Black republicans...who are they really?

Idiot OP is confused because all blacks don't think alike. So, asking who are these black Republicans makes you look really racist and stupid. Sorry, master, was I supposed to ask your permission to take a stand politically?
They are Black. They are Republican. They do not use race as a crutch for failure in life.

Careful're showing your prejudices implying that black democrats have "failed in life".....
(red necks are so damn hard to hide, don't you think?)
. He didn't say black Democrats have failed (your implication), but he did say Democrat failures that they don't want any part of. Whose looking hard for a racist, but not finding one yet ? You are is who.
This may come as a shock to you, but black people get unemployment benefits too. Just like there are white people on food stamps.

You miss my point.

When I say "Social Security", you think of your elderly grandma.

When I say "unemployment", you think of the guy on the docks who got laid off.

When I say, "Food Stamps" you think some overweight black woman with three kids by three fathers.

And you only think the last one is bad.

The 1% people don't benefit by government dependents--Democrats do.

Employers don't need an excuse to slash wages. They can do that with or without a recession. As long as they can get competent people to work, they will pay them whatever workers are willing to work for.

Of course the 1% benefit. When Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, and the 1%ers can get cheap labor because they know the rest of us are paying for SNAP, Section 8 and Medicaid, they make out like bandits.

Do you make an effort to stay as stupid as you are?
Of course the 1% benefit. When Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, and the 1%ers can get cheap labor because they know the rest of us are paying for SNAP, Section 8 and Medicaid, they make out like bandits.

Do you make an effort to stay as stupid as you are?

Stupid is believing that it's the 1% who are responsible for government goodies. Guess what? It's your liberal politicians responsible for that.

Without these government handouts, people might work more hours, do something to make themselves worth more money, get two jobs if that's what it takes, have some pride in supporting themselves with their own money instead of mine.

It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times: If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't.

Working in industry, we have customers that use temporary services for their workforce. When they need the temps to work more hours than expected, they refuse. Why? Because working more hours means bringing in more money, and bringing in more money means a slash in food stamps and welfare.

And I don't need to retell the story of that couple I evicted from one of my apartments because they kept falling further and further behind on rent. I suggested that the woman get a part-time job on the weekends when her boyfriend was home so he could watch the kids. That way they could keep their apartment and get caught up on rent. She didn't consider it. Why? Because income would screw up her food stamp benefits. So I ended up throwing their worthless asses out on the street.

You miss my point.

When I say "Social Security", you think of your elderly grandma.

When I say "unemployment", you think of the guy on the docks who got laid off.

When I say, "Food Stamps" you think some overweight black woman with three kids by three fathers.

And you only think the last one is bad.

It's amazing how only liberals believe they know what everybody thinks. You people are truly talented. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When you say Social Security, I think of a faulty government program that people are forced to pay into and (if they live long enough) take out later on. I think the same of Unemployment since your salary is based on what your employer has to pay on your behalf in costs and benefits. When I think of food stamps, I think of people milking a system based on what I see in my very own grocery store. I see what they buy with food stamps, see what they buy with their own cash, and see what kind of car they load those groceries in. I see how many kids they bring to the store with them.
But, but, but.... Hillary. I expect this will replace your go-to argument of "but, but, but...Obama!"

Look, guy, even Republicans know Trump is a disaster in the making. I don't know why you don't see it.

They are both disasters. It's just that we have to decide which one is going to be less of a disaster.

You said that Trump is too mentally unstable to have access to the red button. But Hillary imagines people shooting at her when she gets off of airplanes. She has regular conversations with dead people. Ask yourself which one is truly unstable.
People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least!

Very true. Unlike the way the Democrats treated white George Bush.
If not stupid, something's wrong with them! Add women, gays, and Latinos, you have to wonder why these people are supporting and voting against their personal interests?

Yet we will have white people running to the polls to vote for their Democrat politician who is working diligently to make white people a minority in this country.

What did you say about people voting against their own personal interests again??????
People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least!

Very true. Unlike the way the Democrats treated white George Bush.

You're kidding me right? When 911 occurred where 3000 people were killed, no one went on a Jihad to make him responsible, even though evidence showed there were warnings! The man pushed the country into 2 wars using fake intel making it seem like Saddam was ready to launch WMD's on the area! Katrina was more of a disaster when Bush could only fly over it on his way to Arizona to celebrate the birthday of Sen. McCain! Don't try to pull that victim card on me! I can go down a laundry list of things that give credence and justification to HATE "W!" You should have read already how the country was in great shape and he left it in shambles so spare me! I'm the wrong person to play that game with since I lived it! You obviously are too young, stupid, or living in a vacuum! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
Rich black Republicans are like retired union workers with pensions who vote GOP. They've forgotten where they came from
. Should a welfare recipient remember where they came from (not saying black Republicans were ever welfare recipients if that is what your next thought might be), but like me for example, where as I don't define myself by my past because I moved on from it long ago. The reason it is accused of black Republicans not remembering where they came from, is because their are those blacks who figure no matter what happens, successful blacks can never leave the struggle, and therefore their success is to be used to help those still left behind in the so called struggle or be chastised for it if don't, and if they don't then they will be branded Uncle Tom's or traitors etc. The reason people can't use their success to help all those who are part of a so called huge struggle, and especially one that is full of characters who might abuse the notion in which has taken place in the past ? How can anyone tell who is not a racist, race hustler, con man or other in life, and this by looking at ones skin color ? You can't, and that is the dilemma facing all groups upon who is truly in a struggle as based upon their choices made in life or if they were actually being mistreated in life as based upon their color, gender or other in life.

