BREAKING: CNN admit Paul Manafort was wiretapped

Playing the victim won't take back the treason committed by Trump's team.
Treason was actually done by Hillary and Obama. Hillary have our enemies classified information and Obama knew about it, and did nothing.

In your dreams. Of course maybe you are correct, so post the "classified information" and who received it and prove you're not a damn liar.
That Time Susan Rice Said No Wiretapping Of Trump Tower Occurred Under Obama

"Manafort has a residence in Trump Tower, though the news network could not confirm whether surveillance occurred inside that domicile. Still, for Trump supporters, it’s another instance in which the president is vindicated, despite the lack of clarity on whether Manafort’s residence at Trump Tower was targeted. Regardless, it was another trip up for the media, who scoffed at any wiretapping claim. For the Obama administration, we once again have Susan Rice denying that any sort of activity occurred under Barack’s tenure in office. Wrong again, Susan."
Playing the victim won't take back the treason committed by Trump's team.
Treason was actually done by Hillary and Obama. Hillary have our enemies classified information and Obama knew about it, and did nothing.

In your dreams. Of course maybe you are correct, so post the "classified information" and who received it and prove you're not a damn liar.
Comey said that more than likely gave classified information to our enemies, dumbass.
There are no Russians and there never were
It is a concoction by the Democrats to explain their improbable loss when the fix was in AND to draw attention away from the Real misdeeds that They were committing
Keep telling yourselves that, right wingers.

Donald Trump has pursued business deals in Russia since 1987, and has sometimes traveled there to explore potential business opportunities. In 1996, Trump trademark applications were submitted for potential Russian real estate development deals.--
It is funny as hell that snowflakes can not tell when people are pulling their strings at times just to watch them get so wound up that their face turns purple, that little vein in their forehead starts throbbing, and their head is about to pop right off that toothpick they call a NOW.

View attachment 150096
"The funny thing is these snowflakes
don't even know it's me typing this stuff."
^^^ Cries a delusional conservative.
Yeah, I would be embarrassed to find out I was being played, too.

You can't even prove your idiotic claim that Manafort was wiretapped while he was Trump's campaign chairman.

Like I said.... you're a delusional conservative.
Even if he was "spied upon", it would not be admissible in court if it was outside the scope of the warrant.
Please show were facts indicate Trump Tower was wiretapped. Manafort, alone was wiretapped and it started back in 2014!
Your conjecture is not backed by facts.
you sure you want to stand by this nugget of stupid?

Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
Even if a wiretapped call with Trump by Manafort was recorded. If the conversation did no cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
Now do you understand? Or like a good little Trumpster, will you continue to believe Trump's totally unfounded and unproven claim that Obama wiretapped him. My bet is you would believe the proven pathological liar, because you are THAT easily manipulated.
not gonna listen to someone pull the "little trumpster" shit and ever take them seriously. that is jr high and your arguments are as well.

remember him? he made this claim long ago and was forced to apologize and sat on the bench for his "lies".

WAIT - he wasn't lying.

at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.

Don't blame the left for right wing, unPatriotic Acts. It was a right wing program.
Worse than 1 million times.

Obama should be in prison.
Why, the Patriot Act was right wing socialism on a national basis.

Don't leave it "lying around", it is not the fault of the left, a "right winger got caught up in it".

Two years should always be the max. for any public policy involving our exorbitantly expensive superpower, without standing army tax rates being involved.
at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.
Don't blame the left for right wing, unPatriotic Acts. It was a right wing program.[/QUOTE]
The Obama administration spying on Manafort was a 'right wing program'?
Please show were facts indicate Trump Tower was wiretapped. Manafort, alone was wiretapped and it started back in 2014!
Your conjecture is not backed by facts.
you sure you want to stand by this nugget of stupid?

Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
Even if a wiretapped call with Trump by Manafort was recorded. If the conversation did no cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
Now do you understand? Or like a good little Trumpster, will you continue to believe Trump's totally unfounded and unproven claim that Obama wiretapped him. My bet is you would believe the proven pathological liar, because you are THAT easily manipulated.
not gonna listen to someone pull the "little trumpster" shit and ever take them seriously. that is jr high and your arguments are as well.

remember him? he made this claim long ago and was forced to apologize and sat on the bench for his "lies".

WAIT - he wasn't lying.

at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.

Don't blame the left for right wing, unPatriotic Acts. It was a right wing program.

and all this "we're patriotic and you're not" crap is bullshit. both sides have people dug in convinced their neighbors are the enemy.

*we* need to get over that.
That Time Susan Rice Said No Wiretapping Of Trump Tower Occurred Under Obama

"Manafort has a residence in Trump Tower, though the news network could not confirm whether surveillance occurred inside that domicile. Still, for Trump supporters, it’s another instance in which the president is vindicated, despite the lack of clarity on whether Manafort’s residence at Trump Tower was targeted. Regardless, it was another trip up for the media, who scoffed at any wiretapping claim. For the Obama administration, we once again have Susan Rice denying that any sort of activity occurred under Barack’s tenure in office. Wrong again, Susan."

That is so intellectually dishonest. What she was clearly saying was that Trump's campaign which was in Trump Towers as well was not wiretapped. Clearly Manafort was the subject of the investigation and wiretap. The Trump campaign was incidental because Manafort worked with them for a time. Essentially you are pulling a Bill Clinton by arguing the meaning of "is".
That is so intellectually dishonest. What she was clearly saying was...
Sure she was snowflake. Funny how when snowflakes speak FOR Libs/Obama/Obama Cabinet Members it is ALWAYS in their defense and when they speak FOR Conservatives it is ALWAYS to attack, criticize, and condemnation...

