Black republicans...who are they really?

You have no idea what you're talking about. WTF is a "conservative" Democrat?

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

Immigrants do take more jobs from blacks because many of those jobs are lower paying manual labor jobs. Those are jobs that many blacks take in the real world.
That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

And don't try to pass off this nonsense that companies who hire foreigners for technical jobs to replace Americans are Republican or Conservative companies only. The most recent story about such practices was Disney. Other liberal companies have outsourced jobs such as Microsoft and Macintosh. They all do it. It's not a Republican thing.

I wasn't being partisan when I posted the truth about H-1B visas. I said both democrats and republicans were to blame.

That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

I have bad news for you: employers avoid hiring felons black or white. I have the same practice as a landlord. I won't rent to felons of any race. I've done so in the past and it was a grave mistake I've learned from.

Yes, black unemployment has always been higher than that of whites, but not at the rates they've been the last couple of years:

View attachment 79553

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

A lot of wasted typing just to say you can't give me an example of a so-called conservative Democrat.

Tell us how voting Republican will change the status of blacks' unemployment rate? How will the Republicans fix that problem?
. Should blacks get jobs based upon their blackness or should they get jobs based upon availability of those jobs created by investments that are then being based upon the capitalist system working like it should work for all in America ? Republicans should focus on creating jobs for all, and not get caught in this trap of you as Republicans better tell those Hispanics and blacks as based upon their skin color, that they will have it made under a Republican regime, and have it made more so than other Americans will, because the Republicans will keep the failures of the Democrats going ?
Or the people too poor to get an ID. YOu know, if you spent half the effort trying to get people of color to vote for you you spend trying to keep them from voiting, you might make progress

Most states that have Voter ID will give poor people a free one if they just make the effort to get it.

I don't think it's in the best interest of the Republican party to try and buy the black vote like Democrats do. The conservatives of our party want to see people getting off of freebies--not on them. If we have two parties buying votes with us being over 19 trillion dollars in debt, the end of the country would be very near. We need at least one of the two parties to pull back on spending and promote self-reliance.
Nobody said anything about BUYING votes you rightwing bastard. What was said was that if you guys spent half the effort trying to get blacks to vote for you, rather than trying to get them not to vote, you'd be better off.

That means that as far as you're concerned, the only way to get blacks to vote for a person/party is to to BUY their vote. This is the same crap we're talking about, talking down to us, demeaning & belittling us at every turn. How's it been working out for you so far?
. Until you learn that blacks are Americans, and Americans shouldn't be looked at as a color when voting or otherwise, your words might have meaning, but for now you are just another racist using this notion that skin color is more important than ones character or ones individual achievements are in life. Black American Republicans in the thread title have proven over and over and over again, that color has nothing to do with being successful in America, and that being successful is not based on a skin color, but rather it is based on choices made in life.
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Except the film showed that Rice had the toy in his belt, not out pointed at officers. The cop (who was fired from another department for emotional issues) pulled his gun and shot htis child within seconds.

Meanwhile, white mass murderers like Holmes and Roof are amazingly taken into custody without being shot.

Amazing. Or racist. one of those.

It all depends on the situation. The film that you speak of was the evidence police used for their defense. A recording expert testified and each micro-second of the film was analyzed and explained to the jury what they were actually looking at. The film you likely seen was not the enhanced version but the slightly blurry one straight from the video camera.

In any case, the officer did see the gun being pulled from his pants and that's why he shot.

As for the situation: this is a very high crime area in Cleveland where gangs are renown for dealing drugs and shooting people day and night. The residents there would tell you that gunfire at night is a common event. Most don't even pay attention to it anymore and don't bother calling police.
. It was hoped you wouldn't bring up the high crime and common place shootings in the area mentioned. The idea is to have the nation think that the poor soul was just skipping rocks in a pond, and getting ready for his Sunday school class when he was gun down by a lunatic rogue cop who was on the hunt for innocent little children to just murder for no reason what so ever in life. Once the fact was known that the gun wasn't real, I bet this cop was devastated in his life for the mistake that was made on that day, but that follow up story will never be known will it ?
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.

It wouldn't. The difference is that money would have still been spent but by those that actually earned it not those that had it handed to them.

If what you say were true, all the good those trillions did would mean a lesser percentage would still be poor. That's not the case. Same percentage in poverty today as in 1965.

As for them spending those trillions of dollars on the goods and services they did, they couldn't afford the ones I provide.

