Blue Lives Never Really Mattered

Law and Order was fake news also.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs? lives matter....

until they don't.

The officer even described coming face-to-face with police officers from across the country in the mob. He said some of them flashed their badges, telling him to let them through, and trying to explain that this was all part of a movement that was supposed to help.

“You have the nerve to be holding a Blue Lives Matter flag, and you are out there fucking us up,” he told one group of protesters he encountered inside the Capitol. “[One guy] pulled out his badge and he said, ‘We’re doing this for you.’ Another guy had his badge. So I was like, ‘Well, you gotta be kidding.’”

Another officer, a newer recruit, echoed these sentiments, saying that where he was on the steps to the Rotunda on the east side of the Capitol, he was engaged in hand-to-hand battles trying to fight the attackers off. But he said they were outnumbered 10 to 1, and described extraordinary scenes in which protesters holding Blue Lives Matter flags launched themselves at police officers.

“We were telling them to back up and get away and stop, and they’re telling us they are on our side, and they’re doing this for us, and they’re saying this as I’m getting punched in my face by one of them … That happened to a lot of us. We were getting pepper-sprayed in the face by those protesters — I'm not going to even call them protesters — by those domestic terrorists,” said the officer.

But, but, but...the loons gave the go-ahead...didn't they?
I remember the rhetoric about blue lives and black lives over the summer and it somehow mattered.

Now I see that neither matters to anyone. It seems both are forgotten like it was predicted last year. An election has a way of ending causes until the next election.
Is it possible that blacks are simply more criminal?
Why are so many blacks arrested, sentenced and incarcerated in black loving Lib shitholes such as Loon York, Mexifornia...etc etc?

Is it possible that the crime rates for blacks is mostly due to the fact that black people on average are more impoverished? It it possible you're attributing something to blacks when it should actually be attributed to poverty? Maybe black people aren't more criminal. Maybe poor people are more criminal because they're more desperate.
I remember the rhetoric about blue lives and black lives over the summer and it somehow mattered.

Now I see that neither matters to anyone. It seems both are forgotten like it was predicted last year. An election has a way of ending causes until the next election.

This event created an ugly irony. Black police officers, defending the capital against a mob, attacked and called ****** by protestors wearing blue lives matter gear. Kind of completely messed up.
Is it possible that blacks are simply more criminal?
Why are so many blacks arrested, sentenced and incarcerated in black loving Lib shitholes such as Loon York, Mexifornia...etc etc?

Is it possible that the crime rates for blacks is mostly due to the fact that black people on average are more impoverished? It it possible you're attributing something to blacks when it should actually be attributed to poverty? Maybe black people aren't more criminal. Maybe poor people are more criminal because they're more desperate.

Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.
Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.

Only somebody that actually believes blacks are less than other races could believe that it's not attributed to poverty rather than race. I find it unlikely that black people are just savage animals. Some might blame it on their culture, but anything that's wrong with their culture can almost certainly be attributed to poverty too. I think it's pretty obvious that poverty is the real enemy here.
Not true...Post the data so I can blow it up for you.

It is true and has been true for as long as they've been doing studies on it.
Recidivism. Young blacks commit more crimes at an earlier age and get more time befitting their rap sheets.

If you've been busted once, that would not be the same as being busted several times. That's how it works.
Is it possible that blacks are simply more criminal?
Why are so many blacks arrested, sentenced and incarcerated in black loving Lib shitholes such as Loon York, Mexifornia...etc etc?

Is it possible that the crime rates for blacks is mostly due to the fact that black people on average are more impoverished? It it possible you're attributing something to blacks when it should actually be attributed to poverty? Maybe black people aren't more criminal. Maybe poor people are more criminal because they're more desperate.

Nope..."impoverished" doesn't equal criminality...That's an excuse concocted for dark people.
The proof is in nearly all white Appalachia.
"There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."
I remember the rhetoric about blue lives and black lives over the summer and it somehow mattered.

Now I see that neither matters to anyone. It seems both are forgotten like it was predicted last year. An election has a way of ending causes until the next election.
This event created an ugly irony. Black police officers, defending the capital against a mob, attacked and called ****** by protestors wearing blue lives matter gear. Kind of completely messed up.

