Black republicans...who are they really?

I am just the messenger. It is those White employers that seem to believe the American workforce is inferior to that of the Asians. I am just an observer and commentator. Ands do you see that red highlighted text, idiot. That is what I said,and it looks nothing like the lie you quoted me as saying highlighted in blue. You are a dishonest clod without an ounce of decency.

Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.

Liberal whites are the ones who think blacks aren't capable of competing evenly with whites. You pat yourselves on the backs for your condescending "open mindedness" and don't realize that you are the racists

Well I guess that's one way to deflect! Learning from Trump after he called Warren a "racist" for saying she's part "Native American!" That really makes sense! What a fk'n idiot! :anj_stfu: :ahole-1: :blahblah:
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Real reform initiatives? You mean the trillions of handouts given to poor people for over 50 years with the mindset that it would motivate them to do better for themselves?

Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.
. They don't receive enough to save anything eh ? And why is that ? Why can't they save anything, and why are they themselves not working as hard as they can to get out of such a situation ? I sure wouldn't want to stay in a situation where I only had enough to barely get by on, and then that amount be given to me as a handout that creates dependency over time.
Why don't you try living on what a welfare recipient makes for a month? Or just live with a family on AFDC for a month and see firsthand how they survive. Only after you have done that will you be qualified to judge objectively. Dependency is not as prevalent as you suggest. Most people stay on welfare for an average of two years.
. Information alert - My family was on welfare when I was young, but I saw the dependency it created, and I vowed to not live like that myself. Now how many think like me, and how many are consumed with it ? I think I was the exception to the rule maybe as it were for others from the period, and hopefully there were many more like me. I see alot of people dependent on it all these days, because these days they have tried to glamorize it as if it is a great thing anymore.
Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.

Liberal whites are the ones who think blacks aren't capable of competing evenly with whites. You pat yourselves on the backs for your condescending "open mindedness" and don't realize that you are the racists

Well I guess that's one way to deflect! Leaning from Trump after he called Warren a "racist" for saying she's part "Native American!" That really makes sense! What a fk'n idiot! :anj_stfu: :ahole-1: :blahblah:

You're the party who thinks blacks need the bar lowered, pure racism
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.

Liberal whites are the ones who think blacks aren't capable of competing evenly with whites. You pat yourselves on the backs for your condescending "open mindedness" and don't realize that you are the racists

Well I guess that's one way to deflect! Leaning from Trump after he called Warren a "racist" for saying she's part "Native American!" That really makes sense! What a fk'n idiot! :anj_stfu: :ahole-1: :blahblah:

You're the party who thinks blacks need the bar lowered, pure racism

...and you're the party that spits in their faces when you don't need them "for show!" :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah:
As for the situation: this is a very high crime area in Cleveland where gangs are renown for dealing drugs and shooting people day and night. The residents there would tell you that gunfire at night is a common event. Most don't even pay attention to it anymore and don't bother calling police.

if people don't call the police, it's because the police will just make things worse. I know you don't get that, when your cops are shooting kids playing with toys, you don't want to really bring them around.

Hummmmmmm, I wonder which party runs Milwaukee?

The Voucher Program was a State iniative that failed. Thanks for playing. Vouchers aren't the answer.

Yes, you searched the internet to find the anomalies of the program instead of looking at the program in it's entirety. As a whole, parents are happy with the program because it gets their children out of those drug ridden violent public school systems and into a civil environment for them to learn. Many do better than in inner-city public schools.

I didn't have to search. The failure of Wisconsin's Voucher Scam is well known. In fact, Vouchers don't help all that much.

Vouchers don't do much for students

In Milwaukee, just 13 percent of voucher students scored proficient in math and 11 percent made the bar in reading this spring. That’s worse on both counts than students in the city’s public schools. In Cleveland, voucher students in most grades performed worse than their peers in public schools in math, though they did better in reading.

In New Orleans, voucher students who struggle academically haven’t advanced to grade-level work any faster over the past two years than students in the public schools, many of which are rated D or F, state data show.

