Breaking Alert: 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Quit Party To Vote For Trump

The Democrats know that Hillary Clinton cannot defeat Trump. She is drawing crowds of about 100 people and that is with Bill coming to the rescue. Americans hate Hillary Clinton. She's not electable. Go get Biden. Maybe he can help you once she goes to prison.

You claimed Trump is predicted to beat Clinton in Massachusetts. Obviously your word is, in a word, shit.
look it up and stop cursing. It's a sign of weakness (and you're already weak enough).
I gave you the google link. I'm not looking it up for you. You liberals are going to have to get used to doing things for yourselves eventually.

You want me to do things for myself like proving the impossible point you are trying to make? :badgrin:
Nothing is impossible to me. You need a better attitude or a different s/n. What a stick in the mud!

Back up your claim. Better attitude? I look forward to Trump losing in Massachusetts to Clinton, I don't have to lie to myself about it.
Google is your friend.

Right, I can't find anything credible that says Trump will beat Clinton in Massachusetts. Apparently google hates you.
I'm not the one who used the link, genius.
The Democrats know that Hillary Clinton cannot defeat Trump. She is drawing crowds of about 100 people and that is with Bill coming to the rescue. Americans hate Hillary Clinton. She's not electable. Go get Biden. Maybe he can help you once she goes to prison.

You claimed Trump is predicted to beat Clinton in Massachusetts. Obviously your word is, in a word, shit.
look it up and stop cursing. It's a sign of weakness (and you're already weak enough).

No, it's just accurate. You're full of it.
You want me to do things for myself like proving the impossible point you are trying to make? :badgrin:
Nothing is impossible to me. You need a better attitude or a different s/n. What a stick in the mud!

Back up your claim. Better attitude? I look forward to Trump losing in Massachusetts to Clinton, I don't have to lie to myself about it.
Google is your friend.

Right, I can't find anything credible that says Trump will beat Clinton in Massachusetts. Apparently google hates you.
I'm not the one who used the link, genius.

I know you didn't use anything to lie when you claimed it was predicted that Trump would beat Clinton in Massachusetts.
The support for that murderer Hillary...

Hillary.., a murderess ??
The obvious questions: How could a suicide victim (Vince Foster) be found with two wounds – a .38-caliber gunshot into the mouth that exited through his head and another wound on the right side of his neck that one of the paramedics described as a small-caliber bullet hole? And why would the government investigators go to great lengths to cover it up?

Read more at Vince Foster ‘suicide’ shocker: 2nd wound documented

so, which shot did she fire??
I believe she probably hired someone to murder him. There is so much blood on the hands of Clinton's - it would be a case of divine justice for her to spend her final days in prison where she belongs. FBI may just put her there this time. You have to wonder about the caliber of person who would actually vote for Hillary Clinton. They would have to check their conscience at the door I would think. I feel very sorry for her daughter Chelsea and the granddaughter. You can't pick your relatives but Chelsea should consider cutting all communication for the sake of her child. I wouldn't trust Bill or Hillary with my tropical fish nevermind a child.
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton

That's not good enough. We deserve better than "well at least he isn't hillary".
How about over Mrs. Liealot?

Her saying that women who claim to be subjected to sexual abuse should be heard and believed unless part of the bimbo eruption does not bother you?

Her using terms such as "they must be made to heel" and super predators doesn't bother you?

Her obviously and easily proven lie about sniper fire doesn't bother you? It doesn't bother you looking at the video and her standing there and laughing and lying? Which the article in my signature line argues that 250,000 died because of Mrs. Tuluza Clinton's influence on a sitting president. That doesn't bother you?

Do you really believe she is the best for this country or do you just think a woman needs elected? I have to say the later because the former makes absolutely no sense.
Do you really think bush kasich Paul Ryan Cruz rubio or Mitch McConnell is good for the country?

Bush is gone, both of them. Good riddance to Jeb. Paul Ryan, so far no good. Cruz, something creepy. Rubio, to robotic. McConnell, the establishment has protected the waste of a politican. The voters tried to get rid of him and almost succeeded.

I don't even like Trump that much but he is the ultimate in protest votes so I am all for him.

Mrs. Tuluza Clinton is just more of the same old same old. I say it is way time to get out of the Bushes and out of the Clinton.

The only reason I can see that anyone would vote for Mrs. Tuluza Clinton is that she is a woman. And of course there are many democrats that just pull the lever.
I'll give you two reasons

1. The supreme Court nominee
2. Hillary won't pass all of Paul Ryan and Mitch mcconnells pro billionaires tax bills, trump will.

A part of me says maybe trumps not a greedy billionaire and maybe he means what he says and maybe he'll appoint a moderate and maybe he won't go along with Mitch and Ryan but I don't want to take that chance.

If it's trump vs Clinton I can't lose.

Just finish off Cruz kasich and rubio first

The SCOTUS nominee i can understand is seemingly a big deal. But consider. Almost all the recent decisions have gone to the left with Scalia on the bench. So I am thinking that even if a person exactly like Scalia were nominated at least with social issues nothing changes. Roberts has proven that. But you can't know what Mrs Tuluza Clinton will do. After all she voted for the Iraq war and funding the Iraq war. She didn't say it was the wrong choice until the war had ended. SHE is the only candidate that actually did vote to allow Bush to go to war.

