Black republicans...who are they really?

Well, NOT communist.....we're smart enough to know that system sucks.....Socialist democrats like the rest of the civilized and industrial world???? Yes, probably so.

Socialism is the last step to Communism. Go to the US Communist Party website and tell me the difference between their platform and the Democrats. They are almost identical. That's why they endorsed your President both elections.
What is perfectly clear is as follows

1. Black Democrats completely and totally hate Black Republicans
2. The Democratic Party does not believe Blacks have the right to be Republican
3. The media agrees with 1 and 2

Bullshit.....what your ilk is basically stating (and shouting) "......blacks are too dumb to be voting democrat..."

(after all, all those laws passed to ameliorate blacks education, housing, hiring and voting were ALL republican inspired, right???)
Socialism is the last step to Communism. Go to the US Communist Party website and tell me the difference between their platform and the Democrats. They are almost identical. That's why they endorsed your President both elections.

You do (or should but probably don't) realize that you're telling the ENTIRE rest of the industrialized world that they're "one little step" away from communism???? It'll be a pleasant surprise to Putin, don't you think?
Whatever I post, you will twist into some pathetic form of PC victimization, when in reality you are the bigot, you are the one receiving the government check, you have been promoted in life because of skin color not merit, and you do not respect truth, merit, or black people's right to disagree with the Democrats...

As soon as your government check is cut off, the better off America will be...
You have no idea what you're talking about. WTF is a "conservative" Democrat?

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

Immigrants do take more jobs from blacks because many of those jobs are lower paying manual labor jobs. Those are jobs that many blacks take in the real world.
That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

And don't try to pass off this nonsense that companies who hire foreigners for technical jobs to replace Americans are Republican or Conservative companies only. The most recent story about such practices was Disney. Other liberal companies have outsourced jobs such as Microsoft and Macintosh. They all do it. It's not a Republican thing.

I wasn't being partisan when I posted the truth about H-1B visas. I said both democrats and republicans were to blame.

Yes, voter fraud goes on all the time, but that's just the voter fraud we know about.

Sooooooo, tell us all that "you know about"....and then figure out how all these "illegal votes" have impacted on large elections......Come on, TELL US !!!!
Yes, voter fraud goes on all the time, but that's just the voter fraud we know about. The idea of ID'n people is to catch or stop the ones that get away with it all the time. It's like putting that trooper on that highway I was talking about.

So, all those little old ladies and men are just at the polling station for the fantastic free Ensure???
If I recall, the percentage of black who voted for Obama was around 98%.

That is what you should call racism.

....THEN, following your fucked up logic......all that republicans need to do is run a black right winger for president......

GENIUS !!!! You just solved the GOP little problem, correct??? (what a racist :ahole-1:.)
Whatever I post, you will twist into some pathetic form of PC victimization, when in reality you are the bigot, you are the one receiving the government check, you have been promoted in life because of skin color not merit, and you do not respect truth, merit, or black people's right to disagree with the Democrats...

As soon as your government check is cut off, the better off America will be...

Here is your opportunity to demonstrate your supposed intellectual superiority. I'll be your Huckleberry your ignorant clown.

In fact, I DARE YOU to debate the ignorance you just said. You wear the White .. and I'll wear the Black. :lol:

Start from here .. you think black people don't have a "right" to disagree with Democrats? :0) Obviously you haven't been reading my posts. I'm not a democrat .. didn't vote for Obama .. won't be voting for Hillary Clinton. Was there someone I was supposed to ask if I can disagree with democrats? :lol:

Democrats don't attack me because I disagree with them. They debate the issues. I've been posting on this board for a lot of years .. so your argument is stupid and just the mindfuck they put on you dumb ass republicans.

Step to the mic dummy and tell me more about your butt-hurt anger and fear.
Self victimization is so unattractive. Republicans support the same rules for blacks as whites, sad you think blacks aren't up to that. You're wrong, they are
You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society. You failed.
Still they RISE….

I don't know how old you are, but I entered the race WAY after that.

I went to school with plenty of blacks and there were no rules bent or slanted for me.

I entered the workforce, and there were no special rules bent or slanted for me.

If anything I witnessed the other way, that rules were bent to encourage "Diversity" ie in favor of blacks.

