Black republicans...who are they really?

You wanna know what a racist would say?:

Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.

Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Please don't confuse me with racist like Ryan and Santorum.

No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered
You are liar who tries to put words and thoughts in other people's mind to suit your bigoted agenda.
I am on record extolling the intelligence of Blacks all over USMB and have never favored the lowering of the bar to accommodate them. Affirmative Action does not force employers or contractors to hire unqualified workers of any race, including dumb RW White guys like you!
And Affirmative Action doesn't apply to the private sector at all unless there are government contracts involved.

Only you KKK types think my thinking blacks are as capable as whites is a "bigoted agenda." Crawl back in the hole you climbed out of, Grand Wizard
But you don't really think that. OTOH I have been persistent in sharing my perspectives on Black success stories before and during the Jim Crow era. Those Blacks who built "the Black Wall street" and other prosperous enclaves were MORE capable than the Whites around them. Where have you posted anything similar?

Why would I post that blacks are smarter than whites? It's always bigotry with you, isn't it? There are smart blacks, smart whites, dumb as shit blacks, dumb as shit whites and everything in between on both sides. What is wrong with you, Grand Wizard? We're talking about people
You aren't going to deflect that easily. Where are the posts from you indicating Blacks have shown success as a group? I didn't say show where they are smarter than Whites, I just want some indication that you have exhibited anywhere on USMB any post to back your claim that you believe blacks are as capable as Whites.
The widest disparity in rates of unemployment for Blacks and whites occurred in the early 1980s during the Reagan years. according to your chart.

Truth is indeed wasted on you so I won't spend my valuable time schooling you. If you are too lazy to google the term "conservative democrats" you aren't being serious. You are being an idiot who just does not care about the truth.

A person always knows they won the argument when somebody makes a claim and tells the other person to prove their claim for them. O course, they are too stupid to know it. But thanks for the entertainment.
The 1% are supporting HIllary because she is the status quo candidate.

She supports the "Free Trade" which is enriching the rich at the expense of the WOrking CLass and MIddle Class.

She is supporting the Defacto Open Borders, which suppresses wages, enriching the rich.

Trump is the one threatening that.

It is insane of you to rail against the 1% and to vote for their candidate.

Who told you Trump was crazy? The media owned by the 1%.

Wake the fuck up, sucker.

Uh, no the person who convinced me Trump is crazy is Trump. trump says what he says, I draw my own conclusions.

saying we need tighter immigration laws. Fine. saying he is going to deport 11 million people (logistically impossible) and build a wall (something people with engineering degrees have said is impossible and useless) is crazy shit. But it appeals to the bigots who have gotten him this far.

No, the only question is, is there any limits to how far you will go to ignore the facts and/or that your contradictory beliefs make no sense.

I remember back when a lot of my friends were big Powell for President supporters.

I was fairly lukewarm on him, but I remember wondering just how fucking hilarious it would be to see you lefties looking at a black republican president elected primarily with white republican votes,

and to see what fucking bat shit crazy stories you lefties would come up with to convince yourselves that the GOP was still the party of white racism.

Guy, here's the thing. You keep trying to find that acceptable Uncle Tom who you all say is a guy you'd vote for because they agree with you about how Shiftless the rest of the Negroes.


Except that when the rubber his the road, Uncle Tom Carson came in fourth place in Iowa. He didn't even register in NH and in SC he came in sixth before he mercifully returned to the speaking circuit and started sucking up to Trump who mocked him.

Alan Keyes never got over 4% in the primaries he ran in 2000 and 2008. Herman Cain never GOT to the primaries.

Now, when you actually NOMINATE one of these Uncle Toms, I'll take you all seriously on this subject.
Most states that have Voter ID will give poor people a free one if they just make the effort to get it.

Why should people make an effort to lock down their right? Shit, guy, you are the one who wants terrorists to be able to buy weapons because Founding Fathers and shit, but you think that poor people should have to PROVE who they are to exercise a right that is promised them by the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments.

I don't think it's in the best interest of the Republican party to try and buy the black vote like Democrats do. The conservatives of our party want to see people getting off of freebies--not on them. If we have two parties buying votes with us being over 19 trillion dollars in debt, the end of the country would be very near. We need at least one of the two parties to pull back on spending and promote self-reliance.

right. So if your party is for ending Freebies, why don't you call for ending the biggest freebies of them all- Unemployment Insurance, Social Security and MediCare? You know, the freebies that are the biggest line item in the federal government's budget and mostly benefit WHITE PEOPLE?

