Boy Scouts win right to remain in building they built

Link please? No one asks ten year olds about butt sex.

Its about the leaders. Period.
It's right in your article.
The Boy Scouts of America has a policy banning homosexuals that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000. Since it's a membership organization, the Court ruled the scouts have the right to exclude gay youths and troop leaders.
It's right in your article.
The Boy Scouts of America has a policy banning homosexuals that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000. Since it's a membership organization, the Court ruled the scouts have the right to exclude gay youths and troop leaders.

really? i must need new glasses because i don't see the part where the quote says they're asking children about their sexual orientation.

fail :lol:
It's right in your article.
The Boy Scouts of America has a policy banning homosexuals that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000. Since it's a membership organization, the Court ruled the scouts have the right to exclude gay youths and troop leaders.

really? i must need new glasses because i don't see the part where the article says they're asking children about their sexual orientation.

fail :lol:
So they go by looks?

"psst...Sparky? Little Johnny looks, well, GAY! Tear up his membership."
It's right in your article.

really? i must need new glasses because i don't see the part where the article says they're asking children about their sexual orientation.

fail :lol:
So they go by looks?

"psst...Sparky? Little Johnny looks, well, GAY! Tear up his membership."

i can onl speak for the troops i've been involved with, and no one ever even brought it up. having the right to do something isn't the same as doing it, y'know.

we had to write a letter every year to our chartering org (a church) that we as a troop didn't discriminate against gays. national might not have liked it, although i suspect they don't really care either, but we wrote the letter every year. i've never run into anyone in scouting who even brought sexual orientation into the conversation. since a boy is NEVER supposed to be alone with an adult leader, it's really a non issue anyway
No. Believe it or not, some gay boys look like real boys.:cuckoo: So how would they know? Only if they made sexual advances on another scout. Which is in violation of the Scout Law.

The BSA stated in a 2000 press release that, "Boy Scouting makes no effort to discover the sexual orientation of any person."[19] BSA application forms for youth membership and adult leadership positions do not inquire about the applicants' sexual orientation and do not mention the BSA's policies regarding homosexual
Boy Scouts of America membership controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no bitterness in my heart against these people. They are still an organization that gave me the core values as to who I am.

—Greg Lattera, the 25-year-old former Boy Scouts of America counselor, testifying in the Philadelphia lawsuit over the group's $1-a-year city-subsidized lease. Lattera was 10 when he joined the Scouts, and 18 when they dismissed him. At the time, his Life Scout ranking was just one level below the highest, Eagle Scout.

Read more: Gay Ex-Boy Scout Still Thinks Fondly Of the Organization That Exiled Him / Queerty

Great kid. I wish him success in all he does.
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.

"PC attacks"? Give me a BREAK. OK - let's get to it.

Do you deny that the Boy Scouts exclude gays from their membership? Do you think it is "politically correct" for people to have the outrageous notion that this is, oh, I don't know, kind of BIGOTTED?

I suppose the Scouts can exclude gays. They are a private organization and I guess they aren't engaged in interstate commerce - although I could make an argument that they are. But just because they can do it, does not mean they can avoid the consequences of doing it.

And the major consequence of excluding gays is that right-thinking people will think (for very good reason) that the Boy Scouts of America appear to be run by a bunch of BIGOTS.

"Politically correct" my ass.
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.

"PC attacks"? Give me a BREAK. OK - let's get to it.

Do you deny that the Boy Scouts exclude gays from their membership? Do you think it is "politically correct" for people to have the outrageous notion that this is, oh, I don't know, kind of BIGOTTED?

I suppose the Scouts can exclude gays. They are a private organization and I guess they aren't engaged in interstate commerce - although I could make an argument that they are. But just because they can do it, does not mean they can avoid the consequences of doing it.

And the major consequence of excluding gays is that right-thinking people will think (for very good reason) that the Boy Scouts of America appear to be run by a bunch of BIGOTS.

"Politically correct" my ass.

i disagree with bsa's decision to exclude gays, but i support bsa's mission. in reality, the only time that a person's sexual orientation becomes a part of the conversation is when that specific person chooses to make it an issue.

that's certainly their right, but to imply that bsa actively seeks out and excludes gays is simply not true in my experience.
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.

"PC attacks"? Give me a BREAK. OK - let's get to it.

Do you deny that the Boy Scouts exclude gays from their membership? Do you think it is "politically correct" for people to have the outrageous notion that this is, oh, I don't know, kind of BIGOTTED?

I suppose the Scouts can exclude gays. They are a private organization and I guess they aren't engaged in interstate commerce - although I could make an argument that they are. But just because they can do it, does not mean they can avoid the consequences of doing it.

And the major consequence of excluding gays is that right-thinking people will think (for very good reason) that the Boy Scouts of America appear to be run by a bunch of BIGOTS.

"Politically correct" my ass.

Freedom of Association, Bub.

How many caucasians are allowed to be members of MECHA or the Black Student Movement on publicly funded school campuses?

Nobody is forcing boys to join the Boy Scouts. They have just as much right to exist as any other organization.
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.

"PC attacks"? Give me a BREAK. OK - let's get to it.

Do you deny that the Boy Scouts exclude gays from their membership? Do you think it is "politically correct" for people to have the outrageous notion that this is, oh, I don't know, kind of BIGOTTED?

