Black republicans...who are they really?

Ok, so the children in DC weren't getting better educations because of the voucher system your dear leader killed. They might find that statement somewhat foolish. And where did I say you need to do away with public schools? Some schools in the public system are better than others, a school system here in TX was disbanded and consolidate with a better one. You regressive just don't want to address failing schools, or at least you haven't so far. Most all of your big blue cities have failing schools.

Yes, because they are underfunded. But there's no evidence the vouchers in DC were really helping all that much. Vouchers in Wisconsin, which had a longer track record, were even a bigger failure.

Wisconsin paid millions to failed voucher schools

MADISON — Wisconsin taxpayers have paid about $139 million to private schools that ended up being barred from the state's voucher system for failing to meet requirements since 2004, according to a newspaper report.

State Department of Public Instruction data shows more than two-thirds of the 50 schools terminated from the state's voucher system in the last 10 years had stayed open for five years or less, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. They were all in Milwaukee.

Eleven schools, paid a total of $4.1 million, were terminated from the voucher program after just one year.

It's more than likely your parents paid for that Catholic education that you failed. When parents have to use their own cash to educate their children, they are going to make sure they get educated. School vouchers don't cover the entire cost of an education. Parents still have to kick in some money, so they will spend time with their children to make sure they get their moneys worth.

Um, actually, I did fine. I got good grades, went on to college, became an NCO in the United States Army and then went on to a decent career in logistics. And I would have done just as well without having to put up with a stupid religion.

Point is, it wouldn't help poor people who can't kick in a little extra to hand them a voucher. more than likely, they'd end up in one of the scams like the ones i listed above.

Then you wonder why we call you people the lying libs.

Rice was not shot for playing with a toy gun, he was shot because he pulled a realistic gun on an officer. The officers faced a grand jury and were let off.

If you pull a realistic or real gun on a police officer all of a sudden, you're going to get shot whether you're black, brown, green or white.

Except the film showed that Rice had the toy in his belt, not out pointed at officers. The cop (who was fired from another department for emotional issues) pulled his gun and shot htis child within seconds.

Meanwhile, white mass murderers like Holmes and Roof are amazingly taken into custody without being shot.

Amazing. Or racist. one of those.
SS, Medicare and unemployment are paid for by the worker and employer. They are not freebies unless you take out more than was put in and the government has to make up the difference.

But that's the point. If you live to be 72, you get more than you put in. If you are unemployed for more than 12 weeks, you get more than your employer put in. But that's WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE, so the rugged individualists in the GOP will never call to end them.

DumBama doubled the food stamp role and in spite of this wonderful economy you people claim he's responsible for, not many dropped out of food stamps since.

Democrat politicians know that the more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters. Or do you really believe that DumBam actually cared if you had healthcare insurance or not? Of course he didn't. He just wanted to take people out of their own or employers insurance and put them into a government program. And according to the White House, they created over 14 million more government dependents so far, so their evil plot is working.

Yes, that evil plot to make health care available to people and make sure children don't starve to death. What a totally evil scheme! I hear they have another evil scheme to give us foot massages.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?
SS, Medicare and unemployment are paid for by the worker and employer. They are not freebies unless you take out more than was put in and the government has to make up the difference.

But that's the point. If you live to be 72, you get more than you put in. If you are unemployed for more than 12 weeks, you get more than your employer put in. But that's WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE, so the rugged individualists in the GOP will never call to end them.

DumBama doubled the food stamp role and in spite of this wonderful economy you people claim he's responsible for, not many dropped out of food stamps since.

Democrat politicians know that the more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters. Or do you really believe that DumBam actually cared if you had healthcare insurance or not? Of course he didn't. He just wanted to take people out of their own or employers insurance and put them into a government program. And according to the White House, they created over 14 million more government dependents so far, so their evil plot is working.

Yes, that evil plot to make health care available to people and make sure children don't starve to death. What a totally evil scheme! I hear they have another evil scheme to give us foot massages.