But you guys will NEVER, EVER call for that. You'd be run out of office on a rail. Oh, you'll try to privatize them when you think no one is looking, but you'll never get rid of them.

But telling White losers we are going to crack down on that black lady of food stamps, you are all for that.
Just can't find the courage to address what I actually said, can you?

I did address what you said. Democrats threw out the southern racists. Republicans welcomed them with open arms, after everyone kind of agreed that what they were thinking wasn't cool. "Okay, we'll take you, just don't say the N-word openly. Use code words like "Welfare Queen".
How do you know it is mainly Republicans using H-1B visas?
Out of the top 10 companies using them, 4 are Indian companies, 2 of which are under investigation for H-1B abuse, and one of those contracting with a company that has contributed more to Dems than Reps starting 2010. The other one I don't know who they were contracting with.
Out of the other 6 one gave equally to Dems and Reps, the others solidly support Dems.
You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society..

And just how have Republicans tired to do that?

Did Republicans fight school vouchers that helped many blacks to get a better education so they could pander to their union base?

Did Republicans pass unconstitutional law that states we can import all these illegals that take jobs primarily away from blacks?

Did Republicans preach about keeping abortions that killed more black babies than blacks alive in the US today?

Did Republicans support and promote single-parent households that is in direct proportion to many blacks living in poverty today?

So tell us. How did Republicans try to keep blacks on the bottom rung of society?

Don't substitute the word "conservative" for republicans. I used the word conservative for a reason. RW White conservatives can be either democrat or republican and the lines between party affiliation are blurred in a historical perspective. Why is that axiom so hard for you to fathom?

School vouchers is a prime example of conservative duplicity. You are not concerned about Blacks getting a good education, if you did you certainly wouldn't suggest using a voucher system. Several voucher experiments have failed dismally already.

I blame both democrats and republicans for loss of jobs to illegals but Blacks don't miss jobs they never had. There are more poor Whites than the entire Black population and they are affected more than Blacks are by illegal immigrants. But lets not stop there. Haven't you seen the threads here on USMB where RWers were crying about the H-1B visa program taking STEM jobs from American workers? And who is hiring those illegals that are taking American jobs? Republicans will do anything to screw American labor out of a few dollars.

Black poverty does not encompass the entire Black community. Most Blacks are NOT poor.What gave you that idea? Blacks have done well on the "democratic plantation" and are now proud co-owners of it.

I said democrats and republicans were equally responsible for the H-1B program. They don't use the visas, skilled foreign workers and American companies do. The program was supposedly started to offset shortages in technical fields but grew substantially when congress and American companies concluded there is a finite number of really smart people in the world and most weren't White. The consensus was , in order to remain competitive, foreign brain power from Asia ( China and India) was essential to maintaining American exceptionalism. Your warm fuzzy feeling about Whiteness and conservatism didn't mean a daMn thing to those you elected OR their industrial masters.

Employers don't use HI1B because the workers are smarter, but because they are cheaper.

This has nothing to do with "white" or "conservative", it has to do with wanting American policy to be good for Americans.

Taking American jobs and giving them to foreigners is not good for Americans.

Oversupplying the labor pool to drive down wages, is not good for Americans.
Just can't find the courage to address what I actually said, can you?

I did address what you said. Democrats threw out the southern racists. Republicans welcomed them with open arms, after everyone kind of agreed that what they were thinking wasn't cool. "Okay, we'll take you, just don't say the N-word openly. Use code words like "Welfare Queen".

Nixon desegregated more Southern schools than ANYONE. His policies were pro-civil rights though his entire career.

The real Southern Strategy was to go after the new Southern Middle Class and northeners who had moved south.

The poor racist whites continued to vote democratic for decades after that.
The 1% are supporting HIllary because she is the status quo candidate.

She supports the "Free Trade" which is enriching the rich at the expense of the WOrking CLass and MIddle Class.

She is supporting the Defacto Open Borders, which suppresses wages, enriching the rich.

Trump is the one threatening that.

It is insane of you to rail against the 1% and to vote for their candidate.

Who told you Trump was crazy? The media owned by the 1%.

Wake the fuck up, sucker.

