Black republicans...who are they really?

You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society. You failed.
Still they RISE….

I don't know how old you are, but I entered the race WAY after that.

I went to school with plenty of blacks and there were no rules bent or slanted for me.

I entered the workforce, and there were no special rules bent or slanted for me.

If anything I witnessed the other way, that rules were bent to encourage "Diversity" ie in favor of blacks.

And the idea that "hostile conservatives" are bent on keeping them near the bottom is fucking nonsense only an asshole would say.
. Or rather a racist would say. Gotta keep it all going and going right ? Right.
You wanna know what a racist would say?:

Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.

Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Please don't confuse me with racist like Ryan and Santorum.

No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered
You are liar who tries to put words and thoughts in other people's mind to suit your bigoted agenda.
I am on record extolling the intelligence of Blacks all over USMB and have never favored the lowering of the bar to accommodate them. Affirmative Action does not force employers or contractors to hire unqualified workers of any race, including dumb RW White guys like you!
And Affirmative Action doesn't apply to the private sector at all unless there are government contracts involved.

Only you KKK types think my thinking blacks are as capable as whites is a "bigoted agenda." Crawl back in the hole you climbed out of, Grand Wizard
What do you think affirmative action is, dim wit?

It is NOT what YOU right wingers think it is....and I can say that as a white person.

Since you're too dumb to EVER understand the reasons for an affirmative action initiative, stay as dumb and racist as you are now......and find better ways to escape that label that suits you so very well.

YOu can't discriminate in favor of ONE group, without discriminating AGAINST another group.
The 1% is supporting HIllary this election. They seem to disagree with you on how big of a factor those Mexicans are to their income.

The 1% are supporting Hillary because Trump is a fucking crazy person.

So, you are retracting your racist Uncle Tom accusation. Good.

Can we, for once, not have the lib forget about this and start running the same line of jive tomorrow as though?

Oh, no, he's still an Uncle Tom. The only question is whether he's a self-aware Uncle Tom.
That's the most frightening part about brainwashing. You can say to a lib "Good morning, how are you?" And they will automatically turn that into a racist comment. That is evident in this topic and others where race is the subject.

Guy, "Good Morning" is one of the few not-racist things you say.

Yeah, I remember how you regressives treated blacks 40 years ago, I'm saying it's only gotten worse. You established bullshit policies that destroyed black families, warehoused them in ghettos and done everything you could to make them more dependent on your party. Sorry dude, you haven't done them any favors.

I do love how people from the Red States try to blame their bad behavior on liberals.

Uh, guy, you made the decision to go to the Republicans after you were TOLD that the Democrats no longer welcomed you. The amusing part is that you don't take any ownership.
I don't know many that say you won only because you cheated. Cheating goes on win or lose. But this effort to block Voter identification under the guise of racism displays the desperation of the left to continue to allow cheaters to influence elections. If your local bar started a policy of carding everybody that entered the establishment, the only people that would be upset would be underaged drinkers.

Or the people too poor to get an ID. YOu know, if you spent half the effort trying to get people of color to vote for you you spend trying to keep them from voiting, you might make progress
The 1% is supporting HIllary this election. They seem to disagree with you on how big of a factor those Mexicans are to their income.

The 1% are supporting Hillary because Trump is a fucking crazy person.

The 1% are supporting HIllary because she is the status quo candidate.

She supports the "Free Trade" which is enriching the rich at the expense of the WOrking CLass and MIddle Class.

She is supporting the Defacto Open Borders, which suppresses wages, enriching the rich.

Trump is the one threatening that.

It is insane of you to rail against the 1% and to vote for their candidate.

Who told you Trump was crazy? The media owned by the 1%.

Wake the fuck up, sucker.

So, you are retracting your racist Uncle Tom accusation. Good.

Can we, for once, not have the lib forget about this and start running the same line of jive tomorrow as though?
Oh, no, he's still an Uncle Tom. The only question is whether he's a self-aware Uncle Tom.

No, the only question is, is there any limits to how far you will go to ignore the facts and/or that your contradictory beliefs make no sense.

I remember back when a lot of my friends were big Powell for President supporters.

I was fairly lukewarm on him, but I remember wondering just how fucking hilarious it would be to see you lefties looking at a black republican president elected primarily with white republican votes,

and to see what fucking bat shit crazy stories you lefties would come up with to convince yourselves that the GOP was still the party of white racism.

