8 is huge. He was the front runner.

His support came, not from "Bubba Rednecks" but a lot from the Religious Right, who were stupid to believe the lies of the media about women.

YOur assumption that is was racist is circular reasoning AND contradictory.

YOu assume his support was racist, even though he is obviously black.

Thus they left him when they were lied to that he was hitting on white women.

BUT, he only had 20% of the GOP. And they were the racist ones? Why were the "racists" of the gop ignoring all the white candidates?

How do you know that they were racist? Because you assume they were offended because the lying women were white.

NOne of that makes sense.

WHat makes sense?

In a post racial GOP, Herman Cain an outsider with no political experience said the right things and attracted the most supporters in a very crowded field as a potential NOT ROMNEY.

He was saying the right things, and he was NOT ROMNEY.

HIs black skin was irrelevant to his supporters AND his non-supporters who just liked other candidates, most with MORE political experience.

When a series of scandals were ginned up by the media, his supporters, many who were attracted by him NOT BEING ROMNEY bolted to the next NOT ROMNEY.

His rise to front runner is strong evidence that your belief system in a "RACIST" GOP is wrong.

You are holding to your delusion despite mountains of evidence.
Demeaning black people who choose to be a Republican and go against the grain. The intolerant racist regressive left sure hates differing opinions.
Demeaning black people who choose to be a Republican and go against the grain. The intolerant racist regressive left sure hates differing opinions.

No, nitwit......The O/P posed a plausible possibility as to why some, few blacks choose the right wing ideology.

If that's too difficult for your half brain to understand....ask a grown up to help.
Demeaning black people who choose to be a Republican and go against the grain. The intolerant racist regressive left sure hates differing opinions.

No, nitwit......The O/P posed a plausible possibility as to why some, few blacks choose the right wing ideology.

If that's too difficult for your half brain to understand....ask a grown up to help.

Again going to the name calling. Here is a plausible reason that they become Republicans, they have a choice and their ideal align more closely to the Republican party than to the Democratic party. Your intolerance of others opinions is more regressive than progressive.
Again going to the name calling. Here is a plausible reason that they become Republicans, they have a choice and their ideal align more closely to the Republican party than to the Democratic party. Your intolerance of others opinions is more regressive than progressive.

I posed the hypothesis that SOME blacks align themselves with the republican platform to be "different".....You don'y like the hypothesis or disagree with it??? Perfectly fine...I really don't care.
Again going to the name calling. Here is a plausible reason that they become Republicans, they have a choice and their ideal align more closely to the Republican party than to the Democratic party. Your intolerance of others opinions is more regressive than progressive.

I posed the hypothesis that SOME blacks align themselves with the republican platform to be "different".....You don'y like the hypothesis or disagree with it??? Perfectly fine...I really don't care.

You put your stupid opinion out there and I gave my opinion of how stupid your opinion is. If you don't want feedback, don't post. Moron!
As for the situation: this is a very high crime area in Cleveland where gangs are renown for dealing drugs and shooting people day and night. The residents there would tell you that gunfire at night is a common event. Most don't even pay attention to it anymore and don't bother calling police.

if people don't call the police, it's because the police will just make things worse. I know you don't get that, when your cops are shooting kids playing with toys, you don't want to really bring them around.

Hummmmmmm, I wonder which party runs Milwaukee?

The Voucher Program was a State iniative that failed. Thanks for playing. Vouchers aren't the answer.

Yes, you searched the internet to find the anomalies of the program instead of looking at the program in it's entirety. As a whole, parents are happy with the program because it gets their children out of those drug ridden violent public school systems and into a civil environment for them to learn. Many do better than in inner-city public schools.

I didn't have to search. The failure of Wisconsin's Voucher Scam is well known. In fact, Vouchers don't help all that much.

Vouchers don't do much for students

In Milwaukee, just 13 percent of voucher students scored proficient in math and 11 percent made the bar in reading this spring. That’s worse on both counts than students in the city’s public schools. In Cleveland, voucher students in most grades performed worse than their peers in public schools in math, though they did better in reading.

In New Orleans, voucher students who struggle academically haven’t advanced to grade-level work any faster over the past two years than students in the public schools, many of which are rated D or F, state data show.

And across Louisiana, many of the most popular private schools for voucher students posted miserable scores in math, reading, science and social studies this spring, with fewer than half their voucher students achieving even basic proficiency and fewer than 2 percent demonstrating mastery. Seven schools did so badly, state Superintendent John White barred them from accepting new voucher students — though the state agreed to keep paying tuition for the more than 200 voucher students already enrolled, if they chose to stay.

Okay, so now that we've established why vouchers don't work, why does the right still push for them? Corporate and Religious welfare, mostly.

Oh right, schools in those big blue cities were kicked out of the program because they were just a screwed as the alternative. The programs still exist, commiecrats tend to fuck up everything they touch. Any bets on who were running those schools, I'd bet it's similar commiecrat scum that ran dissolved charter schools in Houston.
There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.
. They don't receive enough to save anything eh ? And why is that ? Why can't they save anything, and why are they themselves not working as hard as they can to get out of such a situation ? I sure wouldn't want to stay in a situation where I only had enough to barely get by on, and then that amount be given to me as a handout that creates dependency over time.

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