Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Can't sugar coat stupid, and this dyke couple are stupid. Born a boy you are a boy period.
would you like to tell her twerp?
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Can't sugar coat stupid, and this dyke couple are stupid. Born a boy you are a boy period.
would you like to tell her twerp?

One huge, glaring difference: this guy made his own decision. The little boy will have no choice, since his "mommies" will have already lopped off his gear and pumped him full of unnatural hormone treatments, physically and physiologically mutilating him beyond repair.
One huge, glaring difference: this guy made his own decision. The little boy will have no choice, since his "mommies" will have already lopped off his gear and pumped him full of unnatural hormone treatments, physically and physiologically mutilating him beyond repair.

Another glaring issue is PTSD and how it might affect someone's mind in this regard. For instance, I could see this man's subconscious mind concluding that "in order to be male, one has to be an extremely detached killing machine". So then at a given point, this man's soul snaps. Then he decides he wants access to his emotional side. So his rudimentary reasoning "concludes" (much like the CQR of the APA in the OP of this thread) that "I'm female now".

Insanity isn't hard to ferret out. You just use logic.

The boy, under the influence of female hormones will not actually be able to make up his own mind. At that point he is "already under the influence" of being female. Those lesbian mothers know exactly what they're doing. He effectively has already had the sex change operation. The knife is just a merely formality at this point..
Last edited:
I think that soldier isn't the only one to have snapped and wanted access to his emotions. Isn't there another guy trying to hack his junk off and wanting the military to pay for it?
One huge, glaring difference: this guy made his own decision. The little boy will have no choice, since his "mommies" will have already lopped off his gear and pumped him full of unnatural hormone treatments, physically and physiologically mutilating him beyond repair.

Another glaring issue is PTSD and how it might affect someone's mind in this regard. For instance, I could see this man's subconscious mind concluding that "in order to be male, one has to be an extremely detached killing machine". So then at a given point, this man's soul snaps. Then he decides he wants access to his emotional side. So his rudimentary reasoning "concludes" (much like the CQR of the APA in the OP of this thread) that "I'm female now".

Insanity isn't hard to ferret out. You just use logic.

The boy, under the influence of female hormones will not actually be able to make up his own mind. At that point he is "already under the influence" of being female. Those lesbian mothers know exactly what they're doing. He effectively has already had the sex change operation. The knife is just a merely formality at this point..
I agree.
I think that soldier isn't the only one to have snapped and wanted access to his emotions. Isn't there another guy trying to hack his junk off and wanting the military to pay for it?
That's another aspect I dislike about this whole "gender reassignment" bs...they almost always seem to feel that someone else should pay for their mutilation.
The only thing the military should pay for is extensive psychotherapy from a doctor who doesn't take his walking orders from the "audited group-think" APA. In other words, this guy is fucked.
A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Can't sugar coat stupid, and this dyke couple are stupid. Born a boy you are a boy period.
would you like to tell her twerp?

One huge, glaring difference: this guy made his own decision. The little boy will have no choice, since his "mommies" will have already lopped off his gear and pumped him full of unnatural hormone treatments, physically and physiologically mutilating him beyond repair.

No one has 'lopped off his gear'.

Seriously doesn't anyone bother to read any of the actual articles?
I read it. I have researched and know a wee bit about the biological and chemical causes of gender confusion and sexual identity.

The fact is, when a person does not identify with their physiological sex organs, or when they are born attracted to the other sex, it is a form of physiological mental deformation. That is a medical fact. It happens during neonatal development.

Wow- thats is amazing.

You have discovered the cause of homosexuality- and somehow you haven't been recognized by the scientific community?

And you say that its a medical fact?

What prestigious medical or scientific publication is this published in?

I would really like to see this amazing yet oddly not recognized 'fact'.

I sourced my research noob.


[5] Causes of Homosexuality - Conservapedia

Conservapedia is even worse than using Wikipedia as a


The anterior hypothalamus of the brain participates in the regulation of male-typical sexual behavior. The volumes of four cell groups in this region [interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) 1, 2, 3, and 4] were measured in postmortem tissue from three subject groups: women, men who were presumed to be heterosexual, and homosexual men. No differences were found between the groups in the volumes of INAH 1, 2, or 4. As has been reported previously, INAH 3 was more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the women. It was also, however, more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the homosexual men. This finding indicates that INAH is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrat

More 'suggests'- still no claims of facts.

