Black-white flap in a nutshell in America

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
You have one group-whites who discriminated against another group-blacks and eventhough legal some discriminatory and racist laws have been repealed, removed and or amended, the legacy still remains. Its kind of like what Malcolm X said, if the white man were to pull the 12 inch blade out of the black man's back its still going to leave a scar. Unfortunately, the blade still isn't full out and people want blacks to rejoice at having maybe 6 to 9 inches of the blade pulled out under the name of progress. A problem that existed for well over 300 years isn't going to be erased by 45 years of affirmative action and integration. Both blacks and whites need to fully recognize the legacy of the past and how it dictates the country we live in today instead of being told the past is the past so just forget it about.
You have one group-whites who discriminated against another group-blacks and eventhough legal some discriminatory and racist laws have been repealed, removed and or amended, the legacy still remains. Its kind of like what Malcolm X said, if the white man were to pull the 12 inch blade out of the black man's back its still going to leave a scar. Unfortunately, the blade still isn't full out and people want blacks to rejoice at having maybe 6 to 9 inches of the blade pulled out under the name of progress. A problem that existed for well over 300 years isn't going to be erased by 45 years of affirmative action and integration. Both blacks and whites need to fully recognize the legacy of the past and how it dictates the country we live in today instead of being told the past is the past so just forget it about.

You are a racist and just can not quit hating whites, grow up and be a man. Your problems are not cause of Whitey they are cause you SUCK.
You have one group-whites who discriminated against another group-blacks and eventhough legal some discriminatory and racist laws have been repealed, removed and or amended, the legacy still remains. Its kind of like what Malcolm X said, if the white man were to pull the 12 inch blade out of the black man's back its still going to leave a scar. Unfortunately, the blade still isn't full out and people want blacks to rejoice at having maybe 6 to 9 inches of the blade pulled out under the name of progress. A problem that existed for well over 300 years isn't going to be erased by 45 years of affirmative action and integration. Both blacks and whites need to fully recognize the legacy of the past and how it dictates the country we live in today instead of being told the past is the past so just forget it about.

You are a racist and just can not quit hating whites, grow up and be a man. Your problems are not cause of Whitey they are cause you SUCK.

You don't even know the Bass because if you truly did you would know that the Bass criticizes the Blacks more than whites, especially Middle class blacks who thumb their noses at lower class blacks, but hey, since you're caught up on the Bass' criticism of some whites you will continue with the crybaby role. Punks like you have no problem throwing rocks at blacks and making racist generalizations, but when that truthful criticism that cannot be denied hits up you cry.
RGS is typical of the insecure white racist who likes to jump on statistics to support his insecure racist generalizations about blacks being criminal and ghetto in culture, but when stats show racism against blacks in bank loans, employment, and the criminal justice system he accuses blacks who point this out as playing the race card and ignores his own race card playing tricks which is worse because he play the race card from the bottom of the deck.
RGS is typical of the insecure white racist who likes to jump on statistics to support his insecure racist generalizations about blacks being criminal and ghetto in culture, but when stats show racism against blacks in bank loans, employment, and the criminal justice system he accuses blacks who point this out as playing the race card and ignores his own race card playing tricks which is worse because he play the race card from the bottom of the deck.

You are beyond STUPID. By the way giving people that can not afford to pay it back, loans, is what got us in the mess we are in now. I don't care what color you are, if you can not afford it the Bank should not be forced by the Federal Government or Lawyers or CDivil Rights groups to make BAD loans.

Ohh and it is not my fault a VERY large number of black Teenagers and young adults think crime pays, I suggest you police your own and actually try to get black males to stay around after they make kids.

You are a racist moron.
RGS is typical of the insecure white racist who likes to jump on statistics to support his insecure racist generalizations about blacks being criminal and ghetto in culture, but when stats show racism against blacks in bank loans, employment, and the criminal justice system he accuses blacks who point this out as playing the race card and ignores his own race card playing tricks which is worse because he play the race card from the bottom of the deck.

You are beyond STUPID. By the way giving people that can not afford to pay it back, loans, is what got us in the mess we are in now. I don't care what color you are, if you can not afford it the Bank should not be forced by the Federal Government or Lawyers or CDivil Rights groups to make BAD loans.


There you yet again exposing your racist generalizations and you accuse the Bass of playing the race card? Bad loans wasn't the problem, greedy execs preying on the poor was the problem because in case you haven't notice the greedy execs didn't go poor and lose anything, it was the poor, damn you're such an idiot.

Ohh and it is not my fault a VERY large number of black Teenagers and young adults think crime pays, I suggest you police your own and actually try to get black males to stay around after they make kids.

You are a racist moron

How many black teenagers do you know? You have no stats to back up your racist generalizations about black teens.
RGS is typical of the insecure white racist who likes to jump on statistics to support his insecure racist generalizations about blacks being criminal and ghetto in culture, but when stats show racism against blacks in bank loans, employment, and the criminal justice system he accuses blacks who point this out as playing the race card and ignores his own race card playing tricks which is worse because he play the race card from the bottom of the deck.

You are beyond STUPID. By the way giving people that can not afford to pay it back, loans, is what got us in the mess we are in now. I don't care what color you are, if you can not afford it the Bank should not be forced by the Federal Government or Lawyers or CDivil Rights groups to make BAD loans.


