Black republicans...who are they really?

Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.
The only hope for the rest of the blacks in democrat voting districts............
Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.

If not stupid, something's wrong with them! Add women, gays, and Latinos, you have to wonder why these people are supporting and voting against their personal interests? How disgusting does the RNC have to be to run these groups off?
Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.
. If not stupid in your mind, then what are they in your mind, especially with your wild assumptions about them doing it for fame, notoriety etc. ? I think you think their stupid and traitors alright. Others have called them stupid here, but did you respond to them ? Crickets.
Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.

If not stupid, something's wrong with them! Add women, gays, and Latinos, you have to wonder why these people are supporting and voting against their personal interests? How disgusting does the RNC have to be to run these groups off?
. Haven't run these groups off ever. They have not tried to join the Republicans ever or up until now. The blacks who have joined the conservative lifestyle, and for whom are enjoying it to it's fullest, are looked at by those who oppose the conservative group's culture as being stupid for finding out that the culture is a great one ? Too funny. There is a theory among some blacks, that if you join a white culture in which a majority of whites created long ago, that there is no way that a black will be accepted in such a culture, but it is a falsehood that an American be it black, white, yellow, brown or etc. can't join or adopt the conservative culture, and it's unique belief system in which is open to all Americans regardless of their color.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
They are Black. They are Republican. They do not use race as a crutch for failure in life.
Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.

If not stupid, something's wrong with them! Add women, gays, and Latinos, you have to wonder why these people are supporting and voting against their personal interests? How disgusting does the RNC have to be to run these groups off?
. Haven't run these groups off ever. They have not tried to join the Republicans ever or up until now. The blacks who have joined the conservative lifestyle, and for whom are enjoying it to it's fullest, are looked at by those who oppose the conservative group's culture as being stupid for finding out that the culture is a great one ? Too funny. There is a theory among some blacks, that if you join a white culture in which a majority of whites created long ago, that there is no way that a black will be accepted in such a culture, but it is a falsehood that an American be it black, white, yellow, brown or etc. can't join or adopt the conservative culture, and it's unique belief system in which is open to all Americans regardless of their color.

People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least! :argue: :9: :banghead:
Trump is 70 years old.

He has been flamboyant. He has not been crazy.

People don't change at 70. He will remain, not crazy.

Your fears are not reasonable.

You are panic mongering.

so you are saying people can't lose their fucking minds? How do we know Trump isn't going through some kind of senile dementia.

You know, unlike your crazy Uncle Bob, who starts screaming the Mexicans are stealing his tomatoes, Trump has the ability to actually shoot them.

No thanks.
SO, you deny the Law of Supply and Demand.

If Hispanics want an open border so their fellow HIspanics can keep coming in, THEY are working against the interests of the rest of Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.

Nothing you have said addressed this simple truth.

The simple truth is they are taking jobs nobody else wants. Please.

My enemy is not the poor person from Mexico who couldn't do my job. It's the rich person who screws me over because I might collect on that health insurance I spent six years paying into.

His support came, not from "Bubba Rednecks" but a lot from the Religious Right, who were stupid to believe the lies of the media about women.

YOur assumption that is was racist is circular reasoning AND contradictory.

YOu assume his support was racist, even though he is obviously black.

I'm going to explain this to you one more time. Because you are a racist bubba redneck who tells a pollster before one vote has been cast that you support some Uncle Tom doesn't make you less racist. Keyes, Cain, Carson didn't get that many votes. YOu all found a white guy to vote for at the end of the day.

The fact he was what they scraped off the bottom of the "Not Romney" barrel after all the other Not Romneys had imploded, before you all lined up and voted for Magic Underpants anyway, tells me you are all ready to vote for the "White and Delightsome" candidate at the end of the day... because it would never occur to you to do anything else.
Oh right, schools in those big blue cities were kicked out of the program because they were just a screwed as the alternative. The programs still exist, commiecrats tend to fuck up everything they touch. Any bets on who were running those schools, I'd bet it's similar commiecrat scum that ran dissolved charter schools in Houston.

Uh, guy, nobody wants to run a Voucher Scam in a rich suburb. the people there are rich enough to already send their kids to a private school and they don't want to share them with poor kids.

No, the thing is Voucher and Charter scams in the inner cities are successful scams because no one holds them to account. Teaching the kids was never the point, the point was to weaken the teacher unions.

I'm sorry you are too dumb to get this, Cleetus.
They are Black. They are Republican. They do not use race as a crutch for failure in life.

Careful're showing your prejudices implying that black democrats have "failed in life".....
(red necks are so damn hard to hide, don't you think?)
They are Black. They are Republican. They do not use race as a crutch for failure in life.

Careful're showing your prejudices implying that black democrats have "failed in life".....
(red necks are so damn hard to hide, don't you think?)
Overall, they have. Total reliance on federal programs. 70% of black babies born out of wedlock and into poverty. That not a national problem. That's a black problem.
Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.

If not stupid, something's wrong with them! Add women, gays, and Latinos, you have to wonder why these people are supporting and voting against their personal interests? How disgusting does the RNC have to be to run these groups off?
. Haven't run these groups off ever. They have not tried to join the Republicans ever or up until now. The blacks who have joined the conservative lifestyle, and for whom are enjoying it to it's fullest, are looked at by those who oppose the conservative group's culture as being stupid for finding out that the culture is a great one ? Too funny. There is a theory among some blacks, that if you join a white culture in which a majority of whites created long ago, that there is no way that a black will be accepted in such a culture, but it is a falsehood that an American be it black, white, yellow, brown or etc. can't join or adopt the conservative culture, and it's unique belief system in which is open to all Americans regardless of their color.