We were messed up long ago, blue lives and black lives never mattered to either group.
Is it possible that blacks are simply more criminal?
Why are so many blacks arrested, sentenced and incarcerated in black loving Lib shitholes such as Loon York, Mexifornia...etc etc?

Is it possible that the crime rates for blacks is mostly due to the fact that black people on average are more impoverished? It it possible you're attributing something to blacks when it should actually be attributed to poverty? Maybe black people aren't more criminal. Maybe poor people are more criminal because they're more desperate.

Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.
Negative...all bullshit concocted by woke white guilt whackos...
"impoverished" doesn't equal criminality.
The proof is in nearly all white Appalachia.
"There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."
Nope..."impoverished" doesn't equal criminality...That's an excuse concocted for dark people.
The proof is in nearly all white Appalachia.
"There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."

Is that anecdote really enough to guarantee everything you're trying to suggest here? Are black people just naturally less civilized in your view? Can it really not be attributed to anything but their skin color?
  • Thanks
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Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.

Only somebody that actually believes blacks are less than other races could believe that it's not attributed to poverty rather than race. I find it unlikely that black people are just savage animals. Some might blame it on their culture, but anything that's wrong with their culture can almost certainly be attributed to poverty too. I think it's pretty obvious that poverty is the real enemy here.

Are there any Caucasians in Lost Angeles?
OR are dark people a far greater liability for society?
Don't be scared to be honest...remember, honesty is a good thing.
Coyote do you want to give it a try?
Law and Order was fake news also.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs?
JANUARY 16, 2021

“Blue Lives” never really mattered to you, did they? At least, not as much as your white life. Don’t worry about letting us down or crushing our hopes. We never really believed you anyway. We could see what you were doing from the beginning even if you couldn’t."

That’s how delusion and self-denial work: the farther from them you are the easier they are to recognize, which is why you couldn’t see what was in the mirror staring back at you.

We all suspected Blue Lives Matter was a performative exercise: merely a desperate defensive gesture to deny the reality in front of you, a noisy and distracting redirection away from what your eyes were seeing and from what your mind could not accept.

When the murders of black people became too brazen, when the systemic supremacist poison of law enforcement paraded itself down the street without reservation, when the depth of the pervasive hatred afflicting our nation could no longer be denied—you needed an alternative truth that would exempt you from speaking and exonerate your guilt.

You needed a way out.

And so you crafted a convenient narrative that could move you from reluctant accomplice to valiant hero: a manufactured noble cause to support; a different reality where you were not in complete contempt of people of color, but an impartial, objective defender of “law and order.”

It was always a shaky and flimsy facade at best.

We could see through the cracks in your carefully couched Facebook posts, your off-hand subtle slurs at dinner, and your persistent white whataboutisms that defied logic—and into the depths of your cancerous heart. Yet you doubled down again and again, maybe to convince yourself as much as persuade us, and you thought at least you were partially successful.

But on a Wednesday afternoon in January, that all changed.

There on the steps of our Capitol, in the middle of the day and in the raking light of a watching world, your showy, empty display of reverence of law enforcement found itself under an attack it simply could not withstand.

You found your true allegiances assailed and you could not abide violence against them, despite how hypocritical that declared you, how exposed your fraudulence would be, and how irreparably the damage to your fragile mythology.

When it came time to choose police officers or supremacy, between those fighting for justice and a wave of inhumanity that carried your pigmentation, ratified your conspiracies, and shared your politics, the decision was instinctive: you had to align with white nationalism.

You had to preserve MAGA at any cost.

And so there on the steps of the Capitol and in the very halls of Congress, you watched Blue Lives crushed behind the force of a traitorous mob, you saw Blue Lives being beaten to death with the flags of your two white saviors, you saw Blue Lives surrounded and trampled by a throng of domestic terrorists.

And in that moment, all of your false stories burned away and all your empty platitudes dissolved; your black, white, and blue flags were torn to shreds.

And now, all that remains is you: uncovered and exposed and left to account for the depths of the heart that you carry in your chest and the truth about what kind of lives really matter to you.

Maybe it’s time to face the mirror.

No more white lies about blue lives.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs?.

Don't these words sound familiar? Ol IM2 was a radical black racist for seeing the obvious from the start. And when the day came to respect the blue, MAGA had none of it. Blue lives don't matter to trump supporters and neither does law and order. Those things only mean one thing, shut up nwords we will do what we want to you.

