black unemployment has risen

Dude, try and get real, okay. Anyone and everyone should understand, that the US does not have a policy of open borders. Get in the game, or get out of it. You are embarrassing yourself.
Then why do we have immigration laws?
No ad hominems; just answer the question.
Under Trump there was the best Black employment ever. Up until Biden's Chicom buddies released their Bio Weapon.

The Negroes evidently didn't want jobs that Trump was providing. They wanted the filthy welfare that Potatohead was promising them.
Everything I read from that link, "BY YOU", tells us one very important thing. WE DO NOT HAVE AN OPEN BORDER POLICY. Do you not understand that?

The BP is reporting that we have 2 million more illegals in the country as of the end of last year. What do you call that if not virtual open borders?
They pay illegals less, plus blacks and whites don't want those jobs anyway, because they don't pay livable wages.

Democrat talking points. I posted (several times now) the jobs that illegals do. They are in nearly every sector of our blue-collar economy. No, you won't find Americans to pick lettuce for $8.00 an hour, but pay 25.00 an hour and they can find Americans who would do those jobs.
The OP does not understand his own argument. He posted a thread because he just hates blacks, is afraid of them, and would just as soon put them back in chains.

Setting all that aside, the unemployment numbers under any president is irrelevant. Up or down. The issue is inclusion. For 400 years, white America has kept black America out of the socio-economic experiment. All one needs to look at, to verify what I am talking about, is to look at our American neighborhoods. You either have government run housing that is almost exclusively black and brown people, or you have middle to upper class white neighborhoods. Our history of exclusion, tells the whole tail. Someone show me by way of documentation where I am wrong.

My suburb was exclusively white years ago. HUD targeted our suburb for destruction on top of several others. They are not stopping. Dementia is taking a DumBama plan of destroying more and putting it on steroids. He is going to threaten nice white neighborhoods federal funds if they don't remove their single family dwelling laws. Renters is how lowlifes invade a nice area.
Democrat talking points. I posted (several times now) the jobs that illegals do. They are in nearly every sector of our blue-collar economy. No, you won't find Americans to pick lettuce for $8.00 an hour, but pay 25.00 an hour and they can find Americans who would do those jobs.
I'm waiting for Smileys from GG and BWK.
For the over 400 years of Blacks living on the North American continent, white privilege has kept most of them out of the socio-economic experiment, by design.

Bullshit. I'm 61 years old and back in the 60's blacks were discriminated against. By the 70's that was pretty much over. So for 50 years blacks had every opportunity in the world to make advancements. Some did, many didn't and still don't today.

I went to a public school in my later teen years and blacks attended the same school. I had the opportunity to attend college or trade school and blacks the same. I got a job when I graduated school and blacks had the same opportunity. I pursued a career and blacks could do the same. I invested the money I made and blacks could have done the same, but many decided they wanted a bunch of kids they couldn't afford instead.
Bullshit. I'm 61 years old and back in the 60's blacks were discriminated against. By the 70's that was pretty much over. So for 50 years blacks had every opportunity in the world to make advancements. Some did, many didn't and still don't today.

I went to a public school in my later teen years and blacks attended the same school. I had the opportunity to attend college or trade school and blacks the same. I got a job when I graduated school and blacks had the same opportunity. I pursued a career and blacks could do the same. I invested the money I made and blacks could have done the same, but many decided they wanted a bunch of kids they couldn't afford instead.
Let's ask BWK about his career!
Let's ask BWK about his career!

I believe he talked about it before; something about medical problems but forget the exact discussion. In any case if you can't work due to medical problems, you can go on disability. If they won't permit you to go on disability, their position is that you can still work for a living.

In any case what I would like him to do is go to the library and ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. He won't find one in the entire library.
Once again....

And it went down the previous month more than the overall UE did and not a single one of you all made a thread about it.

Why is that?

Will you answer the question or will you just keep dancing around like the mindless partisan drone you seem to be?
stay in your lane asshat one more time
"I'm not the one making the claim that 7.1% is good unless you believe black unemployment rising is a good thing.
maybe you and g5000 should get better talking points"
I'm not letting this go I am not allowing you to redirect what I asked

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