Uh, no the person who convinced me Trump is crazy is Trump. trump says what he says, I draw my own conclusions.

Nope. The media has lied to you about what Trump has said.

saying we need tighter immigration laws. Fine. saying he is going to deport 11 million people (logistically impossible) and build a wall (something people with engineering degrees have said is impossible and useless) is crazy shit. But it appeals to the bigots who have gotten him this far.

That's your response? You ignore the fact that the 1% who you are always going on about, are supporting YOUR CANDIDATE and you want to argue about whether a Wall is feasible?

You are supporting the candidate of the superrich.

I'm sure the super rich appreciate your help in maintaining their stock portfolio growth curves.

No, the only question is, is there any limits to how far you will go to ignore the facts and/or that your contradictory beliefs make no sense.

I remember back when a lot of my friends were big Powell for President supporters.

I was fairly lukewarm on him, but I remember wondering just how fucking hilarious it would be to see you lefties looking at a black republican president elected primarily with white republican votes,

and to see what fucking bat shit crazy stories you lefties would come up with to convince yourselves that the GOP was still the party of white racism.

Guy, here's the thing. You keep trying to find that acceptable Uncle Tom who you all say is a guy you'd vote for because they agree with you about how Shiftless the rest of the Negroes.


I liked Cain because of the way he attacked the Press.

My buddies liked Powell because of his military background. I don't recall Powell or them saying ANYTHING about blacks during that time period.

YOur words are not supported by anything I have ever seen in my life.

And don't try telling me that my friends and I are special.

Except that when the rubber his the road, Uncle Tom Carson came in fourth place in Iowa. He didn't even register in NH and in SC he came in sixth before he mercifully returned to the speaking circuit and started sucking up to Trump who mocked him.

He did better than 8 of the other 12 guys, including Jeb Bush, a guy so wired in that he is related to TWO LIVING EX-PRESIDENTS.

If you think that is evidence of, what, racism? in the gop, you are just fooling yourself.

And Trump plays rough with everyone.

Alan Keyes never got over 4% in the primaries he ran in 2000 and 2008. Herman Cain never GOT to the primaries.

Keyes was sabotaged by the GOP establishment because they don't like conservatives, not because he was black.

Cain was robbed by the lying lefty media.

Now, when you actually NOMINATE one of these Uncle Toms, I'll take you all seriously on this subject.

Liar. You'll find some excuse to hold on to your lies.

And I would love to see you call Colin Powell an Uncle Tom to his face.
No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered
You are liar who tries to put words and thoughts in other people's mind to suit your bigoted agenda.
I am on record extolling the intelligence of Blacks all over USMB and have never favored the lowering of the bar to accommodate them. Affirmative Action does not force employers or contractors to hire unqualified workers of any race, including dumb RW White guys like you!
And Affirmative Action doesn't apply to the private sector at all unless there are government contracts involved.

Only you KKK types think my thinking blacks are as capable as whites is a "bigoted agenda." Crawl back in the hole you climbed out of, Grand Wizard
But you don't really think that. OTOH I have been persistent in sharing my perspectives on Black success stories before and during the Jim Crow era. Those Blacks who built "the Black Wall street" and other prosperous enclaves were MORE capable than the Whites around them. Where have you posted anything similar?

Why would I post that blacks are smarter than whites? It's always bigotry with you, isn't it? There are smart blacks, smart whites, dumb as shit blacks, dumb as shit whites and everything in between on both sides. What is wrong with you, Grand Wizard? We're talking about people
You aren't going to deflect that easily. Where are the posts from you indicating Blacks have shown success as a group? I didn't say show where they are smarter than Whites, I just want some indication that you have exhibited anywhere on USMB any post to back your claim that you believe blacks are as capable as Whites.

You're an idiot. I keep saying blacks are the same capability as whites. Stop being a racist pile of shit, Grand Wizard
Just can't find the courage to address what I actually said, can you?

I did address what you said. Democrats threw out the southern racists. Republicans welcomed them with open arms, after everyone kind of agreed that what they were thinking wasn't cool. "Okay, we'll take you, just don't say the N-word openly. Use code words like "Welfare Queen".