And across Louisiana, many of the most popular private schools for voucher students posted miserable scores in math, reading, science and social studies this spring, with fewer than half their voucher students achieving even basic proficiency and fewer than 2 percent demonstrating mastery. Seven schools did so badly, state Superintendent John White barred them from accepting new voucher students — though the state agreed to keep paying tuition for the more than 200 voucher students already enrolled, if they chose to stay.

Okay, so now that we've established why vouchers don't work, why does the right still push for them? Corporate and Religious welfare, mostly.
I didn't have to search. The failure of Wisconsin's Voucher Scam is well known. In fact, Vouchers don't help all that much.

Sure they do. You should read the articles you post. From your article:

As for academic gains, voucher backers often point to two studies, in D.C. and New York City, for hopeful signs. The research in D.C. found that giving vouchers to low-income students didn’t raise their test scores. But it did boost their high school graduation rate, according to their parents. In New York, meanwhile, African-American students who received vouchers were more likely than their peers to enroll in college, but the effect didn’t hold true for other groups, including Hispanic students.

Longitudinal studies of the Milwaukee voucher program have found mixed results. In one study, voucher students did no better than peers in the public schools for four years, then outpaced them in reading — but not math — in the fifth year. In another, voucher students lagged behind their peers in reading, math and science in fourth grade and continued to lag in eighth- and 10th-grade math, though they did better in reading and science in the upper grades. Another study found voucher students were 3 percentage points more likely to graduate high school and persist past their freshman year in a four-year college.

Read more: Vouchers don't do much for students
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And then there is this explanation:

This argument is supported by studies such as "When Schools Compete: The Effects of Vouchers on Florida Public School Achievement" (Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, 2003), which concluded that public schools located near private schools that were eligible to accept voucher students made significantly more improvements than did similar schools not located near eligible private schools

Hoxby found that the effects of vouchers in Milwaukee and of charter schools in Arizona and Michigan on nearby public schools forced compete made greater test score gains than schools not faced with such competition (see Hoxby, 2001), and that the so-called effect of cream skimming did not exist in any of the voucher districts examined. Hoxby's research has found that both private and public schools improved through the use of vouchers.

School voucher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, public schools that were near vouchers schools tried harder because of competition that would never have been in play had there not been school vouchers. So vouchers are not only helping individuals who participate, but they are helping the surrounding public schools to produce better results.

if people don't call the police, it's because the police will just make things worse. I know you don't get that, when your cops are shooting kids playing with toys, you don't want to really bring them around.

Oh please, these people quit calling the cops long before the shooting of Rice. And don't talk like this happens every day. We are used to those liberal lying tactics.
Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.
. They don't receive enough to save anything eh ? And why is that ? Why can't they save anything, and why are they themselves not working as hard as they can to get out of such a situation ? I sure wouldn't want to stay in a situation where I only had enough to barely get by on, and then that amount be given to me as a handout that creates dependency over time.

They don't have to work hard to get out of it. Many receiving handouts get as much or more than they could earn in a job with the skills they offer. For example, take the high school dropout that has little to no marketable skills that doesn't make much. His/her actions are the cause of that low income. If they don't have the ability to save much, it's because of the choice they made and not the place of anyone else to offset that bad choice. If someone with little to no skills can get as much doing nothing as working 40 hours/week, there is no incentive to work and continuing to support that person creates dependency of that person.

Dependency insinuates perpetual welfare and that doesn't wash with the average of two years on welfare findings.
. Two years on paper, but what about all the tricks of the trade eh ?
So tell us, what child has died from starvation in the past because their parents had no health insurance?

Only a liberal can celebrate more people depending on the federal government for things they can do themselves. Yes, it is an evil plot. Food stamps have doubled under this clown. The government nearly took over the entire college loan business and are failing at that.

Open your eyes and look for the man behind the curtain. We've never had this many government dependents in our history, and no, it's not Bush's fault or an accident either. One of DumBama's primary goals was to create as many government dependents as possible.