Poor people may not be able to afford your services but their spending has a direct impact on your income. Your investments or stock portfolio is impacted by people buying stuff and spending money, including poor people. Your clients probably have income from goods and services that everyone needs, including poor people. You can't escape the fact that your lifestyle exists on the backs of the people who spend money on anything, including the poor.

You imply that poor people have money handed to them and they are just having a ball on your dime. I don't believe that to be true. No one wants to be stigmatized by welfare so most who get those checks do so because they have physical or mental issues..or they have felony convictions that hinder their employment prospects.

You do know that many of the people who receive AFDC welfare and food stamps are working. The welfare system gives families and their children at least some modicum of dignity as they interface with the highbrows of our society. The average time a family spends on welfare is about two years. Most do not seem to be content with all those "handouts" you hate.

The poverty rate has changed since 1965 depending on your age group:

The ‘absolute poverty line’ is the threshold below which families or individuals are considered to be lacking the resources to meet the basic needs for healthy living; having insufficient income to provide the food, shelter and clothing needed to preserve health. Poverty among Americans between ages 18–64 has fallen only marginally since 1966, from 10.5% then to 10.1% today. Poverty has significantly fallen among Americans under 18 years old from 23% in 1964 down to less than 17%, although it has risen again to 20% in 2009.[10] The most dramatic decrease in poverty was among Americans over 65, which fell from 28.5% in 1966 to 10.1% today.

Being bright doesn't give you the power to overcome large scale economic factors, like the vast supply of people just like you wiling to do the job cheaply.

But thanks for admitting that they are taking American jobs.

There you go off on a tangent again. Congress is giving the H-1B visa workers the power to displace less qualified native born American workers. You say it because foreign H1-1B employees are cheaper and I beg to differ.That is the key issue you and I have been hashing around for a while now. Before we continue let's settle this by putting linked facts on the table. I'll start with this:


Is H1B visa bad for the USA? - Quora
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.
There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.

It isn't their money. There is one reason and one reason only that they have it and that's because the people that earned it had it taken from them. If anyone is getting bilked, it's those forced to fund it.
There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.

It wouldn't. The difference is that money would have still been spent but by those that actually earned it not those that had it handed to them.

If what you say were true, all the good those trillions did would mean a lesser percentage would still be poor. That's not the case. Same percentage in poverty today as in 1965.

As for them spending those trillions of dollars on the goods and services they did, they couldn't afford the ones I provide.

Poor people may not be able to afford your services but their spending has a direct impact on your income. Your investments or stock portfolio is impacted by people buying stuff and spending money, including poor people. Your clients probably have income from goods and services that everyone needs, including poor people. You can't escape the fact that your lifestyle exists on the backs of the people who spend money on anything, including the poor.

You imply that poor people have money handed to them and they are just having a ball on your dime. I don't believe that to be true. No one wants to be stigmatized by welfare so most who get those checks do so because they have physical or mental issues..or they have felony convictions that hinder their employment prospects.

You do know that many of the people who receive AFDC welfare and food stamps are working. The welfare system gives families and their children at least some modicum of dignity as they interface with the highbrows of our society. The average time a family spends on welfare is about two years. Most do not seem to be content with all those "handouts" you hate.

The poverty rate has changed since 1965 depending on your age group:

The ‘absolute poverty line’ is the threshold below which families or individuals are considered to be lacking the resources to meet the basic needs for healthy living; having insufficient income to provide the food, shelter and clothing needed to preserve health. Poverty among Americans between ages 18–64 has fallen only marginally since 1966, from 10.5% then to 10.1% today. Poverty has significantly fallen among Americans under 18 years old from 23% in 1964 down to less than 17%, although it has risen again to 20% in 2009.[10] The most dramatic decrease in poverty was among Americans over 65, which fell from 28.5% in 1966 to 10.1% today.

Most people who get handouts don't have physical or mental issues. Many can but don't work.

As far as those with felony convictions, they made the choice to commit crimes. Not my place to offset their choices.

If they're working, let them support themselves. They have a job.

The overall poverty rate is the same as it was 50 years ago despite trillions wasted.
Or the people too poor to get an ID. YOu know, if you spent half the effort trying to get people of color to vote for you you spend trying to keep them from voiting, you might make progress

Most states that have Voter ID will give poor people a free one if they just make the effort to get it.