White people's welfare? Since blacks are unemployed far more than whites and earn less than whites, wouldn't that mean blacks would get more out than in before 72 and get more than employer's put in more often than whites?

The government isn't necessary for health care to be available to people and make sure children don't starve. All of you bleeding hearts that think the government is the only way can make sure both of those are covered without the government. Reach into your pockets when you see the need and meet it. You don't support using the government because it has to be that way. You support using the government because you want it that way as you're too hypocritical to personally support what you say should be done.
Nixon desegregated more Southern schools than ANYONE. His policies were pro-civil rights though his entire career.

You mean he did it after everyone stopped resisting it legally.. and the courts told him he had no choice. I'm guessing you are too young to remember the1970's, when we had moved beyond "Desegregation" and went straight to Forced Busing to create diversity. (It soon proved to be a terrible idea and was abandoned.)

The real Southern Strategy was to go after the new Southern Middle Class and northeners who had moved south.

The poor racist whites continued to vote democratic for decades after that.

That's not true either. The only elections where Republicans didn't win the South in Presidential elections were 1976, when Carter ran as a Southern Conservative, and 1992, where Clinton picked off some Southern states. Other than that, the South has been solid Republican after 1968 and you know it.


The poor racist whites were outvoted by the more educated Middle Class Whites.

There is a whole book written on this based on serious academic research and studies. Would you like a link?

Nope. The media has lied to you about what Trump has said.

Did they dub in his voice? Did theymake him say dumb things?.

How often do they show the quote in context? How often do they not show the quote at all? They have been lying to you.

That's your response? You ignore the fact that the 1% who you are always going on about, are supporting YOUR CANDIDATE and you want to argue about whether a Wall is feasible?

Uh, yeah, I want to know if a president understands basic concepts like you can't build a 2000 mile wall across mountains and deserts. .

We are the nation that put a Man on the Fucking Moon. If we want to build a wall in the desert or on the top of a mountain, we can certainly do it.

You do know that we already have significant portions of wall already, right?

You are supporting the candidate of the superrich.

I'm sure the super rich appreciate your help in maintaining their stock portfolio growth curves.

If all the other rich people hate Donald Trump, there's probably a good reason..

Agreed. They have been making money hand over fist by outsourcing to places with slave wages, and by importing cheap immigrant labor, both directly as employing them, and indirectly by their suppression of wages.

Trump threatens their gravy train on all fronts. They might have to actually give some real thought to how to keep their wealth growing.

I liked Cain because of the way he attacked the Press.

That's.... um, retarded. .

No. I consider the Media a huge problem for this nation. They needed to be marginalized, at least until they start taking their responsibilities seriously.

And regardless, the question is not whether you disagree with me, the question is did I like Cain because he "denigrated other blacks" or some such bullshit. Which was never the case. As far as I recall from the campaign.

He did better than 8 of the other 12 guys, including Jeb Bush, a guy so wired in that he is related to TWO LIVING EX-PRESIDENTS.

If you think that is evidence of, what, racism? in the gop, you are just fooling yourself.

And Trump plays rough with everyone.

Everyone else isn't sucking up to him now. I almost respect the fact that Cruz isn't sucking up to him.

But back to the point. Uncle Tom Carson didn't get the support you all thought he would.

I gave no thought to how much support he would or should get.

And as to back to the point,

He did better than 8 of the other 12 guys, including Jeb Bush, a guy so wired in that he is related to TWO LIVING EX-PRESIDENTS.

If you think that is evidence of, what, racism? in the gop, you are just fooling yourself.

Keyes was sabotaged by the GOP establishment because they don't like conservatives, not because he was black.

No, Keyes lost because he was batshit crazy.

The question is not if YOU like him, but if the GOP voters like(d) him.

The GOP establishment thought the gop voters liked him. Enough that they sabotaged him. Because he was too conservative, not because he was black.

