black unemployment has risen

That is the dumbest post I have ever read and that's saying something.
Then prove to me by showing me documentation, what are our open border policies? If you do not, then guess who has the "dumbest post?"
Then prove to me by showing me documentation, what are our open border policies? If you do not, then guess who has the "dumbest post?"
Why do we have border guards?
I guess we should defund the border guards.
Here retard...
Why do we have border guards?
I guess we should defund the border guards.
Here retard...
Here what? You didn't copy and paste properly.

And by the way, what does "Why do we have border guards" have to do with open borders? Your question is nonsensical.
Here what? You didn't copy and paste properly.

And by the way, what does "Why do we have border guards" have to do with open borders? Your question is nonsensical.
Because we don't have open borders, retard.
sure, but it still has a long way to go to catch up to where Trump and the GOP had it....all time lows.

Trump had it at 9.2% when he left office. We are already below that.
Please tell me that you have no trespassers in your area.
Perhaps I should move out of NYS.
The coastal states are flooded with trespassers because super wealthy Democrats love cheap, slave labor.

So you have no data to support your claims.

Just like every other day that ends in Y.

You make claims and cannot support them.
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Here what? You didn't copy and paste properly.

And by the way, what does "Why do we have border guards" have to do with open borders? Your question is nonsensical.
I didn’t know we have no immigration laws.
So you have no data to support your claims.

Just like every other day that ends in Y.

You make claims and cannot support them.
Apparently he can't produce documentation for anything. All his arguments come right out of the crack of his ass.
Both parties allow them in and you vote for one of them.
Are you a trespasser?
Here's your problem. You can't present a coherent argument. Both parties allow them in and you vote for one of them. Neither party has a documented policy that allows them in. You said yourself that we have border security guards. So, what do we get from you? A gobbly goo argument by you, that is all over the map. You aren't capable of coherent intelligent debate. Just leave. It's boring trying to figure out your crazy talk.
Here's your problem. You can't present a coherent argument. Both parties allow them in and you vote for one of them. Neither party has a documented policy that allows them in. You said yourself that we have border security guards. So, what do we get from you? A gobbly goo argument by you, that is all over the map. You aren't capable of coherent intelligent debate. Just leave. It's boring trying to figure out your crazy talk.
Here's your problem. You can't present a coherent argument. Both parties allow them in and you vote for one of them. Neither party has a documented policy that allows them in. You said yourself that we have border security guards. So, what do we get from you? A gobbly goo argument by you, that is all over the map. You aren't capable of coherent intelligent debate. Just leave. It's boring trying to figure out your crazy talk.
You are a LibTard who won’t accept any facts that contradict your sick world.
Apparently LibBots won’t look it up.
Dude, try and get real, okay. Anyone and everyone should understand, that the US does not have a policy of open borders. Get in the game, or get out of it. You are embarrassing yourself.

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