I don't think it's in the best interest of the Republican party to try and buy the black vote like Democrats do. The conservatives of our party want to see people getting off of freebies--not on them. If we have two parties buying votes with us being over 19 trillion dollars in debt, the end of the country would be very near. We need at least one of the two parties to pull back on spending and promote self-reliance.
Nobody said anything about BUYING votes you rightwing bastard. What was said was that if you guys spent half the effort trying to get blacks to vote for you, rather than trying to get them not to vote, you'd be better off.

That means that as far as you're concerned, the only way to get blacks to vote for a person/party is to to BUY their vote. This is the same crap we're talking about, talking down to us, demeaning & belittling us at every turn. How's it been working out for you so far?

The buying votes things seems to be the Democrat party way of doing things with blacks.

If blacks are willing to sell themselves out to Democrats, no one can demean your people more than they do themselves by selling out. Blacks have an unemployment rate twice that of white, a bastard birth rate over 70%, a dropout rate much greater than all other groups. Blacks have been voting Democrat for years. How's that working out for them?
Being bright doesn't give you the power to overcome large scale economic factors, like the vast supply of people just like you wiling to do the job cheaply.

But thanks for admitting that they are taking American jobs.

There you go off on a tangent again. Congress is giving the H-1B visa workers the power to displace less qualified native born American workers. You say it because foreign H1-1B employees are cheaper and I beg to differ.That is the key issue you and I have been hashing around for a while now. Before we continue let's settle this by putting linked facts on the table. I'll start with this:

View attachment 79795

Is H1B visa bad for the USA? - Quora

Actually, H1B visas do harm Americans.
New H-1B bill will 'help destroy' U.S. tech workforce

New Data Show How Firms Like Infosys and Tata Abuse the H-1B Program

Lower wages

The principal reason that firms use H-1Bs to replace American workers is because H-1B nonimmigrant workers are much cheaper than locally recruited and hired U.S. workers. As Table 1 shows, Infosys and Tata pay very low wages to their H-1B workers. The average wage for an H-1B employee at Infosys in FY13 was $70,882 and for Tata it was $65,565. Compare this to the average wage of a Computer Systems Analyst in Rosemead, CA (where SCE is located), which is $91,990 (according to the U.S. Department of Labor). That means Infosys and Tata save well over $20,000 per worker per year, by hiring an H-1B instead of a local U.S. worker earning the average wage. But at SCE specifically, the wage savings are much greater. SCE recently commissioned a consulting firm, Aon-Hewitt, to conduct a compensation study, which showed that SCE’s IT specialists were earning an average annual base pay of $110,446. That means Tata and Infosys are getting a 36 to 41 percent savings on labor costs—or saving about $40,000 to $45,000 per worker per year.

They aren't bringing people in that are more skilled. There is no shortage in the US. That myth was debunked several years ago.

Incidently this is why it is absolutely necessary to keep Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and whites divided. So, we can all fight over the scraps at the bottom.
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. It was hoped you wouldn't bring up the high crime and common place shootings in the area mentioned. The idea is to have the nation think that the poor soul was just skipping rocks in a pond, and getting ready for his Sunday school class when he was gun down by a lunatic rogue cop who was on the hunt for innocent little children to just murder for no reason what so ever in life. Once the fact was known that the gun wasn't real, I bet this cop was devastated in his life for the mistake that was made on that day, but that follow up story will never be known will it ?

Of course not.

My boss goes to the same church as the officers family. They've had to have plain cloths body guards because of all the death threats they've received since the shooting. He knows the family because they were neighbors when he was growing up. He even knew the officer, but they did not hang out or anything like that.

He describes the family as people who would do anything for you. Very friendly and meek. They didn't ask for this, but these animals gave it to them anyway even though they had nothing to do with the choice their son made to be a police officer yet alone the shooting.

In the meantime, the city of Cleveland gave Momma big bucks and she will be a millionaire for a mistake SHE MADE by allowing their "child" to go out into the street with a realistic looking gun.
Nobody said anything about BUYING votes you rightwing bastard. What was said was that if you guys spent half the effort trying to get blacks to vote for you, rather than trying to get them not to vote, you'd be better off.

That means that as far as you're concerned, the only way to get blacks to vote for a person/party is to to BUY their vote. This is the same crap we're talking about, talking down to us, demeaning & belittling us at every turn. How's it been working out for you so far?

Did I say blacks only? No, Democrats buy votes from everybody by being Santa Clause.