Same with whatever budget deal you are talking about. She is a one percenter who can only profit from what you say. Her word is not her bond she has proven that over the course of her career. I want a President that will help AMERICAN business and thus help those they employ. Nothing in the Clinton's past proves to me they have an idea on how to help anyone. Remember Bill's free trade, now biting us in the ass? could never have been passed by a Republican even though they wanted it.
Awesome, a make believe thread about Trump's chances to win Massachusetts in a general election has turned into how many times Vince Foster was shot. You couldn't ask for more from the moronic far right.
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton

That's not good enough. We deserve better than "well at least he isn't hillary".

I do agree, but Mrs. Tuluza Clinton isn't better. I will vote for Trump, even though I am not thrilled, for two reasons. One, it is time to get rid of the Clintons, the are obviously too derisive and Mrs. Clinton is a liar. Two, it will shake up both parties. We need to send a clear and definite message and Trump is it.
It started as - He's not serious. He'll be out in a month! He'll never win the primaries. He won't be the nominee!! No way!!

Next up - He can't win the general. He can't beat hiLIARy. He has the highest negatives of any candidate. We are handing the election to hiLIARy.

Then it will be - what the fuck just happened?


are you surprised there are 20,000 vile people in masschusetts who like the guy who likes the kkk?
Awesome, a make believe thread about Trump's chances to win Massachusetts in a general election has turned into how many times Vince Foster was shot. You couldn't ask for more from the moronic far right.

well, it's not like they ever say anything true. *shrug*

so i'm not surprised they go all loony toon.

unhinged posters --- unhinged candidate
Explain how Foster could pull the trigger and commit suicide twice. You can't.
Ignorance isn't bliss, Mr. Happy. Get educated and vote Trump.
It started as - He's not serious. He'll be out in a month! He'll never win the primaries. He won't be the nominee!! No way!!

Next up - He can't win the general. He can't beat hiLIARy. He has the highest negatives of any candidate. We are handing the election to hiLIARy.

Then it will be - what the fuck just happened?


are you surprised there are 20,000 vile people in masschusetts who like the guy who likes the kkk?
You need to be brought up to speed. Those were liberal democrats posing as KKK - how many times does Trump need to say something before you people catch on? Keep it up and he'll have to charge you!
Trump had 30,000 people at his last rally. Hillary had what? 100 people? She needs to become president of a book club. Anything beyond and she'll be risen above her level of incompetency. She's not qualified to be president. She was a disaster at the State Dept. A total disaster!

Her saying that women who claim to be subjected to sexual abuse should be heard and believed unless part of the bimbo eruption does not bother you?

Her using terms such as "they must be made to heel" and super predators doesn't bother you?

Her obviously and easily proven lie about sniper fire doesn't bother you? It doesn't bother you looking at the video and her standing there and laughing and lying? Which the article in my signature line argues that 250,000 died because of Mrs. Tuluza Clinton's influence on a sitting president. That doesn't bother you?

Do you really believe she is the best for this country or do you just think a woman needs elected? I have to say the later because the former makes absolutely no sense.
Do you really think bush kasich Paul Ryan Cruz rubio or Mitch McConnell is good for the country?

Bush is gone, both of them. Good riddance to Jeb. Paul Ryan, so far no good. Cruz, something creepy. Rubio, to robotic. McConnell, the establishment has protected the waste of a politican. The voters tried to get rid of him and almost succeeded.

I don't even like Trump that much but he is the ultimate in protest votes so I am all for him.

Mrs. Tuluza Clinton is just more of the same old same old. I say it is way time to get out of the Bushes and out of the Clinton.

The only reason I can see that anyone would vote for Mrs. Tuluza Clinton is that she is a woman. And of course there are many democrats that just pull the lever.
I'll give you two reasons

1. The supreme Court nominee
2. Hillary won't pass all of Paul Ryan and Mitch mcconnells pro billionaires tax bills, trump will.

A part of me says maybe trumps not a greedy billionaire and maybe he means what he says and maybe he'll appoint a moderate and maybe he won't go along with Mitch and Ryan but I don't want to take that chance.

If it's trump vs Clinton I can't lose.

Just finish off Cruz kasich and rubio first

The SCOTUS nominee i can understand is seemingly a big deal. But consider. Almost all the recent decisions have gone to the left with Scalia on the bench. So I am thinking that even if a person exactly like Scalia were nominated at least with social issues nothing changes. Roberts has proven that. But you can't know what Mrs Tuluza Clinton will do. After all she voted for the Iraq war and funding the Iraq war. She didn't say it was the wrong choice until the war had ended. SHE is the only candidate that actually did vote to allow Bush to go to war.

Same with whatever budget deal you are talking about. She is a one percenter who can only profit from what you say. Her word is not her bond she has proven that over the course of her career. I want a President that will help AMERICAN business and thus help those they employ. Nothing in the Clinton's past proves to me they have an idea on how to help anyone. Remember Bill's free trade, now biting us in the ass? could never have been passed by a Republican even though they wanted it.
What? HW bush was going to sign NAFTA it was already passed but he lost to Bill so bill signed it.

Only liberals back then were against NAFTA and the Iraq war too btw

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