There you yet again exposing your racist generalizations and you accuse the Bass of playing the race card? Bad loans wasn't the problem, greedy execs preying on the poor was the problem because in case you haven't notice the greedy execs didn't go poor and lose anything, it was the poor, damn you're such an idiot.

Ohh and it is not my fault a VERY large number of black Teenagers and young adults think crime pays, I suggest you police your own and actually try to get black males to stay around after they make kids.

You are a racist moron

How many black teenagers do you know? You have no stats to back up your racist generalizations about black teens.

LOL, you are such a MORON. No stats. Please. The Federal Government crime statistics say it all.

Ohh and the Bankers did not cause the crash by giving themselves Bonuses you dumb as a rock shit stain.
Racist Gunnery Sergeant wrote:

I suggest you police your own and actually try to get black males to stay around after they make kids.

?Ghetto culture? doesn?t lead teens astray, U-M study finds

LOL, you are such a MORON. No stats. Please. The Federal Government crime statistics say it all.

Post evidence that large numbers of black teens believe crime pays, using those same stats one can draw the conclusion that the criminal justice system is racist against blacks by being more punitive, but hey, thats playing the race card right? Admit you have no evidence to back your racist statement.

Ohh and the Bankers did not cause the crash by giving themselves Bonuses you dumb as a rock shit stain.

They crashed because of their greed and their inability to run the banks.
Post evidence that large numbers of black teens believe crime pays, using those same stats one can draw the conclusion that the criminal justice system is racist against blacks by being more punitive, but hey, thats playing the race card right? Admit you have no evidence to back your racist statement.

They crashed because of their greed and their inability to run the banks.

Your lack of intelligence makes conversations with you pretty much a waste of time. Maybe someone else will come explain to you your own ignorance, but don't hold your breath on it. Most of the posters here consider you a laughing stock a butt to many jokes.
Racist Gunnery Sergeant wrote:

I suggest you police your own and actually try to get black males to stay around after they make kids.

?Ghetto culture? doesn?t lead teens astray, U-M study finds


"What teens really need is help in sorting out all the mixed messages they're getting," Harding said.

The mixed messages they get are from adults they are exposed to growing up. Sure, mom may be a good mom, but while she is at work the neighborhood rats are workin her kid. Serg. is right. The males need to stay with their kids and I know you realize that Charlie. No amount of hate for white guys is gonna soften that truth.
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Racist Gunnery Sergeant wrote:

I suggest you police your own and actually try to get black males to stay around after they make kids.

?Ghetto culture? doesn?t lead teens astray, U-M study finds


"What teens really need is help in sorting out all the mixed messages they're getting," Harding said.

The mixed messages they get are from adults they are exposed to growing up. Sure, mom may be a good mom, but while she is at work the neighborhood rats are workin her kid. Serg. is right. The males need to stay with their kids and I know you realize that Charlie. No amount of hate for white guys is gonna soften that truth.

RacistGS is not right, he is wrong and has posted no evidence for his claim on black teens.
Post evidence that large numbers of black teens believe crime pays, using those same stats one can draw the conclusion that the criminal justice system is racist against blacks by being more punitive, but hey, thats playing the race card right? Admit you have no evidence to back your racist statement.

They crashed because of their greed and their inability to run the banks.

Ya you did not post this, Thanks for playing retard.
Ya you did not post this, Thanks for playing retard.

Do you have your butt screwed on to where your head is supposed to be? You have posted nil evidence RacistGySgt, nil, your assertion was that poor people not paying back loans were the cause, which is untrue, it was greed, the same thing that caused the collapse of the automobile industry almost.
Ya you did not post this, Thanks for playing retard.

Do you have your butt screwed on to where your head is supposed to be? You have posted nil evidence RacistGySgt, nil, your assertion was that poor people not paying back loans were the cause, which is untrue, it was greed, the same thing that caused the collapse of the automobile industry almost.

You lost so are resorting to lies, thanks for playing.
Ya you did not post this, Thanks for playing retard.

Do you have your butt screwed on to where your head is supposed to be? You have posted nil evidence RacistGySgt, nil, your assertion was that poor people not paying back loans were the cause, which is untrue, it was greed, the same thing that caused the collapse of the automobile industry almost.

You lost so are resorting to lies, thanks for playing.

Where is your proof that banks forced into giving people bad loans? Where is your evidence that large numbers of black teens think crime pays? Quit acting like a pussycat and man up and post your evidence.
You have one group-whites who discriminated against another group-blacks and eventhough legal some discriminatory and racist laws have been repealed, removed and or amended, the legacy still remains. Its kind of like what Malcolm X said, if the white man were to pull the 12 inch blade out of the black man's back its still going to leave a scar. Unfortunately, the blade still isn't full out and people want blacks to rejoice at having maybe 6 to 9 inches of the blade pulled out under the name of progress. A problem that existed for well over 300 years isn't going to be erased by 45 years of affirmative action and integration. Both blacks and whites need to fully recognize the legacy of the past and how it dictates the country we live in today instead of being told the past is the past so just forget it about.

I don’t believe the blade is still in. Until the black people take the chip off their shoulder they won’t truly be free. They will always make false accusations of racism where none exist instead of improving themselves. I believe it’s time for the blacks to take advantage of being free instead of remaining slaves to the past.

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