You can flip that very easily though and say the democrats and the left didn't really give a fuck about the Police when they've been making excuses for (at best) and celebrating (at worst) the nutjobs rioting, looting, protesting all summer wanting the Police defunded but now all of a sudden stand side-by-side with them due to the nutjobs on the other side that stormed the Capitol.

Again the left's hypocrisy is more or less in orbit it's so far out there.
The Left has no monopoly on hypocrisy. Human nature says the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The cops trying to stop the Capitol invasion were the enemy to the 'patriots' there as they were to the BLM protestors.

I absolutely don't disagree with that.

However, I still think the hypocrisy from the left is a sight to behold on loads of things. This being but one.
The stuff you call leftist hypocrisy are primarily right wing false equivalences.
Law and Order was fake news also.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs?
JANUARY 16, 2021

“Blue Lives” never really mattered to you, did they? At least, not as much as your white life. Don’t worry about letting us down or crushing our hopes. We never really believed you anyway. We could see what you were doing from the beginning even if you couldn’t."

That’s how delusion and self-denial work: the farther from them you are the easier they are to recognize, which is why you couldn’t see what was in the mirror staring back at you.

We all suspected Blue Lives Matter was a performative exercise: merely a desperate defensive gesture to deny the reality in front of you, a noisy and distracting redirection away from what your eyes were seeing and from what your mind could not accept.

When the murders of black people became too brazen, when the systemic supremacist poison of law enforcement paraded itself down the street without reservation, when the depth of the pervasive hatred afflicting our nation could no longer be denied—you needed an alternative truth that would exempt you from speaking and exonerate your guilt.

You needed a way out.

And so you crafted a convenient narrative that could move you from reluctant accomplice to valiant hero: a manufactured noble cause to support; a different reality where you were not in complete contempt of people of color, but an impartial, objective defender of “law and order.”

It was always a shaky and flimsy facade at best.

We could see through the cracks in your carefully couched Facebook posts, your off-hand subtle slurs at dinner, and your persistent white whataboutisms that defied logic—and into the depths of your cancerous heart. Yet you doubled down again and again, maybe to convince yourself as much as persuade us, and you thought at least you were partially successful.

But on a Wednesday afternoon in January, that all changed.

There on the steps of our Capitol, in the middle of the day and in the raking light of a watching world, your showy, empty display of reverence of law enforcement found itself under an attack it simply could not withstand.

You found your true allegiances assailed and you could not abide violence against them, despite how hypocritical that declared you, how exposed your fraudulence would be, and how irreparably the damage to your fragile mythology.

When it came time to choose police officers or supremacy, between those fighting for justice and a wave of inhumanity that carried your pigmentation, ratified your conspiracies, and shared your politics, the decision was instinctive: you had to align with white nationalism.

You had to preserve MAGA at any cost.

And so there on the steps of the Capitol and in the very halls of Congress, you watched Blue Lives crushed behind the force of a traitorous mob, you saw Blue Lives being beaten to death with the flags of your two white saviors, you saw Blue Lives surrounded and trampled by a throng of domestic terrorists.

And in that moment, all of your false stories burned away and all your empty platitudes dissolved; your black, white, and blue flags were torn to shreds.

And now, all that remains is you: uncovered and exposed and left to account for the depths of the heart that you carry in your chest and the truth about what kind of lives really matter to you.

Maybe it’s time to face the mirror.

No more white lies about blue lives.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs?.

Don't these words sound familiar? Ol IM2 was a radical black racist for seeing the obvious from the start. And when the day came to respect the blue, MAGA had none of it. Blue lives don't matter to trump supporters and neither does law and order. Those things only mean one thing, shut up nwords we will do what we want to you.

You can flip that very easily though and say the democrats and the left didn't really give a fuck about the Police when they've been making excuses for (at best) and celebrating (at worst) the nutjobs rioting, looting, protesting all summer wanting the Police defunded but now all of a sudden stand side-by-side with them due to the nutjobs on the other side that stormed the Capitol.

Again the left's hypocrisy is more or less in orbit it's so far out there.
The Left has no monopoly on hypocrisy. Human nature says the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The cops trying to stop the Capitol invasion were the enemy to the 'patriots' there as they were to the BLM protestors.