Hell, the GOP establishment would LOVE a minority candidate, if he or she was moderate and one of them.

But they tend to be more hardline.

Cain was robbed by the lying lefty media.

Right. The one he picked a fight with. Here's the thing. All these womenkept silent until he got ahead of Romney for a day.

Any republican frontrunner will be targeted by the lefty media. Are you trying to blame the women on Romney? Romney didn't and couldn't arrange the media campaign on the made up "scandal".

If he had that kind of control of the media, he would be President now.

Liar. You'll find some excuse to hold on to your lies.

And I would love to see you call Colin Powell an Uncle Tom to his face.

I don't have an issue with Powell. He's never sold out his principles.[/QUOTE]

He didn't? He was part of THREE republican administrations. And part of the GOP power elite for years after that, right up until he went all traitorous.

If he doesn't fit your Uncle Tom definition then why do the...

Oh, right, because eventually he started bad mouthing the GOP, after he endorsed Obama.

Got it.
How do you know it is mainly Republicans using H-1B visas?
Out of the top 10 companies using them, 4 are Indian companies, 2 of which are under investigation for H-1B abuse, and one of those contracting with a company that has contributed more to Dems than Reps starting 2010. The other one I don't know who they were contracting with.
Out of the other 6 one gave equally to Dems and Reps, the others solidly support Dems.
And just how have Republicans tired to do that?

Did Republicans fight school vouchers that helped many blacks to get a better education so they could pander to their union base?

Did Republicans pass unconstitutional law that states we can import all these illegals that take jobs primarily away from blacks?

Did Republicans preach about keeping abortions that killed more black babies than blacks alive in the US today?

Did Republicans support and promote single-parent households that is in direct proportion to many blacks living in poverty today?

So tell us. How did Republicans try to keep blacks on the bottom rung of society?

Don't substitute the word "conservative" for republicans. I used the word conservative for a reason. RW White conservatives can be either democrat or republican and the lines between party affiliation are blurred in a historical perspective. Why is that axiom so hard for you to fathom?

School vouchers is a prime example of conservative duplicity. You are not concerned about Blacks getting a good education, if you did you certainly wouldn't suggest using a voucher system. Several voucher experiments have failed dismally already.

I blame both democrats and republicans for loss of jobs to illegals but Blacks don't miss jobs they never had. There are more poor Whites than the entire Black population and they are affected more than Blacks are by illegal immigrants. But lets not stop there. Haven't you seen the threads here on USMB where RWers were crying about the H-1B visa program taking STEM jobs from American workers? And who is hiring those illegals that are taking American jobs? Republicans will do anything to screw American labor out of a few dollars.

Black poverty does not encompass the entire Black community. Most Blacks are NOT poor.What gave you that idea? Blacks have done well on the "democratic plantation" and are now proud co-owners of it.

I said democrats and republicans were equally responsible for the H-1B program. They don't use the visas, skilled foreign workers and American companies do. The program was supposedly started to offset shortages in technical fields but grew substantially when congress and American companies concluded there is a finite number of really smart people in the world and most weren't White. The consensus was , in order to remain competitive, foreign brain power from Asia ( China and India) was essential to maintaining American exceptionalism. Your warm fuzzy feeling about Whiteness and conservatism didn't mean a daMn thing to those you elected OR their industrial masters.

Employers don't use HI1B because the workers are smarter, but because they are cheaper.

This has nothing to do with "white" or "conservative", it has to do with wanting American policy to be good for Americans.

Taking American jobs and giving them to foreigners is not good for Americans.

Oversupplying the labor pool to drive down wages, is not good for Americans.

Well more of your GOP leaders voted in favor of extending the tenure of those H-1B visas from 6 to 7 years than democrats did..

I have always stated that the immigration problem is a bi-partisan problem. I am well aware of the blame to be place on the GOP leadership, and it is a major factor in me supporting Trump.