Or the people too poor to get an ID. YOu know, if you spent half the effort trying to get people of color to vote for you you spend trying to keep them from voiting, you might make progress

Most states that have Voter ID will give poor people a free one if they just make the effort to get it.

I don't think it's in the best interest of the Republican party to try and buy the black vote like Democrats do. The conservatives of our party want to see people getting off of freebies--not on them. If we have two parties buying votes with us being over 19 trillion dollars in debt, the end of the country would be very near. We need at least one of the two parties to pull back on spending and promote self-reliance.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

You are the one who doesn't care about black folks honestly. More then likely you are a joederp alter ego, that or a whit guy hired by USMB to stir the pot some. You got "wigga" written all over your posts.

Yet another stupid RW motherfucker. :0) I'm smarter than you .. therefore I must be white :lol::lol::lol:

I've been posting on this board far longer than you have you fucking idiot.
You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society. You failed.
Still they RISE….

I don't know how old you are, but I entered the race WAY after that.

I went to school with plenty of blacks and there were no rules bent or slanted for me.

I entered the workforce, and there were no special rules bent or slanted for me.

If anything I witnessed the other way, that rules were bent to encourage "Diversity" ie in favor of blacks.

And the idea that "hostile conservatives" are bent on keeping them near the bottom is fucking nonsense only an asshole would say.
. Or rather a racist would say. Gotta keep it all going and going right ? Right.
You wanna know what a racist would say?:

Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.

Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Please don't confuse me with racist like Ryan and Santorum.

No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered

:0) You're a racist clown who thinks African-Americans aren't smart enough to make their own political choices .. and dumb enough to believe that we would ever vote for republicans in numbers.
. What's behind those political choices they are making ? And what's wrong with voting for Republicans in numbers if the message is good for all Americans, and this whether or not that they are black, white, yellow or brown ? You trying to label all repubs as racist, umm makes you even a bigger racist, and more so than anyone you accuse as such is what I think.
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Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.

They know that all the above defines the Republican party.

Until the day that this is no longer true, Republicans will not make any inroads with more than a fraction of the black electorate.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
. Getting the Democrats out of the ears of the black electorate, who keep feeding them bull crap forever and ever, would allow the message of the conservatives/repubs to get through finally, and therefore it would allow them to make astounding inroads into the black electorate.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community
. But, but, but, they think their helping them when they make them so dependent on them, but we know better.
Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

I'm "whining" that blacks are equal to whites and can compete fine with the same rules, got it. You know that's not true, you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can. That sure sounds like the whining ...

:lol: Like most on the Right .. you sir are incredibly stupid .. with the brain of a 12 year-old.

"you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can."

Quite obviously you don't think we are equal .. don't think we can make our own sound political decisions .. YET, the president is black .. which wwould have NEVER happened if we voted for republicans.

YET, this election, as have and will many national elections, turn on what black voters will do. We are living in an era where black voters play kingmaker in American elections .. but you think we aren't smart enough to know who not to vote for. :lol::lol::lol:
. If you voted for Obama because he was black, then you are very dumb in knowing who to vote for. Why do I say this ? It's simple because you never vote for a person based upon a skin color like you just claimed you and countless others did, and you don't vote for a person based on their gender either. That has got to be the dumbest thing ever, but here you are falling right into your own trap.
. Getting the Democrats out of the ears of the black electorate, who keep feeding them bull crap forever and ever, would allow the message of the conservatives/repubs to get through finally, and therefore it would allow them to make astounding inroads into the black electorate.

You can't change the minds of brainwashed people. You can post sites, videos, everything possible to prove their view of conservatism wrong, and they will still hate conservatives. There is little anybody can do about it. Their mind is set to block out anything that goes against what they were taught.
Well, now that it has been assessed that everyone participating in the thread is a Klan member. I suggest an old folk song that I just learned via a John Denver documentary.


No, really. I am watching a John Denver documentary and I vaguely remember hearing about the Chad Mitchell Trio but that is before my time.
They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

I'm "whining" that blacks are equal to whites and can compete fine with the same rules, got it. You know that's not true, you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can. That sure sounds like the whining ...

:lol: Like most on the Right .. you sir are incredibly stupid .. with the brain of a 12 year-old.