Yet you still push every policy I mentioned, don't you. You still refuse to provide adequate educational opportunities by denying school choice, can't piss off those teachers unions can ya? Still warehousing them in your big blue cities across the nation, where black on black crime is rampant. Can't piss off those public employee unions, can ya? And you keep telling them and other minorities they just can't make it in America without your parties support and now your first black president says they can't possible be held to the same standards in the criminal justice system because all your fucked up policies make them some how less responsible for their actions. It's all just more racism by low expectations by you regressives. So take your racist projection and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Oh, then you can take responsibility for the fact that black youth unemployment is 393% greater than the nation average because of your fucked up immigration policies. Aw hell the first black president, maybe the absolute worse in modern American history for people of color. I guess he's been too busy waging war on the country in general to care much.
Nixon desegregated more Southern schools than ANYONE. His policies were pro-civil rights though his entire career.

You mean he did it after everyone stopped resisting it legally.. and the courts told him he had no choice. I'm guessing you are too young to remember the1970's, when we had moved beyond "Desegregation" and went straight to Forced Busing to create diversity. (It soon proved to be a terrible idea and was abandoned.)

The real Southern Strategy was to go after the new Southern Middle Class and northeners who had moved south.

The poor racist whites continued to vote democratic for decades after that.

That's not true either. The only elections where Republicans didn't win the South in Presidential elections were 1976, when Carter ran as a Southern Conservative, and 1992, where Clinton picked off some Southern states. Other than that, the South has been solid Republican after 1968 and you know it.

Nope. The media has lied to you about what Trump has said.

Did they dub in his voice? Did theymake him say dumb things?

That's your response? You ignore the fact that the 1% who you are always going on about, are supporting YOUR CANDIDATE and you want to argue about whether a Wall is feasible?

Uh, yeah, I want to know if a president understands basic concepts like you can't build a 2000 mile wall across mountains and deserts.

You are supporting the candidate of the superrich.

I'm sure the super rich appreciate your help in maintaining their stock portfolio growth curves.

If all the other rich people hate Donald Trump, there's probably a good reason.

I liked Cain because of the way he attacked the Press.

That's.... um, retarded.

And don't try telling me that my friends and I are special.

Oh, your so special, the short bus comes around for you.

He did better than 8 of the other 12 guys, including Jeb Bush, a guy so wired in that he is related to TWO LIVING EX-PRESIDENTS.

If you think that is evidence of, what, racism? in the gop, you are just fooling yourself.

And Trump plays rough with everyone.

Everyone else isn't sucking up to him now. I almost respect the fact that Cruz isn't sucking up to him.

But back to the point. Uncle Tom Carson didn't get the support you all thought he would.

Keyes was sabotaged by the GOP establishment because they don't like conservatives, not because he was black.

No, Keyes lost because he was batshit crazy.

Cain was robbed by the lying lefty media.

Right. The one he picked a fight with. Here's the thing. All these womenkept silent until he got ahead of Romney for a day.

Liar. You'll find some excuse to hold on to your lies.

And I would love to see you call Colin Powell an Uncle Tom to his face.

I don't have an issue with Powell. He's never sold out his principles.
Yet you still push every policy I mentioned, don't you. You still refuse to provide adequate educational opportunities by denying school choice, can't piss off those teachers unions can ya?

Okay, since you are almost talking about an issue here, I'll address that. School choice isn't going to fix anything. I went to Catholic schools and did well, but I did well because my parents cared and put forth the effort, not because someone gave them a voucher.

The idea that you are suddenly going to replace all these public schools with private ones is silly. It will probably have the effect of driving up tuitions.

Still warehousing them in your big blue cities across the nation, where black on black crime is rampant. Can't piss off those public employee unions, can ya?

I wasn't aware that anyone was being"Warehoused". I will agree that Public Housing was badly managed, which is why we got rid of the projects and went to vouchers and scattered site housing. Talkto your boy Raycist from Cleveland about how he feels about that.

And you keep telling them and other minorities they just can't make it in America without your parties support and now your first black president says they can't possible be held to the same standards in the criminal justice system because all your fucked up policies make them some how less responsible for their actions. It's all just more racism by low expectations by you regressives. So take your racist projection and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Guy, if you want to pretend that the criminal justice system treats black folks differently than white folks, you are deluded. Tamir Rice gets shot for playing with a toy and Dylan Roof gets taken to Burger King.

Oh, then you can take responsibility for the fact that black youth unemployment is 393% greater than the nation average because of your fucked up immigration policies. Aw hell the first black president, maybe the absolute worse in modern American history for people of color. I guess he's been too busy waging war on the country in general to care much.