But what about the claim by your RW or liberal government components using that there are shortages of STEM workers to justify keeping the H-1B program

It's bullshit.

alive? And as far as Asians (those who look Chinese or those who look like Indians or Pakistanis)
dominate colleges and universities right along side the equally bright African immigrants. Even the bigots USMB have acknowledged that Asians have IQs at least one standard deviation above the average White IQ.

They are immigrants taking American jobs and suppressing American wages.

African immigrants are excelling too, so theirs must be on a par with or above that of Asians scholars. But you are wrong about cheap labor. Smart people know when they are being cheated by dumber employers. Many H-1B employees are being paid higher wages than their native born counterparts for the same job.


Its about loyalty to your fellow Americans and the politicians we elect don't know what that is. They would prefer you focus on Affirmative action for Blacks so they can keep putting bright foreigners in to displace you RW White idiots.

You may not be able to understand this. But I can hold in my head TWO problems at once and see that BOTH need to be addressed, AT THE SAME TIME.

Thus, I can see the negative impact of "bright foreigners".


I can see the negative impact of anti-white discrimination, or as you lefties like to call it, Affirmative Action (and I include title VII)

Trump has flip flopped a lot on the topic of H-1b visas but , the last time I checked he was in favor of the program, echoing my premise that foreigners are MORE QUALIFIED…the chickens are coming home to roost!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Last time I checked he was in favor of major new limitations.

H-1b is not about "more qualified", it is about cheaper.
The poor racist whites were outvoted by the more educated Middle Class Whites.

There is a whole book written on this based on serious academic research and studies. Would you like a link?

If it's book you read, it's probably a coloring book.

Uh, no,'s the thing. The Southern Strategy did work for you guys in that it got you the majority of the White Vote. The Democrat hasn't carried a majority of Whites since 1964. And when Whites were 88% of the electorate, as they were in 1972 or 1980, that worked just fine for you.

Today, that won't work because Whites are only 65% of the population and 70% of the electorate. You either have to get 70% of the White vote to win, or you have to get some minorities to vote for you. Now, Dubya Bush understood this, and he got 44% of the Hispanic vote and 11% of the black vote and manged to eek out a minor win over John Kerry.

The only time the GOP has won the popular vote since 1988.

Any republican frontrunner will be targeted by the lefty media. Are you trying to blame the women on Romney? Romney didn't and couldn't arrange the media campaign on the made up "scandal".

If he had that kind of control of the media, he would be President now.

Again, I always assume if there's some skullduggery, a Mormon is behind it. But in this case, it was simply women that Cain harrassed who finally realized people would listen now.

If it was a fake scandal, why did Cain fold like a cheap suit?

He didn't? He was part of THREE republican administrations. And part of the GOP power elite for years after that, right up until he went all traitorous.

If he doesn't fit your Uncle Tom definition then why do the...

Oh, right, because eventually he started bad mouthing the GOP, after he endorsed Obama.

Actually, he was only part of ONE Republican Administration- GW Bush. The others he was an active duty Army officer.

Never did he go out there and do a Cain/Keyes/Carson minstral show of "Man, those other black folks sure are shiftless, boss."
Oh great, another thread from Democrats insulting and attacking blacks for not 'falling in line' with the party that has not helped them progress / advance one inch since the 1960s.

As if 'Insanity is the act of doing something over and over and expecting a different result' isn't enough, anyone who finally decides to make a change must be berated, insulted, and offended by the party that desperately wants them back.

I wonder how many times the word 'Uncle Ton' will be used by Liberals to describe a free-thinking, Conservative black man who disagrees with liberal / Hillary / Obama policies and agendas.
The poor racist whites were outvoted by the more educated Middle Class Whites.

There is a whole book written on this based on serious academic research and studies. Would you like a link?

If it's book you read, it's probably a coloring book.