I absolutely don't disagree with that.

However, I still think the hypocrisy from the left is a sight to behold on loads of things. This being but one.
The stuff you call leftist hypocrisy are primarily right wing false equivalences.

No they aren't.

The very fact you think that proves you're an absolute mug.
Nope..."impoverished" doesn't equal criminality...That's an excuse concocted for dark people.
The proof is in nearly all white Appalachia.
"There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."

Is that anecdote really enough to guarantee everything you're trying to suggest here? Are black people just naturally less civilized in your view? Can it really not be attributed to anything but their skin color?

Look, I’m not making this shit up...I’m simply not afraid to acknowledge reality, facts and statistics...I won’t dumb myself down in the name of PC.
Look at every single predominantly dark community, city, state and nation and tell me what you find?
I’ll stand by and await your report.
Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.

Only somebody that actually believes blacks are less than other races could believe that it's not attributed to poverty rather than race. I find it unlikely that black people are just savage animals. Some might blame it on their culture, but anything that's wrong with their culture can almost certainly be attributed to poverty too. I think it's pretty obvious that poverty is the real enemy here.

Are there any Caucasians in Lost Angeles?
OR are dark people a far greater liability for society?
Don't be scared to be honest...remember, honesty is a good thing.
Coyote do you want to give it a try?
The fact is that whites commit the most crime. You can make all the excuses about population, didive 2 numbers then multiply the percentage by 10,000 and try comparing rural towns in Appalachia to major cities all you want, but the fact is whites have everything necessary to reduce crime in most of the white population, but commit the most crime in this country.
Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.

Only somebody that actually believes blacks are less than other races could believe that it's not attributed to poverty rather than race. I find it unlikely that black people are just savage animals. Some might blame it on their culture, but anything that's wrong with their culture can almost certainly be attributed to poverty too. I think it's pretty obvious that poverty is the real enemy here.

Are there any Caucasians in Lost Angeles?
OR are dark people a far greater liability for society?
Don't be scared to be honest...remember, honesty is a good thing.
Coyote do you want to give it a try?
The fact is that whites commit the most crime. You can make all the excuses about population, didive 2 numbers then multiply the percentage by 10,000 and try comparing rural towns in Appalachia to major cities all you want, but the fact is whites have everything necessary to reduce crime in most of the white population, but commit the most crime in this country.
Did you know Blacks commit 100% of the crime in Somalia and Liberia?
Whites commit ZERO crime there...Crazy huh?
Law and Order was fake news also.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs?
JANUARY 16, 2021

“Blue Lives” never really mattered to you, did they? At least, not as much as your white life. Don’t worry about letting us down or crushing our hopes. We never really believed you anyway. We could see what you were doing from the beginning even if you couldn’t."

That’s how delusion and self-denial work: the farther from them you are the easier they are to recognize, which is why you couldn’t see what was in the mirror staring back at you.

We all suspected Blue Lives Matter was a performative exercise: merely a desperate defensive gesture to deny the reality in front of you, a noisy and distracting redirection away from what your eyes were seeing and from what your mind could not accept.

When the murders of black people became too brazen, when the systemic supremacist poison of law enforcement paraded itself down the street without reservation, when the depth of the pervasive hatred afflicting our nation could no longer be denied—you needed an alternative truth that would exempt you from speaking and exonerate your guilt.

You needed a way out.

And so you crafted a convenient narrative that could move you from reluctant accomplice to valiant hero: a manufactured noble cause to support; a different reality where you were not in complete contempt of people of color, but an impartial, objective defender of “law and order.”

It was always a shaky and flimsy facade at best.

We could see through the cracks in your carefully couched Facebook posts, your off-hand subtle slurs at dinner, and your persistent white whataboutisms that defied logic—and into the depths of your cancerous heart. Yet you doubled down again and again, maybe to convince yourself as much as persuade us, and you thought at least you were partially successful.

But on a Wednesday afternoon in January, that all changed.

There on the steps of our Capitol, in the middle of the day and in the raking light of a watching world, your showy, empty display of reverence of law enforcement found itself under an attack it simply could not withstand.