I would agree it's an evil plot by the 1%, who used the Great Recession as an excuse to slash wages. So you have companies like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell their employees how to apply for SNAP and MedicAid. But nothing to see here. It's that mean old Gummit, not your beloved 1%ers.

No it's not, because what happens to your SS money if you die before retirement? It stays in the kitty and supplies those who live beyond 72. Yes, in rare cases, a person may live into their mid 80's or 90's and government has to kick in. That's the failure behind this government plan.

Guy, the average life expectency is 78 years.

No, the failure is the 1% diminishing the payrolls of working people, reducing the support. That and Bush emptied the Social Security Lock Box to fight his "War on an Emotional State" and give a huge tax break to the Rich. In short, 2000, Social Security was fine well into the 2040's and probably beyond. Bush managed to fuck that up.

The only time you get extra unemployment insurance is when the feds pass a bill to fund unemployment beyond what the state insurance does. That's only been done on a few occasions in our lifetime. In many cases, the state provides the unemployment insurance and makes out like bandits because an employer has to pay unemployment insurance for each worker they have, and most workers will never collect on it.

26 Weeks of Unemployment works out to $580 week if you have dependents in IL . That's about $15,800. Unemployment insurance is only 6% of the first $7000 paid. So you'd have to work 26 years straight for your employer to put in enough to cover what you'd get back.

Again - WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. So you are mostly okay with it. But those black folks getting food stamps and MedicAid... that makes you SOOOOOOOOOO Angry.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney claims a $70,000 tax deduction for his fucking dancing horse, and you are so fine with that.

In the meantime, the city of Cleveland gave Momma big bucks and she will be a millionaire for a mistake SHE MADE by allowing their "child" to go out into the street with a realistic looking gun.

Maybe she had an unreasonable expectation that she could let her child play outside without being shot by the people sworn to serve and protect them.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for White People.
Maybe she had an unreasonable expectation that she could let her child play outside without being shot by the people sworn to serve and protect them.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for White People.

26 Weeks of Unemployment works out to $580 week if you have dependents in IL . That's about $15,800. Unemployment insurance is only 6% of the first $7000 paid. So you'd have to work 26 years straight for your employer to put in enough to cover what you'd get back.

Again - WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. So you are mostly okay with it. But those black folks getting food stamps and MedicAid... that makes you SOOOOOOOOOO Angry.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney claims a $70,000 tax deduction for his fucking dancing horse, and you are so fine with that.

Do you know what a tax deduction is? It simply means you don't pay taxes on that money. You still spend it, but don't pay taxes on it.

I don't know what they do in Illinois, but here in Ohio, employers pay anywhere from .3% to 8.7% on ALL wages depending on what category the employees fall in.

ODJFS Online | Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations

This may come as a shock to you, but black people get unemployment benefits too. Just like there are white people on food stamps.

Guy, the average life expectency is 78 years.

No, the failure is the 1% diminishing the payrolls of working people, reducing the support. That and Bush emptied the Social Security Lock Box to fight his "War on an Emotional State" and give a huge tax break to the Rich. In short, 2000, Social Security was fine well into the 2040's and probably beyond. Bush managed to fuck that up.


I would agree it's an evil plot by the 1%, who used the Great Recession as an excuse to slash wages. So you have companies like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell their employees how to apply for SNAP and MedicAid. But nothing to see here. It's that mean old Gummit, not your beloved 1%ers.

The 1% people don't benefit by government dependents--Democrats do.

Employers don't need an excuse to slash wages. They can do that with or without a recession. As long as they can get competent people to work, they will pay them whatever workers are willing to work for.
So it's cool to think blacks are smarter, but it's racist to think whites are smarter. At what point do you plan to stop making yourself look more stupid?

I am just the messenger. It is those White employers that seem to believe the American workforce is inferior to that of the Asians. I am just an observer and commentator. Ands do you see that red highlighted text, idiot. That is what I said,and it looks nothing like the lie you quoted me as saying highlighted in blue. You are a dishonest clod without an ounce of decency.

Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.
. Got the ole white Boogeyman figured out eh ? So what you doing about it ? Trashing black Republicans for starters ? Yeah they sold you out, and it's getting worse for your bull crap to fly isn't it ? More and more are figuring out what the Democrats game has been for all these latter years. In the beginning it was a great struggle that millions of whites got on board with, but as things change, and the nation goes backwards into reverse racism if not careful, then the struggle will take on a new meaning for some blacks who have tasted the power, and therefore they want to take that power and to abuse others with it now, and all according to ones race ? Is there a desire for revenge by some, otherwise who continue to teach and live within the 60's ? Many are moving on, living the dream, and not letting the woe's of the past dictate the future generation to come. There is talk of that old whitey being almost gone now, well the same goes for the old racist blacks who can't adjust no matter how much a nation has bent over backwards for them.
Being bright doesn't give you the power to overcome large scale economic factors, like the vast supply of people just like you wiling to do the job cheaply.

But thanks for admitting that they are taking American jobs.

There you go off on a tangent again. Congress is giving the H-1B visa workers the power to displace less qualified native born American workers. You say it because foreign H1-1B employees are cheaper and I beg to differ.That is the key issue you and I have been hashing around for a while now. Before we continue let's settle this by putting linked facts on the table. I'll start with this:

View attachment 79795

Is H1B visa bad for the USA? - Quora

Actually, H1B visas do harm Americans.
New H-1B bill will 'help destroy' U.S. tech workforce

New Data Show How Firms Like Infosys and Tata Abuse the H-1B Program

Lower wages

The principal reason that firms use H-1Bs to replace American workers is because H-1B nonimmigrant workers are much cheaper than locally recruited and hired U.S. workers. As Table 1 shows, Infosys and Tata pay very low wages to their H-1B workers. The average wage for an H-1B employee at Infosys in FY13 was $70,882 and for Tata it was $65,565. Compare this to the average wage of a Computer Systems Analyst in Rosemead, CA (where SCE is located), which is $91,990 (according to the U.S. Department of Labor). That means Infosys and Tata save well over $20,000 per worker per year, by hiring an H-1B instead of a local U.S. worker earning the average wage. But at SCE specifically, the wage savings are much greater. SCE recently commissioned a consulting firm, Aon-Hewitt, to conduct a compensation study, which showed that SCE’s IT specialists were earning an average annual base pay of $110,446. That means Tata and Infosys are getting a 36 to 41 percent savings on labor costs—or saving about $40,000 to $45,000 per worker per year.

They aren't bringing people in that are more skilled. There is no shortage in the US. That myth was debunked several years ago.

Incidently this is why it is absolutely necessary to keep Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and whites divided. So, we can all fight over the scraps at the bottom.

SO what does all of this have to do with Black Republicans? If you have a need for further discussion on this topic try one of these threads:
U.S. Senator blasts Microsoft's H-1B push as it lays off 18,000 workers

View attachment 79864

I don't need those threads. I have posted in many. But, yeah it has everything to do with it.
Everything. Gates Clinton Foundation.

Gates to Congress: Microsoft needs more H-1B visas
Bill Gates makes the (bogus) case for more (cheap) foreign labor

Melinda Gates

Sessions criticizes Gates's call for visas amid Microsoft layoffs

Repubs acknowledging dillema:
Republicans Could Win Votes by Opposing Guest-Worker Programs, by Fred Bauer, National Review

Hillary In Favor of More H1B Visas:

Hillary Clinton made $3.2 million from the tech sector. Now she’s hitting it up for campaign dollars.
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Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
Rich black Republicans are like retired union workers with pensions who vote GOP. They've forgotten where they came from
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
Rich black Republicans are like retired union workers with pensions who vote GOP. They've forgotten where they came from
. Should a welfare recipient remember where they came from (not saying black Republicans were ever welfare recipients if that is what your next thought might be), but like me for example, where as I don't define myself by my past because I moved on from it long ago. The reason it is accused of black Republicans not remembering where they came from, is because their are those blacks who figure no matter what happens, successful blacks can never leave the struggle, and therefore their success is to be used to help those still left behind in the so called struggle or be chastised for it if don't, and if they don't then they will be branded Uncle Tom's or traitors etc. The reason people can't use their success to help all those who are part of a so called huge struggle, and especially one that is full of characters who might abuse the notion in which has taken place in the past ? How can anyone tell who is not a racist, race hustler, con man or other in life, and this by looking at ones skin color ? You can't, and that is the dilemma facing all groups upon who is truly in a struggle as based upon their choices made in life or if they were actually being mistreated in life as based upon their color, gender or other in life.
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If you ask a black person how he or she votes, they will tell you Democrat.