I suppose the Scouts can exclude gays. They are a private organization and I guess they aren't engaged in interstate commerce - although I could make an argument that they are. But just because they can do it, does not mean they can avoid the consequences of doing it.

And the major consequence of excluding gays is that right-thinking people will think (for very good reason) that the Boy Scouts of America appear to be run by a bunch of BIGOTS.

"Politically correct" my ass.

Freedom of Association, Bub.

How many caucasians are allowed to be members of MECHA or the Black Student Movement on publicly funded school campuses?

Nobody is forcing boys to join the Boy Scouts. They have just as much right to exist as any other organization.

Please read my post. I am well aware of freedom of association, and I am well aware that the Scouts can exclude gays.

That wasn't my point, now was it? My point concerns CONSEQUENCES of doing what the BSA is doing.

How do you feel about the Scouts excluding gays? That OK with you?
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.

"PC attacks"? Give me a BREAK. OK - let's get to it.

Do you deny that the Boy Scouts exclude gays from their membership? Do you think it is "politically correct" for people to have the outrageous notion that this is, oh, I don't know, kind of BIGOTTED?

I suppose the Scouts can exclude gays. They are a private organization and I guess they aren't engaged in interstate commerce - although I could make an argument that they are. But just because they can do it, does not mean they can avoid the consequences of doing it.

And the major consequence of excluding gays is that right-thinking people will think (for very good reason) that the Boy Scouts of America appear to be run by a bunch of BIGOTS.

"Politically correct" my ass.

i disagree with bsa's decision to exclude gays, but i support bsa's mission. in reality, the only time that a person's sexual orientation becomes a part of the conversation is when that specific person chooses to make it an issue.

that's certainly their right, but to imply that bsa actively seeks out and excludes gays is simply not true in my experience.

How would an organization such as the BSA "actively seek out" and then "exclude" gays?
Are you talking about a sexual orientation question in the membership app? Are you saying they have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy?
Please read my post. I am well aware of freedom of association, and I am well aware that the Scouts can exclude gays.

That wasn't my point, now was it? My point concerns CONSEQUENCES of doing what the BSA is doing.

How do you feel about the Scouts excluding gays? That OK with you?

It doesn't matter if it is okay with me.

The Boy Scouts is an organization for underage boys. If they wish to set certain standards for children and those who associate with children, that is their business. Parents know the stance of the Boy Scouts, and if they don't like it, they don't have to let their sons join. The Scouts also exclude atheists and agnostics. The organization promotes a defined set of values. They have the right to do that.

Take a look at the website - there is a section of Youth Protection. It's clear that a main emphasis is to put safe guards in place to prevent child molestation. That by no means means all gays are child molesters, but it's reasonable, given their stated values and the objective of youth protection, that they would not wish gays to be in leadership positions for teenage boys whose bodies are super charged with hormonal purberty.

Youth Protection
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I'm not sure I agree, chanel. It's a bit disturbing to me that the Boy Scouts discriminates against gay youth as well as adults. I'm not at all sympathetic to the homophobic rejection of would-be gay scout troop leaders, but I can live with it. I wasn't aware, however, that the organization was asking children about their sexual orientation and rejecting those it deems "gay".

That seems terribly cruel to me.
Yes...what is up with that? Why the hell are they even asking?

they aren't. they never have. sorry to disappoint.

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I couldn't really read the linked material, del. The news coverage chanel linked stated that the Boy Scouts have a policy of not admitting "gay youth". In my family, we have a gay man. Trust me when I say, I knew when we made our first holy communion together that he was gay, not that I could have told you what it meant. But yes; some kids' sexual orientation is pretty obvious fairly young.

I'm picturing little Dick being told, at 7 or 8 or 10, that he can't be a Boy Scout because he's "different". I gotta tell ya, for many kids that would be a prelude to a depression that might lead to suicide, and I cannot see any justification for it. It was this cruelty I objected to.

You seem to be claiming no such thing ever happens, and I do hope you are right. But if it does not, then what is this reported fact that "the Boy Scouts have a policy against admitting gay youth"?
Link please? No one asks ten year olds about butt sex.

Its about the leaders. Period.

chanel, in the article you linked, it is reported that the Boy Scouts have a policy against "admitting gay youth". Care to explain?
Link please? No one asks ten year olds about butt sex.

Its about the leaders. Period.

chanel, in the article you linked, it is reported that the Boy Scouts have a policy against "admitting gay youth". Care to explain?

In the 2000 SCOTUS case cited they were affirmed to have the right to have a sort of DADT policy. They don't ask, but if it becomes known.............
It doesn't matter if it is okay with me.

Afraid to admit you are a bigot? I understand.

As I am not a bigot, there is nothing to admit.

Afraid to admit that you don't respect the individual liberty of others?

Of course I respect the individual liberty of others. "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it." I firmly believe in that - always have.

I do respect the "individual liberty" of the Boy Scouts to kick gays out of their orgranization if they are discovered. That doesn't mean that I don't think that such action is extremely BIGOTED and I do not respect the motivation behind the action.

I am glad you are not a bigot. For a moment there, I was afraid you endorsed the motivation behind the Scout's policy.
I believe that the motivation of the Boy Scouts' policy is to protect the welfare of the boys who are members in a way that is consistent with their stated values.
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