More tomorrow- fun with 'science'
Those are scientific research studies from respected journals. Sorry you don't like what they indicate.

No- some of them are- you also 'cited' Conservapedia.

And the articles I reviewed had no 'facts' about how homosexuality originated. And I pointed that out.
Did you read the article?
I read it. I have researched and know a wee bit about the biological and chemical causes of gender confusion and sexual identity.

The fact is, when a person does not identify with their physiological sex organs, or when they are born attracted to the other sex, it is a form of physiological mental deformation. That is a medical fact. It happens during neonatal development.

Wow- thats is amazing.

You have discovered the cause of homosexuality- and somehow you haven't been recognized by the scientific community?

And you say that its a medical fact?

What prestigious medical or scientific publication is this published in?

I would really like to see this amazing yet oddly not recognized 'fact'.

I sourced my research noob.


[5] Causes of Homosexuality - Conservapedia

Conservapedia is even worse than using Wikipedia as a

You never even bothered reading the ORIGINAL ARTICLE, did you? Why was that source used? Did you ever hear of the dialectic?

So you cherry pick probably the LEAST important source, the one source that is ridiculed in the review article I cite

I read the article- and while the article does cite many respected article- the author of the article forms his own conclusions- which are not facts- but is his opinion based upon multiple papers on various issues.
No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.
Only those with the proper degrees in the field should have oversight over a professional organization and be a part of the peer review process.
In extreme cases where a child is threatening self-harm otherwise, granting them GRS, if short of surgery, isn't unheard of. Better that then denying them the appearence of transitioning and they then hurt themselves.
Wow- thats is amazing.

You have discovered the cause of homosexuality- and somehow you haven't been recognized by the scientific community?

And you say that its a medical fact?

What prestigious medical or scientific publication is this published in?

I would really like to see this amazing yet oddly not recognized 'fact'.

I sourced my research noob.


[5] Causes of Homosexuality - Conservapedia

Conservapedia is even worse than using Wikipedia as a


The anterior hypothalamus of the brain participates in the regulation of male-typical sexual behavior. The volumes of four cell groups in this region [interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) 1, 2, 3, and 4] were measured in postmortem tissue from three subject groups: women, men who were presumed to be heterosexual, and homosexual men. No differences were found between the groups in the volumes of INAH 1, 2, or 4. As has been reported previously, INAH 3 was more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the women. It was also, however, more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the homosexual men. This finding indicates that INAH is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrat

More 'suggests'- still no claims of facts.

More tomorrow- fun with 'science'
Those are scientific research studies from respected journals. Sorry you don't like what they indicate.

No- some of them are- you also 'cited' Conservapedia.

And the articles I reviewed had no 'facts' about how homosexuality originated. And I pointed that out.
Isn't there a difference between homosexuality and "transgendered"?

I sourced my research noob.


[5] Causes of Homosexuality - Conservapedia

Conservapedia is even worse than using Wikipedia as a


The anterior hypothalamus of the brain participates in the regulation of male-typical sexual behavior. The volumes of four cell groups in this region [interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) 1, 2, 3, and 4] were measured in postmortem tissue from three subject groups: women, men who were presumed to be heterosexual, and homosexual men. No differences were found between the groups in the volumes of INAH 1, 2, or 4. As has been reported previously, INAH 3 was more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the women. It was also, however, more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the homosexual men. This finding indicates that INAH is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrat

More 'suggests'- still no claims of facts.

More tomorrow- fun with 'science'
Those are scientific research studies from respected journals. Sorry you don't like what they indicate.

No- some of them are- you also 'cited' Conservapedia.

And the articles I reviewed had no 'facts' about how homosexuality originated. And I pointed that out.
Isn't there a difference between homosexuality and "transgendered"?