And the idea that "hostile conservatives" are bent on keeping them near the bottom is fucking nonsense only an asshole would say.
. Or rather a racist would say. Gotta keep it all going and going right ? Right.
You wanna know what a racist would say?:

Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.

Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Please don't confuse me with racist like Ryan and Santorum.

No, you're different. You're a racist who thinks blacks aren't intelligent or hard working enough to make it on their own against a white man and they need the bar lowered
You are liar who tries to put words and thoughts in other people's mind to suit your bigoted agenda.
I am on record extolling the intelligence of Blacks all over USMB and have never favored the lowering of the bar to accommodate them. Affirmative Action does not force employers or contractors to hire unqualified workers of any race, including dumb RW White guys like you!
And Affirmative Action doesn't apply to the private sector at all unless there are government contracts involved.
Yes, voter fraud goes on all the time, but that's just the voter fraud we know about.

Sooooooo, tell us all that "you know about"....and then figure out how all these "illegal votes" have impacted on large elections......Come on, TELL US !!!!

In FLA 2000, Black Democrats tossed Black Republican ballots at 50 times the rate of any other demographic. That's why, when USA Today did their recount, W won again, because the "spoiled ballots" in Dem Counties were NOT PROPORTIONAL to voter registration by party, they were disproportionately Republican, and specifically BLACK Republican...

Let The Sunshine In

"Suppose spoiled or non-voted ballots really did indicate disenfranchisement, rather than voter preferences. Then, according to the precinct-level vote data compiled by USA Today and other newspapers, the group most victimized in the Florida voting was African-American Republicans, and by a dramatic margin, too. Earlier this year I published an article in the Journal of Legal Studies analyzing the USA Today data, and it shows that African-American Republicans who voted were 54 to 66 times more likely than the average African American to cast a non-voted ballot (either by not marking that race or voting for too many candidates). To put it another way: For every two additional black Republicans in the average precinct, there was one additional non-voted ballot. By comparison, it took an additional 125 African Americans (of any party affiliation) in the average precinct to produce the same result."

and it was Black Democrat Canvass Board members doing the ballot tossing. What do Black Democrats care about Black Republicans' right to vote? A: They don't, rather, they disenfranchise Blacks who don't vote Dem, and then whine about "Black Voter Disenfranchisement."

At some point, the bigotry of the Black Democrats will cost the Democrats, hopefully in November...
Yes, voter fraud goes on all the time, but that's just the voter fraud we know about.

Sooooooo, tell us all that "you know about"....and then figure out how all these "illegal votes" have impacted on large elections......Come on, TELL US !!!!

In FLA 2000, Black Democrats tossed Black Republican ballots at 50 times the rate of any other demographic. That's why, when USA Today did their recount, W won again, because the "spoiled ballots" in Dem Counties were NOT PROPORTIONAL to voter registration by party, they were disproportionately Republican, and specifically BLACK Republican...

Let The Sunshine In

"Suppose spoiled or non-voted ballots really did indicate disenfranchisement, rather than voter preferences. Then, according to the precinct-level vote data compiled by USA Today and other newspapers, the group most victimized in the Florida voting was African-American Republicans, and by a dramatic margin, too. Earlier this year I published an article in the Journal of Legal Studies analyzing the USA Today data, and it shows that African-American Republicans who voted were 54 to 66 times more likely than the average African American to cast a non-voted ballot (either by not marking that race or voting for too many candidates). To put it another way: For every two additional black Republicans in the average precinct, there was one additional non-voted ballot. By comparison, it took an additional 125 African Americans (of any party affiliation) in the average precinct to produce the same result."

and it was Black Democrat Canvass Board members doing the ballot tossing. What do Black Democrats care about Black Republicans' right to vote? A: They don't, rather, they disenfranchise Blacks who don't vote Dem, and then whine about "Black Voter Disenfranchisement."

At some point, the bigotry of the Black Democrats will cost the Democrats, hopefully in November...

You SHOULD know that the article you cited is from some right wing hack who works at the American Enterprise Institute regarded as perhaps to the right of Fascism.
"to the right of Fascism"

When a bigoted PC affirmative action black student at Mizzou painted a swastika with feces, it was obvious to everyone the "racial hoax" stuff was behind it.

