Boehner.....Repeal and Replace is not going to happen

Color me shocked...

Boehner: Republicans won't repeal and replace Obamacare

Instead, he said changes to former President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement would likely be relatively modest.

“[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare – I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” he said.

“I started laughing,” he said. “Republicans never ever agree on health care.”

“Most of the framework of the Affordable Care Act … that’s going to be there,” Boehner concluded.


You can't leave millions without coverage overnight by repealing it, and it's clear they haven't written anything to replace it with, and they only have until June 21st to write and approve a new plan, because that's when insurers write their policies for next year.

And Republican town halls are getting hammered all over this country DEMANDING to know what they're going to replace it with, and there's NO ANSWER coming from GOP congressmen.

Furthermore, Democrats have to promised filibuster any major changes.

So yes Boehner is right, most of the framework will remain intact. And Republicans will have to work with Democrats to make changes.
This isn't fair to the GOP.

They've only had eight years to come up with an alternative. We should give them at least 15.

The obvious fix - Expanding Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage to all - would be too easy, it would make too much sense, it would take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American business, it would maintain free market competition and innovation, and (MOST importantly) it would cause the base to lose its shit, 'cuz it would be commie pinko 'n stuff.

And we all know how much the GOP politicians wanna keep their cushy gubmit jobs.
Republicans hate Medicare almost as much as they hate Obamacare
Yes, and "Medicare for all" is what we'll eventually have.
This isn't fair to the GOP.

They've only had eight years to come up with an alternative. We should give them at least 15.

The obvious fix - Expanding Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage to all - would be too easy, it would make too much sense, it would take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American business, it would maintain free market competition and innovation, and (MOST importantly) it would cause the base to lose its shit, 'cuz it would be commie pinko 'n stuff.

And we all know how much the GOP politicians wanna keep their cushy gubmit jobs.
Republicans hate Medicare almost as much as they hate Obamacare
Yes, and "Medicare for all" is what we'll eventually have.

We should have done it eight years ago

Putting something as important as healthcare in the hands of employers and private insurance companies is a recipe for disaster
Boehner said republicans never had a plan for healthcare. :rolleyes:

Republicans are incapable of ever coming up with a plan they will all agree on. A major portion of the base wants no healthcare. I got mine....screw the rest of you
Any Republican proposing anything close to a nationwide healthcare plan will be attacked as a Socialist by the rightwing media
Ah the Boehner. Now there's an orange republican I actually like. I wonder if he and Obama still golf.

Sure hope he's trying to quit smoking.

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