Bonuses for armed teachers in schools....................

If Aaron Feis, the football coach who died shielding students, had been armed he would have made a difference. He was trained

Teacher's unions oppose it you have no idea what the teachers actually want do you?
You know that teachers' unions are made up of............wait for it...............teachers...right?

Really the Union mouthpieces teach?

I don't think so.
Most union members including local heads, state heads are teachers or former teachers. Yes.

But feel free to prove me wrong.

So they don't teach anymore and are now basically union employees.

Just because teachers are forced to pay union dues does not mean they endorse everything the union talking heads say.

So get me a survey of sufficient sample size of actual teachers and the whole "teachers oppose....." will be at least more accurate than assuming the union speaks for all teachers
Yes....teachers nonetheless. Can you say the same?

If they do not teach anymore they are not teachers.

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