Guy, pitting black people against brown people isn't going to fly for you. I realize that being the dumb white trash that you are, the rich have successfuly pitted you against working people of color.

Should point out that Obama has deported more people than Bush did and the number of undocumented workers has actually DECLINED on his watch... but hey, you keep on blaming people ofcolor for your misery.
Okay, since you are almost talking about an issue here, I'll address that. School choice isn't going to fix anything. I went to Catholic schools and did well, but I did well because my parents cared and put forth the effort, not because someone gave them a voucher.

The idea that you are suddenly going to replace all these public schools with private ones is silly. It will probably have the effect of driving up tuitions.

Ok, so the children in DC weren't getting better educations because of the voucher system your dear leader killed. They might find that statement somewhat foolish. And where did I say you need to do away with public schools? Some schools in the public system are better than others, a school system here in TX was disbanded and consolidate with a better one. You regressive just don't want to address failing schools, or at least you haven't so far. Most all of your big blue cities have failing schools.

I wasn't aware that anyone was being"Warehoused". I will agree that Public Housing was badly managed, which is why we got rid of the projects and went to vouchers and scattered site housing. Talkto your boy Raycist from Cleveland about how he feels about that.

Oh they still have public housing in larger cities, they just aren't publicly owned, in Houston they are concentrated in a lot of apartment complexes, complexes where you can't even get a pizza delivered because it's too dangerous.

Guy, if you want to pretend that the criminal justice system treats black folks differently than white folks, you are deluded. Tamir Rice gets shot for playing with a toy and Dylan Roof gets taken to Burger King.

And it's pure coincidence that black are 11 times more likely to commit murder. Give me a freaking break.

Guy, pitting black people against brown people isn't going to fly for you. I realize that being the dumb white trash that you are, the rich have successfuly pitted you against working people of color.

Where did I say anything about illegals, the majority of the new jobs created have gone to immigrants while millions of Americans have left the work force because they can't get a job.

Should point out that Obama has deported more people than Bush did and the number of undocumented workers has actually DECLINED on his watch... but hey, you keep on blaming people ofcolor for your misery.

Yeah, that's what they keep telling us, I don't believe a damned word of it.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
Why do white Democrats vote against the betterment of the white voting bloc?

Do you not realize how racism plays a part against Trump and any other white Republican candidates?
Maybe not that he thinks they can't get an ID, but that they shouldn't do it because it's what they see as a whitey requirement not related to illegals and such of course

Here Beagle mull on this for a while.......

Pennsylvania Republican House Leader Mike Turzai (R-PA) finally admitted what so many have speculated: Voter identification efforts are meant to suppress Democratic votes in this year’s election.

At the Republican State Committee meeting, Turzai took the stage and let slip the truth about why Republicans are so insistent on voter identification efforts — it will win Romney the election, he said:

“We are focused on making sure that we meet our obligations that we’ve talked about for years,” said Turzai in a speech to committee members Saturday. He mentioned the law among a laundry list of accomplishments made by the GOP-run legislature.

“Pro-Second Amendment? The Castle Doctrine, it’s done. First pro-life legislation – abortion facility regulations – in 22 years, done. Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”

Here fag, suck on this for awhile, remind us again how democrats don't gerrymander ...

View attachment 79366
Damn, and I thought Kentucky was bad....
Yet you still push every policy I mentioned, don't you. You still refuse to provide adequate educational opportunities by denying school choice, can't piss off those teachers unions can ya?

Okay, since you are almost talking about an issue here, I'll address that. School choice isn't going to fix anything. I went to Catholic schools and did well, but I did well because my parents cared and put forth the effort, not because someone gave them a voucher.

The idea that you are suddenly going to replace all these public schools with private ones is silly. It will probably have the effect of driving up tuitions.

Still warehousing them in your big blue cities across the nation, where black on black crime is rampant. Can't piss off those public employee unions, can ya?

I wasn't aware that anyone was being"Warehoused". I will agree that Public Housing was badly managed, which is why we got rid of the projects and went to vouchers and scattered site housing. Talkto your boy Raycist from Cleveland about how he feels about that.