You found your true allegiances assailed and you could not abide violence against them, despite how hypocritical that declared you, how exposed your fraudulence would be, and how irreparably the damage to your fragile mythology.

When it came time to choose police officers or supremacy, between those fighting for justice and a wave of inhumanity that carried your pigmentation, ratified your conspiracies, and shared your politics, the decision was instinctive: you had to align with white nationalism.

You had to preserve MAGA at any cost.

And so there on the steps of the Capitol and in the very halls of Congress, you watched Blue Lives crushed behind the force of a traitorous mob, you saw Blue Lives being beaten to death with the flags of your two white saviors, you saw Blue Lives surrounded and trampled by a throng of domestic terrorists.

And in that moment, all of your false stories burned away and all your empty platitudes dissolved; your black, white, and blue flags were torn to shreds.

And now, all that remains is you: uncovered and exposed and left to account for the depths of the heart that you carry in your chest and the truth about what kind of lives really matter to you.

Maybe it’s time to face the mirror.

No more white lies about blue lives.

Blue Lives Never Really Mattered, Did They MAGAs?.

Don't these words sound familiar? Ol IM2 was a radical black racist for seeing the obvious from the start. And when the day came to respect the blue, MAGA had none of it. Blue lives don't matter to trump supporters and neither does law and order. Those things only mean one thing, shut up nwords we will do what we want to you.

You can flip that very easily though and say the democrats and the left didn't really give a fuck about the Police when they've been making excuses for (at best) and celebrating (at worst) the nutjobs rioting, looting, protesting all summer wanting the Police defunded but now all of a sudden stand side-by-side with them due to the nutjobs on the other side that stormed the Capitol.

Again the left's hypocrisy is more or less in orbit it's so far out there.
The Left has no monopoly on hypocrisy. Human nature says the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The cops trying to stop the Capitol invasion were the enemy to the 'patriots' there as they were to the BLM protestors.

I absolutely don't disagree with that.

However, I still think the hypocrisy from the left is a sight to behold on loads of things. This being but one.
The stuff you call leftist hypocrisy are primarily right wing false equivalences.

No they aren't.

The very fact you think that proves you're an absolute mug.
Yes they are and you've presented examples. 93 percent of the summers protests were peaceful. Most that were not were due to white supremacist groups that showed up at the rallies. This is documented, therefore trying to equate whiteys rebellion over nothing, to the BLM protests over a real occurrence, not one invented by an imbecile, is a false equivalence.
Crime is less a factor of race than poverty. Has anyone every ever compared crime rates with income levels and race? If the proponents of blacks-are-inherently more criminal were right - then you'd see similar rates in high income black communities. I bet you don't. Plus...poor people more often have to rely on public defenders and with blacks, they are more often encouraged to accept plea deals than fight.

Only somebody that actually believes blacks are less than other races could believe that it's not attributed to poverty rather than race. I find it unlikely that black people are just savage animals. Some might blame it on their culture, but anything that's wrong with their culture can almost certainly be attributed to poverty too. I think it's pretty obvious that poverty is the real enemy here.

Are there any Caucasians in Lost Angeles?
OR are dark people a far greater liability for society?
Don't be scared to be honest...remember, honesty is a good thing.
Coyote do you want to give it a try?
The fact is that whites commit the most crime. You can make all the excuses about population, didive 2 numbers then multiply the percentage by 10,000 and try comparing rural towns in Appalachia to major cities all you want, but the fact is whites have everything necessary to reduce crime in most of the white population, but commit the most crime in this country.
Did you know Blacks commit 100% of the crime in Somalia and Liberia?
Whites commit ZERO crime there...Crazy huh?
We live in America and that's what we are talking about.
Nope..."impoverished" doesn't equal criminality...That's an excuse concocted for dark people.
The proof is in nearly all white Appalachia.
"There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."

Is that anecdote really enough to guarantee everything you're trying to suggest here? Are black people just naturally less civilized in your view? Can it really not be attributed to anything but their skin color?

Look, I’m not making this shit up...I’m simply not afraid to acknowledge reality, facts and statistics...I won’t dumb myself down in the name of PC.
Look at every single predominantly dark community, city, state and nation and tell me what you find?
I’ll stand by and await your report.
Actually you are making it up because you are scared to face historical facts, todays reality and statistics.

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