Both Party's establishment wings have lost control


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Yes they have, and it is scaring the hell out of them.

Consider---------> We have people on this board from either side telling all of us how Trump nor Sanders can get elected.

WRONG! Newt Gingrich and Al Gore can't get elected because they are not running. Donald Trump and Bernie can, as they are in a select group left, still viable, to win their party's nomination. Trump is actually leading his side of the field, and Bernie is not only close on the heels of Mrs Clinton, but the supposed groundswell of enthusiasm for her just doesn't exist. Nevada, the start of her supposed minority firewall, has her in a virtual tie with him within the margin of error. If both of these candidates win their respective party's nomination, then one of them will be the next POTUS, meaning that 50% of the people proclaiming neither can win, will be 100% in error.

It is common knowledge that NEITHER party wants either of these people as their standard bearer. It is all the "levers of power" thing, and as usual, both party's want control of the most powerful position in the world. The citizenry is all for this, as it appears that many on both sides want to "poke a stick in the eye" of their current political leaders. Who could blame them? Certainly not me!

But then again, as with everything in life or politics for that matter, to every upside, there is a down side............maybe so much so of a downside, the citizenry should retake stock of the situation.

DONALD TRUMP------------> Good businessman, used to getting his way, talking of doing LEGAL things nobody has wanted to touch on either side. Yay, Red team.

BERNIE----------------------> Will make this a whole liberal utopia, just like the left wants in virtually one fell swoop. Yay Blue team!

But let us all look a little more closely! Trump is a maverick who doesn't suffer people or ideas he sees as idiotic easily, everybody knows this. It is mostly.........his way, or the highway.

Now Bernie was such a stellar legislator, he could not even get along with the Democrats. (if you are moving left, that is really hard to do, even the left would have to admit that) Oh sure, he caucused with them, but he was so far out there, even the Democrats blocked most of his bills.

What would happen if either of these men assumed power?

And that is 60% of the reason BOTH establishments have their panties in a knot. And to figure out that part of their angst, all you need do is look back to our current President, BHO. When you do this, you completely understand the quandry they are in!

You see, our current President has turned EOs into an art form. He does exactly what he is not supposed to do, legislate from the Oval Office. The reason he was given the power of the veto, was to STOP legislation, as he was the final arbiter unless 2/3rds of congress could over ride. A very powerful position and strength indeed. The Oval Office was NEVER, EVER suppose to be able to legislate. Put forth bills clandestinely yes; through its surrogates in congress, but it had to pass through them to end up on his desk for him to sign it. That is our system of checks and balances.

Not so today! Because of the way we have been governed by both POTUS and Congress these last, certainly 6 years..........we have been herded by a pen and a phone, and congress has just sat there pointing fingers.

So knowing how these two fine gentlemen have governed; or in fact, ran their business.................what does anyone think they will do? Well, "if Obama could do it, why can't I?" Would we be electing a POTUS who would ram rod everything through with EOs, or would we be electing a President who could get nothing through as BOTH party's put their foot down, leaving either of them "persona non grata?"

When you see the supporters of both of these people, it becomes obvious to everyone watching not enthralled, that they, the supporters; are only considering what will happen if they push their candidate through to the nomination and win, not what will happen if they in fact lose in the general............or maybe even win, lol. The establishment has, that is for sure.

And as for the GOP, better pick that horse wisely that can win, and if they win, fills that SCOTUS seat correctly. Imagine, the GOP loses the fight to hold off the appointment, and Bernie is elected..........or wins the fight to hold off, and Bernie is elected. What are the odds the new justice is going to stop Bernie and his EOs?

What if Trump is elected as far as the left goes, and he or Obama replace the justice? Think they will vote if asked to stop Trump EOs?

Maybe the moderators of the next debates for both party's 1st question to the candidates should be, "will you pledge not to use EOs in the Oval Office to legislate." Bet Trump and Bernie both would do their level best to deflect that question; which brings us full circle back to why both establishments have their panties in a knot. The GOP does NOT want to have to defend a President Trumps ideas, and the Democrats do not want to have to support a President Bernies.

The GOP has created this problem for themselves by misleading it's constituents for years, and they have had enough!