Uh, no,'s the thing. The Southern Strategy did work for you guys in that it got you the majority of the White Vote. The Democrat hasn't carried a majority of Whites since 1964. And when Whites were 88% of the electorate, as they were in 1972 or 1980, that worked just fine for you. .

Who told you that?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Political scientists and historians point out, that the timing does not fit the "Southern strategy" model. Nixon carried 49 states in 1972, so he operated a successful national rather than regional strategy. but the Republican Party remained quite weak at the local, and state level across the entire South for decades. Matthew Lassiter argues that Nixon's appeal was not to the Wallacites or segregationists, but rather to the rapidly emerging suburban middle-class. Many had Northern antecedents; they wanted rapid economic growth and saw the need to put backlash politics to rest. Lassiter says the Southern strategy was a "failure" for the GOP and that the southern base of the Republican Party "always depended more on the middle-class corporate economy and on the top-down politics of racial backlash." Furthermore, realignment in the South "came primarily from the suburban ethos of New South metropolises such as Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, not to the exportation of the working-class racial politics of the Black Belt."

Today, that won't work because Whites are only 65% of the population and 70% of the electorate. You either have to get 70% of the White vote to win, or you have to get some minorities to vote for you. Now, Dubya Bush understood this, and he got 44% of the Hispanic vote and 11% of the black vote and manged to eek out a minor win over John Kerry.

The only time the GOP has won the popular vote since 1988.

Losing the HIspanic vote by LESS is not a long term strategy. Not if the cost is completely betraying the interests of the vast majority of your base.

Any republican frontrunner will be targeted by the lefty media. Are you trying to blame the women on Romney? Romney didn't and couldn't arrange the media campaign on the made up "scandal".

If he had that kind of control of the media, he would be President now.

Again, I always assume if there's some skullduggery, a Mormon is behind it. But in this case, it was simply women that Cain harrassed who finally realized people would listen now.

If it was a fake scandal, why did Cain fold like a cheap suit?

Scandals don't have to be real to destroy someone. You know that.

The media ran with it, and smeared the shit out of him.

The point, relevant for you, is that BEFORE the effective smear campaign, the GOP voters were supporting the black guy.

Now, you obviously need to dismiss that, in order to hold on to your cherished myth of the GOP as the Party of WHite Racism.

He didn't? He was part of THREE republican administrations. And part of the GOP power elite for years after that, right up until he went all traitorous.

If he doesn't fit your Uncle Tom definition then why do the...

Oh, right, because eventually he started bad mouthing the GOP, after he endorsed Obama.

Actually, he was only part of ONE Republican Administration- GW Bush. The others he was an active duty Army officer.

As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, his position was very political and high profile.

And he didn't get that position unless he busted his ass to get to work with the Republican President.

Never did he go out there and do a Cain/Keyes/Carson minstral show of "Man, those other black folks sure are shiftless, boss."

And yet, the GOP voters loved him, and wanted him to be President. ALL the polls showed him cakewalking into the nomination if he wanted it.

Ask yourself why you consider the fact that the GOP is not racist to be bad news you want to fight against.
Why would I post that blacks are smarter than whites? It's always bigotry with you, isn't it? There are smart blacks, smart whites, dumb as shit blacks, dumb as shit whites and everything in between on both sides. What is wrong with you, Grand Wizard? We're talking about people
You aren't going to deflect that easily. Where are the posts from you indicating Blacks have shown success as a group? I didn't say show where they are smarter than Whites, I just want some indication that you have exhibited anywhere on USMB any post to back your claim that you believe blacks are as capable as Whites.

You're an idiot. I keep saying blacks are the same capability as whites. Stop being a racist pile of shit, Grand Wizard
African immigrant students appear to be, s a GROUP, even smarter than he average White scholar in the USA AND in the UK. Why would I say Blacks aren't as capable as Whites with that ammunition in my debating pistols? heh heh heh! I see that I am getting under your collar…settle down…stress isn't good for you! Heh heh heh!