And you keep telling them and other minorities they just can't make it in America without your parties support and now your first black president says they can't possible be held to the same standards in the criminal justice system because all your fucked up policies make them some how less responsible for their actions. It's all just more racism by low expectations by you regressives. So take your racist projection and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Guy, if you want to pretend that the criminal justice system treats black folks differently than white folks, you are deluded. Tamir Rice gets shot for playing with a toy and Dylan Roof gets taken to Burger King.

Oh, then you can take responsibility for the fact that black youth unemployment is 393% greater than the nation average because of your fucked up immigration policies. Aw hell the first black president, maybe the absolute worse in modern American history for people of color. I guess he's been too busy waging war on the country in general to care much.

Guy, pitting black people against brown people isn't going to fly for you. I realize that being the dumb white trash that you are, the rich have successfuly pitted you against working people of color.

Should point out that Obama has deported more people than Bush did and the number of undocumented workers has actually DECLINED on his watch... but hey, you keep on blaming people ofcolor for your misery.
Okay, since you are almost talking about an issue here, I'll address that. School choice isn't going to fix anything. I went to Catholic schools and did well, but I did well because my parents cared and put forth the effort, not because someone gave them a voucher.

The idea that you are suddenly going to replace all these public schools with private ones is silly. It will probably have the effect of driving up tuitions.

It's more than likely your parents paid for that Catholic education that you failed. When parents have to use their own cash to educate their children, they are going to make sure they get educated. School vouchers don't cover the entire cost of an education. Parents still have to kick in some money, so they will spend time with their children to make sure they get their moneys worth.

That doesn't happen as much with public education because once they throw that kid on the bus, it's the teachers problem and not theirs.

Guy, if you want to pretend that the criminal justice system treats black folks differently than white folks, you are deluded. Tamir Rice gets shot for playing with a toy and Dylan Roof gets taken to Burger King.

Then you wonder why we call you people the lying libs.

Rice was not shot for playing with a toy gun, he was shot because he pulled a realistic gun on an officer. The officers faced a grand jury and were let off.

If you pull a realistic or real gun on a police officer all of a sudden, you're going to get shot whether you're black, brown, green or white.
Most states that have Voter ID will give poor people a free one if they just make the effort to get it.

Why should people make an effort to lock down their right? Shit, guy, you are the one who wants terrorists to be able to buy weapons because Founding Fathers and shit, but you think that poor people should have to PROVE who they are to exercise a right that is promised them by the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments.

I don't think it's in the best interest of the Republican party to try and buy the black vote like Democrats do. The conservatives of our party want to see people getting off of freebies--not on them. If we have two parties buying votes with us being over 19 trillion dollars in debt, the end of the country would be very near. We need at least one of the two parties to pull back on spending and promote self-reliance.

right. So if your party is for ending Freebies, why don't you call for ending the biggest freebies of them all- Unemployment Insurance, Social Security and MediCare? You know, the freebies that are the biggest line item in the federal government's budget and mostly benefit WHITE PEOPLE?

But you guys will NEVER, EVER call for that. You'd be run out of office on a rail. Oh, you'll try to privatize them when you think no one is looking, but you'll never get rid of them.

But telling White losers we are going to crack down on that black lady of food stamps, you are all for that.
right. So if your party is for ending Freebies, why don't you call for ending the biggest freebies of them all- Unemployment Insurance, Social Security and MediCare? You know, the freebies that are the biggest line item in the federal government's budget and mostly benefit WHITE PEOPLE?

But you guys will NEVER, EVER call for that. You'd be run out of office on a rail. Oh, you'll try to privatize them when you think no one is looking, but you'll never get rid of them.

But telling White losers we are going to crack down on that black lady of food stamps, you are all for that.

SS, Medicare and unemployment are paid for by the worker and employer. They are not freebies unless you take out more than was put in and the government has to make up the difference.

DumBama doubled the food stamp role and in spite of this wonderful economy you people claim he's responsible for, not many dropped out of food stamps since.

Democrat politicians know that the more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters. Or do you really believe that DumBam actually cared if you had healthcare insurance or not? Of course he didn't. He just wanted to take people out of their own or employers insurance and put them into a government program. And according to the White House, they created over 14 million more government dependents so far, so their evil plot is working.

Why should people make an effort to lock down their right? Shit, guy, you are the one who wants terrorists to be able to buy weapons because Founding Fathers and shit, but you think that poor people should have to PROVE who they are to exercise a right that is promised them by the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments.