"you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can."

Quite obviously you don't think we are equal .. don't think we can make our own sound political decisions .. YET, the president is black .. which wwould have NEVER happened if we voted for republicans.

YET, this election, as have and will many national elections, turn on what black voters will do. We are living in an era where black voters play kingmaker in American elections .. but you think we aren't smart enough to know who not to vote for. :lol::lol::lol:
. If you voted for Obama because he was black, then you are very dumb in knowing who to vote for. Why do I say this ? It's simple because you never vote for a person based upon a skin color like you just claimed you and countless others did, and you don't vote for a person based on their gender either. That has got to be the dumbest thing ever, but here you are falling right into your own trap.

Goddamn .. do we need an interpreter?


Hit me back when you find an argument.
Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

You are the one who doesn't care about black folks honestly. More then likely you are a joederp alter ego, that or a whit guy hired by USMB to stir the pot some. You got "wigga" written all over your posts.

Yet another stupid RW motherfucker. :0) I'm smarter than you .. therefore I must be white :lol::lol::lol:

I've been posting on this board far longer than you have you fucking idiot.

Maybe, and I bet it was the same old vanilla ice "kill whitey" crap long before I was here to huh Harold.
That's the most frightening part about brainwashing. You can say to a lib "Good morning, how are you?" And they will automatically turn that into a racist comment. That is evident in this topic and others where race is the subject.

Guy, "Good Morning" is one of the few not-racist things you say.

Yeah, I remember how you regressives treated blacks 40 years ago, I'm saying it's only gotten worse. You established bullshit policies that destroyed black families, warehoused them in ghettos and done everything you could to make them more dependent on your party. Sorry dude, you haven't done them any favors.

I do love how people from the Red States try to blame their bad behavior on liberals.

Uh, guy, you made the decision to go to the Republicans after you were TOLD that the Democrats no longer welcomed you. The amusing part is that you don't take any ownership.
I don't know many that say you won only because you cheated. Cheating goes on win or lose. But this effort to block Voter identification under the guise of racism displays the desperation of the left to continue to allow cheaters to influence elections. If your local bar started a policy of carding everybody that entered the establishment, the only people that would be upset would be underaged drinkers.

Or the people too poor to get an ID. YOu know, if you spent half the effort trying to get people of color to vote for you you spend trying to keep them from voiting, you might make progress

Just can't find the courage to address what I actually said, can you?
How do you know it is mainly Republicans using H-1B visas?
Out of the top 10 companies using them, 4 are Indian companies, 2 of which are under investigation for H-1B abuse, and one of those contracting with a company that has contributed more to Dems than Reps starting 2010. The other one I don't know who they were contracting with.
Out of the other 6 one gave equally to Dems and Reps, the others solidly support Dems.
You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society..

And just how have Republicans tired to do that?

Did Republicans fight school vouchers that helped many blacks to get a better education so they could pander to their union base?

Did Republicans pass unconstitutional law that states we can import all these illegals that take jobs primarily away from blacks?

Did Republicans preach about keeping abortions that killed more black babies than blacks alive in the US today?

Did Republicans support and promote single-parent households that is in direct proportion to many blacks living in poverty today?

So tell us. How did Republicans try to keep blacks on the bottom rung of society?

Don't substitute the word "conservative" for republicans. I used the word conservative for a reason. RW White conservatives can be either democrat or republican and the lines between party affiliation are blurred in a historical perspective. Why is that axiom so hard for you to fathom?

School vouchers is a prime example of conservative duplicity. You are not concerned about Blacks getting a good education, if you did you certainly wouldn't suggest using a voucher system. Several voucher experiments have failed dismally already.

I blame both democrats and republicans for loss of jobs to illegals but Blacks don't miss jobs they never had. There are more poor Whites than the entire Black population and they are affected more than Blacks are by illegal immigrants. But lets not stop there. Haven't you seen the threads here on USMB where RWers were crying about the H-1B visa program taking STEM jobs from American workers? And who is hiring those illegals that are taking American jobs? Republicans will do anything to screw American labor out of a few dollars.

Black poverty does not encompass the entire Black community. Most Blacks are NOT poor.What gave you that idea? Blacks have done well on the "democratic plantation" and are now proud co-owners of it.