Democrats have power because they rely on victims and government dependents. If our country could some how be without so-called victims and dependents, there would be no Democrat party.

Look at all the new victims and dependents created during the DumBama administration. Do you think that's a coincidence? Of course not. It's planned that way. And unfortunately, blacks (like some whites) fell into the trap. They are convinced they are victims, and how do you fight victimization? Bigger Democrat government.

So do tell: how would the Republicans be able to get the black vote if not by giving them things? There is nothing the Republicans can do, that's the point.
I agree completely. But Hispanics have been race baited to side with their fellow hispanics from other nations over their fellow American citizens.

The Constant inflow of cheap Third World Labor is a major factor in the generations of wage stagnation for the Working and Middle Classes.

No, the constant playing of working people against each other has caused that. Want good wages? Support Unions. Don't shop at places at WalMart. Fight for a living wage.

Which is irrelevant to the point, ie that his was, before he was destroyed, he had the largest single block of GOP voters, and his base was draw from the MORE conservative republicans, which is strong evidence that your myth of the GOP being racist is false.

His single largest block was less than 20% in a field of about 8 people. And, yeah, when the Bubba Rednecks who make up the GOP base found out he was groping white women, he imploded.

Don't shop at places at WalMart.

Joe, there are places where Walmart is the only place within 50 miles to shop--even for groceries.

And no, you cannot have the level of immigration we have had and outsourcing of jobs and the movement of companies overseas. You just can't.
So tell us, what child has died from starvation in the past because their parents had no health insurance?

Only a liberal can celebrate more people depending on the federal government for things they can do themselves. Yes, it is an evil plot. Food stamps have doubled under this clown. The government nearly took over the entire college loan business and are failing at that.

Open your eyes and look for the man behind the curtain. We've never had this many government dependents in our history, and no, it's not Bush's fault or an accident either. One of DumBama's primary goals was to create as many government dependents as possible.

I would agree it's an evil plot by the 1%, who used the Great Recession as an excuse to slash wages. So you have companies like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell their employees how to apply for SNAP and MedicAid. But nothing to see here. It's that mean old Gummit, not your beloved 1%ers.

No it's not, because what happens to your SS money if you die before retirement? It stays in the kitty and supplies those who live beyond 72. Yes, in rare cases, a person may live into their mid 80's or 90's and government has to kick in. That's the failure behind this government plan.

Guy, the average life expectency is 78 years.

No, the failure is the 1% diminishing the payrolls of working people, reducing the support. That and Bush emptied the Social Security Lock Box to fight his "War on an Emotional State" and give a huge tax break to the Rich. In short, 2000, Social Security was fine well into the 2040's and probably beyond. Bush managed to fuck that up.

The only time you get extra unemployment insurance is when the feds pass a bill to fund unemployment beyond what the state insurance does. That's only been done on a few occasions in our lifetime. In many cases, the state provides the unemployment insurance and makes out like bandits because an employer has to pay unemployment insurance for each worker they have, and most workers will never collect on it.

26 Weeks of Unemployment works out to $580 week if you have dependents in IL . That's about $15,800. Unemployment insurance is only 6% of the first $7000 paid. So you'd have to work 26 years straight for your employer to put in enough to cover what you'd get back.

Again - WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. So you are mostly okay with it. But those black folks getting food stamps and MedicAid... that makes you SOOOOOOOOOO Angry.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney claims a $70,000 tax deduction for his fucking dancing horse, and you are so fine with that.

In the meantime, the city of Cleveland gave Momma big bucks and she will be a millionaire for a mistake SHE MADE by allowing their "child" to go out into the street with a realistic looking gun.

Maybe she had an unreasonable expectation that she could let her child play outside without being shot by the people sworn to serve and protect them.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for White People.
Joe, there are places where Walmart is the only place within 50 miles to shop--even for groceries.

And whose fault is that? So WalMart goes into a community undercuts all the local businesses, make themselves the only game in town, and you complain they are the only game in town?

And no, you cannot have the level of immigration we have had and outsourcing of jobs and the movement of companies overseas. You just can't

I agree- we need immigration and trade reform. But a flaming Nazi like Trump isn't going to get us there.
As for the situation: this is a very high crime area in Cleveland where gangs are renown for dealing drugs and shooting people day and night. The residents there would tell you that gunfire at night is a common event. Most don't even pay attention to it anymore and don't bother calling police.

if people don't call the police, it's because the police will just make things worse. I know you don't get that, when your cops are shooting kids playing with toys, you don't want to really bring them around.