...but I am sure that the snowflake view that liberals can never do any wrong is just a 'coincidence'.

Narcissist Obama almost started World War 3 with Russia while trying to cover up on Trump wiretapping.
We have 60 pages of people insulting each other over what are facts and we fail to see the bigger picture. The wiretapping of manafort was just a smokescreen that the obama administration used to stealthily surveil the opposing parties candidate running for election. Let me reiterate. Obama used the nations intelligence system to spy and collect dirt on Americans of the opposing party and then on the president elects team. this should concern any American way more than so-called Russian interference. As Nikita kruchev(sp) often said in the sixties, we will not have to conquer America, it will fall from within. But an administration violating wholesale not only the laws but the trust of the American people is our most dangerous enemy.

But, but, but you have no proof. What are some of the facts. Well obama is a serial liar, Susan rice is a serial liar who earlier claimed she knew nothing about unmasking, James clapper has lied to the committees and on and on and on.first there was no evidence, now there is some evidence, tomorrow their will be more evidence. Inotherwords the momentum is toward more discovery of illegal activity. The media seeing the direction this is going will drop the story.

Former DNI Clapper: 'I can deny' wiretap of Trump Tower

James clapper stated unequivocally that there was no surveillance of trump, trump tower, or the trump campaign but if manafort was wiretapped in the fall of 2016 it is preposterous to think that communications between manafort and the trump campaign were not intercepted. So is it stupid not to believe people that have continually lied to you? Is it stupid to say Clapper and the FBI have some explaining to do. Are you lefties not even a wee bit concerned if these claims turn out to be true.

In true conspiracy fashion, I am beginning to believe that the extent of obama spying on innocent American citizens is so great that even republicans in the know think that exposing the facts would indeed cause more unrest than the political system could handle, so they are agreeing to squash the investigation.

Maybe my leftist friends could agree on this. The truth. Just tell us who was unmasked, who gave the order to unmask, who leaked the unmasking, and why were these people unmasked when it is unlawful to do so, and who was privy to the unmasking. That doesn't seem so extreme or radical.

Prediction: this story is going to get worse for obama and Dems before it gets better.
Please show were facts indicate Trump Tower was wiretapped. Manafort, alone was wiretapped and it started back in 2014!
Your conjecture is not backed by facts.
you sure you want to stand by this nugget of stupid?

Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
Even if a wiretapped call with Trump by Manafort was recorded. If the conversation did no cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
Now do you understand? Or like a good little Trumpster, will you continue to believe Trump's totally unfounded and unproven claim that Obama wiretapped him. My bet is you would believe the proven pathological liar, because you are THAT easily manipulated.
not gonna listen to someone pull the "little trumpster" shit and ever take them seriously. that is jr high and your arguments are as well.

remember him? he made this claim long ago and was forced to apologize and sat on the bench for his "lies".

WAIT - he wasn't lying.

at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.

Don't blame the left for right wing, unPatriotic Acts. It was a right wing program.

and all this "we're patriotic and you're not" crap is bullshit. both sides have people dug in convinced their neighbors are the enemy.

*we* need to get over that.

That is the problem. The right wing refuses to pay real times of war tax rates. That means, it is Only fake times of war, and the right wants to lower taxes, to profit more.
We have 60 pages of people insulting each other over what are facts and we fail to see the bigger picture. The wiretapping of manafort was just a smokescreen that the obama administration used to stealthily surveil the opposing parties candidate running for election. Let me reiterate. Obama used the nations intelligence system to spy and collect dirt on Americans of the opposing party and then on the president elects team. this should concern any American way more than so-called Russian interference. As Nikita kruchev(sp) often said in the sixties, we will not have to conquer America, it will fall from within. But an administration violating wholesale not only the laws but the trust of the American people is our most dangerous enemy.

But, but, but you have no proof. What are some of the facts. Well obama is a serial liar, Susan rice is a serial liar who earlier claimed she knew nothing about unmasking, James clapper has lied to the committees and on and on and on.first there was no evidence, now there is some evidence, tomorrow their will be more evidence. Inotherwords the momentum is toward more discovery of illegal activity. The media seeing the direction this is going will drop the story.

Former DNI Clapper: 'I can deny' wiretap of Trump Tower

James clapper stated unequivocally that there was no surveillance of trump, trump tower, or the trump campaign but if manafort was wiretapped in the fall of 2016 it is preposterous to think that communications between manafort and the trump campaign were not intercepted. So is it stupid not to believe people that have continually lied to you? Is it stupid to say Clapper and the FBI have some explaining to do. Are you lefties not even a wee bit concerned if these claims turn out to be true.

In true conspiracy fashion, I am beginning to believe that the extent of obama spying on innocent American citizens is so great that even republicans in the know think that exposing the facts would indeed cause more unrest than the political system could handle, so they are agreeing to squash the investigation.

Maybe my leftist friends could agree on this. The truth. Just tell us who was unmasked, who gave the order to unmask, who leaked the unmasking, and why were these people unmasked when it is unlawful to do so, and who was privy to the unmasking. That doesn't seem so extreme or radical.

Prediction: this story is going to get worse for obama and Dems before it gets better.

"Well obama is a serial liar, Susan rice is a serial liar" -Shrimpbox
Now that may be true, but then, what is Trump?
Seriously, at what point did you figure out that Manafort was subject to at least one FISA warrant? I mean you had to be pretty fucking brain dead not to figure that out sometime last Mar or so.
FISA has no jurisdiction over wiretaps and surveillance targeted at American citizens. Any authorization to wiretap Manafort would have been illegal.

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