The Democrats have also done this to themselves by grabbing as many young people and immigrants they could who are politically naive, and now are unable to control them. They thought they could harness them, point them in any direction they chose, and it would all come up roses.

Welcome to the American political seen, circa 2016. BOTH party's have done our country a disservice, and yet they still squabble about who is better to lead. That is like having 2 piles of dog poop, then asking voters to decide which one smells worse, and which one you willing to have on a 4, or 8 year dinner menu; mustard added for flavor of course.

I have a feeling.........a very, very, strong one, that depending upon who gets fact, if ANY of the top 3 get elected, we will have a much more open discussion between BOTH sides of the aisle on an article 5 convention. Don't like the way or path your party is on? Then take power away from BOTH of them, and that is the brutal truth we ALL should begin contemplating.

I promise you that if it is a President Trump, the Democrats will join us to take power from Washington and the Supreme court. Same goes with Bernie. At least that would be ONE good thing to come from this fiasco, and thanks again establishment, for almost forcing all of us to do this!
If not this election, it will be the next one.
Its coming.
People say that Congress will hold either one of them up. I don't think so. If one of them win, it will be a kick in the nuts to Congress. Either actually start FIXING this country, or "the Presidency" will happen to your seat. GET TO WORK
I will admit I am heavily optimistic. Perhaps, too much. We will see.
If not this election, it will be the next one.
Its coming.
People say that Congress will hold either one of them up. I don't think so. If one of them win, it will be a kick in the nuts to Congress. Either actually start FIXING this country, or "the Presidency" will happen to your seat. GET TO WORK

Agreed TN. These people in the establishment have over reached, and the citizenry is pushing back.

We know the GOP can't control their voters; and now we are seeing neither can the Democrats. Most of the people don't believe any of them.
Yes they have, and it is scaring the hell out of them.
Yeah, they sure have. I'd guess the rise of the internet has had a lot to do with this.

Whether the information one gets off the internet is good or crap, it can cause people to at least THINK.

Of course, that has also given rise to the zealots on both ends, as well.

Talk about a double-edged sword, huh?
I will admit I am heavily optimistic. Perhaps, too much. We will see.

To see what the establishment thought at the start of this process, all we need do is take stock of who/whom they ran........


GOP....................... Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie.

The establishment wanted a Clinton V Bush! Come on! And they wonder why both sides are in revolt.

The only surprising thing after those choices for me is..............the Democrats haven't forced Hillary to the curb yet. At least the GOP said Bush, no way, Jose!
Nope. The establishment is playing with folks.

They are completely in control

If the establishment didn't have control, folks that use the internet would rally together and pick someone that WASN'T getting coverage in the media.

There are over 20 candidates running in the Democrat ticket, and some 40 for the Republicans. Yet the establishment decides who makes the debates, and who is on the ballot. THE establishment decides which candidates views on issues are acceptable.

When getting on the ballot is not such a hurdle, and getting into the debates is not such a hurdle, then we will have true democracy. Till then, Pratt house and the Annenberg elite journalists decide who you hear about.

They know that Americans have no faith in traditional institutions, so they have made it appear that the current crop are outsiders, they aren't.

I remember when real outsider said something about putting lipstick on a pig. It is, after all, still a pig. I think we have nothing but pigs running this year.

Well, except the ones nobody has heard of.
Nope. The establishment is playing with folks.

They are completely in control

If the establishment didn't have control, folks that use the internet would rally together and pick someone that WASN'T getting coverage in the media.

There are over 20 candidates running in the Democrat ticket, and some 40 for the Republicans. Yet the establishment decides who makes the debates, and who is on the ballot. THE establishment decides which candidates views on issues are acceptable.

When getting on the ballot is not such a hurdle, and getting into the debates is not such a hurdle, then we will have true democracy. Till then, Pratt house and the Annenberg elite journalists decide who you hear about.

They know that Americans have no faith in traditional institutions, so they have made it appear that the current crop are outsiders, they aren't.

I remember when real outsider said something about putting lipstick on a pig. It is, after all, still a pig. I think we have nothing but pigs running this year.

Well, except the ones nobody has heard of.

Think you are 100% wrong! If your scenario was true, it would be Hilly V Bush in the general. (still could happen, not likely) What you are seeing is.............the establishment losing total control, more so on the GOP side, but very well may be true on the Democratic side also.