Every person is the sum total of their own decisions cradle to grave. It's just that simple.
Sorry, master, was I supposed to ask your permission to take a stand politically?

Absolutely don't need "my permission" to be an idiot,,,,you're free to show and confirm that every time you post.LOL.
You're kidding me right? When 911 occurred where 3000 people were killed, no one went on a Jihad to make him responsible, even though evidence showed there were warnings! The man pushed the country into 2 wars using fake intel making it seem like Saddam was ready to launch WMD's on the area! Katrina was more of a disaster when Bush could only fly over it on his way to Arizona to celebrate the birthday of Sen. McCain! Don't try to pull that victim card on me! I can go down a laundry list of things that give credence and justification to HATE "W!" You should have read already how the country was in great shape and he left it in shambles so spare me! I'm the wrong person to play that game with since I lived it! You obviously are too young, stupid, or living in a vacuum!

I'm probably old enough to be your father. So now you give us reasons why you and your ilk hate George Bush, yet the only reason we have to hate DumBama is because of race.

I can give you twice the list of things DumBama has done to America to hate him than you can of Bush. And as for Bush, most of your allegations are BS. Care to challenge me, take one at a time.

I won't address each and every one of your nonsensical claims, but I do have time to leave you with a few:

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Bob Woodward Shoots Down Story That Bush Lied to Get U.S. in Iraq War, Implies Obama Troop Pullout Was Wrong Move


Well, if Woodward said it....who could possibly EVER argue????

(Btw, I somewhat agree that Bush was too fucking dumb to stop Cheney from running the country; so, poor Bush-baby didn't actually "lie",,,,,he was just repeating what Cheney told him to say.)
Scott McClellan wrote a great book pretty much admitting what a bunch of neo cons bush/Chaney were.

But remember bush/Chaney are exactly what the GOP is if given the power. Pollute, push religious laws, start wars, tax breaks to the rich, stop funding social programs, cheap labor, send good jobs overseas

Well, if Woodward said it....who could possibly EVER argue????

(Btw, I somewhat agree that Bush was too fucking dumb to stop Cheney from running the country; so, poor Bush-baby didn't actually "lie",,,,,he was just repeating what Cheney told him to say.)
Scott McClellan wrote a great book pretty much admitting what a bunch of neo cons bush/Chaney were.

But remember bush/Chaney are exactly what the GOP is if given the power. Pollute, push religious laws, start wars, tax breaks to the rich, stop funding social programs, cheap labor, send good jobs overseas

I truly believe they want to bankrupt the country so we would feel compelled to repeal all social programs; including Soc. Sec., Medicare, Education, and foreign assistance! They aren't even subtle about it! :blahblah: :argue:
I am just the messenger. It is those White employers that seem to believe the American workforce is inferior to that of the Asians. I am just an observer and commentator. Ands do you see that red highlighted text, idiot. That is what I said,and it looks nothing like the lie you quoted me as saying highlighted in blue. You are a dishonest clod without an ounce of decency.

Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.

Liberal whites are the ones who think blacks aren't capable of competing evenly with whites. You pat yourselves on the backs for your condescending "open mindedness" and don't realize that you are the racists
Is that why "liberal" Whites voted overwhelmingly for Obama? They thought he was capable of competing with John McCain and Sarah Palin, didn't they? Where is the "conservative" RW Black president?…oh, I forgot, he hasn't been born yet!

If you really want to get a more expansive view of how "liberal" White and Black democrats have joined together to combat racism and discrimination by conservative traditionalists, here is a must read for you:

Things Democrats have done for Black people.
Various measures were carried out by the Kennedy Justice Department to enforce court orders and existing legislation. The Kennedy Administration promoted a Voter Education Project which led to 688,800 between the 1st of April 1962 and the 1st of November 1964, while the Civil Rights Division brought over forty-two suits in four states in order to secure voting rights for blacks. In addition, Kennedy supported the anti-poll tax amendment, which cleared Congress in September 1962 (although it was not ratified until 1964 as the Twenty-fourth Amendment). As noted by one student of black voting in the South, in relation to the attempts by the Kennedy Administration to promote civil rights, “Whereas the Eisenhower lawyers had moved deliberately, the Kennedy-Johnson attorneys pushed the judiciary far more earnestly.”[35]
Can you imagine how depressed the economy would be now if those poor people hadn't spent those trillions of dollars on goods and services keeping people like YOU employed.
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.
. They don't receive enough to save anything eh ? And why is that ? Why can't they save anything, and why are they themselves not working as hard as they can to get out of such a situation ? I sure wouldn't want to stay in a situation where I only had enough to barely get by on, and then that amount be given to me as a handout that creates dependency over time.
Why don't you try living on what a welfare recipient makes for a month? Or just live with a family on AFDC for a month and see firsthand how they survive. Only after you have done that will you be qualified to judge objectively. Dependency is not as prevalent as you suggest. Most people stay on welfare for an average of two years.
. Information alert - My family was on welfare when I was young, but I saw the dependency it created, and I vowed to not live like that myself. Now how many think like me, and how many are consumed with it ? I think I was the exception to the rule maybe as it were for others from the period, and hopefully there were many more like me. I see alot of people dependent on it all these days, because these days they have tried to glamorize it as if it is a great thing anymore.
What welfare benefit are you talking about? AFDC or food stamps? And what part of the sentence " two years is the average time a spends on welfare" do you NOT understand?
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.