Not according to MisterBeale.
Get the fuck out of the thread if you don't understand what gender identity disorder is. The OP is an ignorant wank.

I sourced my research noob.


[5] Causes of Homosexuality - Conservapedia

Conservapedia is even worse than using Wikipedia as a


The anterior hypothalamus of the brain participates in the regulation of male-typical sexual behavior. The volumes of four cell groups in this region [interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) 1, 2, 3, and 4] were measured in postmortem tissue from three subject groups: women, men who were presumed to be heterosexual, and homosexual men. No differences were found between the groups in the volumes of INAH 1, 2, or 4. As has been reported previously, INAH 3 was more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the women. It was also, however, more than twice as large in the heterosexual men as in the homosexual men. This finding indicates that INAH is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrat

More 'suggests'- still no claims of facts.

More tomorrow- fun with 'science'
Those are scientific research studies from respected journals. Sorry you don't like what they indicate.

No- some of them are- you also 'cited' Conservapedia.

And the articles I reviewed had no 'facts' about how homosexuality originated. And I pointed that out.
Isn't there a difference between homosexuality and "transgendered"?
Of course there is a difference. However, the root cause for them both lay in the brain. That is the point.
A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Can't sugar coat stupid, and this dyke couple are stupid. Born a boy you are a boy period.
would you like to tell her twerp?

One huge, glaring difference: this guy made his own decision. The little boy will have no choice, since his "mommies" will have already lopped off his gear and pumped him full of unnatural hormone treatments, physically and physiologically mutilating him beyond repair.

I was commenting on Americafirsts imbecilic statement, with regard to the pruning, you are of course completely wrong.
No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.
Only those with the proper degrees in the field should have oversight over a professional organization and be a part of the peer review process.
Does that include people with degrees who are vocally opposed to what the APA has become? Does that include Congress, who, for the first time in their history, voted to censure the APA because of its soft/sympathetic, even promotional stance on child predators?

Amazingly, this article seems to advocate for a retaliation from the pro-predator group in the APA's leading ranks. However, the article shows the strains going on in the APA with regard to the "audit group think" vs data and facts angle. The "group" believes that sex between adults and children can be positive. Congress disagreed and censured the study's conclusions as such. The internal war between people "with proper degrees in the field" nearly tore the APA in half down the middle. 1. The group that thinks adults should be free to have sex with kids because they feel it could be "positive' for them (there can be no other conclusion than this with the word "positive") 2. The group that thinks adults having sex with kids is sexual abuse..

For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal.The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year.The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda, while others charged that Congress’s and the APA’s actions amounted to censorship and would have a chilling effect on scientific research.Numerous articles were published in the popular and professional press over the next two years.The controversy was rekindled in 2001 when a psychologist’s critique of the APA’s actions was accepted for publication in another APA journal, then rejected just before publication.....

...The controversy centered around the study “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples,”...

...The study was a review of 59 studies of college students assessing the effects of childhood and adolescent sexual experiences with adults.During the peer review process (in which the APA reviewers critique the article and suggest or require changes before publication), the action editor asked Rind and his colleagues to discuss the implications of the studies’ findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.As a result of this request, the authors wrote in their article that using definitions of “abuse” and “consent” based on legal or moral rather than scientific considerations resulted in poor predictive validity, and impeded an understanding of the phenomenon and its effects.Thus they recommended that more neutral terminology (“adult-minor sex” rather than “abuse”) be used for interaction experienced positively and resulting in no sign of harm—a recommendation for which Rind et al. would later be attacked by politicians and professionals....

...Under threat of being censured itself by Congress, the APA publicly responded to the controversy by distancing itself from the study in a statement which said that some of the authors’ conclusions were “inconsistent with the positions of the APA.”However, an internal memo indicated that the APA had earlier supported the article, saying its findings were “consistent with, and, in fact, based on, the 59 previous studies.”It agreed with Rind and colleagues that some subjects found sexual experiences with adults during childhood or adolescence "positive," that this may be an “artifact” of overly broad definitions of child sexual abuse, and that boys respond more positively than girls.Furthermore, the APA found the study’s methodology to be sound... The Rind Controversy
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