Hummmmmmm, I wonder which party runs Milwaukee?

The Voucher Program was a State iniative that failed. Thanks for playing. Vouchers aren't the answer.

Yes, you searched the internet to find the anomalies of the program instead of looking at the program in it's entirety. As a whole, parents are happy with the program because it gets their children out of those drug ridden violent public school systems and into a civil environment for them to learn. Many do better than in inner-city public schools.

I didn't have to search. The failure of Wisconsin's Voucher Scam is well known. In fact, Vouchers don't help all that much.

Vouchers don't do much for students

In Milwaukee, just 13 percent of voucher students scored proficient in math and 11 percent made the bar in reading this spring. That’s worse on both counts than students in the city’s public schools. In Cleveland, voucher students in most grades performed worse than their peers in public schools in math, though they did better in reading.

In New Orleans, voucher students who struggle academically haven’t advanced to grade-level work any faster over the past two years than students in the public schools, many of which are rated D or F, state data show.

And across Louisiana, many of the most popular private schools for voucher students posted miserable scores in math, reading, science and social studies this spring, with fewer than half their voucher students achieving even basic proficiency and fewer than 2 percent demonstrating mastery. Seven schools did so badly, state Superintendent John White barred them from accepting new voucher students — though the state agreed to keep paying tuition for the more than 200 voucher students already enrolled, if they chose to stay.

Okay, so now that we've established why vouchers don't work, why does the right still push for them? Corporate and Religious welfare, mostly.
Joe, there are places where Walmart is the only place within 50 miles to shop--even for groceries.

And whose fault is that? So WalMart goes into a community undercuts all the local businesses, make themselves the only game in town, and you complain they are the only game in town?

And no, you cannot have the level of immigration we have had and outsourcing of jobs and the movement of companies overseas. You just can't

I agree- we need immigration and trade reform. But a flaming Nazi like Trump isn't going to get us there.

It's actually more complicated. What you are saying is true in some areas but definitely not all. Some of these towns are what used to be boom towns---like oil, railroads, etc.--and manufacturing companies came and then went. So, did a lot of the population. Had to. If you live in a state that has put all of the eggs in one basket and consistently chooses one industry over all others then you are kind of screwed. You can go to a little local shit and get and pay $5 for a gallon of milk and a very limited produce selection or you can suck it up and drive and get groceries.

Nobody is going to get us there.....not Hillary....not Trump.......until we start dealing with the issues.
It's actually more complicated. What you are saying is true in some areas but definitely not all. Some of these towns are what used to be boom towns---like oil, railroads, etc.--and manufacturing companies came and then went. So, did a lot of the population. Had to. If you live in a state that has put all of the eggs in one basket and consistently chooses one industry over all others then you are kind of screwed. You can go to a little local shit and get and pay $5 for a gallon of milk and a very limited produce selection or you can suck it up and drive and get groceries.

Nobody is going to get us there.....not Hillary....not Trump.......until we start dealing with the issues.

I don't disagree with any of that. however, in the context of Trump vs. Hillary, maybe neither one of them can make it much better, but Trump could make it a hell of a lot worse.
It's actually more complicated. What you are saying is true in some areas but definitely not all. Some of these towns are what used to be boom towns---like oil, railroads, etc.--and manufacturing companies came and then went. So, did a lot of the population. Had to. If you live in a state that has put all of the eggs in one basket and consistently chooses one industry over all others then you are kind of screwed. You can go to a little local shit and get and pay $5 for a gallon of milk and a very limited produce selection or you can suck it up and drive and get groceries.

Nobody is going to get us there.....not Hillary....not Trump.......until we start dealing with the issues.

I don't disagree with any of that. however, in the context of Trump vs. Hillary, maybe neither one of them can make it much better, but Trump could make it a hell of a lot worse.

Bullshit. There were 8 years to deal with the issues. Hillary was absolutely down with the TPP and was involved in it. The Democrats are all about faux privatization of public schools. We have Democrats that are down with fracking. We have Democrats still down with H1B visas and immigration.

There isn't anything left. Everybody has their hands in the cookie jar.

I am not down with Trump but he cannot be the scapegoat. The message that is being sent (and not by you) is you're going to eat shit but it's a better brand of shit because that shit over there is steaming shit.

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