To believe for one instant that the GOP wants either Trump or Cruz; or that the Democrats want Bernie, is an exercise in holding your head in the sand while making a speech!
Yes they have, and it is scaring the hell out of them.
Yeah, they sure have. I'd guess the rise of the internet has had a lot to do with this.

Whether the information one gets off the internet is good or crap, it can cause people to at least THINK.

Of course, that has also given rise to the zealots on both ends, as well.

Talk about a double-edged sword, huh?

To me the issue is people had gotten used to trusting their newspapers, and TV anchors, and radio news broadcasts. These sources, while biased were from professional journalists, who even if biased were held to certain levels of neutrality and decorum, and factual standards.

Now you have the internet, where every rational voice (on either side) you have hundreds of crackpots. You have 100% false statements living on forever as fact, and you have 100% partisan hacks (on both sides) being viewed as if they were the people from the past, who everyone trusted implicitly.

People using the internet have to remember one crucial point, "Just because you can find it on google doesn't mean its true."
Yes they have, and it is scaring the hell out of them.

Consider---------> We have people on this board from either side telling all of us how Trump nor Sanders can get elected.

WRONG! Newt Gingrich and Al Gore can't get elected because they are not running. Donald Trump and Bernie can, as they are in a select group left, still viable, to win their party's nomination. Trump is actually leading his side of the field, and Bernie is not only close on the heels of Mrs Clinton, but the supposed groundswell of enthusiasm for her just doesn't exist. Nevada, the start of her supposed minority firewall, has her in a virtual tie with him within the margin of error. If both of these candidates win their respective party's nomination, then one of them will be the next POTUS, meaning that 50% of the people proclaiming neither can win, will be 100% in error.

It is common knowledge that NEITHER party wants either of these people as their standard bearer. It is all the "levers of power" thing, and as usual, both party's want control of the most powerful position in the world. The citizenry is all for this, as it appears that many on both sides want to "poke a stick in the eye" of their current political leaders. Who could blame them? Certainly not me!

But then again, as with everything in life or politics for that matter, to every upside, there is a down side............maybe so much so of a downside, the citizenry should retake stock of the situation.

DONALD TRUMP------------> Good businessman, used to getting his way, talking of doing LEGAL things nobody has wanted to touch on either side. Yay, Red team.

BERNIE----------------------> Will make this a whole liberal utopia, just like the left wants in virtually one fell swoop. Yay Blue team!

But let us all look a little more closely! Trump is a maverick who doesn't suffer people or ideas he sees as idiotic easily, everybody knows this. It is mostly.........his way, or the highway.

Now Bernie was such a stellar legislator, he could not even get along with the Democrats. (if you are moving left, that is really hard to do, even the left would have to admit that) Oh sure, he caucused with them, but he was so far out there, even the Democrats blocked most of his bills.

What would happen if either of these men assumed power?

And that is 60% of the reason BOTH establishments have their panties in a knot. And to figure out that part of their angst, all you need do is look back to our current President, BHO. When you do this, you completely understand the quandry they are in!

You see, our current President has turned EOs into an art form. He does exactly what he is not supposed to do, legislate from the Oval Office. The reason he was given the power of the veto, was to STOP legislation, as he was the final arbiter unless 2/3rds of congress could over ride. A very powerful position and strength indeed. The Oval Office was NEVER, EVER suppose to be able to legislate. Put forth bills clandestinely yes; through its surrogates in congress, but it had to pass through them to end up on his desk for him to sign it. That is our system of checks and balances.

Not so today! Because of the way we have been governed by both POTUS and Congress these last, certainly 6 years..........we have been herded by a pen and a phone, and congress has just sat there pointing fingers.

So knowing how these two fine gentlemen have governed; or in fact, ran their business.................what does anyone think they will do? Well, "if Obama could do it, why can't I?" Would we be electing a POTUS who would ram rod everything through with EOs, or would we be electing a President who could get nothing through as BOTH party's put their foot down, leaving either of them "persona non grata?"

When you see the supporters of both of these people, it becomes obvious to everyone watching not enthralled, that they, the supporters; are only considering what will happen if they push their candidate through to the nomination and win, not what will happen if they in fact lose in the general............or maybe even win, lol. The establishment has, that is for sure.