Ask them why, and they will tell you that Democrats are for the little people.

Ask who told them that, and they will tell you Democrat politicians.

I've always looked at Democrat voters as weak minded people; able to be brainwashed at any given time. They are told what to think, but now why they should think it.

There are few "better" examples of why.........after all is said and your heart-of-hearts you TOO simply think that blacks are "stupid" for voting democrat.....Try as you will to hide it, once you begin your spewing your own latent racism emerges.

It's like trying to find gold in a silver mine.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
Rich black Republicans are like retired union workers with pensions who vote GOP. They've forgotten where they came from
. Should a welfare recipient remember where they came from (not saying black Republicans were ever welfare recipients if that is what your next thought might be), but like me for example, where as I don't define myself by my past because I moved on from it long ago. The reason it is accused of black Republicans not remembering where they came from, is because their are those blacks who figure no matter what happens, successful blacks can never leave the struggle, and therefore their success is to be used to help those still left behind in the so called struggle or be chastised for it if don't, and if they don't then they will be branded Uncle Tom's or traitors etc.
The thing is I agree with a lot of what Republicans say about personal responsibility. So I put myself in the shoes of someone who's successful and then them forgetting where they came from. Doesn't matter if they are black or white anyone voting GOP is either basically stupid or greedy. Or someone who thinks they'd prefer an every man for himself world rather than a we the people country.

I'm worried about the future world we live in most of you trumpys are selfish seniors who got yours.

Or you're conned with God guns gays and racism.
If you ask a black person how he or she votes, they will tell you Democrat.

Ask them why, and they will tell you that Democrats are for the little people.

Ask who told them that, and they will tell you Democrat politicians.

I've always looked at Democrat voters as weak minded people; able to be brainwashed at any given time. They are told what to think, but now why they should think it.

There are few "better" examples of why.........after all is said and your heart-of-hearts you TOO simply think that blacks are "stupid" for voting democrat.....Try as you will to hide it, once you begin your spewing your own latent racism emerges.

It's like trying to find gold in a silver mine.
. Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
Rich black Republicans are like retired union workers with pensions who vote GOP. They've forgotten where they came from
. Should a welfare recipient remember where they came from (not saying black Republicans were ever welfare recipients if that is what your next thought might be), but like me for example, where as I don't define myself by my past because I moved on from it long ago. The reason it is accused of black Republicans not remembering where they came from, is because their are those blacks who figure no matter what happens, successful blacks can never leave the struggle, and therefore their success is to be used to help those still left behind in the so called struggle or be chastised for it if don't, and if they don't then they will be branded Uncle Tom's or traitors etc.
The thing is I agree with a lot of what Republicans say about personal responsibility. So I put myself in the shoes of someone who's successful and then them forgetting where they came from. Doesn't matter if they are black or white anyone voting GOP is either basically stupid or greedy. Or someone who thinks they'd prefer an every man for himself world rather than a we the people country.

I'm worried about the future world we live in most of you trumpys are selfish seniors who got yours.

Or you're conned with God guns gays and racism.
. Yes it is everyman for himself when working towards or achieving his or her personal success in life (nothing wrong with that), and after that achievement is secure to some extent, then they usually give to their fav charities, their family members who might be in need, their bills, healthcare needs, retirement, and so on and so forth. The thing about the black struggle, and it's demands on those blacks who become successful in life, is that these blacks are expected to give to a group based upon it being tied together by race, the supposed struggle of the race, and if not then they are considered traitors to the race.

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