I said democrats and republicans were equally responsible for the H-1B program. They don't use the visas, skilled foreign workers and American companies do. The program was supposedly started to offset shortages in technical fields but grew substantially when congress and American companies concluded there is a finite number of really smart people in the world and most weren't White. The consensus was , in order to remain competitive, foreign brain power from Asia ( China and India) was essential to maintaining American exceptionalism. Your warm fuzzy feeling about Whiteness and conservatism didn't mean a daMn thing to those you elected OR their industrial masters.
I don't know how old you are, but I entered the race WAY after that.

I went to school with plenty of blacks and there were no rules bent or slanted for me.

I entered the workforce, and there were no special rules bent or slanted for me.

If anything I witnessed the other way, that rules were bent to encourage "Diversity" ie in favor of blacks.

And the idea that "hostile conservatives" are bent on keeping them near the bottom is fucking nonsense only an asshole would say.
. Or rather a racist would say. Gotta keep it all going and going right ? Right.
You wanna know what a racist would say?:

Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.

Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Please don't confuse me with racist like Ryan and Santorum.

No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered
You are liar who tries to put words and thoughts in other people's mind to suit your bigoted agenda.
I am on record extolling the intelligence of Blacks all over USMB and have never favored the lowering of the bar to accommodate them. Affirmative Action does not force employers or contractors to hire unqualified workers of any race, including dumb RW White guys like you!
And Affirmative Action doesn't apply to the private sector at all unless there are government contracts involved.

Only you KKK types think my thinking blacks are as capable as whites is a "bigoted agenda." Crawl back in the hole you climbed out of, Grand Wizard
But you don't really think that. OTOH I have been persistent in sharing my perspectives on Black success stories before and during the Jim Crow era. Those Blacks who built "the Black Wall street" and other prosperous enclaves were MORE capable than the Whites around them. Where have you posted anything similar?
You have no idea what you're talking about. WTF is a "conservative" Democrat?

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

Immigrants do take more jobs from blacks because many of those jobs are lower paying manual labor jobs. Those are jobs that many blacks take in the real world.
That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

And don't try to pass off this nonsense that companies who hire foreigners for technical jobs to replace Americans are Republican or Conservative companies only. The most recent story about such practices was Disney. Other liberal companies have outsourced jobs such as Microsoft and Macintosh. They all do it. It's not a Republican thing.

I wasn't being partisan when I posted the truth about H-1B visas. I said both democrats and republicans were to blame.

That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

I have bad news for you: employers avoid hiring felons black or white. I have the same practice as a landlord. I won't rent to felons of any race. I've done so in the past and it was a grave mistake I've learned from.

Yes, black unemployment has always been higher than that of whites, but not at the rates they've been the last couple of years:

View attachment 79553

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

A lot of wasted typing just to say you can't give me an example of a so-called conservative Democrat.

The widest disparity in rates of unemployment for Blacks and whites occurred in the early 1980s during the Reagan years. according to your chart.

Truth is indeed wasted on you so I won't spend my valuable time schooling you. If you are too lazy to google the term "conservative democrats" you aren't being serious. You are being an idiot who just does not care about the truth.
. Or rather a racist would say. Gotta keep it all going and going right ? Right.
You wanna know what a racist would say?:

Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.

Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Please don't confuse me with racist like Ryan and Santorum.

No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered
You are liar who tries to put words and thoughts in other people's mind to suit your bigoted agenda.
I am on record extolling the intelligence of Blacks all over USMB and have never favored the lowering of the bar to accommodate them. Affirmative Action does not force employers or contractors to hire unqualified workers of any race, including dumb RW White guys like you!
And Affirmative Action doesn't apply to the private sector at all unless there are government contracts involved.

Only you KKK types think my thinking blacks are as capable as whites is a "bigoted agenda." Crawl back in the hole you climbed out of, Grand Wizard
But you don't really think that. OTOH I have been persistent in sharing my perspectives on Black success stories before and during the Jim Crow era. Those Blacks who built "the Black Wall street" and other prosperous enclaves were MORE capable than the Whites around them. Where have you posted anything similar?

Why would I post that blacks are smarter than whites? It's always bigotry with you, isn't it? There are smart blacks, smart whites, dumb as shit blacks, dumb as shit whites and everything in between on both sides. What is wrong with you, Grand Wizard? We're talking about people

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