So it's cool to think blacks are smarter, but it's racist to think whites are smarter. At what point do you plan to stop making yourself look more stupid?

I am just the messenger. It is those White employers that seem to believe the American workforce is inferior to that of the Asians. I am just an observer and commentator. Ands do you see that red highlighted text, idiot. That is what I said,and it looks nothing like the lie you quoted me as saying highlighted in blue. You are a dishonest clod without an ounce of decency.

Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
Oh great, another thread from Democrats insulting and attacking blacks for not 'falling in line' with the party that has not helped them progress / advance one inch since the 1960s.

As if 'Insanity is the act of doing something over and over and expecting a different result' isn't enough, anyone who finally decides to make a change must be berated, insulted, and offended by the party that desperately wants them back.

I wonder how many times the word 'Uncle Ton' will be used by Liberals to describe a free-thinking, Conservative black man who disagrees with liberal / Hillary / Obama policies and agendas.

Fine.......Lets see you list a series of PROPOSED BILLS from republicans specifically targeting the social/fiscal amelioration and progress of blacks since the 1960s...........................Take your time.....I know its a long and arduous search.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

There's plenty of racism toward Obama's presidency. It comes from all those that voted for him because he's black.

"So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?"

95% of blacks vote Democrat. Blacks have a higher dropout rate, unemployment rate, illegitimate birth rate, and incarceration rate among the top 4 groups based on percentage in society (Hispanic, Asian, White, Black). What have the Democrats done to lessen those? If anything, the Democrats have enabled those to get higher.

What can the democrats do when House republicans have the key to the treasury? They won't write the checks necessary for any real reform initiatives to help poor Whites and Blacks.

Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
Who told you that?

people who actually worked for Nixon. Obviously, they thought they'd have more of a fight on their hands in1972 than they did.

Losing the HIspanic vote by LESS is not a long term strategy. Not if the cost is completely betraying the interests of the vast majority of your base.

The delusion is that working class whites and hispanics have opposing interests. The 1% has convinced the stupid and racist ones they have.

Scandals don't have to be real to destroy someone. You know that.

The media ran with it, and smeared the shit out of him.

The point, relevant for you, is that BEFORE the effective smear campaign, the GOP voters were supporting the black guy.

Now, you obviously need to dismiss that, in order to hold on to your cherished myth of the GOP as the Party of WHite Racism.

Actually, Cain had the shortest reign of a "Not Romney" of any of them. I don't think it was more than a week. That's all 2012 was, a series of "not Romneys" before you all sat down and did what you were told.

And yet, the GOP voters loved him, and wanted him to be President. ALL the polls showed him cakewalking into the nomination if he wanted it.

Polls showed Fred Thompson was a shoe-in for the GOP nomination in 2007. How'd that work out again?
Corell said:
How do you know it is mainly Republicans using H-1B visas?
Out of the top 10 companies using them, 4 are Indian companies, 2 of which are under investigation for H-1B abuse, and one of those contracting with a company that has contributed more to Dems than Reps starting 2010. The other one I don't know who they were contracting with.
Out of the other 6 one gave equally to Dems and Reps, the others solidly support Dems.
Don't substitute the word "conservative" for republicans. I used the word conservative for a reason. RW White conservatives can be either democrat or republican and the lines between party affiliation are blurred in a historical perspective. Why is that axiom so hard for you to fathom?

School vouchers is a prime example of conservative duplicity. You are not concerned about Blacks getting a good education, if you did you certainly wouldn't suggest using a voucher system. Several voucher experiments have failed dismally already.

I blame both democrats and republicans for loss of jobs to illegals but Blacks don't miss jobs they never had. There are more poor Whites than the entire Black population and they are affected more than Blacks are by illegal immigrants. But lets not stop there. Haven't you seen the threads here on USMB where RWers were crying about the H-1B visa program taking STEM jobs from American workers? And who is hiring those illegals that are taking American jobs? Republicans will do anything to screw American labor out of a few dollars.