Liberal whites are the ones who think blacks aren't capable of competing evenly with whites. You pat yourselves on the backs for your condescending "open mindedness" and don't realize that you are the racists

Well I guess that's one way to deflect! Leaning from Trump after he called Warren a "racist" for saying she's part "Native American!" That really makes sense! What a fk'n idiot! :anj_stfu: :ahole-1: :blahblah:

You're the party who thinks blacks need the bar lowered, pure racism
Where is the "bar" being lowered. I don'w want your silly opinion, I want to see a credible link that supports your premise…are you up to it?
. Do you realize how much farther this nation would be along if that money would have been put into the American black, white, hispanic, and etc. workers pockets to redistribute at will, instead of into the pockets of those who are bilked out of it by wolves lined up to take it all, and then leave them even poorer than they were before or to begin with ?

The poor aren't "bilked" out of their welfare money. They use it to pay bills and to buy food, clothing and a treat once in a while for their kids. Food stamps are part of the trillion dollars spent too and there is no bilking there. The poor remain poor even when they work and use AFDC or food stamps to survive. That is because they don't receive enough income to save anything.
. They don't receive enough to save anything eh ? And why is that ? Why can't they save anything, and why are they themselves not working as hard as they can to get out of such a situation ? I sure wouldn't want to stay in a situation where I only had enough to barely get by on, and then that amount be given to me as a handout that creates dependency over time.

They don't have to work hard to get out of it. Many receiving handouts get as much or more than they could earn in a job with the skills they offer. For example, take the high school dropout that has little to no marketable skills that doesn't make much. His/her actions are the cause of that low income. If they don't have the ability to save much, it's because of the choice they made and not the place of anyone else to offset that bad choice. If someone with little to no skills can get as much doing nothing as working 40 hours/week, there is no incentive to work and continuing to support that person creates dependency of that person.

Dependency insinuates perpetual welfare and that doesn't wash with the average of two years on welfare findings.
. Two years on paper, but what about all the tricks of the trade eh ?
Can you back that supposition up with llnks?
I am just the messenger. It is those White employers that seem to believe the American workforce is inferior to that of the Asians. I am just an observer and commentator. Ands do you see that red highlighted text, idiot. That is what I said,and it looks nothing like the lie you quoted me as saying highlighted in blue. You are a dishonest clod without an ounce of decency.

Yet another skin color and another chance for you to show another bigotry. You in no way think the races are equally capable
I don't believe in race but in either case it is silly to assess achievement in terms of race. It is only the ideas and innovations of exceptional individuals within any group that keeps humankind progressing. Most people of any race are average drones. having nothing to do with progress except following in the footsteps of those who blazed the trail. But average RW White males seem to want to take credit for what individual geniuses have done.

Yes, whitie is oppressing the black man. The more you talk, the more you make clear what a racist bigot you really are
The more you post the more you make clear how much of an ignoramus you are. "White" implies all White males. Liberal White males , the ones you hate, are "White" too, and I don't have a beef with most of them. It is you RW "conservative" types that make me sick.

You aren't oppressing the "black" man but you want to. They aren't letting you do that anymore so you get angry about that… yeah, we got ya figured out.
. Got the ole white Boogeyman figured out eh ? So what you doing about it ? Trashing black Republicans for starters ? Yeah they sold you out, and it's getting worse for your bull crap to fly isn't it ? More and more are figuring out what the Democrats game has been for all these latter years. In the beginning it was a great struggle that millions of whites got on board with, but as things change, and the nation goes backwards into reverse racism if not careful, then the struggle will take on a new meaning for some blacks who have tasted the power, and therefore they want to take that power and to abuse others with it now, and all according to ones race ? Is there a desire for revenge by some, otherwise who continue to teach and live within the 60's ? Many are moving on, living the dream, and not letting the woe's of the past dictate the future generation to come. There is talk of that old whitey being almost gone now, well the same goes for the old racist blacks who can't adjust no matter how much a nation has bent over backwards for them.
Are you a conservative traditionalist? How does a Black republican fit into that paradigm? Why would a Black republican be pining for the "good ol' days before 1964?

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