People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least! :argue: :9: :banghead:

Southern "red necks" became pseudo democrats ONLY because that "darn" Lincoln.....a republican....freed slaves, and that was an unforgivable "sin" for those southern good ol' boys.
Well Nat thinks the black Republicans are too stupid for voting Republican, so what's the difference ?

No....stupid retort (as expected from a stupid poster on here)....I did NOT state that black repubs. are stupid...From the beginning I posed the hypothesis that blacks who support the GOP are doing so for selfish reasons be be noticed for that difference......and not really for the GOP's recent history for helping the black race that of other minorities.

If not stupid, something's wrong with them! Add women, gays, and Latinos, you have to wonder why these people are supporting and voting against their personal interests? How disgusting does the RNC have to be to run these groups off?
. Haven't run these groups off ever. They have not tried to join the Republicans ever or up until now. The blacks who have joined the conservative lifestyle, and for whom are enjoying it to it's fullest, are looked at by those who oppose the conservative group's culture as being stupid for finding out that the culture is a great one ? Too funny. There is a theory among some blacks, that if you join a white culture in which a majority of whites created long ago, that there is no way that a black will be accepted in such a culture, but it is a falsehood that an American be it black, white, yellow, brown or etc. can't join or adopt the conservative culture, and it's unique belief system in which is open to all Americans regardless of their color.

People forget most, if not all Blacks were Republican way back when, but unfortunately there's been this juxtaposition of North and South where "Blue Dog" Dems converted to the Republican party and things changed drastically! This didn't happen in a vacuum; took time, but it's been obvious! It should be evident that bigots, racists, misogynist, and other reprobates have taken it over! They beat down Obama with little to no respect before he even took office! They've all but called the man "the N word" to his face! Who can forget a Rep. from Alabama who screamed "you lie" at the State Of The Union! Who's done such a thing? He not only was proud of himself, he fund raised off of it! Decades ago, I could very easily vote for a Republican, but after the way they've treated Obama; undermining his family, patriotism, religious affiliation, and intellect, I wouldn't vote one to dog catcher in my city! They allowed themselves to be turned into vile, disgusting animals who have little respect for their country and themselves! The hatred of the man has overwhelmed them and they might not even realize it or care! Anyone who would support such people, I have to take issue with to say the least! :argue: :9: :banghead:

Southern "red necks" became pseudo democrats ONLY because that "darn" Lincoln.....a republican....freed slaves, and that was an unforgivable "sin" for those southern good ol' boys.

Glad to see you are 100 years behind the times. Typical braindead left winger.
Overall, they have. Total reliance on federal programs. 70% of black babies born out of wedlock and into poverty. That not a national problem. That's a black problem.

Again, YOUR red neck is showing through....NOW, blacks are not really part of the nation......You know, words have a way of revealing what really is in one's heart (ask the clown, Trump).....

BTW........visit any fast food joint and see how many blacks are serving that junk......For a bunch of people who ONLY rely on federal programs, somehow they still bother to work for those minimum wages.....perhaps it's just the allure of the aroma of french fries......
This may come as a shock to you, but black people get unemployment benefits too. Just like there are white people on food stamps.

You miss my point.

When I say "Social Security", you think of your elderly grandma.

When I say "unemployment", you think of the guy on the docks who got laid off.

When I say, "Food Stamps" you think some overweight black woman with three kids by three fathers.

And you only think the last one is bad.

The 1% people don't benefit by government dependents--Democrats do.

Employers don't need an excuse to slash wages. They can do that with or without a recession. As long as they can get competent people to work, they will pay them whatever workers are willing to work for.

Of course the 1% benefit. When Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, and the 1%ers can get cheap labor because they know the rest of us are paying for SNAP, Section 8 and Medicaid, they make out like bandits.

Do you make an effort to stay as stupid as you are?
But, but, but.... Hillary. I expect this will replace your go-to argument of "but, but, but...Obama!"

Look, guy, even Republicans know Trump is a disaster in the making. I don't know why you don't see it.

I think he actually does see it....BUT, hate trumps (pardon the exception) .....sanity.
I'm a black republican. Does that count?

The above (without the poster even realizing it) helps to confirm my original hypothesis......i.e., ."...being black AND republican makes me somewhat special among right wingers....."

Actually, it's only the left who brings it up. You guys look around and start counting the colors. If you see colors that you don't think belong somewhere, you are vicious. In true racist fashion, you guys get confused because some people aren't thinking the way they are supposed to based on their color. The thread title proves that you are puzzled to learn that not all blacks think alike.

The left is brutal to Republicans who happen to be black or Hispanic. I don't understand your issue with that. When will you guys just see individuals who think for themselves instead of being obsessed with race and ethnicity?

And stop with the bullshit about addressing each group. If you just see groups instead of Americans, you have the fucking problem.
What other reason is Tyson endorsing trump?

Trump has put a lot of money in Iron Mike's pocket. It's not a mystery at all.


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