Black poverty does not encompass the entire Black community. Most Blacks are NOT poor.What gave you that idea? Blacks have done well on the "democratic plantation" and are now proud co-owners of it.

I said democrats and republicans were equally responsible for the H-1B program. They don't use the visas, skilled foreign workers and American companies do. The program was supposedly started to offset shortages in technical fields but grew substantially when congress and American companies concluded there is a finite number of really smart people in the world and most weren't White. The consensus was , in order to remain competitive, foreign brain power from Asia ( China and India) was essential to maintaining American exceptionalism. Your warm fuzzy feeling about Whiteness and conservatism didn't mean a daMn thing to those you elected OR their industrial masters.

Correll said:
Employers don't use HI1B because the workers are smarter, but because they are cheaper.

This has nothing to do with "white" or "conservative", it has to do with wanting American policy to be good for Americans.

Taking American jobs and giving them to foreigners is not good for Americans.

Oversupplying the labor pool to drive down wages, is not good for Americans.

Well more of your GOP leaders voted in favor of extending the tenure of those H-1B visas from 6 to 7 years than democrats did..

correll said:
I have always stated that the immigration problem is a bi-partisan problem. I am well aware of the blame to be place on the GOP leadership, and it is a major factor in me supporting Trump.

JQPublic1 said:
But what about the claim by your RW or liberal government components using that there are shortages of STEM workers to justify keeping the H-1B program

correll said:
It's bullshit.
I tend to agree with you here. An investigative study found no evidence of such a shortage.
JQPublic1 said:
alive? And as far as Asians (those who look Chinese or those who look like Indians or Pakistanis)
dominate colleges and universities right along side the equally bright African immigrants. Even the bigots USMB have acknowledged that Asians have IQs at least one standard deviation above the average White IQ.

correll said:
They are immigrants taking American jobs and suppressing American wages.

I've seen reports of abuses of the H-1b programs but there are others indicating H-1B workers are stimulating higher wages . Remember that we are talking about people who are extremely bright. They know what the prevailing wages are and how competitive the market is for their skilled services and brainpower. Such people aren't going to be exploited for too long. They are going to go where they can get the top dollars and the dumb employer who tried to shortchange them will see an exodus. But yes, H-1B workers are not only taking American jobs, they they are trained by the very people they are displacing.

JQpublic1 said:
African immigrants are excelling too, so theirs must be on a par with or above that of Asians scholars. But you are wrong about cheap labor. Smart people know when they are being cheated by dumber employers. Many H-1B employees are being paid higher wages than their native born counterparts for the same job.

correll said:

No,it isn't!

JQPublic said said:
Its about loyalty to your fellow Americans and the politicians we elect don't know what that is. They would prefer you focus on Affirmative action for Blacks so they can keep putting bright foreigners in to displace you RW White idiots.

Correll said:
You may not be able to understand this. But I can hold in my head TWO problems at once and see that BOTH need to be addressed, AT THE SAME TIME.

Thus, I can see the negative impact of "bright foreigners".


I can see the negative impact of anti-white discrimination, or as you lefties like to call it, Affirmative Action (and I include title VII)

You RW White guys are going to have to start using Affirmative Action just to hold on to your middle class status, otherwise those brainy foreigners will run all over you. And If the next president is pro- H-1B, the Supreme Court choices will have a profound effect on how H-1B evolves over the next decade or so.

JQ said said:
Trump has flip flopped a lot on the topic of H-1b visas but , the last time I checked he was in favor of the program, echoing my premise that foreigners are MORE QUALIFIED…the chickens are coming home to roost!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Correll said:
Last time I checked he was in favor of major new limitations.

H-1b is not about "more qualified", it is about cheaper.

And just what were those major new limitations Trump favored? It isn't about cheaper its about more qualified since many employers are paying H-1Bs higher wages than native born Americans.

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