And as for the GOP, better pick that horse wisely that can win, and if they win, fills that SCOTUS seat correctly. Imagine, the GOP loses the fight to hold off the appointment, and Bernie is elected..........or wins the fight to hold off, and Bernie is elected. What are the odds the new justice is going to stop Bernie and his EOs?

What if Trump is elected as far as the left goes, and he or Obama replace the justice? Think they will vote if asked to stop Trump EOs?

Maybe the moderators of the next debates for both party's 1st question to the candidates should be, "will you pledge not to use EOs in the Oval Office to legislate." Bet Trump and Bernie both would do their level best to deflect that question; which brings us full circle back to why both establishments have their panties in a knot. The GOP does NOT want to have to defend a President Trumps ideas, and the Democrats do not want to have to support a President Bernies.

The GOP has created this problem for themselves by misleading it's constituents for years, and they have had enough!

The Democrats have also done this to themselves by grabbing as many young people and immigrants they could who are politically naive, and now are unable to control them. They thought they could harness them, point them in any direction they chose, and it would all come up roses.

Welcome to the American political seen, circa 2016. BOTH party's have done our country a disservice, and yet they still squabble about who is better to lead. That is like having 2 piles of dog poop, then asking voters to decide which one smells worse, and which one you willing to have on a 4, or 8 year dinner menu; mustard added for flavor of course.

I have a feeling.........a very, very, strong one, that depending upon who gets fact, if ANY of the top 3 get elected, we will have a much more open discussion between BOTH sides of the aisle on an article 5 convention. Don't like the way or path your party is on? Then take power away from BOTH of them, and that is the brutal truth we ALL should begin contemplating.

I promise you that if it is a President Trump, the Democrats will join us to take power from Washington and the Supreme court. Same goes with Bernie. At least that would be ONE good thing to come from this fiasco, and thanks again establishment, for almost forcing all of us to do this!
Let's hope they burn to the ground....
Nope. The establishment is playing with folks.

They are completely in control

If the establishment didn't have control, folks that use the internet would rally together and pick someone that WASN'T getting coverage in the media.

There are over 20 candidates running in the Democrat ticket, and some 40 for the Republicans. Yet the establishment decides who makes the debates, and who is on the ballot. THE establishment decides which candidates views on issues are acceptable.

When getting on the ballot is not such a hurdle, and getting into the debates is not such a hurdle, then we will have true democracy. Till then, Pratt house and the Annenberg elite journalists decide who you hear about.

They know that Americans have no faith in traditional institutions, so they have made it appear that the current crop are outsiders, they aren't.

I remember when real outsider said something about putting lipstick on a pig. It is, after all, still a pig. I think we have nothing but pigs running this year.

Well, except the ones nobody has heard of.

Think you are 100% wrong! If your scenario was true, it would be Hilly V Bush in the general. (still could happen, not likely) What you are seeing is.............the establishment losing total control, more so on the GOP side, but very well may be true on the Democratic side also.

To believe for one instant that the GOP wants either Trump or Cruz; or that the Democrats want Bernie, is an exercise in holding your head in the sand while making a speech!
Sure, whatever.

And I suppose you think Obama and Romney are "outsider" candidates too. After all, one was a Mormon, and the other is black. :bang3:
Basically what I am saying is that you are deluded into believing that Sanders and Trump are outsiders. This is what the establishment want the proletariat to believe. It wants leaders that seem to be in touch with them.

The reality is, they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

If you fall for this, you are counted among the suckers.
The Executive Order thing is out of the tube and, like KY Jelly it defies being put back in.

The only thing that might stop it is for Congress to impeach any president or even "president" who tries to use it. Impeach; convict, remove, prosecute for treason.

After one or two have been terminated with extreme prejudice then any successors might restrain themselves.

But that cannot be guaranteed.
The Executive Order thing is out of the tube and, like KY Jelly it defies being put back in.

The only thing that might stop it is for Congress to impeach any president or even "president" who tries to use it. Impeach; convict, remove, prosecute for treason.

After one or two have been terminated with extreme prejudice then any successors might restrain themselves.

But that cannot be guaranteed.

Problem is, all of them let the genie out of the bottle, the only people that can put it back in is the voters, and we all should not be surprised that 75% of them do not know it.

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