Fascism starts with NAZI - National SOCIALIST, and that is what you are, a SOCIALIST who thinks people who disagree with SOCIALISM like Black Republicans should be punished for their VIEWS...

Hitler was not after blacks. He was after Jews and Gypsies. Every time you and your fellow PC Bigots whiff on that truth, everyone with a clue sees right through it...

That's also why the Black Mizzou football stars fell in the NFL Draft this year - nobody wants BLACK BIGOTS in the locker room
So, all those little old ladies and men are just at the polling station for the fantastic free Ensure???

They are easy to fool. They are just spending time to get out of the house.

With our technology today, people can create documents and vote. For instance, in Ohio, they allowed people to vote providing they bring in a utility bill with their address on it. Anybody who has a utility bill can change the name and address on it with a simple program and a cheap printer.
Sooooooo, tell us all that "you know about"....and then figure out how all these "illegal votes" have impacted on large elections......Come on, TELL US !!!!

How many links would you like? I have a huge folder of them. I don't know if I have time to post them all, but it depends on how much time I have.
You have no idea what you're talking about. WTF is a "conservative" Democrat?

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

Immigrants do take more jobs from blacks because many of those jobs are lower paying manual labor jobs. Those are jobs that many blacks take in the real world.
That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

And don't try to pass off this nonsense that companies who hire foreigners for technical jobs to replace Americans are Republican or Conservative companies only. The most recent story about such practices was Disney. Other liberal companies have outsourced jobs such as Microsoft and Macintosh. They all do it. It's not a Republican thing.

I wasn't being partisan when I posted the truth about H-1B visas. I said both democrats and republicans were to blame.

That is a wild assumption on your part. As I said, Black poor people don't miss jobs they never had.
There are 43 million poor Whites and 11 million poor Blacks in this country. The Black unemployment rate has never been on par with the White rate according to labor statistics and that rate hasn't fluctuated that much in 4 decades. Why not? Because the "war on drugs" has made felons of many Black males and that has in effect barred them from the labor force in many instances. White employers, already prejudiced against blacks by seeing them as natural thieves, are not going to hire black ex-cons in most cases. So illegal immigrants wouldn't have as much an affect on unemployed Blacks as you might think. But I do agree that the tide of illegal immigration must cease.

I have bad news for you: employers avoid hiring felons black or white. I have the same practice as a landlord. I won't rent to felons of any race. I've done so in the past and it was a grave mistake I've learned from.

Yes, black unemployment has always been higher than that of whites, but not at the rates they've been the last couple of years:

WTF is right! You don't even have a rudimentary concept of the political world do you? I am shocked that you have never heard of a conservative democrat. The level of your ignorance explains your shallow worldview and limited acumen on pertinent topics in this thread. I suggest you google the term to grasp a better understanding before you continue down this road.

A lot of wasted typing just to say you can't give me an example of a so-called conservative Democrat.
Doug Wilder wasn't bad. I voted for him for Va Gov, and am not ashamed to admit it. Today, Wilder would be called an "Uncle Tom" for not endorsing BLM...
So why do you blame Republicans for something the Democrats started that caused your 401K to go under?

Guy, the CRA had nothing to do with the housing crash. We've been over this.

I don't do code words.

A lot of time the topic are illegals. Other times the topic is immigration.

I have always tried to be clear that IMO, ALL THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION is the problem, with Illegals being a subset of the problem.

That being said, THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION IS A HUGE FACTOR in wage stagnation.

Um, no, the greed of the 1% is. Do your realize that their wild speculation evaporated 657 BILLION in wealth on Friday because they crapped themselves over the Brexit? That's $2000 for every man, woman and child in the US.

No, but it's those Mexicans working those lettuce-picking jobs. That's the problem. No, really. not that white people would pick lettuce no matter how much you pay them.

How do you know he does not really believe what he says?

Honestly, I would have more respect for him if he knew he was scamming you guys by telling you what you wanted to hear. Because you guys DESERVE to be scammed. But you might have a point. Gratitude is the hardest human emotion. The Japanese have five ways of saying "Thank you", and they all drip of resentment.

^Right here is a dude who's only sense of reality is that which is spoon fed him on twitter.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

You are the one who doesn't care about black folks honestly. More then likely you are a joederp alter ego, that or a whit guy hired by USMB to stir the pot some. You got "wigga" written all over your posts.

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