So where in the Constitution does it say government has to make voting ultimately convenient? Poor people have to present an ID to cash a check. Poor people have to present an ID to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. Poor people have to produce an ID to buy a home, get a passport, board a plane. So why is voting any different?

Voting should take some effort....a lot of effort. Because people that won't put in an effort really don't care about voting and likely don't even know WTF they are voting on anyway. That's what the Democrats are really afraid of. It has nothing to do with poverty or race. It has to do with Democrat politicians knowing a good portion of their voters are lazy F's and won't get an ID.
Well, it's NOT this Nubian prince...

LMAO!!! Says the defender of the spoiled brats who shut the government down and got the US credit rating lowered.
How do you know it is mainly Republicans using H-1B visas?
Out of the top 10 companies using them, 4 are Indian companies, 2 of which are under investigation for H-1B abuse, and one of those contracting with a company that has contributed more to Dems than Reps starting 2010. The other one I don't know who they were contracting with.
Out of the other 6 one gave equally to Dems and Reps, the others solidly support Dems.
You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society..

And just how have Republicans tired to do that?

Did Republicans fight school vouchers that helped many blacks to get a better education so they could pander to their union base?

Did Republicans pass unconstitutional law that states we can import all these illegals that take jobs primarily away from blacks?

Did Republicans preach about keeping abortions that killed more black babies than blacks alive in the US today?

Did Republicans support and promote single-parent households that is in direct proportion to many blacks living in poverty today?

So tell us. How did Republicans try to keep blacks on the bottom rung of society?

Don't substitute the word "conservative" for republicans. I used the word conservative for a reason. RW White conservatives can be either democrat or republican and the lines between party affiliation are blurred in a historical perspective. Why is that axiom so hard for you to fathom?

School vouchers is a prime example of conservative duplicity. You are not concerned about Blacks getting a good education, if you did you certainly wouldn't suggest using a voucher system. Several voucher experiments have failed dismally already.

I blame both democrats and republicans for loss of jobs to illegals but Blacks don't miss jobs they never had. There are more poor Whites than the entire Black population and they are affected more than Blacks are by illegal immigrants. But lets not stop there. Haven't you seen the threads here on USMB where RWers were crying about the H-1B visa program taking STEM jobs from American workers? And who is hiring those illegals that are taking American jobs? Republicans will do anything to screw American labor out of a few dollars.

Black poverty does not encompass the entire Black community. Most Blacks are NOT poor.What gave you that idea? Blacks have done well on the "democratic plantation" and are now proud co-owners of it.

I said democrats and republicans were equally responsible for the H-1B program. They don't use the visas, skilled foreign workers and American companies do. The program was supposedly started to offset shortages in technical fields but grew substantially when congress and American companies concluded there is a finite number of really smart people in the world and most weren't White. The consensus was , in order to remain competitive, foreign brain power from Asia ( China and India) was essential to maintaining American exceptionalism. Your warm fuzzy feeling about Whiteness and conservatism didn't mean a daMn thing to those you elected OR their industrial masters.

Employers don't use HI1B because the workers are smarter, but because they are cheaper.

This has nothing to do with "white" or "conservative", it has to do with wanting American policy to be good for Americans.

Taking American jobs and giving them to foreigners is not good for Americans.

Oversupplying the labor pool to drive down wages, is not good for Americans.
Well more of your GOP leaders voted in favor of extending the tenure of those H-1B visas from 6 to 7 years than democrats did.. But what about the claim by your RW or liberal government components using that there are shortages of STEM workers to justify keeping the H-1B program
alive? And as far as Asians (those who look Chinese or those who look like Indians or Pakistanis)
dominate colleges and universities right along side the equally bright African immigrants. Even the bigots USMB have acknowledged that Asians have IQs at least one standard deviation above the average White IQ. African immigrants are excelling too, so theirs must be on a par with or above that of Asians scholars. But you are wrong about cheap labor. Smart people know when they are being cheated by dumber employers. Many H-1B employees are being paid higher wages than their native born counterparts for the same job.

Its about loyalty to your fellow Americans and the politicians we elect don't know what that is. They would prefer you focus on Affirmative action for Blacks so they can keep putting bright foreigners in to displace you RW White idiots. Trump has flip flopped a lot on the topic of H-1b visas but , the last time I checked he was in favor of the program, echoing my premise that foreigners are MORE QUALIFIED…the chickens are coming home to roost!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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